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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Strix varia
    What did AD call it? Back porn!!!!!

    On edit after seeing AD beat me to it: LOL! Back!Porn, then.
    There is a brief scene showing the mole ( even if it isn't AT's mole )

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Strix varia
      Oh happy day.

      Where do you find these pictures????? I don't think I've seen this one before, either.
      looks like they updated the gallery

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by Mandysg1
        looks like they updated the gallery
        Oh wow... yeah, I hadn't seen page six. Although, honestly, I think I like this one best of all:

        My LJ


          Originally posted by Strix varia
          Oh wow... yeah, I hadn't seen page six. Although, honestly, I think I like this one best of all:

          Something about the eyes eh Strix

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by Simhavaktra
            Watching Amanda make the absolute most for Sam of what little she's been given to do - and I beg you not to mistake me, because I truly do think she's been as brilliant as she's been incredibly underused - has been just about the sole pleasure I've been able to take in this season 9 of Stargate in the form in which it's actually been broadcast.

            Other than Amanda... honestly, I've reached the point where the vast majority of the entertainment I derive from Stargate actually comes from mocking it - and Gods, they make it almost too easy for even that to be much fun, with the abyssmal level to which the writing, plotting, directing, characterizations, accuracy, logic, coherence and ongoing continuity of the show has sunk.

            So, if I'm not contemplating Amanda's and Sam's little string of bright moments in the deepening morass of season 9, I'm forced to concoct my own 'points of interest' with regards to the show. And, me being the Sam fan that I am, what I dream up is all about Sam.

            I've decided to offer these 'points of interest' as a sort of apology to the thread for my inability to sustain an attitude of sweet and selfless concern with regards to season 9, or one of sweetly abiding optimism for Season 10. These are what might be termed 'fan fantasies' of what's going on in the Stargate reality in those intriguing places where the cameras don't go - or, at least, haven't gone - in Season 9.

            I've decided, in those personal glosses and addendums to the action on screen in Season 9, that Sam is still in command of R & D out of Area 51, and that's a big part of why she's given so little to do in terms of plot and character-development. She's actually primarily occupied with Area 51, and so, has less time and energy for Stargate Command - and, given that her time and energy appear to be less valued and utilized than in days gone by, that's probably just as well.

            Given Sam's personal history and associated backstory - building the F-301 and F-302, enthusing over, examining, repairing, and flying alien space ships - I doubt the Mark-this-that-and-the-next-thing warheads are her primary interest, or even primary responsibility, at 51. I think she's designing, building and testing spaceships. The Tau'ri still have to achieve that goal of getting their fighters into hyperspace, after all, and Sam has had that photon compression coil under study for 2 years now, plus access to Asgard and Asgard technology. I bet things are really science-fiction-ish at 51 these days, with all kinds of Carter-designed UFO's zipping around the skies over the Groom Lake facility.

            When she's not at the starship yards, I suspect Sam is indulging her interest in her very favorite subject (no, not Jack - he's her second favorite subject ) the Stargate itself. Earth probably has a spare Gate or three after Off The Grid, and I bet Sam has been tasked with finding a way to make ZPM's, or replicate their functionality as an energy source. I wouldn't be surprised if that diagram of the makeshift power booster that the Ancient-overlayed O'Neill cobbled together is getting a lot of Carter screen time these days. I suspect, too, that not knowing what the eighth and ninth chevrons on a Stargate are for, or do, has always just yanked Sam's chain something fierce, and she's studied the subject off and on the entire time she's been with the program, and she's studying it now with the added intellectual impetus of going up against what are essentially the Gate builders themselves. I think she's also likely working on ways to make the dialing computer dial faster, and/or some kind of portable dialing device incorporating the idea of the 'wrist dialer' in the self-fulfilling future meeting with Cassie in 1969, and/or Felger's dialing virus' ability to 'take over a DHD or a segment of the gate network. With the idea of Anubis' 'call forwarding' device in hand, there's the shape of an assault weapon peeping through in there - a means of programming any Gate to hold incoming data and do something other than the standard rematerialization with it on command, or to redirect outgoing wormholes to controlled destinations regardless of what's actually dialed, all in a hand held package.

            Finally, I think Sam's a seasoned international traveler on this planet now, since she's one of the most logical candidates to track the spare Ba'als still on Earth, or any other Goa'uld who came up with, or copied, the same bright idea. She's been everywhere on the globe rooting out snake nests, and having adventures in the doing, maybe with the rest of the current SG-1 none the wiser. I suspect Jack goes out on a lot of them with her, too. I think Sam's name is becoming well known, and highly respected, as a military officer and black ops specialist amongst the governments of the Tau'ri coalition, with these expeditions, and I think it's going to earn her a position of both greater power and greater prominence in the future - maybe, hopefully, the not so distant future.
            So here I am on hold with the power company.... listening to endlessly looping Muzak... so I ever-so-brightly logon to check out the Only-Thread-On-The-Web-That-I-Do-Read-When-I-Have-Time-For-Such-Things ... So here I am on hold.. and I run across Simha's *wonderful* post! Ack! You're ripping my heart out with all of these wonderfully positive and smart scifi storylines for Carter! Simha... please send your wonderful ideas to TPTB... and.. you simply must write some Carterfic! You write so exceptionally well!

            And... my favorite pic so far (spoilers for the episode Camelot)

            Now that's the Sam Carter that I know and love!


              Originally posted by Simhavaktra
              Not that I know of - I'm just creating my own entertainment since the series, save for Sam, no longer provides any entertainment beyond mockage for me. Should I take it that it's not entertaining for other onlookers? :worried look: I can make it 'gone' if it's just going to be clutter...
              No... don't make it gone. I thought it was really, really good. You have a terrific imagination and I really enjoy your posts.
              In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

              Life is too short for drama & petty things,
              so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

              Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
              Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
              Hic Comitas Regit
              Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


                Originally posted by Strix varia
                (((((Mandysg1)))) Please, do not let that deter you from posting similar pics of Amanda in revealing outfits. I promise, if I die, I will die happy.
                That makes two of us.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Well, it's been quiet here tonight, so I worked on a few posters. Thought I'd share one of the more light-hearted ones with you:

                  Thank you, Skydiver


                    Originally posted by Strix varia
                    LOL! Um... no. But I do like Sunkrux, AD, dancer, Ooooober and the other Vala fans who like Sam also, or are Sam fans who are at least willing to give Vala a chance. And I also like Coley, Sal, Mandy and the other people who have strong anti-Vala opinions. I love this thread, and the people on it.

                    Unfortunately, I think Vala is the hot-button battlefield topic for a lot of people on the thread (more so than any other topic), and all it takes is one passing shot ("I don't understand how you can't like Vala") and BAM! Coley (cranky, no doubt, from packing) comes out of hiding with guns blazing. It's a sight to behold, a thing of glorious beauty for all who share her opinion, but pretty soon other people are firing back... There are explosions everywhere; the smoke is terrible; people get hurt; AD bemoans the negativity of warfare as he trips off the anti-negativity landmines; Strix starts waving a white flag and telling people to point their guns elsewhere in a whopping display of personal hypocrisy; and Hic Comitas Regit gets blown to bits in the time it takes for the Cupcake of Doom to smash into Paris (sorry, Lys) destroying all life on earth as we know it.

                    All I'm saying is: Vala=hot button. I don't think there's a single person on this thread who doesn't care about other peoples' feelings, so we just need to keep this in mind and try to avoid inflammatory language when discussing Vala in relation to Sam. Pro or con, when you talk about Vala, you're probably pressing someone's hot button.

                    And now I'll go crawl under a rock for awhile.
                    Ah Strix, brilliantly written! I'm still rolling around laughing clutching my sides and trying to type at the same time.
                    You've made a very delicate subject absolutely gorgeously humourous. That was a wonderful laugh.
                    So funny. Thankyou for that.

                    ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                      Sorry I haven't been here for a couple days. Life got kinda hectic but not really in a bad way so that's good

                      Originally posted by Dani76
                      Well, it's been quiet here tonight, so I worked on a few posters. Thought I'd share one of the more light-hearted ones with you:

                      I love that! It is so neat. I like that quote.

                      Originally posted by Mandysg1
                      looks like they updated the gallery
                      Thank you for the link I usually only go on the official site or regular SG-1 sites (not just Sam) so I hadn't seen that one. Here is one of my fave pics (probably been posted before, but oh well):

                      Amanda has the best smile!

                      Hmm, this has probably been asked already, but how many people on here are going to the Vancouver creation con? I am going and I am realllly looking forward to it!

                      A person asked about questions we could ask Amanda (I'm sorry I forgot who made the post ) I meant to comment on the post, but I forgot because I'm forgetful ha ha! Anyway, gee I don't know what I'd ask her. I have to really think about that. I don't know if I would have a chance anyway. I did get to ask Torri a question which was cool, but I imagine Amanda has more people wanting to talk to her. Whether I get to ask a question or not, I'm just excited I'm going!

                      More suff about Amanda - I was also wondering if you guys get happy when they play re-runs of Proof Positive on Sci-fi channel (for whomever gets that channel). I'll turn on the tv in the morning and it's on sometimes and I'm like yay! I think it's an interesting show, but even if it wasn't, I like to hear Amandas voice and see her on there. It's not as good as SG-1, but Amanda does a great job on there of course

                      Finally, is blue jello a staple in anyone's home? I have to have blue jello in the house at all times he he!

                      Wow, this post was very sporadic. I am tired and that always happens when I'm tired and try to post
                      Last edited by Forestia; 28 February 2006, 01:39 AM.
                      Paul/Carson, Rachel/Teyla, David/Eli Supporter!!
                      Proud Samandan. Hic Comitas Regit


                        Amanda back!pr0n?! Dude I really must get that movie.....

                        Meanwhile I made this for a challenge and thought I'd share




                          Originally posted by Myrth
                          Amanda back!pr0n?! Dude I really must get that movie.....

                          Meanwhile I made this for a challenge and thought I'd share


                          Aahh.... AD might just share the screen caps with us again, Myrth. Nice back porn going on.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Originally posted by Mandysg1
                            Ok Strix this one's for you
                            What she wearing? A leash!?


                              In Strix's dreams!
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Good morning guys!!!
                                Did I hear Back!Porn somewhere?
                                You want 'The Void' pics?
                                You just had to ask, you know!!!
                                @All => your posters, wallpapers, artworks,... are simply amazing!!!Thank you for sharing them

