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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Charlie
    Hey everyone! Omg, is it really a Samandan birthday? WOW! I know I've been gone a while (damn RL getting in the way), but love and kisses for all! And Merry Christmas!
    *smothers twin with hugs*
    hey there fellow page, how have you been? Long time no see. Admittedly, I haven't been around all that much either (again, that pesky stuff called 'real life').
    I hope you can drop by some more. If not, happy Christmas to you too ok.

    ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



      Originally posted by Tracy Jane
      Just thought, seeing as Samanda isn't *just* about Sam and AT, but about the unity of the fans, that I'd write a little something about us lot and the Samandan community.

      As today is our birthday, let’s take a look,
      At the Tome of Samanda, our royal book,
      Follow our story back through the ages,
      Backwards we go, over one thousand pages.
      We’ve talked of Amanda, we’ve talked about Sam,
      Now on our birthday, let’s take a look at the Fans.
      It started with Sally, the counsellor of the court,
      Who calms when it’s stressed, when tempers are short,
      Then came a trio, no longer there,
      Then our mod Sky, cross her if you dare!
      Each fan in our midst, has their own role,
      Inscribed and stored on royal scroll.
      Our famous court Jester, also famous as Bard,
      The talented Chopin, who makes poems look easy, though they are hard.
      Not one can forget, the fab Agent Dark,
      The Samandan bouncer, who’s left a huge mark.
      There’s Mini and Uber, our “Pain in the Bum”,
      Well actually Mikta, but rhyming that is no fun.
      Forever, our designer, and 1Speed4Sam,
      There’s so much to say about our lovely clan.
      There’s Myrth and there’s Qasim, there’s Chevron and Lys,
      Please don’t be offended, if your name I did miss.
      Since these scrolls were written, more Samandans have come,
      With such a huge family, our world’s never glum.
      This time next year, we’ll have been to Shore leave and Gabit,
      Think of the things we’ll have to talk over and rabbit.
      So thanks to Samanda, thanks to you friends,
      Here’s to ten more years, fun and love that never ends.
      Great poem there Tracy Jane. Poetry Samandan style.

      ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



        Great work Lys. I love the way you've put such appropriate screencaps to the quotes.

        ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



          Originally posted by astrogeologist
          Wonderful poem TracyJane and
          Wonderful banners, pics and quotes, Lys!
          Was just dropping in to say

          Happy Birthday to all of Samanda!

          and congratulations for keeping this wonderful thread going strong!
          Over 1000 pages and more than 20,000 posts! Wow!
          I love it when you come by. I really miss you you know.
          Oh, by the way, last time you were here in Samanda, I think you left your shoes behind. They must be yours because they're HUGE! I certainly don't fit them very well. So, you know, if you ever feel like coming back to claim them...
          Anyway, I'm glad you dropped by for Samanda's birthday .
          Last edited by deepspace; 19 December 2005, 08:51 PM.

          ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



            Originally posted by deepspace
            Oh yea I say! I think you're right Uber. I know we have a different group of people now (though we do still have some oldtimers), and it would be nice to repeat some of the stuff we used to do. Soooooooo......
            Let's play!

            Only, one last thing. I think doing the season polls again is a great idea, but...
            I'm putting my foot down when it comes to collecting everyone's episode comment posts together. Little Flame keeper or not there is no way that I can do what Astro did for the last season polls. I can say that for a certainty, and I'm not even going to try.

            --deep, archivist in training (except I don't have a trainer).
            Think I'd leave that just to you? Please. It was my stupid idea so I'll work with whoever's doing whatever.

            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


              Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                Hey, what are you calling stupid! I think it's a great idea Über. I just didn't want people to suddenly think that just because Jester has labelled me flame that I'm going to be able to keep up and organise everything . So, no offence taken I hope?

                ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                  Originally posted by Coley
                  Hi Everyone and

                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SAGCT!!!!

                  Many thanks to Majorsal for starting it all off. It doesn't seem like nearly a year ago when I came across this thread after just joining the forum. I couldn't believe my luck. A thread dedicated to my fave character, which wasn't a thunk thread - but an appreciation thread for both Sam Carter and Amanda Tapping. I made my appearance on the third page and here is my first post:-

                  I've enjoyed reading this thread. Astrogeologist's long post was the best I've read on the site so far. So thoughtfully written. Many things on that post I've thought myself, and some things which I hadn't, but agree with. So thanks for taking the time to post it

                  I also like the Grace interaction with Daniel. He flutters his eyelashes at Sam at one point and I think Amanda struggled not to laugh, but the exchange between them was perfection.

                  Agree with the "Welcome to my life" A writing gem with a superb delivery - emphasis on the "my"

                  I loved the scene between her and Janet and Cassie at the opening of Right of Passage. (I'm missing Janet) And the scene with her and Cassie playing chess in the middle of the ep'

                  AT delivers all her lines with total perfection and her expressions are brilliant. A lot of them are just for the briefest of moments. I'm amazed the big movie makers aren't beating her door down with a battering ram!

                  Having said all that, I don't like the way her character was written in season 7, she has just suddenly changed. I mean the acting is just superb, just not carter season 1 to 6, it's too much of a jump for me. I don't mind her with Pete, but the ship should end between her and jack, I think she has far too much integrity as an individual to date someone seriously when she's obviously still in love with O'Neill.

                  My take on O'Neill's attitude to Sam is he's crazy about Sam, but scared to death of being close to someone again???

                  Carter is just the best female role I have come across, I doubt anyone other than AT could have portrayed the character so superbly. I hope we get back to her kicking butt in season 9 (though I haven't seen any season 8 yet)

                  I have enjoyed all the debates, discussions and the fun. Sometimes we seen different things in Sam and her development, there have been things we have all agreed on and we all have hopes for the positive development for Carter in future.

                  Carter and Amanda are great role models. Carter has that believability about the character which means we can actually relate and aspire to. Aspirations take many guises and we have seen some of them posted by our thread members.

                  What is there to say about Amanda?! Always gracious and kind to her fans, she has boundless energy and positivity. The way she has dealt with various issues both personal and professional leaves me humbled a little awestruck and wanting to approach any problem which comes my way with the same determination as Amanda.

                  This is in addition to her being one of the best actors I have seen. Her facial expressions are a joy to watch and her attention to detail is quite staggering.

                  Over the whole life of the thread I think my most favourite time was when the Carter polls were up and running (many thanks to Sky and Astro on these). There was so much thoughtful and detailed comment on all things Carter and Amanda. Sadly I got hit with technical problems towards the end of this Carterthon so missed out on the later seasons!! I also have enjoyed the caption posts, all the tidbits of information about all things Stargate posted in answer to enquiring posts and the whole Samandan thing which is rather bizarre to say the least - but also a lot of relaxed fun!!

                  Thanks to everyone who has participated on this thread. A great place to come after the pressures of a hard days work - when quite frankly there is little else on offer on TV to unwind - and well who needs to do housework anyway??

                  To all you posters off to GABIT2 you will certainly enjoy. It was well run and we enjoyed quality time with Amanda on the q&a sessions and she was such a riot at the auction. You'll have a blast - meeting up with other thread posters will be the icing on the cake!!

                  Thanks again Sal for this thread - This is where I met the Jester. A wonderful lady who I hope will remain a lifelong friend and where I have interacted with people who are always gracious and kind and helpful. Happy Birthday to everyone!!!
                  Thankyou for this post Coley. You were one of the people who made me feel really welcome, and feel like I was actually worth something. I hope that you will stay around, and you may even get to participate in the later season polls that you missed out on if we redo them .
                  *much hugs*

                  ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                  HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                    Originally posted by 1speed4Sam
                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMANDA!!!

                    Here's to the good times and the bad times we've shared, the friends we've made, the friends we've lost, and the friends we've yet to meet.

                    Peace and Love,

                    Wonderful words 1speed, and so true.

                    ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                      Originally posted by ChopinGal
                      Happy Birthday to the Thread

                      Many fans have come and gone
                      And yet the SaGC thread goes on
                      It seems to have a life its own
                      Through ups and downs, the posts have grown

                      No matter who or where we are
                      Some so near, some so far
                      Samanda is our happy place
                      To honor Sam/AT, full of grace

                      Other fans may think us mad
                      A Royal Court? An imaginary land?
                      Perhaps they don’t really understand
                      Why admiring Sam produced something so grand

                      One full year of fun and mirth
                      In discussing Sam Carter’s worth
                      It started as a single simple post
                      From MajorSal, our inquiring host

                      She touched a nerve and we resonated
                      To the fair heroine who had Stargated
                      Into our homes and our mundane lives
                      Bringing female power alive

                      Sam was what we wanted to be
                      Brilliant, gutsy, and so on key
                      She could handle anything in stride
                      She was just as capable as the guys

                      As the seasons waxed and waned
                      Sam Carter grew and we exclaimed
                      “Of Sam Carter, we’ll never tire
                      She models, motivates and inspires”

                      Yes, she’s had her moments of despair
                      Times we thought the script needed repair
                      But through it all the core was true
                      Sam Carter was a winner too

                      Her face and figure left its mark
                      But something more, that inner spark
                      Is what drew us here to talk of her
                      A reality-based well-acted character

                      Amanda Tapping kept her engaging
                      All the while her own life changing
                      From young ingénue to solid lead
                      Even marrying motherhood to career, indeed!

                      And so we watch and always wait
                      For Sam Carter to travel through the Gate
                      Here we post and sometimes falter
                      But always expect the best for Carter!

                      A birthday toast to SaGCT, may ever it strive
                      To keep the role of Sam Carter front-page and alive
                      Now is the time to raise a glass and give a loud cheer
                      Sam Carter’s still with us, Happy New Year!

                      Superb poem Jester! I love it I love it. For that matter, I like all the poems that you've posted lately. Thankyou.

                      ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                      HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                        Originally posted by Lida
                        Hello everyone.....well, back home again, but who knows for how long. Modern medicine......BULL!

                        I've missed you and our queen.....I'm not supposed to be upright for long, so I can't catch up fully.....sorry.

                        Forever, um, if you can add length to our queen's hair, think you could give me some too????? Please?

                        Well, better get off the pc before hubby returns......he's worse than nurse Ratchett.

                        BTW, I can't believe our queen will be at the March Vancouver Con.....I'm floating. That just might turn out to be the best medicine for me!!!!!
                        Lida, it really is good to see you. I'm glad you could drop by, but I wish you were well. I want you to laugh and smile when you read this thread, because they are the best medicine. I know that sounds tacky, but I believe it. I don't know what your illness is, it doesn't sound good, but I just want to say... always keep hope. I don't trust medication, believe me, I've been there done that. Natural methods can help, but I'm not saying that they would do any better. Unless you believe you can get better, it won't happen. Know that you can be well.
                        Love and healing,

                        ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                        HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                          Originally posted by Qasim
                          *wishes he had more time for thread*
                          *waves* Hey there Qas. I was wondering why I couldn't see any visible sign of you on the thread recently, and then I found this a little way back. Hope you at least get to come read occasionally.

                          ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                            Happy (Belated) Birthday, Samanda!

                            Sorry for this ridiculously late reply. You guys had some great posts there! Maybe I'll post mine later on.

                            I'll check through the posts some time over the holiday and get a good laugh or ten!


                              Originally posted by Ooober

                              Come on Samandans, let's play again!!!!
                              Teal'c: It appears that Daniel is indeed nude once again.

                              Sam: Yep.

                              Teal'c: I believe the wager was $75.

                              Sam: Yeah, yeah... I'll pay you when we get home.


                                Well, to follow Coley's lead (and other people since) for Samanda's birthday...
                                I think this is my first post on Gateworld, which also happens to be my first post on this thread:

                                Gah, I hate the way I wrote. I hate the way I still write. Reading that again makes me cringe.

                                Something interesting (in another post) though that I'd forgotten about myself:
                                I hope to do some kind of science at uni oneday. Astrobiology, quantum mechanics or astrophysics are my main interests to choose from. I also like ordinary biology, but I think that is required to study astrobiology anyway.
                                Only one year later and....
                                well, it still holds mostly true, I still want to do science, but.
                                Where the hell did I ever get the idea I'd be able to do Quantum mechanics or Astrophysics or Astrobiology?!?!? As it is I've decided not to study Physics past this year, because while I love it, I am just simply not good enough at it. I'm not brainy. But who the hell did I think I was to label those as the subjects that I planned to do?
                                Besides, I'm currently more interested in Geology or Marine Biology.
                                Heh, funny, naive little deepspace. And I haven't grown up much at all since then, so I wonder what I'll be thinking of this post this time next year

                                ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT!

