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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by binkpmmc
    Just follow-up on my last post - I did not realize the Carter thread being discussed was started many months ago and died on the vine months ago. Most recently it was restarted by someone replying to the earlier arguments about Carter being to smart and that persons profile has Carter listed as their favorite character. Very interetsing - to me anyway.
    Yup, that would be me having a brain fart.

    Like you, bink, I didn't realise the thread had died months ago; it was that damn "similar threads" feature that brought it to my attention, and being not quite awake, I didn't pay attention to the dates. So, stupid me decided to try to sneak in a not-actually-anti post for the express purpose of challenging the "she's too accomplished" refrain. Really, if she were all that, wouldn't there be a Science!Sam icon?

    I'm very very sorry. If it's any consolation, the Forum's self-appointed anti-anti crusader already red'd me.


      you know, let people have thier threads. let them have their fun.

      think of it this way, if folks keep thier little anti comments contained, like i do my thoughts about s9 and 10, then they're leaving other folks alone.

      and i do have to admit, some of the critiques about sam's character are valid. they may not be phrased in the best way, but they are valid complaints.

      this is one reason i'm not a fan of sam/cam. not cause they're not cute together, not cause i like sam/jack (And sam/teal'c) but because i don't want sam to be turned into 'the lead's squeeze'.

      she is a valid vibrant character and the writers have not done her good service in the past couple of years. It's nice to see that other peopel see this as well and want to discuss it.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Agent_Dark
        lol Tara - I saw you enter the chatroom and quit a few minutes later Do whatever you did before, but dont quit this time
        I entered the chat room! wonders will never cease LOL
        I went back and did what i did before and this time it seems as if Sam herself also left because all i got was a silver screen and a control bar at the top which won't do anything for me and smilies down the side!
        Oh well never mind, i'll just wait for Amanda's chat to filter through to here


          Originally posted by ChopinGal
          Flying Lessons

          Little hands opened
          To catch the soaring airplane
          Only a model

          Laughter filled the air
          Father and daughter running
          As she reached and caught

          Her prize, the blue jet
          Made at the kitchen table
          Daddy’s gift to her

          For a report card
          Of straight A’s, much improvement
          Over grades before

          Little Sammy knew
          Her dad expected great things
          Setting the mark high

          As high as planes fly
          Roaring forward blazing trails
          In the sky above

          Child’s play on that day
          Turned to woman’s work later
          Never disappoint

          Learning how to fly
          Excelling in her studies
          All the while waiting

          For a father’s nod
          An ongoing approval
          Blue sky and beyond

          Pushing boundaries
          Challenging mind and body
          Proud to be “perfect”

          Astrophysics rules
          Leaving family behind
          Traveling through space

          What price did she pay
          To be on top of her game
          Alone in the stars

          Pedestals not good
          For neither dad nor daughter
          Trying to catch what?

          Empty air above
          Heart, not head, is needed more
          Substance here below

          Finally Death speaks
          Words come crashing to the ground
          “I have cancer, Sam”

          Time stands still for both
          Memory calms gravity
          The need to be real

          Medals, honors pale
          No need to be so perfect
          Just to be let in

          Finding what was lost
          Little girl and father’s pride
          Running hand in hand

          A clear cloudless day
          Filled with laughter and delight
          Flying model planes

          What goes ‘round comes ‘round
          Falling to earth just to rise
          Death is caught in flight

          A new day begins
          Father becomes a leader
          Daughter looks with pride

          They work together
          Building ships, dissolving suns
          At home with their flaws

          Time, once still, moves on
          Death has waited long enough
          Returning at last

          Nothing more to do
          He taught his daughter so much
          She taught him as well

          It took such long years
          To shed false expectations
          Welcome what they knew

          The truth did not fail
          Imperfection was the key
          Loving, enduring

          The last years were best
          A shared pride and tolerance
          Peaceful acceptance

          He now says goodbye
          She hovers with a last kiss
          His spirit takes flight

          That's wonderful CG, as usual.
          Someone should give it to Amanda and Carmen at Shore Leave or to Amanda at GABIT. I'm sure they'd love it.
          Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


            Originally posted by ChopinGal
            ROTFLOL even more!! I was going to add "Crystal Skull" to the end of my last post too! Oh boy, I have to find a way to get to GABIT2 not only for Amanda but for you two and one Blackpudlian one-speeder running through the halls with your splendid (and oft undecipherable) dialects!
            It would certainly be nice to meet you CG. (((CG)))

            And now... I've been swearing all morning that on this day off work I'd not play on the computer and did all morning! But now I really do have to leave to go somewhere, but before I did I wanted to humbly offer my latest FF to those with unquenchable thirsts for new fanfictions…

            Just uploaded last night Comfort Zone. This one is set within show canon, but be forewarned for those who don’t like Sam/Jack ship/angst, it does have that angle to it. I love the whole team and show, but S/J was the ‘icing on my little SG cupcake.’ CZ was my first attempt to see how well I could write action and more team interaction while sticking to canon, though Sam and Jack figure most heavily in the story.

            It is rated “M” for some coarse language, and a bit of whumpage of 3 out of 4 members of the team. It’s set immediately after A Hundred Days and just before Shades of Grey. Synopsis: Returning from Edora and getting ready to go solo, a mission gone awry is just what Jack doesn’t need.

            Here are the links to
            Or GW:
            Or you can click on the links in my current sig.

            The links take you to the page where both stories are.
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
              For those of you who are interested in joining the live chat with Amanda at

              The chat begins at 1PM EST or 6PM GST, whichever is easiest for you to remember.

              There is a Java window up on the website that will allow you to join the chatroom. To get there simply hit the link below:


              if that doesn't work, go to the website and hit the link for Latest News on the right hand side of the screen, that should point you into the direction of the chatrooms.

              To use Java to enter the chatroom, you simply enter a nickname that you wish to use and hit the [enter chatroom] button. I would recommend that you don't try to make the screen bigger as I had a lot of diffculty seeing the entire screen when I did so. But you can play around with it before the chat begins, and perhaps you'll make out better than I did. There is a little note on the website that suggest changes you may need to make to your browser/firewall settings should you experience any difficulties using Java to enter the chat. I'd advise everyone to read this information before the chat to make sure you don't have any issues beforehand.

              You may also enter the chatroom via mIRC:

              IRC server:
              Port: 6667
              Channel name: #atclub

              To download Mirc

              I know AD wrote up a nice little how-to-use-mirc awhile ago. I'll try to find it if I can. Otherwise, I'll try to throw something together unless someone more informed than myself would be willing to do so.

              Hope this helps and that we see you at the chat,

              Hey Kat, thanks for the heads up today! I'm gonna pass because my Windows-XP security is not something I want to tinker with just for the chat hour ... I had a wicked Trojan worm last year that wiped me out and all new systems are really running well. For those of you who are free at the right hour and brave enough to change your security settings, go for it!

              Kat and AD, I'm sure you'll tell us all about it. I did take part two years ago and it was lots of fun. And, I know that Sandy plans to post the transcript later so that will be fun to read. Wonder if Olivia will be sitting on Amanda's lap and banging on the keyboard!!

              Happy chatting!!


                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                is it true that frog legs tastes like chicken?

                (I am a transplanted Pennsylvanian that speaks with a mixture of pittsburgh, philly, milwuakee and toronto and now austin accent-go figure)
                Actually I don't know I've never eaten frog legs. Another cliché bites the dust.
                Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                  Originally posted by Lys
                  That's wonderful CG, as usual.
                  Someone should give it to Amanda and Carmen at Shore Leave or to Amanda at GABIT. I'm sure they'd love it.
                  Thanks, Lys. I wrote it last night after reading about the upsetting posts on that other thread ... it came from the heart. I saw myself and my dad in it too and I'm sure some of you may do the same.

                  I would be honored to make a good copy of this poem and have it presented to Amanda and Carmen. But I'm not going to either con ... at least not at the moment.

                  Peace, CG
                  Last edited by ChopinGal; 16 January 2006, 09:32 AM.


                    If you can copy and paste (or just click) the link below to MS's website, you will find some of those Urban Rush screencaps that we've been hunting for: CJ with baby daughter on his lap; MS with older daughter (Sha're's girl) on his lap. The girls are adorable ... and CJ's baby looks like she'll have her daddy's easy-going personality ... none of AT and Olivia here but we are all still looking for them as someone has reported that the Urban Rush crew were on the Stargate set for this interview/photoshoot in December and that Amanda was seen "pushing Olivia in stroller".

                    Enjoy the boys and their little girls!

                    Here you have the link to the pictures:


                      Originally posted by SunKrux
                      Coley - when you share your dislike of Vala, you keep it to Vala. You've not dragged Claudia into it. There's the difference between you and some of the other Vala dislikers, some of them can't seem to seperate the character from the actor. For that I thank you. Claudia, like Amanda, is doing what's written for her. Sadly in some cases, the writing is so poor that not even the most talented of actors can make is shine.
                      Don't forget directors. Even the most talented actor needs a director to rein her in or push her when needed. I feel like some of the most over the top Vala could have been helped by a director who said, "no, that's a bit too much." But I think they liked the OTT stuff.

                      I honestly don't go near the anti- any character threads. I've had far too much anger and sadness in my life over the years to want to go near any kind of thread like that. Debating, in a mature fashion - without name calling or draging the actor into it, is a good healthy thing, even if some here don't like it.

                      I'm with Sky, as much as we Samandans would love to go defend her in those kinds of threads, it really doesn't make any sense...we are not going to change any anti-Sam persons mind. Their loss, imho.
                      Yes, why give any more power to the Antis. The over 20thousand posts here in Samanda should counteract the bad stuff for AT, I hope.


                        Originally posted by stargate barbie

                        still though, worst ever irish accent goes to that guy in charlies angels 2, quickly followed by richard gere in the jackal. what the hell was that!?!

                        but i'm sure you did a great job!

                        (ps, nemisis is on now! woo hoo, sam kickin' ass!)
                        LOL. Even *I* a midwestern American knew something was wrong with that accent. Most of the time people sound like the Lucky Charms leprechaun.


                          Well, the live chat with Amanda was fun. I saw a lot of you were there, but if you couldn’t be there, here are a few of the questions and answers I thought were interesting.

                          Q: If you come home from a busy day of filming/acting, what’s the first thing you do when you come home?

                          A: Kiss my husband and cuddle my dog.

                          Q: How do things look for Sam Carter in S10, co-leader or leader, a significant and core role in SG-1? Will Carter be in all 20 episodes of SG-1?

                          A: I don’t know what’s in store for S10. I know that I won’t be in all 20 episodes of SG-1. I do also know that I will be doing some crossover episodes in Atlantis. I don’t know for sure how many of each, but the majority will be SG-1.

                          Q: Paraphrasing the question here: What’s going on with the non SG-1 roles you were considering?

                          A: I turned down “The Foursome” and “Whistlers” because of conflicts with SG-1 and family. I did work on Abby Lord. I’m not sure when it’s coming out, but look for me to play a detective in it

                          More questions and answers to come, as I get them typed up.



                            More live chat questions and answers.

                            Q: If you could be stuck in a puddle jumper with anyone in the world, who would you choose and why?

                            A: My husband so we could have some time together. Good quality time with Alan. Barring Alan, the Dalai Lama

                            Q: AgentDark had a good question about Sam’s childhood, and I liked Amanda’s answer, but I’ll let him tell you that one.

                            Q: What do you find hilarious?

                            A: the British comedy “Little Britain”. Anything spontaneous. Olivia cracks me up. She’s always coming up with things in the moment. I’d also have to say well done political satire.

                            Q: Are you planning on directing or writing any Stargate episodes in S10?

                            A: I’d love to direct more in S10. I’m not currently on the slate, but would jump at the chance.

                            Q: When acting on SG-1, which scripts do you prefer?
                            a) Sam in charge, calling the shots
                            b) Technical ones requiring Sam’s brains
                            c) Ones involving lots of shooting, tumbling, jumping, explosions

                            A: Wow – all of the above. But probably the technical ones. I love the story behind them. But I do love tumbling around.

                            Q: Of all the characters you have ever played, which was the most rewarding ... to yourself?

                            A: Sam Carter for sure. Hands down. In large part due to the opportunity it’s afforded me, meeting all the fans and great people.

                            Q: What would be the most positive thing about having new cast members on the show?

                            A: New energy. A different dynamic of energy that they bring to the show.

                            There were a lot more questions and answers and I’m sure someone will have a complete transcript out soon.



                              Originally posted by ChopinGal
                              If you can copy and paste (or just click) the link below to MS's website, you will find some of those Urban Rush screencaps that we've been hunting for: CJ with baby daughter on his lap; MS with older daughter (Sha're's girl) on his lap. The girls are adorable ... and CJ's baby looks like she'll have her daddy's easy-going personality ... none of AT and Olivia here but we are all still looking for them as someone has reported that the Urban Rush crew were on the Stargate set for this interview/photoshoot in December and that Amanda was seen "pushing Olivia in stroller".

                              Enjoy the boys and their little girls!

                              Here you have the link to the pictures:
                              I may be incorrect in my assumption here, but I do not believe these photos are recent, as in December. The reason I say this is because, CJ's little girl was born at the beginning of 2005... a few weeks before Olivia which would make her nearly a year old in December. This baby in the photo is much too small to be a year old in my opinion. Also, if you look at what the girls are wearing, I'd assume these were taken in June/July not December. It's pretty cold in Vancouver in December and I doubt anyone would have their baby dressed like that.

                              I have a feeling this was something that was taped over the summer and either just aired or reaired.



                                thanks for posting the tidbits NC
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


