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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Wow, sounds like you had a great time Forever!


      Wow Kat that was great, very inspiring and I'm so glad you had such a great experience And Mini that t-shirt turned out wonderfully

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by MajorSam
        Hey everyone it’s me again.

        Tonight I had the great great pleasure and privilege of having, along with a few good friends, dinner with Joe Malozzi, a fantastic person. On this topic…

        it’s from the first ep of season 10, a walk and talk scene, and they had about 10 minutes extra in the ep and they just had to cut down.

        He’s been talking to Ivon about it and is pretty sure that season 10 WILL in fact be having deleted scenes. Bloopers are apparently controversial because they “make the show seem unprofessional” we argued for a solo blooper DVD that would guaranteed sell like a hot cake, but we’ll see.

        From what I remember, I’ll give you all the Sam highlights. I’ve absolutely no clue whatsoever what you all know, so if I’m just repeating spoilers than I’m sorry, it’s new and exciting for me!

        Sam eps to look for, as well as pretty much the highlights of what I remember. Please don't go crazy over this or anything, he said I could post it all but still, i'd like to keep this toned down as best as possible, would be very much appreciated!

        The first ep, the 9th episode in which the Orion goes missing with Sam on it. We said she stole it and has gone solo but unfortunately Joe said no. The first of the two parter is ending with a huge cliffhanger for the ENTIRE team, with a good bit of Sam in the second part, as well as Flesh and Blood. She’s big in the Pegasus Project and Insiders.

        With respect to the random Cabin episode, sg-1 minus Mitchell weren’t able to make it to Landry’s cabin for some poker game, then there was some weird road flood or something so he’s stuck with the General. There’s some weird creepy stuff going on in the forest at his cabin. Meanwhile the rest of Sg-1 is offworld also experiencing some strange happenings, and of course it ends up being all connected.

        With regards to ship, well, hm. He really didn’t give away, just talked about how “focus” episodes on relationships weren’t so great. I argued for just a short, one little scene/mention and we’d be fine. Hopefully he’ll remember that, Amanda did claim a “yes” to ship yesterday. *crosses fingers*

        The very controversial Daniel ep is I think episode #13… hehe…

        OH, HUGE THING!!! Amanda so far has not been scheduled for even ONE Atlantis episode. The idea of 10 of each is NOT true, she is firmly full time on Sg-1!!!!!!!!!! I got the impression it’ll only be a few eps of Atlantis if anything, but so far not one.

        Um… so yeah a lot in the Quest about some artifact they’re looking for, it ends up of course being different from what they’ve expected….

        I forget which ep, but ther’es this one where they go to this planet that’s entirely dead, as in like, people just died right there in their beds and stuff. Sg-1 is there with a med team checking it out and apparently they all get infected with this thing, and one of the medics falls asleep and they can’t wake him up. Basically, if you fall asleep you’re dead, so there’s some creepy stuff going on in that ep, and hopefully some crazily tired Sg-1!

        The 200th episode apparently makes Wormhole Extreme look like peanuts. Said there was comedy and all, but it’s not a solely comedic ep. All the crew and them are NOT making guest spots as before, and unlike before it is going to be a fully all team centered episode.

        The crazy Vala ep… number 8 I think? OMG, I can’t believe what he said… It starts off with this family, in a deli, going up to the counter and Vala is there. She goes “oh hello there, I’m Vala, what can I do for you” so she serves them and all. Then these two guys come into the deli and try to hold it up, which ends up in Vala totally kicking their asses. The manager comes out to see the commotion and is all ‘what the heck!?!? Why did you do that?” and Vala goes “I have no idea...” and then there’s the opening credits. That’s all he told us.

        Um… he said I could quote him in that “Creation Conventions are absolutely ridiculously overpriced” … because of course we talked a lot about the Con and who all gave away spoilers there

        Er… found some out about Atlantis… would you all want to know?

        *scratches head* what else… I dunno. Joe was really very wonderful and it was an amazing privilege I am so glad to have had!!!


        Now I have to give up my 'former spoiler-whore' card.

        Still glad I read it though.



          Wow, that all sounds so amazing; the t-shirt comment is really humbling. I'm glad you got it signed, Kat, and I hope it brings in some good charity coin for AT2.


          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
          I'm sorry I haven't posted my summary of the con, but unfortuantely Kallesta has been making me play Mario Party 6 with her all afternoon so I haven't had time to actually sit down and try to remember what was said during the Q&A.

          I'm sure others have already mentioned these, but I'm just going off the top of my head.

          When Amanda first came out on stage, she came out with Executive Producer John Smith. He told the audience how much Amanda meant to the Stargate Franchise. How she was considered their second next to RDA and had been there for all nine years and how they had always been able to count on Amanda to know her lines, ect. As others have mentioned, I think Amanda was really moved by his comments as she looked as if she was going to cry.

          The first person to actually come up to the mic was a member of an Stargate fan group who gave Amanda an SG-1 jacket. As MajorSam stated it was very detailed, he named all the patches that were on the jacket and she put it on to show it off. Later during her Q&A, she took it off because she was too hot under the lights stating that she was glowing like a pig and said women glowed they didn't sweat.

          Another person, who I now know was a Samandan, asked her about Sam and Jack and Amanda was extremely funny with her comments. She didn't actually state what we can expect to see in terms of Sam & Jack in S10, but she did state that we would see something.

          Another fan asked her about the leadership issue and why she wasn't in charge of SG-1. I wish I could remember her comments in detail because she was so extremely witty about the whole thing and one of the best things about Amanda is that she expresses so much with facial expresses.
          She went on for quite a bit answering the question with comical responses like 'I know! What's up with that? I mean I guess I can understand because he's the new guy and he did get the band back together and all; and I've only been on the show for like nine years. What-ever!?! I'm not bitter or anything. Well not a lot. I mean I've only saved the planet like what? A hundred times, but I'm not bitter. Whatever. As I said I can't possibly do Amanda justice in repeating what she said because it was her tone, body gestures and facial expressions that made it all so wonderfully amusing. Amanda has a true talent of talking to an audience. You never feel as if you are simply watching an actor answer questions. She is constantly walking across the stage and looking at everyone in the audience.

          Another question that Amanda was asked was about Ripple Effect and why Sam would think about kissing Martouf when she was supposedly in a 'so-called' relationship with someone. Amanda joked a bit and asked which Carter had actually tried to kiss Martouf and how did we know that was really our Sam. I'm not sure if it was her or someone in the audience that said something about Sam being easy, but she later went on to say that Sam had been forced to kill someone she really liked and when she saw the AU Martouf again she had been overwhelmed by emotions so who could really blame Sam if she felt the urge to kiss him.

          Someone asked her if she enjoyed working with David Hewlett in Grace Under Pressure. She said she had a great time filming that episode, but went on to say that the kissing scenes were a bit awkward because David has a gf/fiance whom she really likes. Her comments were very amusing as she said David was a very good kisser...lucky Jane ( I believe that was his gf's name. I'm sure someone will correct me if if my memory is incorrect ).

          Oddly enough, Amanda discussed kissing alot in her Q&A. She mentioned David Deluise was a very good kisser and said that RDA was her first person she had kissed multiple times on camera so she would always be partial to RDA. She was later asked what her favorite kissing scene was and after asking on or off-camera and thinking for a bit she said it would have to be her kissing scene with JR Bourne in the unreleased movie 'Stuck'. JR later commented that that scene was rather hot and his favorite too.

          Amanda gave a lot of hugs to people who came up to ask questions. One young woman gave Amanda a painting she had made of Amanda. I had been lucky enough to actually sit next to her during the Q&A sessions on Friday so I got to see her unfinished picture of Amanda as well as some of the other's she had made in the past and they were all quite stunning.

          Another young woman asked Amanda if she would like some German chocolate and Amanda in her witty little way said 'Would I like some chocolate?? Then preceeded to pretend to shove the chocolate bar into her mouth. The young woman gave each of the other guests on the panel chocolate as well and was thanked by each with hugs. *Makes mental note to self that chocolate seems to be a good way of recieving hugs*

          Several children came up and asked questions. I believe one little boy asked if she missed Jack and said he had thought Jack was very brave. Amanda said she did very much and she agreed that Jack was very brave. Each of the children who came up to the stage asked for hugs as well, which Amanda was more than willing to provide. One little boy named Carter actually told Amanda that his dad thought she was HOT which totally cracked her up.

          Hmm, trying to think of some other funny things that happened during the day's Q&A's. Oh during JR Bourne and Cliff Simon's Q&A, Amanda was giving autographs behind the stage. A woman offered to donate four hundred dollars to the Make A Wish charity if Cliff would take off his shirt, which he agreed to do. Needless to say, the women in the audience went crazy and people were laughing and cheering and snapping photos as Cliff posed up on stage. Just as Cliff started to put his shirt back on, Amanda popped her head through the black curtain and was complaining because she had missed it to which Cliff responded that she didn't have to worry because she'd get her chance to see on Monday... in her trailer. To which JR jokingly responded that that was a dead-end that would go nowhere and that a year later he would be offed.

          Unfortunately this is all I can really remember at the moment, but I'll try to think of more later. As for Amanda, what can I say, she was the highlight of my weekend. I don't think I would ever tire from listening to her speak. She's always so outgoing and charming and an absolute pleasure to meet. Unfortunately there were so many people at the con this weekend that we really weren't given much time to chat with the guests. At the brunch on Sunday, Amanda was only able to sit and chat for about two minutes and there were eight of us to ask questions. When Amanda first sat down, one of the women at the table gave her a gift she had bought for her in Sedona. Amanda seemed really interested in Sedona and mentioned that she had always wanted to go there. She also noticed that Tsaxlady was rubbing her head and asked if she was ok. Tsax had unforunately been plagued with a sinus headache that morning so the rest of us told Amanda. Amanda then preceeded to ask her if she had tried using pressure points in the hand and between the eyes. She explained that whenever she had a headache, Jan (the make-up coordinator) would use pressure points to help ease her headache and jokingly said that sometimes she would say it felt better so that Jan would stop causing everyone at the table to laugh. I wish I could remember everything that was said but unfortuantely my mind is a huge jumble of events right now. Hopefully after hearing other people's comments it will trigger some more of my memory.

          I did however mention to Amanda that everyone on Samanda sent their love and support to her to which she thanked us all and said that whenever she felt down all the letters, cards, and kind comments she read up on the internet really raised her spirits.

          Later that day I was able to chat with her briefly in the autograph line. I had two autograph tickets so I choose to have her autograph a Femme Fatale photo ( not the flag ) I purchased at Gabit as well as the T-shirt I had made with MiniGeek's sketch of Sam. I also brought her a gift for Olivia. When I finally got to the point where it was my turn to get my autographs, I set the photo down in front of her helper as well as the T-shirt and then handed her the gift I had brought. She pushed the gift back to me and told me to give it to Amanda. So I walked over to Amanda and waited for her to stop signing the photo. When she saw the T-shirt her first comments were 'Wow! That's...great.' ( Kudos to MG ) After she signed the T-shirt, she looked up and thanked me for coming. So I in turn thanked her for coming to the con and told her that the gift was for Olivia. MajorSam may be able to give a better recount of Amanda's expression because at the time I was in awe, but she seemed very touch by the gift and thanked me several times. Unfortunately, since I had two items signed and had given her a gift I was backing the line up so I had to go without being able to say more.

          One thing I have to mention though is that I must have been at least the 800-900th person Amanda had given autographs to that day and yet she was still so kind, gratious and giving of herself. She could have easily just signed my photograph, smiled and moved on to the next person, but she was willing to give me my moment with her and I truly appreciate that.

          Here's the photo of Amanda's signature on the T-shirt I had made.

          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
            Has anyone seen the photo of our very own lovely MajorSam on the Gateword Dinner report (main page)?
            NO! NO! Why did you post that!? lol, that is such a horrid pic of me... gaaaah *headdesk*

            Ah well, my one with Amanda was nice...
            The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

            |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


              Originally posted by MajorSam
              NO! NO! Why did you post that!? lol, that is such a horrid pic of me... gaaaah *headdesk*

              Ah well, my one with Amanda was nice...
              You looked gorgeous, babe! You might think it's a horrible picture, but I think it's fab!
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                MajorSam may be able to give a better recount of Amanda's expression because at the time I was in awe, but she seemed very touch by the gift and thanked me several times. Unfortunately, since I had two items signed and had given her a gift I was backing the line up so I had to go without being able to say more.

                One thing I have to mention though is that I must have been at least the 800-900th person Amanda had given autographs to that day and yet she was still so kind, gratious and giving of herself. She could have easily just signed my photograph, smiled and moved on to the next person, but she was willing to give me my moment with her and I truly appreciate that.

                Here's the photo of Amanda's signature on the T-shirt I had made.
                Yes, I was about 3 or so people down the line from ForeverSg1. I have to say i'm very proud of her for actually going through with the gift-giving, or else I would have had to do it for her. Not that that would actually be bad now I think of it... but yes, Forever handed her the gift and she kind of looked at it suprisedly but then looked up at Forever so pleased and she had a gorgeous warm smile on, as always, and I think I actually started gazing goofily at Amanda for her lookiing so nice and happy, after about 800 autographs as stated. I seriously don't know how actors do these things and manage to keep smiles on their faces... especially ones as huge as Amanda's!!!

                As i'm in a huge Amanda mood rite now (go figure) I thought maybe i'd recount my personal encounters with her as well??

                Come Sunday morning at 6:50, I awake to the barging in of ppl into my room. I ask what time it is, and upon finding out the THREE separate alarms I set for 6am did NOT go off, freaked out! Thankfully I managed to snarfle my way into the front’ish of the line with ForeverSg1

                I was one of the last 5 or so tables to get Amanda, and for some reason was very very calm when I saw her coming over to mine… maybe I was just numb from no sleep the past 3 days. Well anyways, I’d made sure to have a seat free beside me for her, but when she sat down she was kind of turned to the person on her left, so she talked to them for a few seconds, then looked over at me. I just have a kind of wide-eyed smile thing and she instantly did a kind of “WOAH!” jump thing in her chair and grabbed me and hugged me when she pulled away she said to the person on her left “OMG, it’s *insert real name here*” and that was enough to just start my day out MIGHTY fine I’m still grinning sillily over it. I didn’t get the chance to talk to her a lot, but during my photo op, which I actually won, or rather, I won the Trivia Contest Saturday and won $50 which I used for the photo op, but anyways, when I was up there with her I remember as I had to leave she looked at me straight in the eyes and said “Really though, it is soooo good to see you again!!!!” In this earnest kind of way… thought I was gonna melt rite there. She really is the most fantastic of people that I’ve ever had the luck to meet. *sigh*
                The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                  Originally posted by SunKrux
                  sal - I think Amanda was going to cry if he hadn't stopped when he did. She then gave him a hug before he left. It was a wonderful moment.

                  She was just so cute looking while he was going on about her awwwww. She made a comment sometime during a panel about having promised to make this the first convention she hasn't cried at, saying "Hah, yeah, rite..." It's amazing how touched she actually is by our concern and admiration of her.
                  The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                  |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                    you know its reading moments like these about the cons that makes me feel really bad to know that Australia is so far away from canada, i never get to go to any. i know there is the occasional one here... but truth be told i am probably to much of a coward to go up to amanda and say hello


                      Originally posted by THE BIG UNIT
                      you know its reading moments like these about the cons that makes me feel really bad to know that Australia is so far away from canada, i never get to go to any. i know there is the occasional one here... but truth be told i am probably to much of a coward to go up to amanda and say hello
                      Well Amanda is really hoping to make it out to Australia next year... there's no way she could have this year, but she's trying. When one actually see's how welcome and inviting Amanda is I've seen that they can't HELP themselves saying hello to her!!!
                      The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                      |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                        Originally posted by MajorSam
                        when she sat down she was kind of turned to the person on her left, so she talked to them for a few seconds, then looked over at me. I just have a kind of wide-eyed smile thing and she instantly did a kind of “WOAH!” jump thing in her chair and grabbed me and hugged me when she pulled away she said to the person on her left “OMG, it’s *insert real name here*” and that was enough to just start my day out MIGHTY fine I’m still grinning sillily over it. I didn’t get the chance to talk to her a lot, but during my photo op, which I actually won, or rather, I won the Trivia Contest Saturday and won $50 which I used for the photo op, but anyways, when I was up there with her I remember as I had to leave she looked at me straight in the eyes and said “Really though, it is soooo good to see you again!!!!” In this earnest kind of way… thought I was gonna melt rite there. She really is the most fantastic of people that I’ve ever had the luck to meet. *sigh*
                        She sounds like one of those people who make a point of remembering other people's names when they meet them, and make a point of caring (not only is that fabulous for the industry she's in, but,) it's a gift/trait I REALLY REALLY admire. That someone can meet you (for the first time or the hundredth) and still make you feel so special.

                        Thanks so much for sharing that MSam. Feels like we were all there with ya.

                        (And YOU ARE gorgeous, hun!)

                        Hugs {{ }}
                        Last edited by minigeek; 28 March 2006, 04:57 PM.

                        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                          Originally posted by THE BIG UNIT
                          you know its reading moments like these about the cons that makes me feel really bad to know that Australia is so far away from canada, i never get to go to any. i know there is the occasional one here... but truth be told i am probably to much of a coward to go up to amanda and say hello
                          there's best of both worlds in australia

                          and hon, i feel for you and do understand how you feel. I live in the middle of the country and the closest con is thousands of miles away - not to mention, for the most part, massively expensive

                          Check out BOBW. i've obviously never been but i've heard good things from folks
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by THE BIG UNIT
                            you know its reading moments like these about the cons that makes me feel really bad to know that Australia is so far away from canada, i never get to go to any. i know there is the occasional one here... but truth be told i am probably to much of a coward to go up to amanda and say hello
                            Then there's me. I live in Canada. But I'm flying to the UK for my first con ever. LOL

                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              Originally posted by minigeek
                              Then there's me. I live in Canada. But I'm flying to the UK for my first con ever. LOL
                              Gabit's going to be my first con too. I was going to go to one a couple of years back, but it was in Blackpool (North West England) and I live right on the south coast. Then the big German City con (I lived abroad for 16 months) was in South-East Germany and I lived in North-West Germany.

                              These things just don't seem to like me, do they?!
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by minigeek
                                Then there's me. I live in Canada. But I'm flying to the UK for my first con ever. LOL
                                I hear ya Mini, we do live quite a distance from Vancouver
                                I'd love to see Amanda do a stint at Stratford since her fist love is theatre and heck that's just down the road

                                my fanfic

