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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Another fanfic I read recently, even though it's an old one. It's called He never looked back. Post Shades of grey. It's mostly Sam and Jack, but I swear to non-shippers that it's not shippy. It's a "smart Sam" story. Geee, Soldier Sam, Scientist Sam, Smart Sam. Lots of "S"
    There are only two things to worry about: either you are well or you are sick.
    If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about: but if you are sick; there are two things for you to worry about: either you get well, or you die.
    If you get well, then there is nothing to worry about. If you die: then there are two things to worry about: either you go up or down.
    If you go up, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you go down, you will be so busy shaking hands with old friends you wont have time to worry.


      Originally posted by tsaxlady
      Wow, I like that. That picture is way cool... It's like a 'mess with me, and I'll kick your arse seven ways to Netu'

      And I also agree with the 'successful, intelligent single woman' part...


        She doesn't have to be looking like that kick your arse AD

        Originally posted by Agent_Dark
        Wow, I like that. That picture is way cool... It's like a 'mess with me, and I'll kick your arse seven ways to Netu'

        And I also agree with the 'successful, intelligent single woman' part...


          Originally posted by Myrth
          She doesn't have to be looking like that kick your arse AD


            Originally posted by Myrth
            She doesn't have to be looking like that kick your arse AD
            Don't tempt him Myrth. He's going to dream of his arse kicked by Sam !
            Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


              Originally posted by astrogeologist
              Hi all! Just popping in with a couple of fic recs:

              Other Eyes by Pam Rowden
              Memories also by Pam Rowden.

              These are two good, solid Samfics. I think Majorsal will like Other Eyes (If I'm remembering correctly a comment that MS made months and months ago about Grace and The Cloud).

              Shades of Grey: The Aftermath is a great Samfic where Sam gets to get to be the heroically strong, smart, whumped hero that only the guys usually get to be.

              Also, if you haven't read it,
              Growing Pains by iamdragonrider is a lot of fun (well written and with great characterizations of all 4 of the original team members).
              Thanks for the fic recs astro. Deepspace has been after something to read. You see, Australia has a sorry lack of stargate at the moment, and I've been in withdrawal.
              Don't know if you'll be around to read this, but hi anyway, and great to see you here. *hugs*

              ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

              HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                Here is a good Sam centered fic some Sam whumping (it's also has some Jack/Sam for those that don't like that sort of thing). "Masquerade" by Jo R.

                It has soldier Sam, leader Sam and hero Sam. There is also a sequeal. Both are really good IMO!


                  If you want to check out a higher res pic of teh AT card (no offence Tsax! ) go here You can also click on the picture to see the other characters too


                    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                    WARNING (I seem to being doing that a lot today ): spoilers for Hero's I and II below. Also a major Rant that probabaly has already been discussed at links else where a number of times. So skipping over this post will not hurt my feelings.

                    This whole back-story has me puzzled. Okay so Hero's I & II was one of my favorite episodes. And now adding another scene to essential explain why we have a new "co-leader" for SG-1 is a bit like adding a new chapter to your favorite book and changing the entire plot and ending. You remember the episode where Jack risked his life yet again to save the planet. He nearly dies because of the download of ancient knowledge. Also remember Sam, Daniel and Teal'c fighting off super soldiers one after another while Jack used the Ancient device to destroy Anubis. Or what about Bra'tac he nearly dies as well trying to protect SG-1. He would have if Jack hadn't saved him.

                    Yes there were a number (looked like 20 or 30) pilots that showed up just in time to provide cover for SG-1. I'm not saying what Cam did wasn't heroic. I'm just saying there were a number of heroic acts that day. The biggest of which was SG-1 yet again saving the day. One heroic act doesn't measure up to eight years of heroic acts from our favorite team. So does one act justify him to take “lead” of an experienced team that destroyed two of the greatest enemies Earth had ever known while mitchell wasn't apart of it. Yes I'm talking about the Replicators and the Goa’uld. So it puzzle's me that a new co-leader was even needed and accepted without question. I'm looking for the back-story that explains why he is supposed to be the co-leader. Why SG-1 is so willing to accept him. Remember Daniel was passionate about Sam being the leader in Shades of Gray. Or Teal'c and Daniel's support and congratulations for Sam in Season 8 when she was the leader of SG-1. What happened that allowed these three characters Sam, Daniel and Teal'c to believe Cam is in any position to "lead" them into the field. One visit in the hospital doesn't justify it for me. That’s what I was hoping last night’s episode would explain to me. MAybe they will explain it it eventually. I mean we are half way through the season and I haven't seen anything yet. I'm hoping it's not one of those cases where they never explain anything.
                    Wow, great minds think alike I have said very similar things in a few other posts (and nearly got my head bitten off). I think the writers really made big mistakes this season. If you really like them to write the characters in character,
                    then there is no way Sam would have left the SGC after working so hard to get to that position to go work at area 51. No matter how contrived the reasoning was.

                    What really gets me is the line "getting the band back together" it just sounded so wrong coming out of Gen. Hammonds mouth. No matter how much the writers are trying to push the concept down our throats.

                    Now we get stuck seeing the 3 original members of SG1 standing in the background.

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                      Chopin, honey, just realised that we wrote practically the same thing about Cam Mitchell. Glad I'm not alone.

                      As for writing; I'm doing a smutty S/J fic, followed by a smutty S errrr J fic (the first is Sam/Jack, the second is Sam/Jan) for AD, and then I'm game.


                        Originally posted by Mandysg1
                        Wow, great minds think alike I have said very similar things in a few other posts (and nearly got my head bitten off). I think the writers really made big mistakes this season. If you really like them to write the characters in character,
                        then there is no way Sam would have left the SGC after working so hard to get to that position to go work at area 51. No matter how contrived the reasoning was.

                        What really gets me is the line "getting the band back together" it just sounded so wrong coming out of Gen. Hammonds mouth. No matter how much the writers are trying to push the concept down our throats.

                        Now we get stuck seeing the 3 original members of SG1 standing in the background.
                        yeah! I wish the writers would reconsider what they are developing this season. It goes against everything they have writen and developed over 8 years. Look at the opeing creidts that alone will show you the real stars that carried the show with RDA (AT, MS, CJ) are no longer a concern for TPTB.
                        Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 14 January 2006, 05:04 PM.


                          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                          WARNING (I seem to being doing that a lot today ): spoilers for Hero's I and II below. Also a major Rant that probabaly has already been discussed at links else where a number of times. So skipping over this post will not hurt my feelings.

                          This whole back-story has me puzzled. Okay so Hero's I & II was one of my favorite episodes. And now adding another scene to essential explain why we have a new "co-leader" for SG-1 is a bit like adding a new chapter to your favorite book and changing the entire plot and ending. You remember the episode where Jack risked his life yet again to save the planet. He nearly dies because of the download of ancient knowledge. Also remember Sam, Daniel and Teal'c fighting off super soldiers one after another while Jack used the Ancient device to destroy Anubis. Or what about Bra'tac he nearly dies as well trying to protect SG-1. He would have if Jack hadn't saved him.

                          Yes there were a number (looked like 20 or 30) pilots that showed up just in time to provide cover for SG-1. I'm not saying what Cam did wasn't heroic. I'm just saying there were a number of heroic acts that day. The biggest of which was SG-1 yet again saving the day. One heroic act doesn't measure up to eight years of heroic acts from our favorite team. So does one act justify him to take “lead” of an experienced team that destroyed two of the greatest enemies Earth had ever known while mitchell wasn't apart of it. Yes I'm talking about the Replicators and the Goa’uld. So it puzzle's me that a new co-leader was even needed and accepted without question. I'm looking for the back-story that explains why he is supposed to be the co-leader. Why SG-1 is so willing to accept him. Remember Daniel was passionate about Sam being the leader in Shades of Gray. Or Teal'c and Daniel's support and congratulations for Sam in Season 8 when she was the leader of SG-1. What happened that allowed these three characters Sam, Daniel and Teal'c to believe Cam is in any position to "lead" them into the field. One visit in the hospital doesn't justify it for me. That’s what I was hoping last night’s episode would explain to me. MAybe they will explain it it eventually. I mean we are half way through the season and I haven't seen anything yet. I'm hoping it's not one of those cases where they never explain anything.
                          Exactly - see my earlier post for my issues with this episode and the "history" of mitchell. I want to see him with the team (doing something as a team not standing around) and I want to see THEIR history with him, why he DESERVES to be on the team, what does he bring to the team, and why these three would agree to come back to work with him (because he's got a truck-load of one-liners? because he reminds them of Jack? - not good enough).

                          I have yet to see any "development" that makes me care about this guy or makes me care that he is on this team, the only care I have is that he is dangerous -- he's to flip, he's to quick with the Jack-like one-liners and there are waaay to many of them, he makes bad decisions (pushing that button, going off with that woman while on a diplomatic mission (huh?? is he that stupid and hard-up? just to name a few). I am definitely not getting anything with Mitchell except more and more annoyed that he is co-leader as I have still seen absolutley nothing that indicates he is best qualified for that role either.


                            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                            Out of inspiration on the straight smut, so may be straight to slash.
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Originally posted by Strix varia
                              Sorry Poz, I don't think I can be of any help to you. My organization is part of a state university... I just write training manuals.

                              Sorry to hear you didn't get the job though. Bummer.
                              No worries. I need to clarify, I could have taken the job. It's not that I didn't get it. It just wasn't worth it due to the distance (gas, travel time would have equaled work time) and pay for part time. Full time would be a different story but they are not hiring full time anywhere in the near future. I'm still on their list if and when full time becomes available. Thanks.

                              Sorry, now back to our regularly scheduled program.


                                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                                Out of inspiration on the straight smut, so may be straight to slash.
                                That's still perfectly fine for me!

