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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1
    Oh yeah anyone with Amanda in hand is more than welcomed!! LoL

    Heck if it was up to Kallesta, she'd invite all of Samanda over for a party.
    As my sister once said ...

    In Kallesta's world there are no strangers, only friends she has not yet met.

    My LJ


      Strix :O You got tagged for that story! Write!


        Originally posted by Agent_Dark
        Was Not!

        But I'd still like to think that it is a real Air Force operation. And considering that (in my view) there was no evidence at all of Jack being 2ic to the base, I'll go with what should be proper
        Ha! I'm gettin' an image of Rick with his fingers in his ears singing: "La la la la la la la!"

        Originally posted by Agent_Dark
        Edit: rofl, And I dont care what Mallozzi says either, because he'll probably be wrong
        What? How can you say that! LOL!

        Okay, well, fine. Pete Shanahan doesn't exist in my version of canon either (and not because of the d*mn Sam/Jack storyline, either), so I suppose I can give you your own giddy moment of unreality.

        mini (d'oh!) geek

        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


          Originally posted by Agent_Dark
          Strix :O You got tagged for that story! Write!

          My LJ


            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
            Excellent idea. I'm in.

            I have like...everything...

            Me,too. Me,too. I have all the dvds. And since I've finally caught up after my big move to my tiny apartment, I'm up for something fun.
            In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

            Life is too short for drama & petty things,
            so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

            Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
            Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
            Hic Comitas Regit
            Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
            Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


              Originally posted by LadyJeep
              Me,too. Me,too. I have all the dvds. And since I've finally caught up after my big move to my tiny apartment, I'm up for something fun.
              Hey, it'd be super cool if we could all watch the episode at the same time, together, on the same date, while sitting in a chatroom somewhere and gabbing live. You know, making fun of alien hair, as each travesty occurs? Too insane to coordinate, I realize, but fun none the less!

              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                Originally posted by minigeek
                Hey, it'd be super cool if we could all watch the episode at the same time, together, on the same date, while sitting in a chatroom somewhere and gabbing live. You know, making fun of alien hair, as each travesty occurs? Too insane to coordinate, I realize, but fun none the less!
                Lol, considering timezone differences and all, but the chatroom would be fun. We should get one going anyway


                  Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                  What if we have the VP MajorSal make the first recommendation for eps for us to watch and discuss?

                  Then we'll take a few days so that everyone has a chance at a fresh viewing...spend a few days thereafter discussing...then vote on the best commentary/review.
                  this will only work for me on the eps i have on tape. i have the first four sesaons on dvd, but i don't watch them (i'm considering selling them), and i'm not buying any new seasons either. *i'm considering buying individual eps on dvd, though)

                  The one who is voted to give the best review then picks the next ep to watch. Also, let's set it up so that if you win, you have to wait 4 turns before being elligible to pick if Skydiver won, she'd announce the next ep to watch and then she can continue reviewing, but would not be elligible to win for 4 turns.

                  How's that???

                  pressure. compitition. i'm already out.

                  we could just discuss sam eps?




                    Once upon a time, not too long ago (and not too far away, thanks to the Internet) there was a town called Samanda. In that town were many different kinds of people who had many different jobs. But they all believed in upholding the ultimate motto of the town: Hic Comitas Regit.

                    And in that fair town dwelt a wide variety of delightful, intelligent, insightful and thoroughly comedic citizenry...and then there was Mary Beth...but I digress. And the land was filled with peace and harmony and joy radiated throughout the kingdom...until lo and behold...

                    Strangers appeared one morning, the golden dawn at their backs as they walked into the fair town of SAmanda. They were greeted with curiosity, Jerin watched them walk by as she drew water from the well while AD trailed them, his sharp eyes watching their every move. Undaunted by the quiet welcome, the strangers walked calmly through the town, their destination clear...the shining castle of Queen Amanda.

                    Approaching the gate, the strangers were stopped by the crossed swords of the Royal Guards Strix and 1Speed.
                    "Who goes there?" Strix said.
                    "State your buisness," said 1Speed.
                    The strangers stopped, a nervous look on their face...

                    Meanwhile AD slipped inside, intent on informing the Queen about a possible breach in security...

                    Knowing that it was yet early and that his fair Queen would still be partaking of her morning bath, AD headed immediately for the royal chambers.

                    "Deepspace," he cried as he spied the royal page entering the Queen's chambers. "I have an urgent message for Her Majesty!"


                    Outside at the gate, Strix and 1Speed eyed the strangers warily, suspecting trouble.

                    Finally, one of the strangers spoke. "My name is Lightsaber..."

                    Tag, you're on, deepspace!

                    My LJ


                      prototype and fourth horseman spoilers


                      well, i rewatched prototype and fourth horseman last night... i enjoyed them much more this time!

                      it was nice to see so much sam this time! she was in these two eps more than all the others of this season combined.

                      from prototype -

                      it was clear to me that mitchell's in 'command' of sg1 by name only. sam (and daniel and teal'c) are co-leading. i'd still prefer BIG time to see sam as actual sg1 leader, but who knows what the future holds in this area...

                      i liked the scene where landry joked about having an aneurism while trying to understand sam's paper on a subject.

                      sam lead sg5. why not sg1? what's up? i liked it that sam lead a team, though!

                      the anubis/clone guy was cute.

                      when anubis zatted sam, i could tell amanda was being careful how she fell.

                      i miss jack/rda.

                      i like the trick played on anubis when he came back through the gate. sam's idea!

                      fourth horseman -

                      this ep was much more of a pleasure for me this time around. my number one prob with it was that 'intimate' saying, that suddenly made orlin sound like a *real* ex-boyfriend, instead of a mere admirer. as a shipper, it crushed me. sam/orlin ship, after she and jack are supposed to be *something* now! BUT... i obsessed on it so much (kept rereading the text of the convo) that by the time i actually watched it again, the power of it was diminished greatly.

                      and then adding in the sam-orlin scene in the commissary, where orlin's dialog and sam's reactions told me that there was NO sex involved in their past relay.

                      i still feel let down by the 'intimate' line, but greatly relieved by the commissary convo. so i'm much better now and could actually 'enjoy' the ep!

                      i don't want orlin to die. i really don't know what i want to have happen to him, but i know i don't want him to die. we really don't know that he won't/can't ascend again, seeing as when sam asked him about the others helping him ascend once more, he said he didn't think so. not no for sure.

                      i thought the boy that played orlin was alright. it's hard to compete with someone as good as sean patrick flannery, so i feel the essense of orlin was missing. but who knows, maybe we'll see some powerful acting in part two.

                      and NOW i'm excited about part two!

                      (i'm not excited about grace under pressure; the sam-mckay stuff in atlantis' upcoming ep. i expect to see sam/mckay ship, even if it's all in mckay's mind. close enough. )




                        i just went over to the sony board... my god, what a joke! every single anti SAMmer i saw are the same exact ppl i see on another hate sam/love daniel forum.

                        i think someone should go over to the sony board and tell the ppl that like sam and don't want to put up with that crap... come over to gateworld forum!

                        i've been hunting for (which got me completely side-tracked and i forgot what i was originally looking for ) a quote i saw more than once that described the fourth horseman, with this spoiler -
                        something about an ally that turns against them... something like that. but anyways, i immediately thought of orlin. what if orlin goes bad? or orlin isn't really orlin, and is already bad?

                        anyone remember this spoiler?




                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                          In Kallesta's world there are no strangers, only friends she has not yet met.
                          That's such a cool character trait, and an awesome name to boot!


                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            i just went over to the sony board... my god, what a joke! every single anti SAMmer i saw are the same exact ppl i see on another hate sam/love daniel forum.

                            i think someone should go over to the sony board and tell the ppl that like sam and don't want to put up with that crap... come over to gateworld forum!

                            i've been hunting for (which got me completely side-tracked and i forgot what i was originally looking for ) a quote i saw more than once that described the fourth horseman, with this spoiler -
                            something about an ally that turns against them... something like that. but anyways, i immediately thought of orlin. what if orlin goes bad? or orlin isn't really orlin, and is already bad?

                            anyone remember this spoiler?

                            I just hope TPTB understand that the people there DO NOT represent the wider fan base...and I certainly hope Amanda never gets wind of that drivel over there...

                            And nope. Not familiar with that spoiler. It would be a neat twist though...

                            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              I just hope TPTB understand that the people there DO NOT represent the wider fan base...and I certainly hope Amanda never gets wind of that drivel over there...

                              And nope. Not familiar with that spoiler. It would be a neat twist though...

                              i *know* that gateworld's known for it's open-mindedness and that it's the place that the ptb grace. *that* means something!

                              but i still wouldn't mind someone telling others there to come over here. for 'there' sakes...

                              and that spoiler thing is something i saw on more than one place, but i can't remember 'where' i saw it...

                              it wasn't like a 'spoiler' per se, but a description of the ep. maybe i saw it in a magazine?... or a website?....




                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                prototype and fourth horseman spoilers


                                well, i rewatched prototype and fourth horseman last night... i enjoyed them much more this time!

                                it was nice to see so much sam this time! she was in these two eps more than all the others of this season combined.

                                from prototype -

                                it was clear to me that mitchell's in 'command' of sg1 by name only. sam (and daniel and teal'c) are co-leading. i'd still prefer BIG time to see sam as actual sg1 leader, but who knows what the future holds in this area...

                                i liked the scene where landry joked about having an aneurism while trying to understand sam's paper on a subject.

                                sam lead sg5. why not sg1? what's up? i liked it that sam lead a team, though!

                                the anubis/clone guy was cute.

                                when anubis zatted sam, i could tell amanda was being careful how she fell.

                                i miss jack/rda.

                                i like the trick played on anubis when he came back through the gate. sam's idea!

                                fourth horseman -

                                this ep was much more of a pleasure for me this time around. my number one prob with it was that 'intimate' saying, that suddenly made orlin sound like a *real* ex-boyfriend, instead of a mere admirer. as a shipper, it crushed me. sam/orlin ship, after she and jack are supposed to be *something* now! BUT... i obsessed on it so much (kept rereading the text of the convo) that by the time i actually watched it again, the power of it was diminished greatly.

                                and then adding in the sam-orlin scene in the commissary, where orlin's dialog and sam's reactions told me that there was NO sex involved in their past relay.

                                i still feel let down by the 'intimate' line, but greatly relieved by the commissary convo. so i'm much better now and could actually 'enjoy' the ep!

                                i don't want orlin to die. i really don't know what i want to have happen to him, but i know i don't want him to die. we really don't know that he won't/can't ascend again, seeing as when sam asked him about the others helping him ascend once more, he said he didn't think so. not no for sure.

                                i thought the boy that played orlin was alright. it's hard to compete with someone as good as sean patrick flannery, so i feel the essense of orlin was missing. but who knows, maybe we'll see some powerful acting in part two.

                                and NOW i'm excited about part two!

                                (i'm not excited about grace under pressure; the sam-mckay stuff in atlantis' upcoming ep. i expect to see sam/mckay ship, even if it's all in mckay's mind. close enough. )

                                Isn't it kinda cool how we can gain a different/better perspective after re-watching an ep days later? I had a bit of an epiphany a few days ago.

                                Also, in regards to
                                the ally-turning-bad concept
                                , I don't remember reading that anywhere. All I DO remember is that Sam
                                deals with an "emotional strain" of some sort - and as long as it has little to do with Orlin, I'll live.
                                I'm so cruel, aren't I?

                                Finally, no offense to the Canadian viewers out there - because I love you and think you're really nice - but I totally forgot that SGA's "Aurora" aired for you! I was having some serious psychological and physical problems when all of these screencaps popped up, and I'd thought that the ep had aired without me...

