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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ReganX
    I would like to be able to say that Sam has been my favourite character since the first episode I saw, but since that episode was 'The Enemy Within', I can't. Sam wasn't really shown very prominently in that episode and, although I definitely found her character interesting from the start, it was 'Emancipation' that launched her to the position of my favourite character.

    Although the team made quite a few mistakes on Simarka, I thought that Sam showed bravery and compassion, and remained very level headed given the circumstances of her abduction. She also demonstrated an impressive ability for hand to hand combat and her restraint in not killing Turghan was admirable, and probably not something I'd have shown under the circumstances.

    I don't think that there could have been any doubt that Sam was an asset to the team after 'Emancipation'.

    'Singularity' was another great episode for Sam, showing the depths of compassion that the character was capable of, something that Cassandra must have sensed in her, given how quickly she became attached to her. Perhaps some might say that staying with Cassie based on a feeling was foolish, but I think that Sam is to be admired for her refusal not to leave a little girl alone to die. I shudder to think what it might have done to Cassie emotionally if she had been left alone, thinking that she was about to die any second, for however long it took for those above to be sure that she wasn't going to blow up and for someone to go down to her.

    I have lost count of the amount of times that Sam's intelligence and grace under pressure have saved Earth - she's even saved the Asgard! - and, although Jack was the one who negotiated the deal that included Earth in the Protected Planets Treaty and definitely deserves praise for that, that deal would never have gone through had Sam not been able to put aside her personal feelings and use Goa'uld technology, something she is not all that comfortable with, to save Cronus' life.

    It was a perfect example of Sam's willingness to put the greater good ahead of herself.

    It is true that Sam has made mistakes at times, but her successes far outweigh them and I have never had a reason to doubt her intelligence, her courage, her integrity, her commitment to work or, more importantly, her heart.

    Through the seasons, I have seen Sam mature from an eager, almost naive captain to a capable and compassionate leader, whose military prowess has evolved along with her scientific expertise.

    I firmly believe that she would be an amazing commander for SG-1, but sadly that is not the case. I hope that this situation will be rectified next season, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

    Samantha Carter is the type of character I wish were real. If the Earth really was at risk from hostile aliens, I for one would sleep a lot better knowing that somebody like Sam was a part of the fight against them.
    Great post - nicely said.


      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
      Heroes 2 was on tonight...and all I can say is WOW.

      I don't know how long it's been since you've caught that certainly is a difficult one for me to watch for obvious reasons...but I encourage you to do so for the Sam content alone.

      We see her in soldier mode, angry mode, hurting mode and comforted mode. She really doesn't have a whole lot of lines in this one too. So much emotion angst and pathos from so little.

      It's just a reminder to me as to how POWERFUL the Sam Carter character NECESSARY she is to the landscape of Stargate BRILLIANT Amanda is to be able to add so many layers of depth and nuance to any scene she's in...and how BLESSED we are that she's still there.

      I'd also encourage any PTB to rewatch that episode to see how a real episode with real depth and passion is done and to be reminded how incredible and gifted Amanda truly is.
      I think that it is a fabulous episode.

      I have yet to be able to watch Sam's eulogy for Janet without crying.

      I love the scene where Jack and Sam talk, and the way Amanda captured her character's mingled feelings of grief for Janet, relief that Jack was okay and what seemed like guilt because of that relief.

      If they gave Academy Awards for TV, she would definitely deserve one.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by ReganX
        If they gave Academy Awards for TV, she would definitely deserve one.
        They're called Emmys, but science fiction shows always get snubbed. Not that anyone cares about Emmys anyway


          I personally think it's her daughter Olivia.

          The joy of discovery of a whole new world that Olivia's been experiencing this past year, along with achievements that's been happening has Amanda proud.

          So AT has incorporated this into the way she's playing Sam.

          But, then again, ir could be what stargate barbie said and she's chosen to play it this year.



            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
            They're called Emmys, but science fiction shows always get snubbed. Not that anyone cares about Emmys anyway
            Amen to that. The fact that we don't have the cast of BSG and Stargate cleaning up at those things proves they're rigged. It's the same thing in movies -- if you're labeled as sci-fi or fantasy, you don't stand a chance in anything other than special effects categories. Stupid.

            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
              Amen to that. The fact that we don't have the cast of BSG and Stargate cleaning up at those things proves they're rigged. It's the same thing in movies -- if you're labeled as sci-fi or fantasy, you don't stand a chance in anything other than special effects categories. Stupid.
              And yet a show like Alias (which is as believable as Stargate) can get nominated and Stargate doesn't , yes very narrow minded aren't they?

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                This may be a bit off topic but I found the funniest SG1 video, I thought I'd share it with you defies description...see for your self
                This is so funny Mandy. Thanks for the link.
                There are only two things to worry about: either you are well or you are sick.
                If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about: but if you are sick; there are two things for you to worry about: either you get well, or you die.
                If you get well, then there is nothing to worry about. If you die: then there are two things to worry about: either you go up or down.
                If you go up, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you go down, you will be so busy shaking hands with old friends you wont have time to worry.


                  I think it's just really hard for these kinds of shows to be taken seriously for any major awards in the acting department just because of the reputation that the genre has. I mean, yeah, some sci-fi is hokey and silly, but it's sad that a lot of the good stuff is written off automatically. It's nice that all of the sci-fi Friday shows have gotten some good press lately. The attention is great, but the fact that acting talent like Amanda's and Torri's and the rest will likely go unrecognized at major ceremonies like that is depressing. Star Trek was the same way -- Patrick Stewart not getting an Emmy nod? Um...yeah. Nominations happen and they're great, but they're rarely going to beat out "Desperate Housewives" or "House" or something like that. At least we all know what a great thing we've got!

                  "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                  HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                    it may also be that, most of the emmy nominated shows, are on the networks, not cable

                    now i know some are on cable, sopranos, rome and the like, but most are on hte nets
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      You know unless your show is on one of the major networks, or the pay tv networks (I don't know what you call them in the U.S.) where they can swear and show nudity, then your show isn't even considered.

                      And you're welcome Historian, glad you liked it

                      my fanfic


                        Hello Samanda, time for another motivational poster ...



                          That's very true. It's tough enough to get audiences to notice it, and I think that goes a long way toward getting the critics and award boards to pay it due respect as well. And you're right about some of the HBO shows being honored -- and I think that has to do with just the insane amount of press and critical acclaim they get. *shrugs* That's okay. I'll just hole up with my old, battered Sg-1 tapes and think to myself everything that they're missing.

                          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                            Originally posted by ChopinGal
                            Hello Samanda, time for another motivational poster ...

                            Heehee! Now THAT motivational poster I would buy!

                            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1
                              You know unless your show is on one of the major networks, or the pay tv networks (I don't know what you call them in the U.S.) where they can swear and show nudity, then your show isn't even considered.

                              And you're welcome Historian, glad you liked it
                              well, it probably doesn't hurt.

                              and i personally think that PR campaigns help too. i mean, look at how many awards star trek got put upfor, even when popular concensus is that the performances definitely were't on par with the others

                              my personal opinoin??? nomination may not always be based on quality but who crosses the appropriate palms iwth a bit of...motivation

                              how many times have you watched the oscars and heard/read someone say 'yeah, we know that _____ performance was better, but this is ______'s last film since s/he retired so they'll liekly win'

                              awards are political, always have been and always will be
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Very nice Poster ChopinGal
                                You know I still don't get why they made him a kid, after all Orlin didn't mention anything about losing his memory the first time he descended.
                                Then they found out Merlin descended to work on the weapon, and he was still old
                                , sorry for bringing out the blatent plot hole

                                my fanfic

