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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by minigeek
    Ok, I'll just go crawl back under my table now...

    MG - I did not mean to say that you should not be positive and believe me it is not because of what you said about trying to be positive that I said what I said - I have been on the downturn for quite some time now and in recent weeks with the continued antics of TPTB, Mallozzi's lame, and at times inconsistent and contradictory posts (here anyway - I do note that he seems to provide more comprehensive explanatory posts at Solutions as opposed to the mostly pitiful, snarky, sarcastic, arrogant, condescending non-answers he provides in his posts here), the way he continuously ignores direct and honest questions about (1) Mitchell's lack of purpose, (2) his utter lack of ability to lead this SG1 when faced with comparisons to Carter's abilities, (3) Carter's substantive role for S9 and now S10, (4) his continued pandering to and pimping of the "new" characters still to the almost total exclusion of the original characters that made the show a success, and the list goes on, it has all contributed to me just not really caring anymore, not about the show, not about the team and least of all about these shiny new characters. TPTB have managed to make me resent the new characters to a point where I do wish they were not on the show and that is too bad because at one point I could have accepted mitchell (if handled differently) and the others (I admit never for vala) but they have nixed that for me now too.

    I hope I did not offend you - it is just me and my opinion and I just happen to be in a different place than you, as well as others, right now. My time has passed after 7 1/2 great years and waiting and hoping for the past 1 1/2 years for that greatness (or even good) to return.


      Originally posted by minigeek
      Hey, couple'a fairly recent photos of AT and CB (who is apparently 7 years younger (?!)). Amanda does not look older!

      Eh ?!!

      (and what's with the idea of replacing the blonde with a brunette? C'mon, that goes against every stereotypical male cliche I know of. )
      I'm glad you posted these, minigeek. I'm not bashing anyone here, but I was quite surprised to read that CB was only 33. I really thought she was around AT's age.....and I think AT looks younger.

      That's not a dig. It's just a statement of perception. And except for staying out of the sun and not smoking, there's not much anyone can do to affect how they age.


        MG, hon, please, i'm glad that you're happy. I'm glad that you're looking forward to it. fantastic for you. and i hope that you're going neener, neener, neener in a few months

        and please, don't ever feel that you're pov isn't welcome. post here and post often.

        we need folks with a good pov to keep us from getting too grumpy

        as to sam, yes, i do personally feel that SMS wants vala over sam. and i feel that bridge knows that that isn't fair and isn't right and knows that amanda's immensely popular...and they know that getting rid of amanda will not only hurt the show, it will irreparably damage thier image. ain't much of a family if you toss one of its most popular members to the wolves

        i think that bridge is making room for AT on atlantis to take care of her. i think they're doing it to help her out and give her a future. i think they're taking care of her
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          And speaking of Solutions. There's a new poll about Vala here's the total so far:

          How do you feel about Vala being on Stargate full time?Ecstatic! 116Okay with it 26Worried about Carter's role on SG-1 24Worried Carter will crossover to SGA 5Unhappy; I don't like Vala 38Indifferent; I'll watch either way 5Total votes: 214

          I love the way they work Sam into their polls every single time. And of course you can only vote once your ip is read from their site. Unlike here (sorry Darren) you can vote as many times as you like.


            Originally posted by LaCroix
            Unlike here (sorry Darren) you can vote as many times as you like.
            You can only vote here once... You can press vote as many times as you want, but the actual number of votes wont change.


              Originally posted by Agent_Dark
              You can only vote here once... You can press vote as many times as you want, but the actual number of votes wont change.

              Colour me red. Sorry.


                i would like to see that poll redone in a few months.

                up to this point, vala has been almost exclusively paired with Daniel, but i don't think that'll continue. I think, to recapture as much farscape as they can, she will be more and more paired with cameron.

                it'll be interesting to see how folks feel when/if, instead of being paired with Daniel, Vala starts to 'steal' his lines and threaten his place on the show
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  i would like to see that poll redone in a few months.

                  up to this point, vala has been almost exclusively paired with Daniel, but i don't think that'll continue. I think, to recapture as much farscape as they can, she will be more and more paired with cameron.

                  it'll be interesting to see how folks feel when/if, instead of being paired with Daniel, Vala starts to 'steal' his lines and threaten his place on the show
                  I actually think that Vala outshines Daniel. I know some like the way Daniel is around Vala, but honestly, Vala steals the show from Daniel. I think in order for this not to continue, they are going to have to make sure Vala is interacting with all the characters in an interesting fashion---needless to say if it became the Daniel/Vala story, I'll walk away easily, and hope by that time, Sam is on SGA entirely.

                  Ps: Minigeek--I NEED your optimism!! I know you are cautiously optimistic, but it is refreshing, nonetheless!!!
                  Last edited by chocdoc; 22 November 2005, 06:30 PM.


                    oh hey, pass the word. gateworld's fanfic uploader is fixed now. so if anyone's been hoarding any fic, upload, upload, upload

                    we all need

                    a) something fun to read
                    b) something to do over this long holiday weekend
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                      You can only vote here once... You can press vote as many times as you want, but the actual number of votes wont change.
                      That doesn't explain the 1 million votes for Vala last month, though AD. Evidently we should all start pointing our fingers at Florida again...

                      Or deleted cookies?


                        deleted cookies or proxy servers
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          This is just my opinion on JMs non-answers, it is not a response to anything specific anyone here has said in regard to the AJM thread issues but there seems to have been a discussion started when Dancer and I were recently discussing my posts at the AJM thread and I just want to be clear on my position:

                          I feel absolutely no sympathy for Mr. Mallozzi - he comes here and to the blog and to Solutions, and anywhere else he is, of his own accord. Granted some of the people are way out of line and should actually seek professional therapy, however, it is his choice to come and it is his choice to post (he even says he ignores the real whacked out posts anyway). He reads the forums and he knows there is definitley trouble (a lot more trouble than in past seasons) with how the fans are reacting to the show in general -- there is a lot more legitimate disppointmnent and a lot more legitimate criticism being heaped on the show, the characters and TPTB, across the boards so he knows what he is in for before he even gets involved. He has the same right everyone else has - don't visit, don't read and don't post.

                          In addition, and someone way back when on this thread put up a wonderful post that expressed a similar sentiment, I as a fan and, up until recently, a loyal Friday-night watcher of this show who has in fact spent $$ (hard earned $) on DVDs of the first 6 seasons, has every right in the book to voice my disappointment and my criticism and if he chooses to open himself up in public forums then he better be willing to stand the heat or he should get out of the kitchen.

                          My issue is with what he posts and how he posts it. My position on this is even stronger now than it was a few days ago because I have now had an opportunity to read his solutions posts and he has once again managed to lower my level of respect for him.

                          In my opinion his posts here on the AJM thread have always been the same, non-answers, word games, snarks, condescending, arrogant and attitudinal in that he seems to be saying more often than not - you should love it because we tell you to love it and if you don't love it there is something wrong with you. I started posting questions as a lark because I could see the games he was playing (or I thought he was playing based on what I know about media-training, etc., so I may be one that falls into the category of giving him too much credit) so when I post a question it is almost always based on, and often uses, his own words and language to frame the question. He clearly does not like to be challenged that way and he clearly does not like to respond to legitimate, hard questions that challenge him using his own words. He is contradictory and he is inconsistent and I use the inconsistency and contradiction from his posts to craft new questions.

                          I may be ticked at what, IMO, they have done to the show that has dragged it to the bottom, and I may be ticked at what they have done to Carter, but I am pretty sure I do not feel angst (a nuerotic feeling of anxiety and depression -- I have my RL, including my lousy job, to make me angsty). I do not get depressed or neurotic about this show - JM ticks me off he thinks he's so smart and his posts often give the impression he thinks the fans are stupid (same impression cooper gives me, as well as many other of TPTB, especially recently). We are not stupid, I know it and you all know it and my questions are ones that, at least at one pont, I enjoyed posting because they were right back in his face the way he tries to get in my (or others') face with his games and rhetoric.

                          When he does not reply to certain of my questions, or when he replies in a snarky, arrogant or trivial fashion, I have my answer. It is clear indication to me that he is not up to the challenge or the hard questions. Some may say that there may be things he cannot say - I am pretty sure that with most of my questions he could give an honest, legitimate answer if he wanted to without giving away any state secrets that would bring down the franchise, instead he chooses to be manipulative, arrogant, snarky, condescending and sarcastic, or all of the above.

                          Some of my questions can be seen as snarky -- some of them are (I find that my questions take on a snarky tone when I do a follow-up to a snarky post he makes to me) but I always try to be respectful and I admit some of them, especially those that turn his own words and inconsistencies around to him as questions, give me great pleasure to post because I hope he "gets it" - I think most of you "get it" (maybe I give him too much credit and he doesn't get my questions and that's why he ignores some of them or gives snarky, condescending, trivial, manipulative, etc., etc., non-answers to others). I will only post for a good reason with a legitimate question and if he ignores it the first time I may delete it and post it again, as the Forum rule allows.

                          Sorry to go on but this is a subject that I want to make sure I am clear on - I am playing JMs game, or at least I thought I was until recently - he may not be playing a game and he may not get it, he just may be snarky, condescending, manipulative, etc., etc. I am tired of playing, just like I am tired of the show - it all takes too much energy and with what is going on in RL right now I've got more important things to deal with so I'll ask my next question once I have it the way I want it (maybe I'll even take out the snark and make it sugar coated just for the heck of it), and see where it goes - after that who knows, really, who cares.


                            Originally posted by minigeek
                            Ok, I'll just go crawl back under my table now...
                            Can I crawl under the table too? No offense meant to anyone but wow...what a horribly negative thread this has been the last couple days. I tried to be positive in here but got ignored in favour of more posts declaring why SG-1 sucks now. It actually made me feel guilty for still liking the show and being excited about next season and not being outraged about character treatment or "Fargate". *Sigh* I think I'll just have to stay away from this thread for a few days until the fervour dies down. It's too depressing.


                              Originally posted by Naeara
                              Can I crawl under the table too? No offense meant to anyone but wow...what a horribly negative thread this has been the last couple days. I tried to be positive in here but got ignored in favour of more posts declaring why SG-1 sucks now. It actually made me feel guilty for still liking the show and being excited about next season and not being outraged about character treatment or "Fargate". *Sigh* I think I'll just have to stay away from this thread for a few days until the fervour dies down. It's too depressing.
                              lol, I'm under the table too We can play our own little games under there while the mean old naysayers have their fun

                              note for the 'naysayers', I'm just joking. Please dont hurt me!


                                Originally posted by Naeara
                                Can I crawl under the table too? No offense meant to anyone but wow...what a horribly negative thread this has been the last couple days. I tried to be positive in here but got ignored in favour of more posts declaring why SG-1 sucks now. It actually made me feel guilty for still liking the show and being excited about next season and not being outraged about character treatment or "Fargate". *Sigh* I think I'll just have to stay away from this thread for a few days until the fervour dies down. It's too depressing.
                                You should never feel guilty for thinking like you do! I love other people's input, and I love seeing different kinds of fans coming together to discuss how cool Sam/AT is. I don't think you should leave.

                                And until negative peeps (like myself) start telling you that you're WRONG (which will never happen), you should post in here all you want.

                                We've all got different opinions on the subject. That's what makes this thread great. Stick around and shed some light on the topic, OK!

                                Just remember that we're not always gonna agree on how full the glass is.

                                ON EDIT: *Throws poorly written and angsty Sam/Jack ship at AD*

