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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    If I may I like to say in all honesty my take on the whole thing was a reaction
    to this entire half season. TBHTIS, reading other forums, BB's, ..., etc.
    I think it hit a raw nerve with me that maybe AT wasn't being allowed the choice in coming back and it invoked a responce that was lying underneath it all.

    So ChopinGal don't be sorry.


      Originally posted by Coley
      I am also very upset that Amanda actually said in her news release that this was a negative thing to come out of GABIT. Which fimly lays the blame with us in her eyes. From the front page news it looks like wee trotted off to Darren and spilled a story and I am heartbroken that Amanda may think we have done this - totally heartbroken.
      Hey Coley, I don't think you have to read it that way. I don't see her laying blame on anyone with that statement. I don't see it pointing a finger at anyone or anything. She may see the tempest as a negative thing, but I just don't see her being upset that you repeated (to someone not at the con) what she said to a room full of avid fans. She didn't tell you all not to tell anyone else, did she?

      But you know, it's okay to feel badly. It shows that you're a kind person, and considerate of others, and you regret that something negative has happened possibly as a result of something you did in all innocence and good will towards your fellow Samandans. But I think feeling to blame for it (or thinking that Amanda blames you) is probably misplaced.


      My LJ


        Originally posted by Strix varia
        Hey Coley, I don't think you have to read it that way. I don't see her laying blame on anyone with that statement. I don't see it pointing a finger at anyone or anything. She may see the tempest as a negative thing, but I just don't see her being upset that you repeated (to someone not at the con) what she said to a room full of avid fans. She didn't tell you all not to tell anyone else, did she?

        But you know, it's okay to feel badly. It shows that you're a kind person, and considerate of others, and you regret that something negative has happened possibly as a result of something you did in all innocence and good will towards your fellow Samandans. But I think feeling to blame for it (or thinking that Amanda blames you) is probably misplaced.

        Exactly...this doesn't fit what we know of her.

        Now if she told you in confidence personally and asked you not to repeat anything, that'd be a different matter entirely.

        But she told a room full of people in a public setting.

        She just didn't know that we were primed to read very negatively into this kind of development after the long string of events from the past several months.

        The proverbial straw and all...

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          What a lot of developments and great posts since I last checked in. Let's see if I can get my comments in one post instead of spamming as I usually do.

          Chopingal--thanks for the convention info, passing on the professional women aspect of our thread & love the pictures--with Samanda badges no less! Cool.

          Comforting news from JM--seems like AT is still valued. (crosses fingers)

          Encouraging news from AT that she may get to do both Whistler and SG1!

          Chopin Gal--I wouldn't blame yourself (and the other Gabit-ers for your report)--how it spun (perhaps a bit out of control) wasn't your fault. However, IMHO, if you choose to write an apology to AT for any difficulty this may have caused her, I'd ask (if you are so inclined) to mention that any fervor here at SAGC was due to our concern for her being dealt with fairly and we certainly did not mean to cause her any pain. Do you think individual letters to AT (from those who are so inclined) saying in effect we support you whatever you choose to do (and perhaps mentioning the above), would be called for?

          Regarding trashing of PTB--I hope I wasn't too bashing, but the way the contract situation was handled seemed poor to me. Perhaps it was less a conspiracy than a SNAFU. I hope so.

          Great Sam episodes/moments--Today I caught part of Nemesis. I love Sam working with Thor in Nemesis/Small Victories. I love that she wanted to use her field medic skill to treat him. If only we could have seen that. Thor in a field bandage?


            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
            AW...CG... *huggles*

            I hope you read the rest of what I wrote. The truth is you did nothing wrong...neither did Amanda. Did we the fans jump the gun? Possibly, but that's still to be determined.

            I don't think any of us said that she was being kicked off the show directly. What we read into the reports ("that sounds like a problem") was that Amanda and Sam were being slowly phased out of SG-1. And why did we come up with this opinion? Certainly not out of thin air and again, nothing you or she did was inappropriate.

            It came from the fact that we have heard nothing but Mitchell this and Vala that all year long. TPTB have been gushing over the two of them for let's re-examine for a moment, shall we and see that TPTB set the stage for this past weekend because of the tapdancing they've been doing for months:

            *Most of Sam's major arcs ended or came to a head last, ship, enemies, etc.

            *Mitchell joins the team and it is widely reported that he is the new leader of SG-1...but we're certain that when Sam returns, it'll revert back to her.

            *Vala returns to fill the leading actress vacancy left by Amanda as she takes much needed time to be with her little bundle.

            *Ship questions are mostly ignored.

            *The command issue is almost completely ignored after Sam's return, except for Mitchell calling himself SG-1 team leader in Prototype, until Joe posted something about co-leadership (which itself seems to be in question). And still it doesn't make sense at all for her not to be leading.

            *Peter DeLuise jokes about the show being or not being the "Ben Browder" show.

            *The new credits highlight Mitchell way too much...he is not Jack and Ben is not Rick. It should have been a bunch of team pics instead as this is supposedly the new vision of the show.

            *There is a fervor generated by some who push for Vala instead of Sam, rather than Vala and Sam that makes many nervous.

            *Still more praise for Ben/Mitchell and Claudia/Vala...and almost nothing about Amanda/Sam.

            Then information comes from GABIT...and we sensed a lack of regard for her by TPTB for not contacting her, forcing her to contact them. Then the fact that Claudia (who some pegged to replace her) gets a contract before her. Then the thought of her being a recurring (which is what you are if you're not fully on either show) began to set in, including the possibility that she herself wasn't fully comfortable with everything and wondered what the fans thought of it too.

            All of these things...not individually, but in tandum...rang as major red flags across fandom that indeed our longstanding fears of Sam being shoved to the side for the sake of the "new vision" were tragically being realized. But, truly, none of this would have happened if TPTB had been more forthcoming about her this past year, made decisions and validations onscreen that actually made sense and remembered the entire cast, not just the new people, when talking about how great this new season really is.

            I also must restate the following because it bears repeating...I don't regret a thing. It we were right and Sam's character is diminished in favor of new things, then I'll stop watching...or will only rarely tune in. If we were proven wrong, then super. This weekend showed that almost universally, the idea of a diminished Sam involvement in favor of the new people is panned across fandom. People who've never posted here posted their love and support for Sam/Amanda. Joe even felt the need to devote 3 paragraphs of his last blog to this issue.

            These here are good things I think.
            What she said.....and CG, Coley, Forever, 1speed, I believe that this is actually a GOOD thing. Skiffy and TPTB now know how much Amanda means to fans. That has to help her during an uncertain time. I said a little more in my PM to you that I wouldn't post here.....but please know that this is a GOOD thing. Don't doubt for a minute that it is.....or that you have hurt Amanda. I just don't think you have.
            Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 01 November 2005, 05:08 PM.


              There is actually a poll up now re Sam
              The response looks just perfect for AT and SG1
              Go Vote!!!!


                (((to all GABITeers)))

                YOu haven't done a thing wrong so please don't be sad.
                And like others here, I really appreciate that you came back and gave news to us! Especially as I am not likely to ever make my way to a convention, it was nice to get some info!


                  Originally posted by Coley
                  There is actually a poll up now re Sam
                  The response looks just perfect for AT and SG1
                  Go Vote!!!!
         first instinct was to click on SG-1 fulltime but then I realized I wouldn't mind seeing a few episodes with her visiting the Pegasus galaxy...


                  Oh well. Just look at the totals and remove one from the top option and place one in the "a few episodes on SGA" option...

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
           first instinct was to click on SG-1 fulltime but then I realized I wouldn't mind seeing a few episodes with her visiting the Pegasus galaxy...


                    Oh well. Just look at the totals and remove one from the top option and place one in the "a few episodes on SGA" option...

                    I wouldnt mind her "visiting" atlantis either as long as she was a full time regular character on SG-1. (preferably in leadership but I will never win that fight).

                    BTW in response to one of Joe's comments. Hes right, all the members of SG-1 should be leading their own teams by this point. Carter should keep SG-1, or if Mitchell is god and must stay then one of the SG science teams. Daniel would make a great lead of a diplomatic team or an archeological team. Teal'c would be great in Recon and Recovery... but Im not sure he could be an SG team leader just because of politics. Hes a Jaffa, Im not sure the military "establishment" would accept that. Plus he would have to have just the right team as I can see some jaffa resentment from the other soilders who fought against the jaffa.
                    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                      Originally posted by ChopinGal
                      Uber, I am taking the liberty of using parts of your post, hopefully as my context, for a very difficult personal post ... probably the hardest post I've ever written at this thread.

                      I am doing this now, at my office, because it seems that I and my fellow Samandans have somehow managed to create a tempest which streamrolled out of control from our weekend reporting of Amanda's Q&A sessions at GABIT. Needless to say, the old adage of "the purest intentions" has created a hell of a difficult situation which seems to have embarrassed the actor herself and caused her to fire off a response at her website about "the only negative thing that happened" at her very special weekend at GABIT. That was the hardest sentence to read ... there should not have been anything "negative" about such a beautiful and fun weekend with her fans! We were thrilled to be in her company and to let her feel our love and support.

                      I am almost in tears writing this as I really have to think of a proper apology to Amanda for what seems to her a breach of trust. Those of you who know me and Coley and Kat and Tone, know that we would never intentionally hurt or malign someone we so respect and admire. I know that Coley at this very moment is just as disturbed and heartsick over this. By bringing back to SaGC what we thought would be a careful report of Amanda's own words, we opened ourselves to much more publicity than we (or she) had expected or intended. Nowhere did we report her leaving the show, but this rumor probably grew from the candor of what was reported. And now everyone is in an uproar.

                      Some here have tried to quell the flood of negativity and excited innuendos. Thank you for your wisdom and restraint. I, myself, posted my own strong feelings about TPTB when I should have stepped back a bit. There was a sudden spike of publicity which, obviously, could either help or hinder her in upcoming contractual negotiations. I/we should have been more mindful and sensitive to this kind of consequence.

                      The fact that, within the space of a few short days, so much was said by so many does, in itself, speak favorably and positively of Amanda's popularity. Fans who never posted before came to this thread and released their feelings about a fine woman and actor. So, if our premature posts caused that upswell of support, perhaps the "negative thing" also had a positive consequence too. I would like to think so.

                      However, the fact that our posts seem to have hurt Amanda, I cannot reconcile. I will try to make amends to her directly and will be writing for Coley, Tone, and Kat.

                      I am sorry that this unfortunate turn of events ever took place and I hope that Amanda will not judge Samanda by what we seemed to have done wrong but by our sincerity of heart and our love for her which have been expressed consistently and ardently on this thread.

                      Peace, CG
                      ChopinGal,I feel so bad for you and the other Samandan Gabiteers.You and the rest of us who went to Gabit realised just how special the whole weekend was for everyone,and went there for a wonderful experience with Amanda herself.There's no way you could have expected the flood of speculation and the pressures on your return from others on GW.
                      I don't think Amanda was referring to any of us,as not one of us did anything to upset her in anyway.
                      We obeyed the rules,gave her the space to be herself as much as possible,and she knows we all respect and love her.
                      For all we know, she or one of her people may have read some negative posts ,on the different threads that have sprung up all over GW...or she may have been referring to another forum or an entirely different thing altogether.(I'm not trying to start anything here,but showing you alternative meanings for the negativity line.)

                      A lot of people around this forum have been galvanised into posting on this thread.That's good ,and so is any other non-aggressive support of Amanda and Sam's future career,imo.

                      Remember she was very positive at Gabit,about the book you all contributed to,and said she planned to show it to Olivia when she was older.She was thrilled and surprised when you told her this thread had grown to 20000 posts.

                      Those aren't the actions of a woman who'd be instantly eager to blame you all personally for whatever she referred to.

                      Fandom is fickle and also very prone to divide ,I've found.This will be a hot issue with speculation galore,until the confirmation of contracts and announcements of what will be actually happening in S10 and S3.

                      I'm getting a feeling of deja vú.Last year,fandom was heated over the announcements of Ben,Claudia and the other new cast joining SG-1,the RDA /Jack situation and on Atlantis ,the casting changes.

                      This year the main issues will be much the same.I'm happy to see Sam in whatever's finally agreed and signed by Amanda.

                      CG,by all means write to Amanda,but let yourself get over the Con Crud and your long journey home,first.Same goes for Kat,1speed and Coley.

                      You're good,decent people,who had no way of knowing what Amanda would choose to reveal at the Con,or how many posters would go into speculation the moment GW published the "News" article.

                      Remember that you are not the ones to blame for Fandom as a whole,and that you were part of a great event.

                      If you felt you were a bit hard on the PTB,then imo,you dealt softer blows than many ,many,other posts in threads I've read on forums over the past couple of years.

                      (((((((((CG,Kat,1speed,and Coley))))))))))

                      I hope this post helps you all feel a bit better about this situation.

                      I was reading a load of early posts again,before I posted this *cough*manuscript ,and I was touched and gladdened by how positive most of those entries were.
                      Be proud,all !
                      The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                        What she said.....and CG, Coley, Forever, 1speed, I can't help but believe that this is actually a GOOD thing. Skiffy and TPTB now know how much Amanda means to fans. That has to help her during an uncertain time. I said a little more in my PM to you that I wouldn't post here.....but please know that this is a GOOD thing. Don't doubt for a minute that it is.....or that you have hurt Amanda. I just don't think you have.

                        I completely agree with all the wonderful posts addressed to our GABITEERS. You did nothing wrong. And to be honest, I'm glad you reported what you heard because I also think that it is a good thing. You are not responsible for the reactions. I actually am extremely happy that there was such an amazing and heartfelt positive response toward Amanda and to Sam. And I'm really really really glad that TPTB saw this overwhelming reaction from much of fandom. I do think they take Amanda for granted (just as JM mentioned in his blog). She is so competent, talented, always there, and yet also kind and gracious as well. I know I don't want her taken for granted--AT ALL, EVER. It is interesting that JM mentions this. I think this groundswell of support reinforces how much AT is admired, and how much many many fans like Carter.

                        If TPTB were even remotely deciding to sideline her, I hope they get the picture now--- this is the WRONG way to go!!

                        I am still going to send a letter of support for Amanda/Sam to TPTB---it can't hurt (as Sky as said before ). No need to bash anyone or be negative--just supportive of Sam being a full-time member of SG-1 and how I love having her as one of the leads, and how the character is very central to the show. And AT is a major reason for SG-1's success all these years!


                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                          Exactly...this doesn't fit what we know of her.

                          Now if she told you in confidence personally and asked you not to repeat anything, that'd be a different matter entirely.

                          But she told a room full of people in a public setting.

                          She just didn't know that we were primed to read very negatively into this kind of development after the long string of events from the past several months.

                          The proverbial straw and all...
                          I agree with ÜberSG-1Fan!! The Gabit reporters are in no way responsible for the events that took place after their reports to Samanda's Thread!! And, they in no way broke Amanda's trust when sharing the news with Samanda. And I bet Amanda is smart enough to know that!!! And, those of us who asserted our opinions and concerns on this Thread and in Joe's blog did so appropriately. I am, for one, amazed at the power our combined voices had in reaching TPTB. Wow!!!


                            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                            Apophis lives!

                            Man he's one tough bad guy to take out...


                            I know this has been a tough weekend for ya. My thoughts and prayers are with you always.

                            Thanks MB - means a lot.

                            Personal short (okay maybe long) take on some of the events/news/talk of the last few days.

                            1. Nobody that was at the GABIT event should feel like they are to blame for how people took news and spun it from the Con. One of the reasons I like to read all of an article/interview done by anyone is because when you take small parts out of context the meaning can become blurred or in some cases changed.

                            2. As sg-1fanintn said AT's announcement on her web site today is "damage control". I think one of the telling lines in her short post is this one "I hope that this clears up any erroneous speculation". Speculation that is what a whole lot of people did from what she said on Saturday. People took information and/or their own perception of what has been going on all year and read into what she said what they want to believe. Know I'm not say what anyone person thinks is right or wrong. Each of use took the information given and looked at it like a piece of a puzzle - you add that to other pieces you have to form you own picture. Sometimes you get the correct answer and sometimes you don't. Have you ever done one of those puzzles were all the pieces are the same shape and the puzzle is two sided (has a picture on both sides) and you can do two different puzzle with the same pieces. Well they can be very difficult to do and very frustrating along the way due to lack of information.

                            3. It's like playing telephone - as information is passed along it changes because every new person that hears it hears something different and adds there own perception. I was not part of the online fandom for the whole MS thing - but I have heard so many differnet stories about what happened that the reality is at this point the only people that know the whole full story in MS and those directly connected to him.

                            4. Will AT and her involvement in the Stargate franchise be talked about for a while - you betch 'ya - people were talking some before the con and people will continue to talk until after S10 & S3 are in the can and have aired. People are also talking about MS and you can bet he will be very careful what he says at the two cons he will be at in the next two weeks. It is natural at this time of the year to talk about how is coming who is going and what will they be doing if they stay. People theorize all the time - sometimes right sometimes wrong.

                            5. The blame game and negitivity - First and for most I will say that this thread is not as negitive in my view as many others I have seen both on GW and on other forums. Do I feel that at times we are to negitive? Well yes - Does this mean I don't feel like we should come here and talk about concerns and complain some about what is happening? No - My personal biggest problem comes when people start talking directly about either actors/writers/producers/show runners, etc in a negitive light by calling them names and yes we (even me) have done that here at times. When I see a trend of several posts like this yes I have pointed it out. As many of you know I am more a glass half full type person - it is what many years of some very difficult life situations has turned me into (I could very easily be a very negitive person because of some of the curves I gone around). When I've pointed it out it is mainly because I do enjoy coming here and I really like the people that post on this thread. But if it turns to negitive to much of the time - then I'm out of here (you can say tsaxlady has left the building ). I do appreciate the way several people here have a way of redirecting the thread when things start to get to heavy. My way this weekend was with post filed with pictures.

                            Bottom line this thing called Fandom should be fun - if all it does is work me up and upset me then for me it's time to leave. But I'm still having to much fun to leave at the current time.
                            My View From The Peanut Gallery


                              I just want to add my assurances to the GABITeers that I don't think they did anything wrong or out of line. A lot of what I read was fresh words from ATs mouth, not a lot of time for the info to be corrupted by the frailty of memory. Also, I do believe I read that there were a few instances where AT said "Oops, I shouldn't have said that." And none of our friends repeated what was said out of respect. So, what we read was thought to be fair game to be discussed.
                              sig by PM


                                Attention Samandans!!!

                                Two new stories of the Snarky Sam Series are out!!:

                                #10: 14's Still Unlucky
                                #11: Busted Birthday

                                PM me for linkage to stories #s 1-9, otherwise, be yer stubborn self and follow the sequel titles on each story till ya find the first . I guarantee ya you won't understand some of the references made in some stories if you don't read them consecutively from the first!!
                                - Miz

                                Proud Samandan (blue jello all the way!! )

                                Proud Anti-S9 Forumer (Pro-Original SG-1)

                                Not your average world-saving squad!!

