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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Melora
    Did she make the right decisions in exploring this aspect of her life? Not always. Pete was clearly not the one she could share her life with. Did she handle the breakup with him well? Absolutely not – but who does handle these types of situations well? Did TPTB make mistakes in how they chose to portray this? I believe we can all agree on that one. The way I deal with how they portrayed Sam in these situations is to understand that even strong women can make very bad decisions. But at least Sam was brave enough to try.

    ignoring the s/j shipper in me, the *only* prob i had with the whole sam/pete thing was that they bothered to write him as a jerk in the last half of chimera, and *didn't* have sam react to it. that was the only out-of-character part of that whole s/p scenario.

    And personally, although I definitely want to see more of Sam in command, solving problems and fighting bad guys, I would also like to see if Sam learned anything from this journey that she took. Perhaps she came to the conclusion that she was fine without a significant other after all and that she was never truly alone because she has her work, her friends, and Cassie. Or perhaps, she did finally realize that there was someone she could share her life with and still do the job she loves so much. Either way, I do not see the journey she took and the decisions she has made as portraying her as a weak or immature female. On the contrary, IMO it gives her character more depth and strength.
    me too. and that's why with them ignoring the life lesssons she's learned is like backpedaling all the progress she's made. it *was* worth it for sam.




      Originally posted by Coley
      I just Saw Grace as Sam letting go of the truth - that she really did care for O'Neill. I never saw her as the sort of person who would try to hide from anything. She did let herself love - she loved O'Neill. I just saw Grace as the writers dreaming up a personal conundrum for Sam so they could give her a romantic relationship - so it just didn't ring true.
      i remembered wondering how they were going to explain sam seeking out someone else (besides jack) for this boyfriend storyline. i also remember being pleasantly surprised by their idea (sam questioning hers AND jack's present feelings). for me, the set up made sense, it was just the deliverly afterwards (starting with chimera) that went hinky.

      I don't mind a bit of personal stuff - a chance to see Amanda act. I just wish it had been based more around the SG1 team having a blast together off base and seeing a little bit more depth to all the characters that way. I liked the fact she made mistakes - no one is infalible and to me it made her more believable. In season 8 her lack of opportunity to lead the team just about did it for me. The writing was already on the wall I think looking back, they didn't have her leading then, as they didn't want her leading in the long run!!
      i don't think they took her leading sg1 very seriously either, just like they didn't with jack being general of the base. i felt (with hindsight) that they just *put them there* so they could explain why jack wasn't going out with the team anymore. and i still love the idea of sam leading sg1 and jack leading the base! but they acted like (again with hindsight) that they just skimmed over those parts and set up the series ending. and opps, it didn't end and now what do we do? oh yeah, we ignore it, like we ignore everything we don't know how to handle.

      sally (Atteria)



        Originally posted by binkpmmc
        Here is something JM just put on his blog in response to a question about Carter stories for S10:

        "As pitched, both Suffer the Children and Orpheus are Carter stories. Extreme Measures is an sG-1 team episode. The Darkest Recesses a "Daniel in peril" episode."

        Perhaps, and that is a big perhaps, the suits, and others, are listening and Carter will be back for SG1 full time and will play a major role if 2 of the very preliminary stories are already termed as supposedly "Carter stories", unless of course they have to have the early stories Carter stories to explain why she isn't on SG1 full-time anymore . . . . Sigh - sometimes I think too much.
        yeah, i saw it... and couldn't get excited. those stories just might be another chance to have a male admirer show sam some attention.

        i don't think the writers know how much their credibility is shot. (for me at least)




          Originally posted by ChopinGal

          The weekend is ending
          We've had a good ride
          Many serious discussions
          Samandans, take pride

          In honoring our vets and one now gone from our midst
          We then went on to discuss Sam and did so invest
          Much of ourselves in what we had written
          Sam's story is ours, we shared and we listened

          Well CG another great post -

          It is hard to believe the weekend has come and gone. This has been a very busy and emotional one for me. Therefore I have not weighted in much on all the great discussions this weekend. But before the weekend has completly slipped away I did want to make a few remarks.

          I fall into the early 40's crowd and like many I have both benifited from those women before me that laid the ground work for opening up fields that were held mainly by men before. I do understand the entertainment industry to an extent because of the music side of things. Performing is a hard job - it is not all fun and games like some people think. There is a lot of hard work involved. We don't know all the ends and outs of working at Bridge Studios filming for Stargate. If it is a good working environment then I see why AT stays even if her character is being shafted. I've taken some playing jobs because of the people I would work with and turned down some really good paying and potentally career advancing ones because of who I would have to work with and the environment they create.

          Bottom line for me on Sam and Vala - well I enjoy watching a SciFi or any show for that matter with a strong realistic female lead character. Even with some of the faults I have seen in Sam the last couple of seasons are something I could relate too. I like the humour we have seen in Stargate in the past. But I am not a fan of slapstick and for me that is what Vala has been most of the time. When we see Vala return if she is more like the Vala from TPTB then I can handle her but if we get more like TTTB and PU - well then I'm not interested.

          I will watch until I no longer find pleasure in watching. This season I have watched every episode so far on it's first run. But for the first time in a long time I have watched very few of the reruns of S9 episodes. I'm hopeful that the second half of the season will be better over all. Some of my favorite episodes have come in the second half of seasons only time will tell if this year wil be the same.

          As for the actors themselves well they will do what they feel is right when it comes to signing or not signing a new contract. I think they all have pretty good agents to work out the details for them. (Contract negotiation time - the only reason I ever joined the musicians union- my least favorite time of year) I would never critize any of them for staying or leaving. When a franchise gets as old as Stargate is and has gone thru as many changes at the top - Showtime - SciFi - MGM - Sony well sooner or later for the guys at the top it will all be about how much money can be made. Sometimes that means quality will suffer - we may be heading into the final season only time will tell. But to those that have come into our homes for the last 9 years it has been a good ride for me - when it comes to and end I will miss it but I will wish all those involved the best in the future.

          Since I'm starting to just ramble - I'll end for now with a heartfelt prayer of thanksgiving to our dear Royal Chef for the joy she brought into our lives - I'm going to enjoy one last time my favorite of her royal cakes
          My View From The Peanut Gallery


            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            hey, i remember optimism.... i had it once. a long time ago, in a season far, far away.




              I thought for a while about the reasons for the actual situation. Please don´t forget that this is only my subjective opinion.
              I can understand that many fans enjoyed the Sam and Jack ship moments in the show but I think that some aspects of this relationship had something to do with the fact that Sam can now so easily dismissed by the producers.
              Before I explain this closer I must say that I watched the show not in the order of the episodes but in the (very chaotic) way as the were shonwn were I life. So that I don´t started with the first episodes. One thing (beside how much more I liked the episodes from season 1-6) that surprised me very much was that I actually enjoyed extremly shippy episodes as "Solitutes" or "Into the Fire". Very shippy episodes I think, in their own way maybe more shippy than eveything from season 7 or 8. But somehow they were very different for me. And I beliefe the reason for this difference was that the writers to this time LIKED Sam. If I compare that to how Sam was shown in episodes like "Heroes" (her reaction about Janet´s dead and Cassandras situation), "Affinity" (almost treading Jack and Pete like play cards.) or her irresponsible behaviour in "Gemini") I´m not surprised that the little group of Sam haters suddenly were able to influence a part of te fandom that not long before had liked Sam. I don´t wanna say that it was a conscious decission to destroy Sam popularity (but I must admit that I have thought about it) so that she could easier replaced by an actress who fitted more TPTB´s ideals (like Vala), but that the fact that the writers who liked this character had almost completly left the show had lead to this situation. Looks for me like that someone over there at Bridge has a problem wth inteligent and strong woman who are more than just another "hot babe".


                Originally posted by majorsal
                yeah, i saw it... and couldn't get excited. those stories just might be another chance to have a male admirer show sam some attention.

                i don't think the writers know how much their credibility is shot. (for me at least)

                You are not alone Sally - their credibility was shot for me back in 7.


                  Originally posted by Kirara
                  I thought for a while about the reasons for the actual situation. Please don´t forget that this is only my subjective opinion.
                  I can understand that many fans enjoyed the Sam and Jack ship moments in the show but I think that some aspects of this relationship had something to do with the fact that Sam can now so easily dismissed by the producers.
                  Before I explain this closer I must say that I watched the show not in the order of the episodes but in the (very chaotic) way as the were shonwn were I life. So that I don´t started with the first episodes. One thing (beside how much more I liked the episodes from season 1-6) that surprised me very much was that I actually enjoyed extremly shippy episodes as "Solitutes" or "Into the Fire". Very shippy episodes I think, in their own way maybe more shippy than eveything from season 7 or 8. But somehow they were very different for me. And I beliefe the reason for this difference was that the writers to this time LIKED Sam. If I compare that to how Sam was shown in episodes like "Heroes" (her reaction about Janet´s dead and Cassandras situation), "Affinity" (almost treading Jack and Pete like play cards.) or her irresponsible behaviour in "Gemini") I´m not surprised that the little group of Sam haters suddenly were able to influence a part of te fandom that not long before had liked Sam. I don´t wanna say that it was a conscious decission to destroy Sam popularity (but I must admit that I have thought about it) so that she could easier replaced by an actress who fitted more TPTB´s ideals (like Vala), but that the fact that the writers who liked this character had almost completly left the show had lead to this situation. Looks for me like that someone over there at Bridge has a problem wth inteligent and strong woman who are more than just another "hot babe".
                  It does seem like all the writers that actually cared about the Carter character have left. But then the characterizations of all the characters have taken a hit in the last couple of years.
                  Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                  ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                  AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                    Originally posted by AGateFan
                    It does seem like all the writers that actually cared about the Carter character have left. But then the characterizations of all the characters have taken a hit in the last couple of years.
                    I blame SciFi. OK, I'll stop blaming SciFi when they give me a reason to stop blaming them. But many of the signs point to two culprits: RCC and SciFi (and now Sony).

                    RCC evidently has a history of treating MS and CN poorly, and now there's evidence of that with Sam (edit: AMANDA TAPPING ). So, in essence, between Seasons Five and Seven, he managed to anger Daniel fans AND Jonas fans.

                    Since Season Seven, he's made people, who weren't too fond of Sam to begin with, completely hate her. By disregarding AT's wishes (and apparently the wishes of other actors), he's single-handedly divided the fandom. From his wishy-washy ship choices, to his handling of Jack's departure this year, to his pimping of the New!Guys everything has been completely disjointed.

                    And if RCC really does have his hands tied in this, and SciFi is pulling the string, then they're definitely at fault. They can't be stopped, but at least we know not to blame RCC.

                    But I wouldn't be surprised if it was a combination of the two.

                    One more thing:

                    I've been thinking a lot about the chaos of the fandom over the past few weeks, and I just wanted to apologize to you guys here at Samanda for my behavior on JM's blog.

                    As much as I still stand behind my own opinions, I feel like I might have expressed them in a way that put Samanda in a poor light. In my effort to NOT be "anonymous," it might've brought undue attention to this thread and this great group of people. Other fans may find a more logical reason to generalize all of us and place us all in the same bucket. And for that I'm truly sorry.

                    I called someone, who I believed to be a troll, a liar on that blog. Considering that person still remains relatively anonymous, I can only assume one of two things: (1) they really WERE lying or (2) they really ARE a Samandan who feels that way about AT.

                    Both are troubling, however if it's the latter, I do apologize for taking part in making whoever you are feel like you can't be honest about your feelings here. For all my muttering/grumbling/ranting/raving at Sony, I do not want to be a hypocrite.

                    I think I ditched diplomacy some time last season, but perhaps it'd be best to adopt those methods again. I can't make any promises to that end, but I WILL promise to work on not bringing the stereotype down upon you guys in the future.
                    Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 14 November 2005, 07:11 PM.


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                      As ChopinGal and Coley will attest, I've been struggling with how to deal with this message for several days. I have bad news, but I had to work through an ethical dilemma before sharing it with you. When the three of us reached a concensus on what constituted good judgment in this situation, we decided I should move forward.

                      Last week, I got this e-mail from Atteria's husband.

                      I'm sorry I haven't answered you sooner, but I've been unable too. Nikki is no longer with us. I'm sorry to have to bring you such bad news, but she did fight, right until the end.

                      Please thank everyone in Samanda for their prayers and best wishes. She loved you all.

                      Take care and please, don't announce this in the site. I don't think she would have wanted anything like this to mar the good feelings on the thread.


                      As you see, John asked me to let you know how much your prayers and good wishes were appreciated, but didn't want the news announced on the thread, because of the chance it would mar the good feelings here. I didn't know how to tell you one thing without telling you the other. But once ChopinGal, Coley and I realized that John's concern was for us, and not for his privacy, we agreed that knowing you as we do, we should use the thread.

                      I don't have John's address or any other details on what ailment claimed Nikki's life. I don't even know for sure exactly when she died, but I received his e-mail on November 2nd. I propose that today, as we discuss Sam and AT and enjoy the fellowship that is Samanda, that we also remember our friend Atteria, and the fun she brought to our little family.

                      I find it very strange to be mourning someone I never met in person, but I am. That's the nature of our internet friendships, I guess. Although some of us will meet in person, others never will. But many of us have become friends, nonetheless. And I know we will share a collective sorrow in this loss. Let's also celebrate the fun Nikki brought us, and remember her as the cheerful, caring and brave citizen of Samanda that she was.

                      That's my final post for tonight. I will rejoin you later in the day. Love to all.
                      I first read this last night but I could respond immediately. I was shocked to hear of her passing. I knew her briefly through post in this site for she was the Royal Baker and I the Royal Organic Gardener. Shall remember her pics of bake goods and wanting to make it healthier for the citizens of Samandan. You will be missed Atteria. My thoughts and prayers to your family.

                      avatar and sig by flidget


                        Originally posted by Strix varia
                        Yeah, I thought of Vala, too, with the addition of
                        children, in the plural, perhaps referring to twins. Shudder.

                        I fear you're right.

                        Twins - two Vala-sprogs: one good (salvation of the universe from the evil domination of the Ori and all that blather), one evil (embodiment and purveyor of ultimate evil and the domination of all sentient life by the Ori) - both puling, puking, and pooping, both too cute to be anything but slightly descended creations of the Ascended Ancients, one Alteran made, one Ori made, but - which is which? SG-1 must protect them both and solve the riddle of who's who and what's what before evil little Orikins solves it for them and destroys... something or another. Hence, Sam, whose 'involvement' ::urk!:: with Orlin and Anubis Jr. has made her the expert on the descended Ascended, must travel to Atlantis, home and hub of all Ancient knowledge, to do, something or another - consult the card catalog in the library, maybe - vital to the identification of the puling, puking, pooping savior/destroyer! The Ori will try to stop her! The Ancient systems will fail to fork over their intel in a timely and meaningful manner! Rodney will annoy her and get in the way! The Wraith will throw in with whichever side proves more inconvenient at the moment! All of Sam's BDU's will mysteriously be transformed into leather and crop tops from Teyla's wardrobe - oh, wait, those aren't revealing enough. Vala will have packed for Sam, and her new clothes will make Teyla blush and Rodney drool. Sheppard will get the hots for her. An Ancient-like Wraith will get the hots for her. A Genii General will get the hots for her! The super-babies will be plot-device-napped, necessitating Sam's immediate return to the Milky Way galaxy, where the sprog nappers must be found before the sprogs' nappies need changed!

                        I could go on like that for hours, dear Gods.

                        I will now indulge in that useful verb I learnt this weekend: Simhavaktra headdesking here.
                        ...a very cranky blog:


                          Originally posted by Simhavaktra

                          I fear you're right.

                          Twins - two Vala-sprogs: one good (salvation of the universe from the evil domination of the Ori and all that blather), one evil (embodiment and purveyor of ultimate evil and the domination of all sentient life by the Ori) - both puling, puking, and pooping, both too cute to be anything but slightly descended creations of the Ascended Ancients, one Alteran made, one Ori made, but - which is which? SG-1 must protect them both and solve the riddle of who's who and what's what before evil little Orikins solves it for them and destroys... something or another. Hence, Sam, whose 'involvement' ::urk!:: with Orlin and Anubis Jr. has made her the expert on the descended Ascended, must travel to Atlantis, home and hub of all Ancient knowledge, to do, something or another - consult the card catalog in the library, maybe - vital to the identification of the puling, puking, pooping savior/destroyer! The Ori will try to stop her! The Ancient systems will fail to fork over their intel in a timely and meaningful manner! Rodney will annoy her and get in the way! The Wraith will throw in with whichever side proves more inconvenient at the moment! All of Sam's BDU's will mysteriously be transformed into leather and crop tops from Teyla's wardrobe - oh, wait, those aren't revealing enough. Vala will have packed for Sam, and her new clothes will make Teyla blush and Rodney drool. Sheppard will get the hots for her. An Ancient-like Wraith will get the hots for her. A Genii General will get the hots for her! The super-babies will be plot-device-napped, necessitating Sam's immediate return to the Milky Way galaxy, where the sprog nappers must be found before the sprogs' nappies need changed!

                          I could go on like that for hours, dear Gods.

                          I will now indulge in that useful verb I learnt this weekend: Simhavaktra headdesking here.
                          This post makes me sad.

                          Not just one, but two????? Double your displeasure, double your dumb.
                          Have TV people never learned, when it comes to TV SciFi the primary rule should be NO CHILDEREN not any that are integral to the plot, not any that will spend more then an ep on the show. Any children in Scifi just signals the end of the show.... its like birth\death... as soon as you see the kids you know the show was cooked long ago.

                          Wow did any of that even make sense? See even the very thought of children on a scifi show make people ramble stupidly. Its like a disease.
                          Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                          ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                          AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                            Originally posted by Simhavaktra

                            I fear you're right.

                            Twins - two Vala-sprogs: one good (salvation of the universe from the evil domination of the Ori and all that blather), one evil (embodiment and purveyor of ultimate evil and the domination of all sentient life by the Ori) - both puling, puking, and pooping, both too cute to be anything but slightly descended creations of the Ascended Ancients, one Alteran made, one Ori made, but - which is which? SG-1 must protect them both and solve the riddle of who's who and what's what before evil little Orikins solves it for them and destroys... something or another. Hence, Sam, whose 'involvement' ::urk!:: with Orlin and Anubis Jr. has made her the expert on the descended Ascended, must travel to Atlantis, home and hub of all Ancient knowledge, to do, something or another - consult the card catalog in the library, maybe - vital to the identification of the puling, puking, pooping savior/destroyer! The Ori will try to stop her! The Ancient systems will fail to fork over their intel in a timely and meaningful manner! Rodney will annoy her and get in the way! The Wraith will throw in with whichever side proves more inconvenient at the moment! All of Sam's BDU's will mysteriously be transformed into leather and crop tops from Teyla's wardrobe - oh, wait, those aren't revealing enough. Vala will have packed for Sam, and her new clothes will make Teyla blush and Rodney drool. Sheppard will get the hots for her. An Ancient-like Wraith will get the hots for her. A Genii General will get the hots for her! The super-babies will be plot-device-napped, necessitating Sam's immediate return to the Milky Way galaxy, where the sprog nappers must be found before the sprogs' nappies need changed!

                            I could go on like that for hours, dear Gods.

                            I will now indulge in that useful verb I learnt this weekend: Simhavaktra headdesking here.
                            Sounds like the perfect scenario for Wormhole X-Treme. Too bad the show was cancelled after the first episode.
                            What was the reason ? Oh yeah, bad ratings !
                            Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                              Originally posted by Simhavaktra

                              I fear you're right.

                              Twins - two Vala-sprogs: one good (salvation of the universe from the evil domination of the Ori and all that blather), one evil (embodiment and purveyor of ultimate evil and the domination of all sentient life by the Ori) - both puling, puking, and pooping, both too cute to be anything but slightly descended creations of the Ascended Ancients, one Alteran made, one Ori made, but - which is which? SG-1 must protect them both and solve the riddle of who's who and what's what before evil little Orikins solves it for them and destroys... something or another. Hence, Sam, whose 'involvement' ::urk!:: with Orlin and Anubis Jr. has made her the expert on the descended Ascended, must travel to Atlantis, home and hub of all Ancient knowledge, to do, something or another - consult the card catalog in the library, maybe - vital to the identification of the puling, puking, pooping savior/destroyer! The Ori will try to stop her! The Ancient systems will fail to fork over their intel in a timely and meaningful manner! Rodney will annoy her and get in the way! The Wraith will throw in with whichever side proves more inconvenient at the moment! All of Sam's BDU's will mysteriously be transformed into leather and crop tops from Teyla's wardrobe - oh, wait, those aren't revealing enough. Vala will have packed for Sam, and her new clothes will make Teyla blush and Rodney drool. Sheppard will get the hots for her. An Ancient-like Wraith will get the hots for her. A Genii General will get the hots for her! The super-babies will be plot-device-napped, necessitating Sam's immediate return to the Milky Way galaxy, where the sprog nappers must be found before the sprogs' nappies need changed!

                              I could go on like that for hours, dear Gods.

                              I will now indulge in that useful verb I learnt this weekend: Simhavaktra headdesking here.
                              Thanks so much for that nightmarishly descriptive tale. That post needs more than spoiler tags. I'm thinkin' barbed wire. And electricity.

                              I'll thank you kindly to NEVER do that again.


                                Originally posted by Simhavaktra

                                I fear you're right.

                                Twins - two Vala-sprogs: one good (salvation of the universe from the evil domination of the Ori and all that blather), one evil (embodiment and purveyor of ultimate evil and the domination of all sentient life by the Ori) - both puling, puking, and pooping, both too cute to be anything but slightly descended creations of the Ascended Ancients, one Alteran made, one Ori made, but - which is which? SG-1 must protect them both and solve the riddle of who's who and what's what before evil little Orikins solves it for them and destroys... something or another.

                                ooh, you know what that reminds me of ???? V. where the human girl had twins or something and teh baby was the key to killing all the lizards that were eating people
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


