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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    i think a short note is very appropriate.

    that's what this is for after all
    Maybe her royal Jesterness would graciously volunteer to write something like ... a thank you haiku ... or something of the sort?

    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


      I'd like to add my thanks to those of you who have taken the time to tell us about your experiences at the con. It really makes me look forward to GABIT2!

      And Majorsam... you have absolutely no reason to hide behind the orangerator.

      My LJ


        Originally posted by Mandysg1
        I'd like to thank everyone again for their wonderful posts of their experiences at the con. It just shows what a wonderful person Amanda really is. That kind of caring and feeling you just can't fake, its touching to read all the ways she's touched her fans. And how she reads our thread.

        You said this so well, Mandysg1! Thanks to all those who took the time to post your experiences with Amanda and her responses in the Q&A. It is such a joy to be able to read them!


          Grrrrrrr. I'm currently being told that "Jack O'Neill is SG1" etc etc, which really frustrates me. It's the same when people say "Sam Carter is SG1". Hello, four man team?! Am I the only person that finds this view really annoying?
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by minigeek
            Maybe her royal Jesterness would graciously volunteer to write something like ... a thank you haiku ... or something of the sort?
            Oh bless you mini, are you getting a cold

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
              Yeah, one of the things with actors when they seem caring and sweet, is that you never know whethere they are still acting, still doing their job. But just the little things, like remembering people's names, remembering forums and stuff, it shows how sweet she really, genuinely is.
              Yeah, exactly. JR Bourne was the same way at the Sunday breakfast. I'm not sure if he did it at the other tables, but when he came to our table he pointed at each person and said 'I've met you. I haven't met you. I've met you, right? Hmm, haven't met you. Nope, haven't met you either. Then said, wow that's cool. I've met two of you before.' I think he intrigued and impressed our table. Like Amanda, he is really charismatic. I think Stargate has done an amazing job at hiring actors who are not only very good actors but they have great personalities and a wonderful sense of humor; but there are a few like JR and Amanda who really stand out in my mind because of the way they treat and interact with the fans.


                Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                Yeah, exactly. JR Bourne was the same way at the Sunday breakfast. I'm not sure if he did it at the other tables, but when he came to our table he pointed at each person and said 'I've met you. I haven't met you. I've met you, right? Hmm, haven't met you. Nope, haven't met you either. Then said, wow that's cool. I've met two of you before.' I think he intrigued and impressed our table. Like Amanda, he is really charismatic. I think Stargate has done an amazing job at hiring actors who are not only very good actors but they have great personalities and a wonderful sense of humor; but there are a few like JR and Amanda who really stand out in my mind because of the way they treat and interact with the fans.
                Did JR or Amanda give any info on the movie they made, other than it being her best 'on screen' kiss

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                  Grrrrrrr. I'm currently being told that "Jack O'Neill is SG1" etc etc, which really frustrates me. It's the same when people say "Sam Carter is SG1". Hello, four man team?! Am I the only person that finds this view really annoying?
                  i understand how they feel. RDA is a vital part of the show to his fans, just as AT is to her fans and MS is to his fans (poor CJ keeps getting left out)

                  It's ok to feel that your actor is a vital part of the show,but on the other side of the coin, i know just how much it hurts when i'm told that 'their' actor is more important and vital whiel mine is...chopped liver??????
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    i understand how they feel. RDA is a vital part of the show to his fans, just as AT is to her fans and MS is to his fans (poor CJ keeps getting left out)

                    It's ok to feel that your actor is a vital part of the show,but on the other side of the coin, i know just how much it hurts when i'm told that 'their' actor is more important and vital whiel mine is...chopped liver??????
                    You see, I think I must be on my own then, because I don't see a "star" of the show. The focus on a lead character has always narked me, and would have narked me even if it was Sam. I love the team interaction and thought the episodes where RDA was away were the best because it was written more for an ensemble cast, not a lead plus the supporting actors. To me the star of the show is and always has been the Stargate. I kinda learnt to deal with RDA being pushed in front all the time, because it was always there, right from the beginning, but that's why it makes it hard to stomach a new "star" because I never liked having a single actor as the focal point in the first place.
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      i understand how they feel. RDA is a vital part of the show to his fans, just as AT is to her fans and MS is to his fans (poor CJ keeps getting left out)

                      It's ok to feel that your actor is a vital part of the show,but on the other side of the coin, i know just how much it hurts when i'm told that 'their' actor is more important and vital whiel mine is...chopped liver??????
                      Ah yes. It's the old <insert character name here> is the HEART AND SOUL of <insert series title here>. Hello, ensemble cast, people?

                      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                        Grrrrrrr. I'm currently being told that "Jack O'Neill is SG1" etc etc, which really frustrates me. It's the same when people say "Sam Carter is SG1". Hello, four man team?! Am I the only person that finds this view really annoying?
                        I think that Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c are all equally vital to SG-1 and that the interactions between them are what makes the team.

                        Without any one of them, it doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel like SG-1.

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by ReganX
                          I think that Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c are all equally vital to SG-1 and that the interactions between them are what makes the team.

                          Without any one of them, it doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel like SG-1.
                          Without any one of them we wouldn't have made it to S9

                          edit: oops for got about S6, needed at least 3/4

                          my fanfic


                            Originally posted by Mandysg1
                            Without any one of them we wouldn't have made it to S9

                            edit: oops for got about S6, needed at least 3/4
                            I think that after Season Six, TPTB knew that their introduction of a new character hadn't been very well-received by a lot of fans, so they brought Daniel back and sent Jonas back to Kelowna.

                            I don't think that that's a bad reflection on either the character of Jonas - I, for one, quite liked him - or on the actor who played him, but I think it showed how difficult it was to try to find a place for a new character in the team dynamic.

                            Jonas may have been on the team, but I don't think that he was ever fully a part of it.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                              You see, I think I must be on my own then, because I don't see a "star" of the show. The focus on a lead character has always narked me, and would have narked me even if it was Sam. I love the team interaction and thought the episodes where RDA was away were the best because it was written more for an ensemble cast, not a lead plus the supporting actors. To me the star of the show is and always has been the Stargate. I kinda learnt to deal with RDA being pushed in front all the time, because it was always there, right from the beginning, but that's why it makes it hard to stomach a new "star" because I never liked having a single actor as the focal point in the first place.
                              Well unfortunately I think RDA was pushed to the forefront of the episodes because in all reality he was needed to keep the show running. For eight seasons, the network and the MGM wouldn't agree to another season unless RDA was a part of the show; that's why so many episodes had to be worked around RDA so that his character could be in the episode. But I really think for most of the fans, the show became less about Jack/RDA and more about the team back in season one, but that doesn't mean that the suits weren't correct in their assumption that the series would not have survived without the character of Jack. Granted by season seven and eight, it was safe to assume that there was enough background storylines and fan support that even without Jack the show could have continued. I for one had hoped that in season nine that Stargate would truly become an ensemble cast with no leading characters, but it's obvious by the way things played out that the suits still don't believe that Stargate is capable of surviving with only Amanda, Michael and Chris. Because not only did they bring in Ben and Claudia, but they brought in well known names like Beau Bridges and Lou Gosset Jr and from what I have heard we may be hearing announcements in the future regarding other big named guest stars. I'm secretly hoping for Johnny Depp. I mean come on Peter Deluise should be able to pull that one off don't ya think?


                                Originally posted by Carson's girl
                                Hello again I've been trying to catch up on posts, but I don't have the energy to read all of them he he.

                                Ok, as promised, here is my detailed account of meeting Amanda (because I know you have all been waiting for it ):

                                First off, I have to say Amanda was awesome, as I knew she would be. She was funny, and cool, and meeting her was a great experience, as I'll talk about later. I didn't get a picture with her unfortunately because I didn't have enough money by the time I was going to buy it, but it was all still a great experience Anywho, I wanted to ask Sally's question about Jack and Sam, so I decided I was going to ask that.


                                Then I decided to ask that question so I said something like "this is a question from a friend on Gateworld who couldn't be here, but I'm curious too and that is is there anything for Jack and Sam fans to look forward to in the future?"

                                you did this? YOU DID THIS FOR ME!?!

                                you have now become my HERO!!!

                                *super hugs of all hugs*

                                I heard the audience wooing and stuff lol. Then Amanda said "I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you" ha ha! So I could have said something witty here, but what did I do instead... I said something about how she could bring me back using technology... yes, hello, dork alert! I'll get to more of that later. Anyway, I was not exactly thinking clearly. So she said
                                "there's a 5 word answer and a 3 word answer, I'll give you the 3 word answer... yes" then I think she said "the 5 word answer being maybe" or something to that effect. WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! Ok, done so then after she told me she said "and now I have to kill you, everyone's expecting it" or something like that. I just laughed and said thank you
                                and then went back to my seat, but I think I may have stood there a little too long, I don't know. I have trouble realizing how much time is going by when I get up there
                                if anyone's been at the shipper thread today, you'd know the intense celebrating going on. i'll (try) to keep it down here, but




