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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
    Was going to wait ‘til later in the week to post these S7 scrubs, but decided we do need a diversion to get off the speculation of AT’s personal life/choices and back to the character we know and love so well….

    Aah, back to the love. Amanda looks glad.

    Just sayin'.
    Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


      !!!! Fic Rec !!!!

      It's a Teal'c one, but has strong Sam/Teal'c friendship in it: It's All About Technique, by Moonshayde. A really nice little fic


        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
        Ah. Sacrifices. It was hard because, with Daniel's suit, it looks like a cross between New Order and Heroes. And Jack wasn't standing next to them during New Order, and I KNOW that ain't no Heroes scene...

        Sam in dress blues is very cool. Very fetching... Especially now that she's a Lt. Colonel, it kinda adds to the take-charge attitude we all like to see.

        But, ya know, I'd take some Jack in dress blues, myself. Or that sweet, little firefighter captain number.

        (I swear I'm not a thunker )
        Looks like she's up to 3 rows of ribbons. Great! (Though you'd think there'd be more with all the world saving.)


          Caption Me:
          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            This is true.

            Really, I think it could go either way on this. It could be positive like your assessment, or heinously negative... We'll never know - at least, not as long as she's on the series, the series is around, etc. - so all we can do is speculate.

            In the grand scheme of things, I suppose it's really none of our business either way.

            I wonder what AT would think if she knew how het up we get when we think she's been slighted. Probably a combination of and


              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
              Caption Me:
              Why do I let the colonel talk me into this? It would be easier for him to buy a new one, but no, he wants his favorite remote.


                Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                !!!! Fic Rec !!!!

                It's a Teal'c one, but has strong Sam/Teal'c friendship in it: It's All About Technique, by Moonshayde. A really nice little fic
                Just read it; great Teal'c characterization; funny and touching SG1 story.

                Thanks, AD.

                Just sayin'.
                Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                  Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                  Caption Me:
                  Oh, yeah; this will give the genius who thought up "shared command" one hellava buzz.

                  Just sayin'.
                  MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                  Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                    Warning: Generally mild-mannered Samandan about to have a rant

                    I gotta jump in with a little dissent here! Okay.....a whole lotta dissent!

                    As someone who has spent more than 20 years in broadcasting, I strongly disagree with the contention of several of my favorite Samandans that we, the viewers/listerners, whatever, have no right to expect producers, directors, networks, etc., to program to please us.

                    Folks, let me tell you, pleasing the viewers is what it's all about! It's the premise on which show business is based! Where do you think ratings come from? From satisfied viewers. Everyone is after satisfied viewers, because they're the ones who keep tuning in, week after week. You do have a right to want certain things from your shows, and to let TPTB, no matter what the show is, know about it! Otherwise, you get what they think you want! And what if they get it wrong.....or listen to someone else because you didn't speak up?

                    Show business isn't about art. It's about business. Every business must please its customers. Why do you think they set up focus groups? To find out what people like. Here's the equation.

                    Good program + Satisfied Viewers = Strong Ratings = Rich Producers

                    If you don't let them know what you want, you get what they give you. Unless you feel entitled enough to let TV execs know what you like, you run the risk of letting them decide (and they may not even care about your characters). I guess the best way I know to sum it up is this:

                    It's just like voting. If you don't vote, you get the government you deserve (for not voting). You get someone else's government. If you don't participate in the process, you really have no justification to complain.

                    But if you vote, if you take part in the process, if you make sure your viewpoint is heard and counted, you stand a better chance of getting the kind of government that represents you. And if you express yourself, you get a better chance of getting the shows you want.

           you all! But you are entitled to express what you want! And you need to believe that your opinions matter.....because they do!

                    All right. Down off my soapbox now. End of rant.


                      Okey-dokey. This first little button makes Landry hear voices in his office.
                      The second one makes the cafeteria lady hear a voice say, "Make more blue Jello."
                      Now....what to make the other two do.....I have way too much spare time when Jack is in D. C.


                        Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                        !!!! Fic Rec !!!!

                        It's a Teal'c one, but has strong Sam/Teal'c friendship in it: It's All About Technique, by Moonshayde. A really nice little fic
                        that is a good fic. i read it this morning
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          Caption Me:
                          one more tweak and....yep, that does it. the colonel will never reach level 300 now
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                            Caption Me:
                            Now, which button detonates the Dark Place of Doom into oblivion again?

                            So sorry guys. I couldn't resist.


                              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                              Warning: Generally mild-mannered Samandan about to have a rant

                              I gotta jump in with a little dissent here! Okay.....a whole lotta dissent!

                              As someone who has spent more than 20 years in broadcasting, I strongly disagree with the contention of several of my favorite Samandans that we, the viewers/listerners, whatever, have no right to expect producers, directors, networks, etc., to program to please us.

                              Folks, let me tell you, pleasing the viewers is what it's all about! It's the premise on which show business is based! Where do you think ratings come from? From satisfied viewers. Everyone is after satisfied viewers, because they're the ones who keep tuning in, week after week. You do have a right to want certain things from your shows, and to let TPTB, no matter what the show is, know about it! Otherwise, you get what they think you want! And what if they get it wrong.....or listen to someone else because you didn't speak up?

                              Show business isn't about art. It's about business. Every business must please its customers. Why do you think they set up focus groups? To find out what people like. Here's the equation.

                              Good program + Satisfied Viewers = Strong Ratings = Rich Producers

                              If you don't let them know what you want, you get what they give you. Unless you feel entitled enough to let TV execs know what you like, you run the risk of letting them decide (and they may not even care about your characters). I guess the best way I know to sum it up is this:

                              It's just like voting. If you don't vote, you get the government you deserve (for not voting). You get someone else's government. If you don't participate in the process, you really have no justification to complain.

                              But if you vote, if you take part in the process, if you make sure your viewpoint is heard and counted, you stand a better chance of getting the kind of government that represents you. And if you express yourself, you get a better chance of getting the shows you want.

                     you all! But you are entitled to express what you want! And you need to believe that your opinions matter.....because they do!

                              All right. Down off my soapbox now. End of rant.
                              Nice rant, I mean, well said, sg-1fanintn. Although IMO corporations nowadays pick and choose their audiences (i.e. "reality shows" epidemic), it's always better to speak up rather than stew after the fact.

                              I don't think Samandans are giving up on SG1 and AT/SC. The Blogs get regular input from Samandans, and more than one post has given out addresses to, well, address perceived problems with the show. Threads like this are overwhelming evidence of attachment to a station/program, so maybe SaGC will be a beacon for improvement not de-evolution! Just MHO.

                              Just sayin'.
                              MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                              Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                                I'm all for folks defending Sam and Amanda. And i'm all for folks not being happy with how th ings are. not being happy isn't the isssue, it's how it's expressed.

                                WE don't like it in those dark places where sam is torn down to pump up another actor or character. And if we don't like it then we shouldn't perpetrate it.

                                If you want to express your displeasure, grab a pen and let scifi or mgm know.

                                Can we find a way to express our discontent without ragging on others? I would never like to hear that Samanda is full of cameron haters or vala haters.

                                Kindness reigns here. Kindness doesn't mean that we have to turn the other cheek all the time, but it does mean that, when we do fight back, we do it with grace and dignity...kinda like SAm does
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


