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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by NearlyCircular
    Quoting from Dr. Lee,
    " I'm thinking that the proximity of these realities in relation to each other may account for the absence of the entropic cascade failure."

    What?? You're kidding


      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
      What?? You're kidding
      That's what he said. Don't know if I buy it, but at least they made an attempt to explain it.



        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
        Ok, guys. For cut scenes, including mentions of certain previous guest stars, there is a fabulous article on the GW homepage. I thouroughly recommend it. Any non S/J shippers may want to protect PDL from his immenant lynching, however.

        Just a question.
        how did they get round the Entropic Cascade FAilure probelem?
        I'm incredibly curious.

        Lastly, my favourite Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream made me laugh. The tub said something I didn't expect it to. "Ripple Effect Ice Cream" then underneath it said Raspberry Flavour.

        Just finished reading the front page and yes PDL just might need a bodyguard.


          Originally posted by NearlyCircular
          Quoting from Dr. Lee,
          " I'm thinking that the proximity of these realities in relation to each other may account for the absence of the entropic cascade failure."

          That is a truly poor explanation. Surely that would make it worse.

          Edit: Where are my manners? Thank you very much for replying to me and letting me know this. I'm truly disappointed by the poor cover up, but never mind. I always accounted for it in my fics by having super-scientist Jen Hailey come up with a temporary vaccine. It masked the DNA, which meant that
          it confused the reality into thinking there was only one version in existance, therefore eliminating ECF.

          So I go to all that trouble, and TPTB come up with a daft one liner? Grrrrrr.
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by LaCroix
            Just finished reading the front page and yes PDL just might need a bodyguard.
            I say we kick both JM and PDL in the shins!!


              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
              I say we kick both JM and PDL in the shins!!
              Aim higher, and it's a plan.


                Originally posted by parsifal
                Aim higher, and it's a plan.
                I haven't laughed so much on this thread in a long time
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                  Overall I enjoyed this episode. I thought Amanda and the guys were great. However, I do have a major rant here...

                  *rant on*

                  I'm quite perturbed that so much emphasize was put on Sam's relation with Martouf and who she was with in other AU's and so little was shown with Sam and Janet. Here I have been waiting for this episode all year to see Janet return and all we got was one little hug between Sam and Janet at the end. I know Sam cared for Martouf, but Janet was Sam's best friend. Why weren't we allowed to see their reunion? And why did they make a huge assumption in this episode that alot more was going on between our Sam and Martouf than we ever saw in previous episodes? It's much like with Orlin. Why are the writers making Sam's relationships so much a part of her onscreen time anymore? And was it just me or at the end of this episode didn't Sam seem more upset about Martouf leaving than Janet? Maybe I'm misreading all this, but ...arg... if I were standing in front of JM right now I'd kick him in the shins.

                  *end rant*

                  In my opinion, this could have been an absolutely fantastic episode, but those issues above drop my overall enjoyment of the episode.

                  I certainly did want to see more Sam and Janet, but at least we got to see a bit at the end. I do understand your disappointment in the Martouf/Sam aspect of the show. For me, I didn't have a problem with Sam's "feelings" for Martouf because I actually think she did have something for him, but was too conflicted about what were her feelings and what were Jolinar's feelings. When I have watched Tok'ra I and II, I definitely thought she did feel something for him. And then of course Sam has had to deal with the pain of killing Martouf. I didn't mind the way it was played out. Nothing, in the end, happened and I think Sam was amazed to see him again after all these years.

                  And because much of the focus was really Sam figuring out what was going on, I saw ScienceSam as dominating most of her time. Sam was very resourceful--gave orders, and figured out the solution. I also liked all the bits of humor throughout the show, the drama as well, and the twists. I felt that our reality team was much more a team this time, heading more toward some team chemistry that I desparately need to see.

                  Definitely, more Sam and Janet would have been really good, but Janet saying Sam in her reality was on maternity leave was really interesting! And for some reason made me think of 2010. But we needed more of Janet in it! I want her back! I wish this episode idea had been a two-parter like others are saying!! So much more could have been explored!


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    And Sky, I was thinking about the Sam/Teal'c shippiness, and I'm actually into the UST with them. *sigh* I certainly have practice in dealing with that, now don't I? Like Teal'c, I'd imagine that his affection for Sam would be quite understated until the proper time for him to get appropriately... er, passionate... about it... Heh.

                    *blushes and ducks away from our President's ire*
                    See, that's what i love about it tool. in the fic, sure we can go shippy, but on the show i just see this deep abiding friendship between them. which is so much fun to play with
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by NearlyCircular
                      That's what he said. Don't know if I buy it, but at least they made an attempt to explain it.

                      So I guess points for attempting.


                        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                        So I guess points for attempting.
                        Yeah. Minor pointage.
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by LaCroix
                          Just finished reading the front page and yes PDL just might need a bodyguard.
                          OMG, I just read it, too. Maybe, they'll put some of the deleted scenes on the DVDs. (Hopefully, not THAT one, though )
                          Last edited by Dani76; 20 January 2006, 09:53 PM.

                          Thank you, Skydiver


                            Originally posted by chocdoc
                            I certainly did want to see more Sam and Janet, but at least we got to see a bit at the end. I do understand your disappointment in the Martouf/Sam aspect of the show. For me, I didn't have a problem with Sam's "feelings" for Martouf because I actually think she did have something for him, but was too conflicted about what were her feelings and what were Jolinar's feelings. When I have watched Tok'ra I and II, I definitely thought she did feel something for him. And then of course Sam has had to deal with the pain of killing Martouf. I didn't mind the way it was played out. Nothing, in the end, happened and I think Sam was amazed to see him again after all these years.

                            And because much of the focus was really Sam figuring out what was going on, I saw ScienceSam as dominating most of her time. Sam was very resourceful--gave orders, and figured out the solution. I also liked all the bits of humor throughout the show, the drama as well, and the twists. I felt that our reality team was much more a team this time, heading more toward some team chemistry that I desparately need to see.

                            Definitely, more Sam and Janet would have been really good, but Janet saying Sam in her reality was on maternity leave was really interesting! And for some reason made me think of 2010. But we needed more of Janet in it! I want her back! I wish this episode idea had been a two-parter like others are saying!! So much more could have been explored!
                            Oh I have no issues with Sam's feelings for Martouf. Had this been the only episode this season to deal with this sort of thing I wouldn't have minded it at all. What bothers me is that we have already had Barrett pratically asking Sam out, Orlin professing his love for Sam, and now Sam telling Martouf how much she's missed him and nearly kissing him. I can understand Sam missed Martouf, but I wanted to see something of Janet. And when Sam wasn't working on the problem at hand, she was getting information about who she was involved with in another realty.

                            The scene with Janet and Daniel/Teal'c was really touching and so what I had been hoping for with Sam. It really made me miss Janet. I just wish the writers would get off their kick of Sam and her merry band of admirers. This episode could have been absolutely fantasic if they had just allowed Sam to be Sam. Sam never behaved this way with Martouf in previous episodes, so why now all of a sudden? This has nothing to do who Sam belongs with in this reality. It has to do with the fact that they are rewriting Sam's past to make her appear as she's done things she hasn't. Which is seriously starting to bug me.


                              I would have liked to seen the black daniel be ethical. his character still seems off to me this year. He was playing up the "I dont believe in AU" which makes no sense and then rolled his eyes at Carters explanation at the end.... sense when.

                              Sam rules. As to Martouf and Janet. Everyone did great in this ep. Only one bad line... ironically it is one BB asked for but lets face it Shep did it soooo much better I think JM should have come up with something better for Mitchell.
                              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                                Originally posted by parsifal
                                Aim higher, and it's a plan.

                                The Royal Court of Samanda
                                Proudly Presents
                                The First Annual Thread Vacation
                                This exhilirating Weekend in Vancouver will blow your mind (or rather that of TPTB).
                                Our fun-filled Ripple Effect program will include:
                                Blue Jello
                                Ripple Effect Ice Cream
                                Grevious Bodily Harm (to currently unspecified body parts)
                                And An Opportunity to Win A Place on The Stargate Production Crew
                                (Due To The Nature of This Trip, There Will Be A Place On Either The Writing Or Production Team)

                                Disclaimer: This post was purely humourous (even if in a little bad taste). There will be no trip and no member of TPTB shall be physically or mentally scarred.
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

