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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by jckfan55
    Caption: No, you see Merrin, this device has to be *very* powerful. It needs to detect the hearts of show business executives.
    ROTFL - Nice!!!!!


      Kat, Coley and CG, it's been a pleasure to read your reports from GABIT.
      I'm so happy that you spent all this wonderful time with Amanda.
      The more I read from your reports, the more I understand why everyone says how amazing, caring and fun Amanda is.

      Regarding the events around her future on SG1, I'm still angry at how she was treated. Anyway, I'll support her whatever decision she makes.

      Amanda and Sam are the heart and jewel of SG1. Without her, the show is dead. I'm not interested in watching remakes of TTTB. I want amazing stories with a plot and real characters, not stereotypes. I don't want to see the characters I love so much reduced to cliched behaviour.

      This is not a rant against Vala, I actually love Vala, the one we saw in TPTB. This Vala has potential. Let her gain some depth and become a tridimensionnal character and she can be an interesting recurring character in SG1. Sadly, this is not the followed path and I'm dreading her come back.

      And if the writers don't know what to do with a character with more than eight years background, the problem is not with the character, it's with the writers. And it's so the writers problem that they don't seem to be able to write new and fresh characters with consistency.

      Last but not least, I'd like to thank and congrat anyone who contributed to bring this thread to page 1000 and 20000th post, with special thanks and lots of blue jello to Osiris-Ra for the first post on page 1000 and majorsal for 20000th post. You all rock !
      Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


        Amanda and Sam are the heart and jewel of SG1. Without her, the show is dead.
        I have to agree with you on that. AT makes SG-1 worth watching. Even if she does not appear in every show, TPTB should not cut her out of the show completely. A couple of episodes off for family or whatever are fine, but without AT there is no redeeming value for the show.
        All posts are IMO, I am not a rocket scientist.

        Bender: "Lets go get drunk!"
        Pay it forward


          Originally posted by jckfan55
          Caption: No, you see Merrin, this device has to be *very* powerful. It needs to detect the hearts of show business executives.
          I can't green you, but it's a very good one. And I'm afraid no device would be powerful enough to detect them.
          Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


            Originally posted by Coley
            As an aside Amanda looked absolutley fantastic.
            She looks about 30 not 40 and she is so slender
            She radiates. She was laughing and joking all the time, putting herself down, acting the fool. She had us rolling around in our seats
            She is a comedien, so good she could do stand up - seriously!She was gracious to everybody
            She hugged all the people that needed a hug from her
            She was endless in her patience
            She is natural and down to earth and everything everyone else has said about her in a positive light is true - and yes gooey though it may sound she actually does inspire you to want to be a better person
            She is that sweet!!!
            Well in short she pretty much couldn't have been any better
            I agree with everything you've said Coley, Amanda is such a wonderful person. It was such a fantastic weekend, and it was so great to be able to meet people from Gateworld. I hope they don't take too long getting Amanda back for Gabit 2!


              Ahh Dipso

              Glad you made it home safely!!!


                IMO since AT had her baby, she looks even younger now. Being a parent can totally revitalize a person even if it does tire you out every now and then, the joy shows.
                All posts are IMO, I am not a rocket scientist.

                Bender: "Lets go get drunk!"
                Pay it forward


                  Flyin' by from work for a quick post---

                  Just popped in to the Sam/Jack Ship Family thread and saw a hilarious entry by Oma-1 on the Amanda news. This is the link (I hope I did this right):

                  I'm at work and nearly laughed myself under the desk. For a good chuckle visit; I'm sure Duck Dodgers and Emu would be glad to send contingents! LOL!

                  (In case I blew it with the link: page 762, post #15232).

                  Just sayin'!
                  MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                  Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                    I've posted a few more pictures of Amanda on my MSN site for anyone who's interested in looking at them. A few of them show Amanda playing with her food. I apologize to AD and our other male admirers for being too far away to get a good shot of all the chocolate on her hands.


                    For those of you who have asked, the item that Amanda has in one of the photos is not a rope, it's a curley wurley (A chocolate covered toffee candy bar for those of you, like myself, who are not familiar with the name). Amanda rolled the candy bar into a long rope and then stretched it as long as she could.
                    Last edited by ForeverSg1; 31 October 2005, 11:17 AM.


                      Originally posted by Coley
                      Right I have remembered a few snippets

                      Fave guest star - Dan Callista (is that spelt right - the Simpsons chap) Apparently he played a simpsons scene out for the cast doing all the different voices
                      She visited the Coronation street set before the con and had a great time - got to pull a pint at the rovers, but was too shy to speak to any of the cast.
                      She misses Carmen - we knew that though!
                      the worst thing about her career - at the moment being tired but thats all,
                      the best thing - getting to meet people especially at the cons
                      If she wasn't an actor she would like to be a doctor if she didn't have to make a living - a doctor doing overseas charity work or be in a circus (went on to explain how her eldest brother ran away to a circus for a month. Only a month as he was cleaning out the elephant stalls and got a bit fed up with it!!)
                      She was so excited about the visit to the Coronation Street set. She acted just like we do as fans of Stargate! She was offered the chance to meet the actors, but was too afraid of making a fool of herself gushing as only fans do!
                      She also mentioned that she'd met Goran Visnjic (who plays Dr. Luka Kovac
                      on ER) and said it was so funny as she is a fan of ER and he is a fan of SG. She said that they were both saying to each other, "I'm a great fan of your show" and generally gushing about each others show, and Colin Cunningham (who was there too) just rolled his eyes at this.
                      She is so funny when she talks about these shows, as she's just like everyone else when it comes to being a fan of something.


                        Originally posted by skritsys
                        IMO since AT had her baby, she looks even younger now. Being a parent can totally revitalize a person even if it does tire you out every now and then, the joy shows.
                        Oh I know! Isn't she gorgeous!

                        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                          Well, you guys made it! You did 1000 pages! Whoohoo! And ten more on top of that, just since this time yesterday!
                          Time for me to go read up!
                          I've been absorbed the past half hour looking at Kat's pics. Amanda looks so gorgeous. Not overly glammed up, just natural and pretty.

                          ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                            Ok, I'm all settled in my new hotel room and we've decided to actually take today off and just rest as I'm exhausted after Gabit; so I've decided to try to sit down and write up a few details regarding the con. Here's a few questions and answers I can recall off the top of my head at the moment. I'll try to write more later.

                            If Amanda could be a man for a day what would she do?

                            She said she'd like to be President, then someone in the audience mentioned peeing on a bush and she laughed and agreed that she’d like to take a whirl at peeing on a bush (standing up). She mentioned a few other things as well, but embarrassed herself in the process so I'll leave those things off the thread. I'll let someone else post it on the web. Laugh.

                            She also mentioned how she had recently been offered a chance to meet her idol Carol Burnett, but she chickened out saying she was worried that she would make a fool of herself.

                            She talked about how she finally understood the whole fandom thing because when she arrived in London this week she was given the opportunity to tour the set of her favorite television series, Coronation Street. She stated that she was totally in awe as she walked around the set and that her heart was pounding in her chest every time she saw one of the actors. She went on to say that as they past the cafeteria, their guide asked her if she would like to pop in and meet the members of the cast and she once again became nervous and said no. She mentioned how Alan (her husband) popped his head inside and looked around, but she was too nervous. I wish I could express to you all the wonderful giddiness in Amanda’s voice and her exuberant expressions as she described her tour of the set. She told us how excited she was when she walked past the bakery( located on the main street of the Coronation Street set ) and in the window there was cake with a baby buggy and the name ‘Olivia’ written over it. How she actually touched the stones on the street and how now she understood how we all feel when we come to these conventions; however, she still doesn’t feel as if she deserves our admiration.

                            Someone asked her who her favorite Simpson characters were:
                            She said she really liked Lisa Simpson but her favorite was Ralph Wiggums.

                            Amanda also made it quite apparent that she finds Johnny Depp extremely attractive, mentioning it several times during her Q&A sessions. I actually think the words 'Yummy' might have been used, though don't quote me on that as it may have been my own mind thinking it when she mentioned his name. LOL.

                            A fan asked Amanda what her favorite book was to which she replied that she was an avid reader and her favorite book seemed to be whatever book she was currently reading. She did say that she loved a series she was reading about Napoleon and Josephine, though I’ve forgotten the name. Hopefully someone else will remember and post it. She said there were three books in the series and it was written from Josephine’s point of view (like a journal). She commented that it was a wonderfully written that she would recommend it to everyone at the con. She also mentioned that she would love to act in a historical movie/play like this, or something like Bleak House, but said that had already been done beautifully by Gillian Anderson. She had some very nice comments about Gillian Anderson and how well she has been doing since moving to England (with plays and films).

                            Someone asked her who her favorite French actors/actresses were and she named a few but to be honest I was not familiar with any of them and can’t remember the names.

                            Someone asked her if she could look into anyone’s closet and take some clothing to wear whose would it be and after much thinking and several suggestions from the audience she responded that Elton John’s closet would be interesting with all the sequins outfits, hats and glasses to choose from.

                            A fan asked her what she though the top five and worst things about working with Richard Dean Anderson were:

                            The top five worst things about working with RDA were flatulence, flatulence, flatulence, flatulence and flatulence.

                            The top five best things were that he was funny, easy-going, handsome, and gave great hugs which he did on a daily basis ( sorry can't remember fifth ). She said that part of that was because he would regularly ask her to crack his back (which she did very well) and in the process she would get to hug him too.

                            A fan asked her what her favorite episodes were and she said she loved Grace, Resurrection, and Gemini. She said Grace was interesting to make because it was made almost entirely with second crew so it was very intimate with just a few camera people and her on the set. She enjoyed playing the duel characters in Gemini, and while she loved directing Resurrection, she also loved the added challenge that acting and directing the same show gave her.

                            Oh she also mentioned blue jello. In fact, she set up a little blue jello eating contest for the four members of G-4 ( the organizers of Gabit ). She brought out four glasses of blue jello and said it was contest to see who could eat the most blue jell-o in two minutes. She kept saying ‘Blue Jell-o’… my favorite…but I think she meant Sam’s favorite, because later she said ‘I won’t be eating any, because I’ve eaten enough blue jell-o for a lifetime. To make the contest interesting, she required that the contestants must eat it using a pair of chopsticks. The blue Jell-o because it was Sam’s favorite; and the chopsticks because Amanda loves Sushi.

                            Amanda shared with us a small glimpse of her ‘wicked’ sense of humour when she told us about a joke she played on one of the Gabit organizers ( though I can’t remember exactly which one ). I just recall Amanda saying that she threw herself on top of one of the G4’s car and scared the bejeebies out them because they had thought they had forgotten to set the brake and had actually hit her. Hopefully someone else can give a more detailed account of this story as I was fiddling with my camera at the time and missed part of the conversation.

                            Hopefully I can jar my memory a bit more after a nice long soak in the Jacuzzi this afternoon and that this will be enough tidbits to tide you all over until I or someone else can post more.


                            Oh forgot one another question that I thought was amusing. Someone asked her if there were any American television shows she would like to do a guest spot on and she said she would love to work on the West Wing and E.R. She mentioned several others but I'm drawing a blank.

                            The funny thing is she said one of the actors on E.R is a big fan of Stargates ( I believe she said he played a doctor from Croatia - so I'm assuming it's Goran Visjnic who plays Dr. Luka Kovac. Anyway she mentioned that he had done a movie with Collin Cunningham and that Collin brought him for a tour of the set. She said when Collin introduced them that they both had these big smiles on their faces and he was like..

                            "I'm a big fan of your show"
                            "I'm a big fan of YOUR show".

                            It was pretty funny listening to her explain it. At any rate, she said she would love to work on E.R.
                            Thanks for remembering so many of the questions and posting them here Kat . Some of these really show what an easygoing cheery person she is. I love that she's so chatty with her fans. I can almost hear the exact tone of her voice as I read your words. *smile*

                            ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                            HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                              Oh my, I've been trying to catch up with the thread but it seems to get longer as I read. Unforutnately I'm about to check out of our current hotel and begin my vacation so I'm not sure I'll have internet connection for the next week (depends on how expensive it is in the next hotel or not).

                              My biggest highlights of the weekend:

                              1. I met AMANDA!!!

                              2. I met some of my fellow Samandans and Gaterworlders( Chopin Gal, Coley, 1speed4Sam, DipsofJazz, Kliggins, Baggie, Mal, Flippy18, Seabee to name a few) as well as some really wonderful Amanda/Sam fans from all over the world.

                              3. We set two Guiness world records and Amanda participated! If our record holds till the next book is published, it will be in the Guiness Book of World Records that Amanda Tapping fans are a crazy bunch of people.

                              4. Gabit raised over L5000 for Amanda's charity 'Hearing Dogs' during the weekends auction and raffles. It was enough to actually pay for the entire training program for one hearing dog.

                              5. I actually overcame my own fears of flying to participate in a weekend I will truly never forget. In my wildest dreams, I couldn't have expected this weekend to be so fun. This was a weekend of firsts for me: my first con, my first overseas trip, my first time meeting Amanda. I think the G4's did a fantastic job with this con to make it enjoyable for everyone involved. I can't wait till the next one.

                              I'm sorry I don't have time to post more, but I really wish I could have taped the weekend for you all to really show you how truly fun the weekend was.

                              Kat, you're positively radiating at the moment! Sounds like you had a great time, not only meeting Amanda, but experiencing numerous things you've never experienced before. Way to go! *grin*

                              ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                              HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                                Originally posted by deepspace
                                Thanks for remembering so many of the questions and posting them here Kat . Some of these really show what an easygoing cheery person she is. I love that she's so chatty with her fans. I can almost hear the exact tone of her voice as I read your words. *smile*
                                I've never posted in this thread before but after all the great stuff posted about her at the convention I couldn't help myself. I like the character of Carter but I think Amanda Tapping, herself, is soooo cool. I love to see her in the "Behind the Gate specials." She's great and funny and seems really nice. I wish I could see her at a convention but I hear she's not doing anymore anytime soon. LOL to her for wanting to spend time with her baby. I guess this fan will have to do with her interviews in the Behind the Gate specials.

