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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Strix varia
    Hey AD, what was Sam armed with in the first couple of episodes in season 1? And are you available for military review of fanfic works in progress?
    MP-5's up until The First Ones (in Season 4).

    And yeah, I mean I'm not an expert or anything, but I know a few things


      Originally posted by deepspace
      Just thought I'd offer all the newer people the opportunity to be on the list. I notice we missed some last month (or at least, I know I did).

      Celebratory Dates of Birth
      January 04 DancerofSpaz
      January 04 MajorSam
      January 29 Coley [1965] (newly 40)
      February 11 SkyDiver (Denise)
      February 14 Astrogeologist [19?2]
      February 17 Strix Varia [1965] (turning 40 this year)
      March 15 Chopingal
      March 19 Jckfan (newly 40)
      March 22 Olivia
      March 22 Lys
      april 19 deepspace
      May 7 stargate barbie
      may 16th, 1963 majorsal
      may Charlie?
      May 20 SamFan [1988]
      May 28 SunKrux
      June 19 UberSG-1Fan(Mary Beth) [1973] (age 32)
      July 6 (1960) 1speed4sam (Tony)
      August 4 Tsaxlady (turning 40)
      August 16 Carterslave
      August 20 DipsofJazz [1959]
      August 28 Amanda
      August 28 Matt
      August 31 SamFan31
      September 02 ForeverSG1(Kat) [1967]
      October 18 Agent Dark
      November 02 Chocdoc [1957]
      November 09 Tara3583 [1954]
      November 22 SG1Poz [1956]
      December 18 NearlyCircular
      June 18 <==== that's mine [1986]
      Stargate Pants Girl
      (a.k.a. Teryl's Pants Girl)
      Mak tal shree! Lo tak meta satak Oz!


        I posted a manip I did tonight of one of the Off the Grid photos on the Photoshop thread.

        Here's a link if anyone would be interested a chuckle or two.


          Originally posted by ChopinGal
          I had a dream the other night and in my dream all was right. SG1 was off world on a mission; it was a snowy planet. The team had somehow gotten lost and now had to find the Gate; they were being chased by a powerful new enemy, the Orii. Blinded by the snow, how would they ever find the Gate? Desperate times, lots of action, thrilling ending ... hmm, just a dream or a good sign of things to come?!

          In the spirit of the season, to be sung to the tune of Jingle Bells

          Dashing for the Gate

          Without a map or clue

          Looking out for 'mates

          Not knowing what to do

          All the planet's white

          Snow is coming down

          What a stormy night

          Will SG-1 be found?

          Sam is so in charge

          Daniel at her side

          Teal'c not far behind

          What a crazy ride!

          Orii to their right

          Orii to their left

          Team is hanging tight

          No one yet bereft

          Suddenly a sound

          Daniel's first to hear

          Sam is turning 'round

          Music to the ear ...

          "Jingle Bells Jingle Bells

          Jingle all the way ..."

          Now the sky is lighting up

          They no longer have to pray!

          Running through the snow

          Dialing up the DHD

          Hoping they can go

          As the Gate turns shimmery

          "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

          Jingle all the way ..."

          Time to keep their backsides down

          And make a getaway

          Okay, it's not my best effort, but I thought we could use a bit of holiday cheer around here and I'm extending an invitation for some other holiday stories or artwork or poems from my fellow Samandans. 'Tis the season, yeahsureyabetcha!

          Heh, Heh, Heh, Tara singing merrily away at her pc as Mr Tara looks on thinking his wife has lost the plot!


            With all these new photos and talk of new weapons what’s a girl to do? Well, here’s what the real leader has to say about it…

            A Mean Machine

            Kat, you're faster at this stuff than I am! Love your editorial comments.


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
              They're way freakin' cool, that's what they are...


                It's nice to see optimistic posts on here again

                Originally posted by Suzotchka
                And I'm August 27.
                I'm April 19th.

                Originally posted by ChopinGal
                I had a dream the other night and in my dream all was right. SG1 was off world on a mission; it was a snowy planet. The team had somehow gotten lost and now had to find the Gate; they were being chased by a powerful new enemy, the Orii. Blinded by the snow, how would they ever find the Gate? Desperate times, lots of action, thrilling ending ... hmm, just a dream or a good sign of things to come?!

                In the spirit of the season, to be sung to the tune of Jingle Bells

                Dashing for the Gate

                Without a map or clue

                Looking out for 'mates

                Not knowing what to do

                All the planet's white

                Snow is coming down

                What a stormy night

                Will SG-1 be found?

                Sam is so in charge

                Daniel at her side

                Teal'c not far behind

                What a crazy ride!

                Orii to their right

                Orii to their left

                Team is hanging tight

                No one yet bereft

                Suddenly a sound

                Daniel's first to hear

                Sam is turning 'round

                Music to the ear ...


                "Jingle Bells Jingle Bells

                Jingle all the way ..."

                Now the sky is lighting up

                They no longer have to pray!

                Running through the snow

                Dialing up the DHD

                Hoping they can go

                As the Gate turns shimmery

                "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

                Jingle all the way ..."

                Time to keep their backsides down

                And make a getaway

                Okay, it's not my best effort, but I thought we could use a bit of holiday cheer around here and I'm extending an invitation for some other holiday stories or artwork or poems from my fellow Samandans. 'Tis the season, yeahsureyabetcha!
                That was great!

                Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                I posted a manip I did tonight of one of the Off the Grid photos on the Photoshop thread.

                Here's a link if anyone would be interested a chuckle or two.

                Ooh cool! Nice outfits
                Felger: At least my heroes exist. If this was a Trek convention you'd be all dressed up like a Klingon.
                Coombs: Vulcan, Felger, Vulcan.


                  Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                  MP-5's up until The First Ones (in Season 4).

                  And yeah, I mean I'm not an expert or anything, but I know a few things
                  And this is why you are Samanda's Royal Head of Security!


                    Originally posted by SamFan31
                    With all these new photos and talk of new weapons what’s a girl to do? Well, here’s what the real leader has to say about it…

                    A Mean Machine

                    Kat, you're faster at this stuff than I am! Love your editorial comments.
                    SamFan and Kat ... great manips! I feel like humming the theme from an old, old TV series, "Bonanza", when I see that photo of the four of them in leather!


                      Originally posted by deepspace
                      I've just been trawling back through old pages. In some ways it makes me happy to see what was there, and in another way it makes me sad because there are so many people missing.

                      Astro was in charge of the index post, and did a wonderful job of it too. She was great at organising. So Astro, please forgive me, I'm not trying to tread on your toes, but you don't seem to be coming back *sob*, and I think we need an index that can be updated. So that's what I've been working on this morning.
                      Yes, sadly, our Keeper of the Flame has been absent for quite some time and yet the flame must continue to burn! deepspace, thanks for your attention to our Samandan archives and please add the new birthdays from past few pages when you have the time and, also, if you can work with minigeek, try to create an index for the great Sam sketch art that we now have!

                      Just to know, in the spirit of Samanda ... Coley got AT at GABIT to autograph the Foreward page of the SaGC Collection for Astro and we mailed it on to her as a surprise! Astro was thrilled and delighted. Amanda did tell me that receiving that "red book" blew her away and she sobbed when reading through it. A keepsake for Olivia!

                      Here's a photo of Amanda's autograph to Ruth/Astro ...


                      Last edited by ChopinGal; 01 December 2005, 06:06 AM.


                        Originally posted by ChopinGal
                        SamFan and Kat ... great manips! I feel like humming the theme from an old, old TV series, "Bonanza", when I see that photo of the four of them in leather!
                        Oh wow, you too! I thought I was the only one who knew what that song sounded like -- my mom's a huge fan.

                        And I LOVE the new lyrics to "Jingle Bells". I think I'm going to have to go caroling around the dorm with those words instead of the traditional ones!

                        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                          My Birthday's on the 15th of June (1987)

                          BTW Does the Kingdom of Samanda has a National Anthem yet? (Just a question)

                          Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


                            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                            And just to add - I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL OFF THE GRID AIRS!!!!

                            Sam. Leather. MP-7. *falls ded*

                            And the pics from the other episode have me looking foward to Stronghold, Collateral Damage and Ethon. I've always been trying to keep an optimistic outlook on S9 (the 2nd half at least), and these pics have me fairly pysched for it
                            *waves fan over AD*

                            Totally cool. It feels like this always happens: Fandom freaks out about something for two months, and then is given a couple of treats to calm us down. This definitely has me stoked!


                              As we all know Sam is making a stop in Atlantis soon...

                              Here is a pic...I don't think its spoilery but just in case here is a link...

                              She's looks great in pink...
                              but take in mind this is how McKay sees her and who could blame him!


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                Oh and I are two of a kind in snarking. Think I can't handle a little yank? I mean I AM a Yank (or Yankee) so I should be able handle a yank every now and then...right? RIGHT?!??

                                I mean I shouldn't fall to pieces just because someone rips me to shreds publicly and completely humiliates me in front of the kingdom of Samanda...that would be just...



                                *tries not to fall out of her chair laughing

                                Don't worry Uber, I'm not laughing at you...I'm laughing with you. Technically I'm a Yabel (part Yankee, part Rebel - my sibs and I made that up) but for those outside the US, I too am a Yank.
                                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.

