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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Wooo, Amanda/Sam will be back!!!

    /me does happy dance


      Originally posted by srg
      I thought that was a major mistake, no wonder their at a loss as to what to do with her, most of her storylines are gone.

      love your sig BTW.
      Why thank you. It's a Sam thing.

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        A little something I posted at Joe's comment's:

        Ok Joe, I'm going out on limb here and If I'm right, please let me know.

        When RCC said that we really don't know what to do with Carter, maybe he should have amended that with--yet. Since no scripts are written for both shows (as of now).

        Since you said that Carter is great in the science area, this leads (at least me) to believe that sooner or later the Ori/Wraith
        are going to show up in both shows.
        The only logical that Sam would crossover to SGA to give all concerned all the knowledge that she knows in this part of the galaxy.

        Now in return, she comes back with what shes learned while in that part of the galaxy.

        Now I think it's assumed by all that since she's going to be outranking/overshadowing the existing members of SGA. I think that the writers can think of a way to deal with this.

        I know that the Daniel, Mitchell, and Teal'c fans all want these characters to go to Atlantis. But in the end, it isn't cultural skills, military might, and Jaffa
        strength that will achive the demise of both evils in the shows.

        Now if MW was right, I can see all this culminating to the movie where
        this all takes place.

        It's applied/theorical/practical science that makes up the Sci and also it's the storytelling in the Fi part.

        I hope through all this all chracters development continue to grow beyond where they are now.

        Good/Bad or should I ask Darren to delete?


          Amanda said on her site

          The only negative thing to come out of the weekend is a rumour that needs to be put to rest. First of all, I have every intention of returning to Stargate next year. No, my contract has not been signed, but I fully expect that it will be soon. Yes, I have been offered the possibility of working on both SG-1 and Atlantis. To what extent still remains to be seen, but I will be doing a total of 20 shows or a full season. Am I happy about it? You betcha! Yes I have been offered another series but I will participate in it only if it they are willing to work around Stargate's schedule. Stargate starts as this series wraps up. If it can work, then great. If not, then I will not be doing the other series. Stargate is a wonderful series to work on and I have every intention of staying with it. I hope that this clears up any erroneous speculation.

          [QUOTE=ChopinGal]....managed to create a tempest which streamrolled out of control from our weekend reporting of Amanda's Q&A sessions at GABIT. Needless to say, the old adage of "the purest intentions" has created a hell of a difficult situation which seems to have embarrassed the actor herself and caused her to fire off a response at her website about "the only negative thing that happened" at her very special weekend at GABIT. That was the hardest sentence to read ... there should not have been anything "negative" about such a beautiful and fun weekend with her fans! We were thrilled to be in her company and to let her feel our love and support.//

          The thing is, I read what AT wrote, what you wrote, and they don't match up. AT doesn't even mention the rumor, alas, that she's trying to dispel, and this fandom is known for going out of control over the slightest thing.

          I did notice a lot of crap (to be blunt) over on the JM blog. While a person can voice their opinion, many of the 'anonymous' bloggers just turned it into a bonfire.

          However, the fact that our posts seem to have hurt Amanda, I cannot reconcile. I will try to make amends to her directly and will be writing for Coley, Tone, and Kat. //

          I would say that you made a simple post, reporting what was said at the con. The folks who owe the apology to AT are the ones who think she's using the fans to further her own gains, etc.

          It's a tempest in a teapot. And alas, it's following all the crud that happened when MS left the show, when CN left the show, and even to some extent, when RDA left the show.


            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
            Want to know another reason why Amanda is top notch in my book???

            Here's a great story from GABIT told to me by Sandy (who's behind the wonderful Amanda Tapping contest)...

            During the cocktail party, one of her friends..."A"...was sick. Amanda apparently came over to the table when they were discussing this. So Amanda told them that as soon as she came down, she'd go over to their table rather than make "A" wait while she did 10 other tables first. And that's what happened...when "A" came downstairs, Amanda kinda went out of order and went to their table.

            The next day, Amanda asked "A's" friend how she was doing...and she told Amanda that she was still not well and that she wasn't eating much nor drinking; that they had asked Terri, the gabit medic, to take a look at her and that she may need to call the hotel's doctor...but they were waiting it out because it would cost £70 and that is alot.

            Amanda said, if it's necessary I will pay for the doctor, that is no problem.

            Isn't that AMAZING? Amanda offered to pay for the doctor to take care of one of the GABIT attendees.

            That's a class act folks.

            Wow. She is such a gracious, sweet, wonderful person. That is a great story and a testament to why I love AT so, so, so much. Thanks for sharing this!

            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


              Originally posted by LaCroix
              A little something I posted at Joe's comment's:

              Ok Joe, I'm going out on limb here and If I'm right, please let me know.

              When RCC said that we really don't know what to do with Carter, maybe he should have amended that with--yet. Since no scripts are written for both shows (as of now).
              It's really odd, but I have seen producers say this before, although the last time somewhere said this, the fandom imploded, and this was before the internet. Way back when, there was a show called War of the Worlds. Well, season 1 ended, season 2 came along, info leaked and the fandom burned up. It seems the producer of the show, in what many perceived as a move to destroy the show (he wanted to do movies and cut his committment to a syndicated scifi show) killed off the two favorite characters. and I mean dead dead. The producer actually said of Col Ironhorse (#1 fav charactar "He's been written into a corner" and of Norton, the character who was disabled "What can you do with a guy in a wheelchair?") Lord, if the twit had said this today, he'd be fired and sued. But it is scary when someone who writes and produces doesn't know what to do with a character they've worked with for years (or one year, as in the WOW case).


                Uber Sg-1 Fan -- your last post regarding all things Sam, Vala, TPTB, Gabit, etc. etc, was so long (no, long is good! ) that I didn't post it again here, but thank you for writing that. You captured everything that I felt I wanted and needed to say but with a lot more grace, eloquence, and simplicity than I ever could. I'd green you, but the system won't let me, so will you accept a big hug and some cyber-cookies? Great post. It made me feel loads better!

                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                  Originally posted by prion
                  It's really odd, but I have seen producers say this before, although the last time somewhere said this, the fandom imploded, and this was before the internet. Way back when, there was a show called War of the Worlds. Well, season 1 ended, season 2 came along, info leaked and the fandom burned up. It seems the producer of the show, in what many perceived as a move to destroy the show (he wanted to do movies and cut his committment to a syndicated scifi show) killed off the two favorite characters. and I mean dead dead. The producer actually said of Col Ironhorse (#1 fav charactar "He's been written into a corner" and of Norton, the character who was disabled "What can you do with a guy in a wheelchair?") Lord, if the twit had said this today, he'd be fired and sued. But it is scary when someone who writes and produces doesn't know what to do with a character they've worked with for years (or one year, as in the WOW case).

                  Yep. Watched that one too along with Friday the 13th The Series.


                    Thankyou for everyones words of support.

                    From my perspective I am still appalled that our posts were taken and put up on the front page of Gateworld without even a pm. Though Darren did an excellent job of reporting the facts - and I still stand by them. The context Amanda delivered them in is totally lacking. I myself communicated this to Darren straight away and said that Amanda could get lambasted for this. I thought I did a fair job in posts on the thread on sunday evening to put her announcement into a little context. But with an announcement on the front page AT is bound to take some flack from TPTB over this and I for one am mortified about it.

                    I am also very upset that Amanda actually said in her news release that this was a negative thing to come out of GABIT. Which fimly lays the blame with us in her eyes. From the front page news it looks like wee trotted off to Darren and spilled a story and I am heartbroken that Amanda may think we have done this - totally heartbroken.

                    Amanda is gracious, kind, thoughtful and patient, she was just wonderful at the con and very open in her discussion (a number of things we haven't posted here) I just feel awful that she thinks that we have just trotted out of the con and straight to Darren to get a story out it is all very distressing indeed.


                      CG please don't blame yourselves. How many were at gambit? I'm sure you and the other Samandans were not the only GateWorlders there. Amanda's annoucement would have eventually reached us here.
                      I had the feeling she ...well let me copy and paste my post from earlier this weeekend..

                      Originally Posted by SG1Poz
                      You know what I'm surpised with? It's the fact that AT brought this all out in the open. To me this means it really upset her if she really didn't think before speaking out in public, what the ramifications would be once her fans heard. Either she wants this affect and is so upset she doesn't care what happens when TPTB are leveled with letters etc. OR again, she wasn't thinking when she told the Gambiters.

                      Again, Please don't blame yourselves. I'll bet she'll treasure the Red Book forever and think of you all for that, instead of what you are beating yourselves up over. Like you say, Amanda is a wonderful , understanding person, who makes mistakes too (Not saying you made a mistake!)




                        You do NOT need to apologize for anything! And frankly it makes me mad to see that you think this furor is your fault. First of all, you weren't the only one who reported the news. In fact, you were probably the 4th or 5th person, so by the time you said anything, it was old news.

                        Secondly, Amanda herself told a roomfull of 200 people what was going on. Did she say, please keep this secret? Did anyone twist her arm to get her to talk about? Of course not. She is a smart lady, and she knows what goes on on the Internet. She knew we would be talking about this, and in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she told everyone to see what kind of a reaction the news would get. Maybe she was thinking of taking the other acting job and quitting SG-1 until she saw how strongly everyone reacted, in which case, you and the others who reported the news did her a favor.

                        It's also possilbe she told the news so that a fan commotion might influence her own contract neogtiations. I'm not saying this is the case, but it's a possiblity. I guess I'm saying that as nice as AT is, she is not innocent in this latest bruhaha. She started it! And I'm not saying that to put down Amanda, I'm saying it because it's true. If she didn't want the news to spread, she wouldn't have told a roomful of fans. Simple as that.

                        All you are is the messenger, and to be honest, you're not even the best messenger because you weren't first!!!


                          I hope no one is beating themselves severely about the head and shoulders for the weekend reports. I'm still catching up from what I missed (just 20 pages behind now), but when I saw the headline article on GW today, I decided to check in with a couple of comments.

                          A. You thought you were telling your friends, not reporting a news story to the entire GW community. Your posts were repurposed without your knowledge.

                          B. You stand by the facts as you heard them, and I'm sure you heard them correctly. This article:

                          shouldn't cause you to doubt yourselves or what you heard. You were eyewitnesses. Your eyes and ears saw and heard what you perceived, I'm certain. You're too intelligent to have gotten it wrong. This article on GW today is what we in the business call "damage control." It's an attempt to neutralize the furor that arose over the weekend by casting doubt on your posts. This is the sentence that should tell you that: " To what extent still remains to be seen, but I will be doing a total of 20 shows or a full season."

                          And I'm sure AT was forced to cooperate.


                            Originally posted by ShardsofGlass

                            You do NOT need to apologize for anything! And frankly it makes me mad to see that you think this furor is your fault. First of all, you weren't the only one who reported the news. In fact, you were probably the 4th or 5th person, so by the time you said anything, it was old news.

                            All you are is the messenger, and to be honest, you're not even the best messenger because you weren't first!!!

                            Thanks for your post, however I thought CG's post (and we were all huddled round the computer chipping in) was the second post??? There is 3 of us in the frame for spilling this story.

                            A certain cycling security guard was just a "bewildered bloke" all weekend and merely helped CG out with the technicalities of using a laptop without a mouse (C9? C2? 2? 9? C9? hope this makes you smile CG)


                              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                              I hope no one is beating themselves severely about the head and shoulders for the weekend reports. I'm still catching up from what I missed (just 20 pages behind now), but when I saw the headline article on GW today, I decided to check in with a couple of comments.

                              A. You thought you were telling your friends, not reporting a news story to the entire GW community. Your posts were repurposed without your knowledge.

                              B. You stand by the facts as you heard them, and I'm sure you heard them correctly. This article:

                              shouldn't cause you to doubt yourselves or what you heard. You were eyewitnesses. Your eyes and ears saw and heard what you perceived, I'm certain. You're too intelligent to have gotten it wrong. This article on GW today is what we in the business call "damage control." It's an attempt to neutralize the furor that arose over the weekend by casting doubt on your posts. This is the sentence that should tell you that: " To what extent still remains to be seen, but I will be doing a total of 20 shows or a full season."

                              And I'm sure AT was forced to cooperate.
                              Thanks fanintn. However 1 for one wish she hadn't been put in a position where she was forced to co operate


                                Originally posted by ChopinGal
                                Uber, I am taking the liberty of using parts of your post, hopefully as my context, for a very difficult personal post ... probably the hardest post I've ever written at this thread.

                                I am doing this now, at my office, because it seems that I and my fellow Samandans have somehow managed to create a tempest which streamrolled out of control from our weekend reporting of Amanda's Q&A sessions at GABIT. Needless to say, the old adage of "the purest intentions" has created a hell of a difficult situation which seems to have embarrassed the actor herself and caused her to fire off a response at her website about "the only negative thing that happened" at her very special weekend at GABIT. That was the hardest sentence to read ... there should not have been anything "negative" about such a beautiful and fun weekend with her fans! We were thrilled to be in her company and to let her feel our love and support.

                                I am almost in tears writing this as I really have to think of a proper apology to Amanda for what seems to her a breach of trust. Those of you who know me and Coley and Kat and Tone, know that we would never intentionally hurt or malign someone we so respect and admire. I know that Coley at this very moment is just as disturbed and heartsick over this. By bringing back to SaGC what we thought would be a careful report of Amanda's own words, we opened ourselves to much more publicity than we (or she) had expected or intended. Nowhere did we report her leaving the show, but this rumor probably grew from the candor of what was reported. And now everyone is in an uproar.

                                Some here have tried to quell the flood of negativity and excited innuendos. Thank you for your wisdom and restraint. I, myself, posted my own strong feelings about TPTB when I should have stepped back a bit. There was a sudden spike of publicity which, obviously, could either help or hinder her in upcoming contractual negotiations. I/we should have been more mindful and sensitive to this kind of consequence.

                                The fact that, within the space of a few short days, so much was said by so many does, in itself, speak favorably and positively of Amanda's popularity. Fans who never posted before came to this thread and released their feelings about a fine woman and actor. So, if our premature posts caused that upswell of support, perhaps the "negative thing" also had a positive consequence too. I would like to think so.

                                However, the fact that our posts seem to have hurt Amanda, I cannot reconcile. I will try to make amends to her directly and will be writing for Coley, Tone, and Kat.

                                I am sorry that this unfortunate turn of events ever took place and I hope that Amanda will not judge Samanda by what we seemed to have done wrong but by our sincerity of heart and our love for her which have been expressed consistently and ardently on this thread.

                                Peace, CG
                                ChopinGal, there is certainly no fault in this tempest that can be laid on you or the other Gabit attendees. Merely reporting what was actually said in a public forum is blameless. However we know that in media (and internet counts in that) what goes out may not end up what people take in. The astounding speed with which this news circulated was matched by how often it got re-interpreted as it moved further from the sources.

                                Some on this thread felt their worst fears for Amanda/Sam and SG1 were coming to fruition. Others felt maybe there was some good in the possible plans. But everyone felt anguish that Amanda was left out of the loop when it came to her part, her job. This more than anything, I feel, contributed to the groundswell of outrage and speculation. Posters on this thread and others went into fierce defensive mode to preserve the perceived threat to Amanda's presence on SG1, and it was done out of love for her and her character.

                                It may not be the homage we planned, or that the Gabiteers planned, but nothing was said with malice aforethought. My main regret is how you are hurting over possible harm these past days may have caused Amanda. Please do not cast yourself and the Gabiteers down. Amanda Tapping is smart and generous and already knows of you and the Samandans' support of her. I maintain she will see this as one of those things celebrities encounter from time to time and will (or has, with her statement) handle it with professional expertise. On a lighter note, who would dare try to screw over her now?

                                Just sayin', Samanda could not ask for a better Ambassador to Gabit, and all the Gabiteers. Glad you're back, and we're on our way back to our normal tribute to our fave actor/character, Amanda Tapping/Samantha Carter.
                                MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                                Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking

