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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
    Making it all the funnier!

    Coley: We're from Samanda
    Amanda: You're what?
    Coley: From Samanda
    Amanda : *looks helplessly at Mini*
    Minigeek: We're from Samanda
    Amanda: Oh, right.
    Coley: We made you this poster.
    Amanda: Ummmmm.
    Coley: *pointing and doing actions* We..... made... you... this.
    Amanda and Mini: *giggle helplessly*
    Amanda: Sorry I only speak English. Mini what language is Coley speaking?
    Minigeek: ahh.....(gulps and turns red)

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Strix varia
      I'll have you know that I've got half an inch on you, shorty.

      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Originally posted by Mandysg1
        Amanda: Sorry I only speak English. Mini what language is Coley speaking?
        Minigeek: ahh.....(gulps and turns red)
        Coley: *humiliated* It isEnglish
        Amanda: *looks blankly at Mini* What did she say?
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Originally posted by JuliaR
          I'm afraid the reason that we are not allowing gift giving or presentations at the Cocktail Party is because what happens, and did happen at AT1, was that the actual gift giving monopolises the time you have available to chat to Amanda.

          I can understand that with all of you present at the Cocktail Party it would *seem* to be ideal, but believe me that if all the time everyone on the table has available to actually chat to Amanda, is taken up with giving and looking at the poster, you won't have time to chat about anything else.

          The Cocktail Party is perfectly timed, and that's why it works that everyone gets their fair share of time with Amanda at their table, and as those who were at AT1 will remember, I'm the "bad cop" who stands behind Amanda and gently nags in her ear from time to time when time is pushing on. <vbg>

          Yeah, Julia, that sounds about right. Makes sense, too. No worries.

          And plus - I really think Amanda should bring us gifts for a change, anyway. None of this "basking in her presence" silliness - pfft! - who cares about that. I want a Stargate TUQUE, eh!?! Oh! And chocolate. Chocolate would be good...



          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
            Making it all the funnier!

            Coley: We're from Samanda
            Amanda: You're what?
            Coley: From Samanda
            Amanda : *looks helplessly at Mini*
            Minigeek: We're from Samanda
            Amanda: Oh, right.
            Coley: We made you this poster.
            Amanda: Ummmmm.
            Coley: *pointing and doing actions* We..... made... you... this.
            Amanda and Mini: *giggle helplessly*

            I wish I could write something that quickly.


              Originally posted by Mandysg1
              Amanda: Sorry I only speak English. Mini what language is Coley speaking?
              Minigeek: ahh.....(gulps and turns red)
              LOL - that's priceless!

              (We need to make our own Mastercard commercial...)


              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                Coley: *humiliated* It isEnglish
                Amanda: *looks blankly at Mini* What did she say?
                Minigeek: Oh let me translate for you.*takes a deep breath* It's English eh

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1
                  Minigeek: Oh let me translate for you.*takes a deep breath* It's English eh
                  No doot aboot it.

                  Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                  ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                    I did think about the fact that certain people would be disappointed at not being there, if it were to be presented at the cocktail party. However, if we presented it there, it would be fifteen-ish people rather than two. I don't know. Maybe someone could organise a lottery or something and we could sort it on here soon-ish. If it does happen to be someone who's going to the Cocktail party, then we could ask Julia about the possibility.
                    The thing with the autographs is that they are done by row, one row at a time; so the odds are none of us will really be able to see Amanda's reaction unless we are lucky enough to be in the room when it is presented.

                    I think it's a wonderful idea and I definitely think MG should be one of the presenters as it is her brilliant idea and beautiful artwork. I'm just happy to be a small part of it. Regardless of who actually hands the poster to Amanda, all of Samanda will be represented, so a each of us will be there in spirit; besides I'm sure MG( and her partner in crime ) will give us all a full report afterwards.



                      Oh I'm watching Crystall Skull, Jack is about to carry Sam away

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                        Making it all the funnier!

                        Coley: We're from Samanda
                        Amanda: You're what?
                        Coley: From Samanda
                        Amanda : *looks helplessly at Mini*
                        Minigeek: We're from Samanda
                        Amanda: Oh, right.
                        Coley: We made you this poster.
                        Amanda: Ummmmm.
                        Coley: *pointing and doing actions* We..... made... you... this.
                        Amanda and Mini: *giggle helplessly*
                        Aww, poor Coley. I really didn't have a problem understanding Coley. Guess I just have a talent for thick accents.


                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                          Aww, poor Coley. I really didn't have a problem understanding Coley. Guess I just have a talent for thick accents.
                          I'm sure I won't have a problem, either, seeing as my family come from up her way. But my housemates don't understand my Dad, and his accent isn't strong at all (Relatively speaking). This is what used to happen.

                          Steph: Good evening, Holloway speaking.
                          My Dad: Hello. Can I speak to Tracy J, please?
                          Steph: Sorry, who do you want to speak to?
                          My Dad: Tracy Jane
                          Steph: Ummm... Tracy, there's a weird Northern guy on the phone. Can you take care of it, please?

                          Later in the year, it became. "Tracy, it's for you" based on accent alone.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Originally posted by ChopinGal
                            LOL ... little Page, when did you become a jester?! This is delightful, your comments on the tent and then your wanting to be chainmail one day because your playmates never gave you the chance!

                            Samandans, come on, be honest: how many of you would have been the Princess and how many of you would have been the Knight as a kid?

                            I always wanted to be a cowboy and a knight and a soldier - never was much into that whole little homemaker gig! What about others? Something tells me there were a lot of Sam Carter Juniors from the Samanda crowd ... care to share?
                            Both as the situation dictated. Though kick-butting, benevolent Queen would be a more apt description.

                            Well, considering I was the older sister to a younger brother (I turned 40 today, he'll be 36 next month)..... there were times when I got to dictate what we were going to play and who was going to be what. (Although now that I think about it, those my age were of an interesting generation sandwiched between nothing electronic except afternoon TV reruns of '60's scifi, fantasy, & comedies... {anyone remember SpeedRacer, in my mind the definite precursor to manga/anime?} and the technological wonders young 'uns have access to today. As I was graduating high school & brother was entering it that's when Atari, the first generation of video games, started coming out here in the U.S. & being cheap enough for the masses to buy and computers were verrrrrry slowly coming down in price and size - heck we were lucky the year I graduated HS to have 4 Apple PC's in the 'computer lab' {the back of one of the math classrooms!) & I was thrilled to be able to do some BASIC programming on it that senior year. I tend to wonder what roads I personally would have traveled down to have had access to the powerful PC's of today...)

                            But anyhoo... Brother and I (and depending on who was moving in and out of the new development behind us - we lived in a rural, but quickly developing area) played soldiers (think we called it guns), cowboys and indians, adventuresome games of hide-n-seek (and damn was I good!), had fun with Legos (though he was more the let's destroy, I was more the architect!), and on the flip side - he did have moments, though not many, when he was expected to play dolls/barbie's. And I loved to draw, to write, to read....

                            But I guess the wonderful thing was that it didn't matter - I didn't care if anyone said 'that's a boys thang', etc. I told them in so many words I didn't care - I was still going to do it.

                            And bravo Mini for what you did at your mother's gentle nudging. That's how I was and still am - so beware if you're quietly sitting in a corner... A dimpled woman may approach you, talk you up, and act silly to see you smile and laugh and get you to talk... And it meant in HS I had a large ecletic group of friends. But wouldn't have had it any other way.
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Happy birthday, Shimmering Star
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Happy Birthday ShimmeringStar!!!!

                                On Edit: Or perhaps that should be Happy Birthday, ShimmeringStar, depending on how you feel about turning 40.

                                My LJ

