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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I have just sent a PM to Joe. Hopefully he will respond soon.



      Originally posted by chocdoc
      I'm not sure about this. I don't see how AT could sue because they only sign one-year contracts. I don't think Scifi or Sony is obligated to have her back.

      If we go on what RCC told her--they do plan to write Sam into both shows, equaling 20 episodes (full-time). I don't see that as trying to get rid of her. I think it shows trying to use her to their benefit for both shows.

      I have to admit, I am a bit saddened by the fact that AT is dealing with this while she is at her first convention just for her. How does she respond to what she hopes for Sam on SG-1 when she doesn't know what's going on (that Sam may be split between the shows). On second thought, though, being at this convention that is soley for her with very warm and kind Sam fans is probably a good place to be.
      Even if she signed a one year contract, it would have an option for renewal. After nine years, I'm pretty sure that means they're obligated to take her back. I remember reading once about someone who was fired from their job after years of work, and got as compensation a percentage of their salary plus overtime hours, because the overtime hours had been part of their salary for years even though it wasn't in their contract. Granted, I'm not a lawyer, but I believe here it would work in a similar way. AT has been there for so long that pushing her out like this, especially when it's relate dto her pregnancy, gives her the ability to sue them for wrongful dismissal.

      Putting her on both shows is not compensation nor is it an honour - it's reducing her to recurring status which essentially opens the door to copmletely fire her the year after.


        Hmmm....well, I guess I really picked the wrong night to peek into another forum.

        While I admit, the news I've been reading in the previous posts is disheartening, it's not really much of a shock. I think AT is a brilliant actress and seems to be a wonderful person as well. She and RDA are the main reasons I started watching the show. With RDA gone now and if AT becomes less prominent, I can't say that I will be such a loyal fan myself. Wait, scratch that...I'll be a loyal fan of the "old" show because, let's face has been a awesome ride, but I can't see myself rooting for the new cast.

        The wait for AT to return from her well deserved maternity seemed interminable and I admit to being quite frutrated by the lack of storylines they gave her upon her return. It's a shame to waste such good talent.

        Personally, it doesn't matter to me where she goes....SG1, Atlantis, or another show. I'll still follow.


          I'm not at home so I don't have any pictures to share but there have been some great pictures shared by others. So for now.

          ((((((HUGS to all)))))))


            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
            You know, I actually championed Bridge, saying that at least they knew what they had in both Sam and Amanda...that if SciFi pushed for Vala/CB that because Bridge honored and respected Sam/Amanda, they'd make sure that it wasn't an either/or thing
            I'd have thought the same thing, Uber. It's quite a shocking bit of news. As to the outcome, I don't know if we can even assume that Stargate Productions (or RCC) was even the decision-maker. They may have been. But I really think there's more going on in the background than we (and possibly even Amanda) can know right now. Whether this is the network's handiwork (MGM, Sci-Fi) or it's SGP, clearly there's an inside story and there are industry politics involved. As more information comes to light from 'official channels', we'll probably have a better basis from which to extrapolate a point of view.

            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


              Originally posted by Skydiver
              One thing we will NOT have here, condone here or even start here is ANYTHING even remotely resembling a 'save sam carter' campaign

              if you want to write to support her, fine. but we will respect her and her wishes. We will also behave when talking about other members of the cast and crew.

              Samanda is a happy place and we won't turn it into some 'anti everyone else' place.
              hear, hear!

              above all, we should behave the way sam AND amanda would - with dignity and respect. (which is why i quit the 'mitchell as leader' thread. i was becoming a jerk)




                Originally posted by Traveler Enroute1
                Case in point, Über and Dancer- perfection! And that was only Part 1!! Posted 9/8/05.

                Just sayin', when it's good, it's good. Looks like a candidate for Dancer to me.
                I agree. Thanks so much, TE1! That's an excellent example of what I'm looking for!!


                  Originally posted by deepspace
                  Ok guys, I'm not supposed to be online, but I snuck on for a moment cause I haven't been able to concentrate on anything all day. I've only read a post or two, but I get the idea. Sam is probably not going to be in SG1 any more, and they're putting Vala in instead. Sam may, however be on Atlantis. Thankyou to Kat for posting. *hugs Kat*
                  I can't stay, and that's probably just as well, as I think I need to think before I react. Things aren't as bad as I'd feared, but doesn't sound great either. As I said, hopefully I'll get back on tomorrow and be able to read more thoroughly, and figure out what my feelings on this are.
                  I think of all people I'm most worried about Coley. I know how she felt regarding Vala. And Über, plese try not to be so upset, you seem to be taking this really really bad *hugs*. I'm still a bit shocked, so I'm really not sure how I feel yet.
                  I'll try and get on again ASAP, also known as Tomorrow . Love to all. And hugs to those who need em.
                  You're a doll to "sneak" online, deepspace. Thanks for the fly-by. And yes, a little breathing room is what we all need now. Just hope we don't all go out for air when the new season airs! Ok, bad of me. We still have a report from ChopinGal due, and of course, the official announcement of these changes to weigh. Rest well.

                  Just sayin', <<HUGS TO ALL, LET'S TAKE IT EASY>>. Post something you liked about AT/SC quick!
                  MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                  Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                    Originally posted by Traveler Enroute1

                    Just sayin', <<HUGS TO ALL, LET'S TAKE IT EASY>>. Post something you liked about AT/SC quick!
                    I love the fact that everyone that has ever met her as said how nice and kind hearted she is it didn't matter if they were her fan or a fan of another cast member. SHe has always stayed humble throughout each season and thankful for the blessing she has received!!!


                      Originally posted by &#220;berSG-1Fan
                      The Save Daniel Campaign is before my online fandom time but I understand it was not a pretty thing to behold. We are above that I think.

                      We can express our immense displeasure at TPTB while showing support for Sam/Amanda and do it in a "not freaky" way.

                      ON EDIT...This is my 2500th post on GW and I'm now a First Prime. *weeeeeeeeeee*
                      FOR HER 2500TH POST!

                      Well done, you can now command us to bow before our...oh, wait, we don't do bowing in Samanda. Well, express some arrogance, just once!

                      Just sayin', Samandans know how to do respectful, even when displeased.
                      Last edited by Traveler Enroute1; 29 October 2005, 08:38 PM.
                      MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                      Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                        Originally posted by binkpmmc
                        Hi Sally:

                        I agree with you - I do not want AT to replace anyone either I just want Carter (and AT) treated with the respect both deserve after 9 years of helping to carry SG1 and keeping the paychecks coming for TPTB at skiffy/mgm/and bridge. I would like to see the character promoted to Colonel as she deserves it and given a role in SGA that commands the type of respect that the character deserves after 9 years of saving the da*n planet "hundreds" of time.
                        if sam's going to be on atlantis, i want her role to be needed and important. but i *don't* want to make the atlantis fans (especially ones that will fear sam's presense) feel threatened and then resent her.

                        sam is a big deal on stargate sg1, and whether or not she's been in the stargate franchise longer than the ppl on atlantis, she shouldn't be putting *anyone* out of a position or ranking.

                        this is all so all over the place that i don't even know what to think... this could be good or bad, depending on how it's done. and since brad wright is heading atlantis, that's already a step in the right direction.

                        (why do i suddenly see 'and amanda tapping, as lt colonel samantha carter' tagged to the end of one or both series now . end of the line is end of the line)

                        btw, bink (((bink)))




                          Ok, let me try look at this from a more objective view. I know, I know, that's going to be pretty hard for me to do.

                          Anyway, Carter aside, I can't see how this is going to help the new characters of Mitchell or Vala at all. Mitchell is already taking some serious heat for being, well, not very useful. And for being shoe-horned into the team. Vala is also not what I'd call universally loved by fans. If the character of Carter is basically cut from the show in order to facilitate their inclusion on SG-1, then I think that a lot of fans, particularly those casual, non-internet visiting fans, are going to be more inclined to resent their presence. Right now, there are very few links left to what the show once was. If TPTB give the appearance of callously casting a longtime character on the show to the wind (oh wait, they did that with Jack, huh?), then the replacement characters are not likely to work.

                          Likewise, I can't see Carter's sudden presence on Atlantis helping that show out too much either. The minute she steps on Atlantis she's going to be more experienced than any other character on the show. She'll have the same command issues with Sheppard that she has with Mitchell, Rodney's position as science guy will pretty much be abidicated to Carter some of the time, and both of the female characters already on the show (who both need serious development themselves) are going to pale in comparison to Carter. Weir and Teyla hardly get any screentime now.

                          Both SG-1 and Atlantis are turning into a mishmash of characters with less and less structure to the stories, plots, and character arcs. It's as if the idea of "The Franchise" is completely overshadowing what's best for either show or any single character at this point.


                            Originally posted by Traveler Enroute1
                            FOR HER 25,000TH POST!

                            Well done, you can now command us to bow before our...oh, wait, we don't do bowing in Samanda. Well, express some arrogance, just once!

                            Just sayin', Samandans know how to do respectful, even when displeased.
                            Yes congrats Uber and to think you started on this thread after I did, gosh lots of people started after I did and have left me in the dust!! Looks up at thread count ...well I'm almost at 300.... I think I have some catching up to do!


                              Originally posted by getcarter
                              Hmmm....well, I guess I really picked the wrong night to peek into another forum.

                              While I admit, the news I've been reading in the previous posts is disheartening, it's not really much of a shock. I think AT is a brilliant actress and seems to be a wonderful person as well. She and RDA are the main reasons I started watching the show. With RDA gone now and if AT becomes less prominent, I can't say that I will be such a loyal fan myself. Wait, scratch that...I'll be a loyal fan of the "old" show because, let's face has been a awesome ride, but I can't see myself rooting for the new cast.

                              The wait for AT to return from her well deserved maternity seemed interminable and I admit to being quite frutrated by the lack of storylines they gave her upon her return. It's a shame to waste such good talent.

                              Personally, it doesn't matter to me where she goes....SG1, Atlantis, or another show. I'll still follow.
                              Well, you picked a good night actually, getcarter: series shaking news AND a 1000th page Celebration Ball in one place! Glad you dropped in to express your feelings. It's what we do. And please don't give up on the series yet; it's hard but keeping an open mind could make for future enjoyment of the series. Make that very hard. And totally agree with following AT to whatever show she migrates to; I plan to.

                              Just sayin', thanks for the fly-in, you helped us move closer to our 1000th page! Do come post again!
                              MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                              Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                                Hey, perhaps Rick and Amanda can get a head-start on the mooooovie.

                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

