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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Greetings all!

    Just popping by to say...


    Wherever you may wander.
    Wherever you may be.
    Be joyous.
    And be free.

    MUCH Love To You All ... !

    mini(the festive)geek


    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


      Take care everyone and have a lovely time, from your resident lurker


        Just a quick note to say HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


          I’ve lost my clock! Where’s Lys? Opening packages, eating, partying? Without your calendar I’m confused about my countdown days…



            Your clock is here SamFan ! Just waking up after a good night rest. God knows I needed one after the craziness of the shopping centers last week. Fot those who don't know I'm on the other side, working in the beauty corner of a supermarket.

            Merry Christmas to all of you !
            Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


              SamFan31 I love your countdown clock - Keep 'em coming

              My View From The Peanut Gallery


                Originally posted by Lys

                Your clock is here SamFan ! Just waking up after a good night rest. God knows I needed one after the craziness of the shopping centers last week. Fot those who don't know I'm on the other side, working in the beauty corner of a supermarket.

                Merry Christmas to all of you !
                What a relief to know you didn't succumb to the stress of shopping centers and supermarkets! You outdid yourself with the calendar page for the 25th. Great presents for all. Good to see you had success after trudging through those crazy malls.


                  For all us who are finishing up Christmas Day - Hope you had a good one!

                  And for you guys that are probably sleeping atm - Have a great day tomorrow!


                    It's nearly 6am here and everyone is still asleep, but in another hour or so my mother will wake up and make some fresh coffee and soon after the aroma of freshly baked cinnamon rolls will fill the air. One by one, large and tiny feet will stumble into the living room and try to grab the best spot around the Christmas tree. My daughter, being the youngest, will get the honor of passing out all of the presents as the rest of us sip lovingly upon our coffee cups ( hot chocolate ) wondering what exactly made us wish to get up at this god awful hour in the morning.

                    After passing out all of the gifts, one by one, starting with my daughter we will each open a gift, circling around from youngest till oldest until all the gifts have been opened. Half way through my daughter will become bored with waiting for her turn and begin to play with her unwrapped toys and somewhere around 8:30am we will finally finish and spend the next hour cleaning up all the paper piles that have been collecting around the room. My mother will complain about saving all of the pretty bows, boxes and bags for next year as my sister cranks up the Christmas music so that she can sing while she cleans and everyone else will sit around the room and chat about the gifts they recieved.

                    Around 11am, my sister, mother and myself will file into the kitchen and begin our preparation of the evening meal which consists of prime rib, mashed potatoes and gravy, asparagus, as well as a few other tasty little dishes. The remainder of the day will be spent munching on chocolates and treats and sipping hot chocolate with Emmetts as we play games and watch movies( Home for the Holidays) together and more often than not we will all sit quietly praying that we can make it through the end of the day without a heated discussion about politics, religion or whose turn it is to wash the dishes this year.
                    Last edited by ForeverSg1; 25 December 2005, 03:24 AM.


                      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                      After passing out all of the gifts, one by one, starting with my daughter we will each open a gift, circling around from youngest till oldest until all the gifts have been opened.
                      Hehe, that's what we do too


                        Merry Christmas All
                        gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                        so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                        love Torri


                          Merry Christmas!

                          It's about 9:15 here on the east coast of the U.S. I'll be heading over to my parents house in about two hours. My sister and her family will be there around noon. This is a bit late for us, but my brother-in-law had to work late last night and then tonight, so we'll be celebrating then. There are no little ones any more, so getting up at the crack of dawn doesn't exist anymore. We'll then have roast, mashed potatoes, biscuits, potato salad and cookies for lunch and then it's ripping open the presents.

                          I want to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas, a Happy Hannukah, a Happy Kwanza and a Happy Sunday!


                            Lys, you're a genius.

                            AD, hope you had fun!

                            Merry Christmas everyone!
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Merry Christmas !!!!

                              My partner, Kate, and I are getting ready to head to my parents' house (we live in the same town) for a turkey dinner and gift exchange. Both my brothers are coming as well as my sister-in-law from Japan. We always celebrate with two family friends and their son, also, so it's a nice group. None of us are particularly religious; Kate is Christian but never attends church; Hideko and I have Buddhist leanings; and my parents and family friends are agnostics so the emphasis is definitely on family rather than anything spiritual. But we always have a wonderful time. After presents, Dad will turn on football and family friend Kathy will fall asleep in her chair. Mom will fuss about who gets the leftovers while Hideko, Kate and I do dishes. At some point, brother Mike will show pictures from Tokyo and his latest research cruises. Eventually we'll have pumpkin pie for dessert, and one by one we'll trail off home.

                              Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on my latest story. I do appreciate it very much.


                              My LJ


                                A simple Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all, sans gifs, fonts, and piccies. The best of all things to each of you in the new year.

