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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Tracey Jane thanks for the transcript from the chat. I can't belive I missed it.

    I thought the fly on DiVinci's wall was wonderful. A man in the Renaissance
    era creating sketches of the first airplane, submarine and car, is fantastic.


      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
      Hmm, where here's one with a dark blue motto.
      Personally, I could go for any of the three designs. Sign me up!
      Originally posted by minigeek
      "Urban Rush" is a SHAW Cable community TV production. Kinda limited access. Looks like you can get in touch with them at [email protected] - I bet they'd be pretty good about responding to inquiries regarding PR photos from the airing of the show if they have any in their archives.
      I e-mailed them yesterday, but haven't heard anything yet. Maybe if several of us did, they would post some piccies on their site?


        Originally posted by LaCroix
        Tracey Jane thanks for the transcript from the chat. I can't belive I missed it.

        I thought the fly on DiVinci's wall was wonderful. A man in the Renaissance
        era creating sketches of the first airplane, submarine and car, is fantastic.
        I never expected that answer from her, but it was a very good and interesting one, I have to say. I love the way she kept doting on Olivia and bringing her into the conversation.

        The chat had to be cut short though cos Olivia was fussing and needed changing. "Holly" (Amanda's pseudo or her publicist at least) told us that Olivia wanted attention.
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          I liked that answer too...Thanks for the chat transcript!

          I'm back at school-so that means I have the Net full time now, so I can finally get back to hanging out with you guys on Friday nights and beyond!

          PS-I've been without the net for like, the past three weeks except for last friday...can anyone tell me of some good Sam fic to come out lately? (and if there's shippers here, any good S/J fic?) thanks...

          Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
          My LJ "I Live in a Sci-Fi World"
          My Stargate (Mostly Sam Carter) Icons
          My Stargate Videos
          It's meant to be!


            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
            It felt like the sort of questions that a 13 year old would ask a pop star. I was really disappointed, especially given the time, thought and effort that the Samandans put into their questions. I wonder whether Ooober could get a chat / interview on her webbie at some point.....? With real thought provoking questions.

            BTW: Forgot... Coley also said he was tired.
            heh hemm...They ask Amanda my question!!! The one from 'Pozzy'. Do you really think this came from a 13 yr old? I take a little offense to your post Tracy.


              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
              And isn't there something about eating southern fried chicken and running for president?
              I can see it now, introducing President Bubba

              my fanfic


                So trying to keep myself in a happy place;

                Jack: "They are all out of Blue Jello."


                  Originally posted by SG1Poz
                  So trying to keep myself in a happy place;

                  Jack: "They are all out of Blue Jello."
                  5 seconds later...*all hell breaks loose*
                  gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                  so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                  love Torri


                    A: I don’t know what’s in store for S10. I know that I won’t be in all 20 episodes of SG-1. I do also know that I will be doing some crossover episodes in Atlantis. I don’t know for sure how many of each, but the majority will be SG-1.
                    Am I alone in being freaked out by this?


                      Originally posted by DEM
                      Am I alone in being freaked out by this?
                      Nah, it's basically what we already knew. We've already done the freaking out part


                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                        It felt like the sort of questions that a 13 year old would ask a pop star. I was really disappointed, especially given the time, thought and effort that the Samandans put into their questions. I wonder whether Ooober could get a chat / interview on her webbie at some point.....? With real thought provoking questions.
                        that would be great!

                        oober, try it!




                          I hope that this works.

                          The Amanda Tapping Club
                          A live chat with Amanda Tapping - 16th January 2006 - 6pm GMT

                          Campmotha: Amanda has arrived and we will start the chat shortly. Be patient a little longer. The reason why you can't speak anymore is because the chatroom is now moderated and only the moderators can talk

                          Sandy: well you asked for it, she is here....

                          Sandy: not long now...

                          Dana: Hi Amanda! Welcome (back) to our chatroom !! We're so happy you could make it tonight! Are you ready to start the chat?

                          Amanda Tapping: Yes I'm ready

                          Sandy: Alright that is great news !

                          Sandy: Here is the first question of tonight

                          Sandy: Well thank you. And yes I have, I had a house with a ghost in it. We had to bring in a psychic. So I definitely have had encounters with ghosts and definitely do believe in them.

                          Sandy: Give us a minute people, we are experiencing some difficulties

                          Dana: The next question is from <LT> If you come home from a busy day of filming/ acting...what’s the first thing you do when you come home?

                          Amanda Tapping: Kiss my husband and cuddle my dog!

                          Sandy: <Jean> How do things look for Sam Carter in S10 - will she be co-leader or leader of SG 1 and will she play a significant and core role in Stargate SG 1? Also will Carter be in all 20 episodes of SG 1?

                          Amanda Tapping: Wow, good question. I don't know what is in store for S10. I know that I won't be in all 20 eps of SG1. I do also know that I will be doing some crossover episodes in Atlantis. So again I don't know for sure how many of each I will be in, but the majority will be SG1.

                          Dana: We received a lot of questions about your non-Stargate appearances. You mentioned some of them at Gabit, such as a guest role in the movie "The Foursome", you were also offered a role on "Whistlers" and "Abby Lord". Could you tell us more about your roles? Did you accept any of them? Have you filmed any of them and if so, when will we be able to see them ?

                          Amanda Tapping:
                          Let me clarify some things. I turned down "The Foursome" and "whistlers" because of some conflicts with SG1 and family. However I did work on Abby Lord. Not sure when it will be coming out but look for me to play a detective in it.

                          Sandy: That sounds cool, something different from army boots ! Thanks for clarify up the status on those to offers,

                          Sandy: Ok, next question: <Sofie>If you could be stuck in a Puddle Jumper with anyone in the world, who would you choose and why?

                          Amanda Tapping: Wow, right now I would say my husband so we could have some time together. Good quality alone time with Alan. Barring Alan, the Dalai Lama.

                          Dana: <Kat> Do you have any favorite comfort foods or have cravings for any specific foods such as chocolate? Also while you were pregnant with Olivia, did you experience any strange cravings?

                          Amanda Tapping: Comfort foods would probably be, potatoe chips and chocolate chip cookies. But the thing I craved with Olivia was apples and pears.

                          Sandy: WOW something healthy !

                          Sandy: This is an interesting one

                          Sandy: <Agent Dark>Have you thought out any background for Sam, especially her childhood? I am interested to know what type of person Sam was when she was growing up (like how she got that need for speed, how she knows how to pick a lock etc etc)

                          Amanda Tapping: Well she was an air-force brat, going base to base. She feels the need to find a way to fit in quickly. As to the lock-picking, I'd like to think she learned that on an Air-Force base, getting into restricted places.

                          Dana: <Pozzy> Do you agree that acting on stage increases an actor's expertise when moving on to movies and TV? If so why ? If not, what do you think an actor should do to improve his skills when he wants to do TV?

                          Amanda Tapping: I think acting on stage helps because it forces you to be immediate in presence, because everything changes quickly. I think that is a very important quality to have, immediate presence. I also believe that an actor should always be taking classes. You can never learn enough. Just like practicing an instrument.

                          Sandy: We also had a lot of fans asking what you would advise them if they wanted to be an actor or a director, are there any things they should consider, pay attention to ?

                          Amanda Tapping Again that comes down to taking classes, trying to mentor with someone. For acting specifically, take classes, take classes, take classes. Learn your craft. Networking and classes.

                          Dana: <Tara Wong> What do you find hilarious?

                          Amanda Tapping
                          The British comedy "Little Brittain." Anything spontaneous. Olivia cracks me up. She is always coming up with things in the moment. I'd also have to say well done political satire.

                          Sandy: Alright, let's continue on "Little Brittain" then.

                          Sandy <Tracy>Being as we're both Little Britain fans, I would like to know if you were invited on to the show as a guest, which characters would you like to do a sketch with and what sort of part would you like to play? Cheers Amanda!

                          Amanda Tapping: I'd like to be one of Vicky Pollard's crew.

                          Dana: <Gillian> and <Susie_SG1> have a question about directing. Who are some of your biggest influences in directing and which aspect(s) of directing do you like best? Are you planning on directing or possibly writing any more Stargate episodes?

                          Amanda Tapping: Biggest influence is currently Ang Lee. John Sayles for his transitions. And I learned a lot watching our directors on Stargate. I would love to direct more in S10. I'm not currently on the slate to direct, but would jump at the chance.

                          Sandy: If you want, we could always start a petition to get you back in the director's chair, hehe Alright next question,

                          Amanda Tapping: I love the fans. You guys are great.

                          Sandy: <Simon>You've inspired me as an actor in more ways than I can mention and I hope that one day I will be half as good as you are, but was there ever a point during your early career where you were close to throwing in the proverbial towel due to how tough this industry can be?

                          Sandy: Oooooh, thanks from all of us

                          Amanda Tapping: First of all thank you. And yes, of course. It's a hard industry, especially on women. There were times I almost did give in, but I knew how much I loved it, and that helped keep me going.

                          Dana <Starbucks> Do you like to cook? If so what is your favourite dish ?

                          Amanda Tapping: I love to cook. My favourite dish, is a Thai Curry dish with coconut milk that I make. Really good.

                          Sandy: <Renate>Could you tell us when you'll be back on set shooting Stargate, because apparently they don't accept fan mail when the actors aren't at the studios and unfortunately, due to mail and customs delays a package I sent arrived after S9 wrapped and was returned.

                          Amanda Tapping: We should be back shooting SG1 on February 20th.

                          Sandy: What is the best way for fans to send their fan mail to you ?

                          Amanda Tapping: To the Bridge Studios, that's the most direct way to send mail.

                          Dana: <Goose> When acting on SG1, what scripts do you prefer?
                          a) Sam is in charge and calling the shots.
                          b) Technical ones that require Sam's brains.
                          c) Ones involving lots of shooting, tumbling, jumping and exploding?

                          Amanda Tapping: Wow, all of the above. But probably the technical ones. I love the story behind them. But I do love tumbling around

                          Sandy: <Claire>If you and a person of your choice (alive or dead) had the powers of invisibility and time travel what would you do? Thanks for the chat.

                          Amanda Tapping: Wow, if I had the powers of time travel and invisibility, I'd go into Da Vinci's workshop and be a fly on the wall.

                          Sandy: Who wouldn't want to be a fly on wall sometimes, hehe

                          Amanda Tapping: To see someone of that caliber inventing. But as to who? Hard choice. Maybe Olivia when she's older.

                          Dana: Another question that got asked a lot was: Are you going to do any other conventions in Europe ? I must say, the French and Germans really want to see you in their country ! We even got e-mails from fans in Australia, who want you to go down under again ! Could you tell us which conventions you have got lined up ?

                          Amanda Tapping: I haven't officially agreed to any other conventions in Europe besides Gabit. I'd like to do more, but not sure yet. As far as Australia I'd love to go back but right now with Olivia it's hard to travel. But I'd love to go back to Australia.

                          Sandy: <Jenn>Is there a place in the world that you have visited and fell in love with? And is there a place that you would like to visit one day?

                          Amanda Tapping: I fell in love with Sydney, Australia. And I really love Paris. I've really fallen in love with every place I've been. I would love to someday walk on the Great Wall of China someday. That's a big goal for me.

                          Dana: <Conny>As an actor you often have to get up very early. Are you grumpy in the morning or are you an early bird? And what do you do to stay awake when you are very tired?

                          Amanda Tapping: I'm a morning person, very much a morning person. I used to drink coffee to stay awake, but now I exercise.

                          Sandy: <Janelle>Out of all of the characters you have ever played, which do you believe has been your most rewarding to yourself?

                          Amanda Tapping: Sam Carter for sure. Hands down. In large part due to the opportunity it's afforded me, meeting all the fans and the great people I've had the privilege of meeting.

                          Dana: <Jess>What would be the most positive thing about having new cast members on the show?

                          Amanda Tapping: New energy. A different dynamic of energy that they bring to the show.

                          Sandy: Ooooooooh, folks, seems like we've come to our final question already !!

                          Sandy: <Klemen Praznik>How was your childhood like, were you always as beautiful, charismatic and charming as now?

                          Amanda Tapping: That is so very sweet! I was a big spaz as a kid. I had a great childhood. 3 brothers, camping every summer. I really did have a great childhood.

                          Sandy: Ok folks, I'm afraid that is it for the evening ! A huuuuuugeee thank you to Amanda for taking the time to answer all our questions !

                          Amanda Tapping A huge thank you to everyone for coming onto this chat. And for all the support. You guys are great.

                          Sandy: Thanks for coming !

                          Amanda Tapping: And now to go change a diaper!

                          Sandy: hihihi, good luck with that !

                          Sandy: We'll open the chat up now, so you can all say byeeeeeeee ! to Amanda

                          stargate_rocks: THANK YOU AMANDA.............YOU ARE AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Apophis: Tec'ma'tei, Warrior Tapping. Lovely chatting with you. Hope to see you around soon

                          itsme_DD: Thanks Amanda, all the best in 2006 and huge ATcom gang hugs!! xoxox DD

                          Tracy: Bye Amanda

                          Dave and Steve: G'DAY AMANDA!!!!!!!

                          ELNiNo byeeee good luck

                          SuSiE_SG1 bye we love u Amanda!!!!

                          Susie: Bye Amanda we love you

                          .....thx and goodbyes continue

                          Dana and Sandy would like to thank everyone who submitted their questions, everyone who came to the chat ! We'd also like to thank our helpers Holly (typist), Campmotha, Fa and Aur&#233;lie for helping us out ! A big thank you again to Amanda for taking the time to answer our questions and joining us in our chatroom !

                          Last edited by Ancient 61; 16 January 2006, 05:01 PM.


                            What the hell is MacGyver doing on the simpsons??
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by DEM

                              A: I don’t know what’s in store for S10. I know that I won’t be in all 20 episodes of SG-1. I do also know that I will be doing some crossover episodes in Atlantis. I don’t know for sure how many of each, but the majority will be SG-1.

                              Am I alone in being freaked out by this?
                              no, you're not.

                              i'll watch amanda/sam wherever she goes, but i don't like the idea of sam missing some sg1 eps.

                              i think

                              sg1 might be unwatchable after vala invades our screens permanently.


                              must go back to happy place...




                                A: I don’t know what’s in store for S10. I know that I won’t be in all 20 episodes of SG-1. I do also know that I will be doing some crossover episodes in Atlantis. I don’t know for sure how many of each, but the majority will be SG-1.
                                Originally posted by DEM
                                Am I alone in being freaked out by this?
                                I think I may be ready to stop watching SG and hopfully follow Amanda to a new show and live my life out in fanfiction land

                                my fanfic

