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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Awwww. I don't mind wearing halter necks, but that one..... best left to Amanda, I think.
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Uh oh - something's where it doesn't belong...
      ...a very cranky blog:


        Originally posted by ForeverSg1
        Thanks Sal,

        I actually enjoy a well written S&J fic, but for some reason the idea of them getting married on the show really makes me nervous, but then again I'm starting to develop a twitch anytime someone mentions Sam with anyone lately.

        Sam & P-90 or Sam & Jello is about all I'm up for this season.
        i do NOT want them married on the show. they can mention it sure...but no, no, no, NO, NO wedding.

        imho, these writers are incapable of writing interpersonal relationships that don't end up looking more like a poorly written harlequin romance.

        and i'd ratehr have it not happen than have it be a farce
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Agent_Dark
          Eh, I don't mind. Sam/Jack is the closest thing they have to a canon ship so of course they'll want her to pimp it. But as long as she's on record as saying she doesn't think it'll work out, I'm in agreement with her
          at's opinion on ship seems to change with her audience and mood at the time. in one way, i think she likes(d) it, in another i think she didn't like the 'i'm nothing more than jack's chick' idea

          so i think maybe it's her personal feelings warring with what common sense is telling her is best for her character
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            after hathor, singularity was on last night and, of course, i just had to watch it (las vegas and medium will keep) and i was struck again at how great of a job amanda did

            this whole struggling with her emotions bit. where she was determined to do what she had to do for her job...even though it was tearing her up inside to do it (leaving cassie in the bunker)

            and daniel was so sweet too. there to help, but just there. not being pushy or anything
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver
              i do NOT want them married on the show. they can mention it sure...but no, no, no, NO, NO wedding.

              imho, these writers are incapable of writing interpersonal relationships that don't end up looking more like a poorly written harlequin romance.

              and i'd ratehr have it not happen than have it be a farce
              Oh god, no - no wedding ON the show. I joked about that in the "ask Joe" thread once, tongue in cheek, but I don't want to "SEE" that either. I just want it to have already happened and have it mentioned, or alluded to in canon.

              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                at's opinion on ship seems to change with her audience and mood at the time. in one way, i think she likes(d) it, in another i think she didn't like the 'i'm nothing more than jack's chick' idea

                so i think maybe it's her personal feelings warring with what common sense is telling her is best for her character

                I absolutely think that it depends upon the audience. The shippers vs non-shippers is the biggest rivalry in television - no matter what medium. I also think that sometimes interviewers are *only* interested in asking those types of questions and not any questions about the character of Sam itself. Sam Carter came onto the scene as Sam, not half of a couple. Along the way, they gave her a backstory - family, former fiance. A smart interviewer would ask all about Sam herself and perhaps not about the Sam/Jack story.

                I am an unashamed Sam/Jack shipper. However, I never ever want to see a wedding on screen. Would I like to see a kiss between our Sam and Jack? Absolutely. And since we saw a morning after between Sam and Pete, I would like to get a glimpse, just a glimpse, of Sam and Jack. Otherwise, let's just see something like a shot of the inside of her locker - a picture of the two of them or his ball cap hanging on a hook.

                Sam Carter is identifiable as Sam - scientist, soldier, hero - not just as half of a coupling. That's what we love about her in the first place.


                  Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                  Woot! Sam/Janet fic from Ripple Effect! Well technically its AU Sam/Janet fic, but still!
                  LOL, oh goodie, then I get to post a short little Sam/Jack fic recommendation (post Ripple Effect), too! (Which is hilariously in character and could probably have happened on the show, too )

                  Kate McKay's "Just Jack" (Chapter 2 is the RE tag)


                  Oh, and there's also this one, a neat little episode tag for Grace Under Pressure, also from Kate.

                  (Sam/McKay snark | hints of S/J Established | Post GUP Episode Tag)
                  "Worst Hallucination Ever"

                  (Kate seems to have the same POV and Simha and I do about Sam and Jack in season nine ... what I love about her work is that she never ever gets maudlin or smarmy. And her sense of humor is frickin hilarious, she should write for the show. )
                  Last edited by minigeek; 07 February 2006, 05:06 AM.

                  Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                  ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                    Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                    Eh, I don't mind. Sam/Jack is the closest thing they have to a canon ship so of course they'll want her to pimp it. But as long as she's on record as saying she doesn't think it'll work out, I'm in agreement with her
                    At least S/J do have some canon to back up the ship fantasies... it's the other ship pairings that frighten me because they have no backing whatsoever. I guess it just goes to prove that everyone sees something different in each episode and that a good deal of fans must really love Sam or why else would they waste their time shipping her to anyone. Or maybe fans just see a female character as nothing more than a romantic interest for the male[female/alien] characters on the show.
                    Last edited by ForeverSg1; 07 February 2006, 06:17 AM.


                      Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                      Woot! Sam/Janet fic from Ripple Effect!
                      Excellent. Thanks for the heads-up!


                        little spammage, just cause some have asked

                        the latest chapter of trinkets is up.

                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver
                          hehehe, hathor is on right now

                          as an episode, it's rather clichey but...dang it's such fun!!

                          girl power saves teh day
                          Fantastic Sam ep. Sam in charge, Sam saves the day, nice Sam/Janet moments. I love it.

                          Followed last night by Singularity. Another great Sam ep. This was when I really knew AT could act. That elevator scene gets me every single time.


                            Originally posted by Skydiver
                            little spammage, just cause some have asked

                            the latest chapter of trinkets is up.

                            Spammage? SPAMMAGE? Letting us know you have a new writing up... is spammage??????

                            I dont' think so, girlfriend.


                            Oh, and thanks for the link!

                            My LJ


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              i do NOT want them married on the show. they can mention it sure...but no, no, no, NO, NO wedding.

                              imho, these writers are incapable of writing interpersonal relationships that don't end up looking more like a poorly written harlequin romance.

                              and i'd rather have it not happen than have it be a farce
                              I agree, Sky. What's missing is the subtle but confirmative icing on the cake to the end of S8 ... as you write later, just some celebratory moments of the assumed relationship: a phone call, a photo in a locker, some mention of his name and deep reflective pauses (as only AT can do so well) ... this is Stargate, not a soap, so I definitely would not want "the wedding of the century" paraded before my eyes. My shipper imagination can provide those more classic moments or take them to Vegas as Simha has so delightfully done. I just think the fans deserve more than they're getting in S9.

                              The classic romances of the movies came from the adage "less is more". The implied "what goes on behind the scenes" (30s and 40s) rather than the blatant romp in bed (any modern-day movie). The major sex organ is the brain. With intelligent writing, you can build such a wonderful romance ...

                              I have to admit, though ... the writers crossed a line in Chimera with the other guy. And then promptly placed Jack in bed with someone else! So, I'm not totally ruling out the "morning after" scene with our favorite couple (fair payback I suppose).

                              None of this should be written into Stargate though if it will detract from the sci-fi focus on Gate and team and what they do. The mission and the team are what fans expect each week. Still wouldn't mind getting a bit of that delicious icing for dessert though!


                                Originally posted by KatG
                                Fantastic Sam ep. Sam in charge, Sam saves the day, nice Sam/Janet moments. I love it.

                                Followed last night by Singularity. Another great Sam ep. This was when I really knew AT could act. That elevator scene gets me every single time.
                                I love those two episodes. I love the multi-faceted Sam we get from the two episodes back to back.

                                I think Singularity was the episode where Sam became my favorite. I think I mentioned I saw Threads and Mobeius 1&2 first, since I only started really watching SG1 last year. Then I went and got all the first 7 seasons of DVDs, and watched the earlier seasons in order. That elevator scene did it for me. I still love Jack with a passion , but AT so sold Sam in that scene that she became my favorite.

