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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by chocdoc
    Originally posted by deepspace
    Season 9 nightmares that never came true:
    1. Sam did not get Tokrafyed.
    2. Sam did not become a civilian (jckfan)
    3. She was off being head of R&D at Area 51 rather than doing something meaningless and trivial (strix)
    Glad to see you back, deepspace!!

    Here are some possible ones:

    Sam has not made more mistakes just for the sake of the plot.
    Sam has not had to call Mitchell sir.
    Sam has not really taken orders from Mitchell--she seems just as much in command even though he is the official leader.
    Sam's personal life is really on the back burner, and science/soldier Sam is up front.
    Sam was not in the background in the last two episodes!
    Chocdoc beat me to do it, but this is my #1


      Originally posted by Strix varia
      Here's a site with some great Sam wallpapers.

      wow, those are great.

      this one's my fave --




        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan

        AstroG!!!!!!!! You're BACK!!!!!

        *MB smothers you with hugs....*

        Samanda has been restored!!!!

        A really *big* ditto to that! You’ve been sorely missed and it’s great to see you posting again. Yea!!


          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
          I'm not positive but I think that may be Astro's.

          Edit: Actually after looking through a few of the pages, I'm 99% sure that is Astro's.
          i miss astro...

          i hope she's doing well.




            Originally posted by majorsal
            i miss astro...

            i hope she's doing well.

            lol, get with the times majorsal!

            Good to see ya back AstroG

            And of those wallpapers, I really like this one


              Originally posted by Simhavaktra
              One rant deserve another, I say.

              When the story calls for someone to illustrate that something is incomprehensible, he’s [Mitchell's] there to complain about not comprehending. When Dr. Lam’s sanctity is impugned, he’s there to reprimand the impugner. When gratuitous action sequences are required, he’s there to heft the krantuh staff.
              I love your writing, Simha! OK... so I have to admit that I really like the use of the word 'krantuh'... Googled it... is it German?
              Originally posted by Simhavaktra
              He’s all too likely to get everyone killed by pushing the panel that restarts the self-destruct sequence that Carter managed to get stopped at 4 seconds to boom while she’s minutes away in the engine room. Except, of course, he’s apparently been given that magic Action Adventure Hero™ get out of deep kimchee free card that will forever protect him from anyone noticing that he’s none too swift. (it's even better than Niirti's invisibility gizmo, isn't it? )
              Simha, you are so good with the written word, that I seriously hope that you are writing some wonderful fiction for everyone to enjoy!
              Originally posted by Simhavaktra
              I think Mitchell, acting exactly as he does, with his backstory, would have worked much better as a younger actor playing a first lieutenant.
              ANd just how cool would it have been to have had Carter in command with an honest-to-goodness subordinate officer to lead??!
              Originally posted by Simhavaktra
              Then his erratic comprehension of and performance of his duties wouldn’t grate so much, because I could chalk it up to inexperience and immaturity. Or, if it had to be Ben Browder or bust, he needed to be a major - who hadn't made Lieutenant Colonel because of his erratic performance. But wait - he has that magic Action Adventure Hero™ get out of deep kimchee free, and get to be in charge without visible qualifications card, doesn't he? No subordinate rank for him.
              I love your writing, Simha!
              Originally posted by Simhavaktra
              Actually, I’m wondering if Mitchell isn’t being groomed as the handsome and photogenic face of the Stargate program if and when it goes public. Bleh. And why wouldn't a tall, slim, blue-eyed, blonde, beautiful genius be a good public face for the program, says I? But then, who listens to me?

              Give me Sam any day. Flawed and imperfect she may be, and, I'm sure she'd agree she is, but she's also brilliant, competent, professional, knowledgable, compassionate, steady, intense, trustworthy, dedicated, connected and a delight to watch.
              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
              My official stance is that if Sam isn't getting command back and she is okay with all this, I want to know why.

              Sam is an ambitious Air Force officer. Why then would she be happy taking a massive step backwards careerwise by filling a position she held two years and two commands ago? [/CENTER]

              Originally posted by AGateFan
              I could say I was afraid Sam would get scrwd over, where it came to command, but that did basically happen
              Originally posted by chocdoc
              I think TPTB copped out here, but maybe Scifi said, we need a new male lead and he has to be the leader. Ridiculous.
              Hi all! It's been awhile since I could drop in on this wonderful thread - and I've missed you all. RL (Real Life) has unfortunately been overwhelming lately and I haven't had much time to boot my computer for fun. And... when I could find a little time... I found that all I wanted to do was rant -- I am so disgusted by the way that TPTB took Season 9 with respect to the leadership of SG-1. I have nothing against Ben Browder or his character, Cameron Mitchell. But Carter should be in command of SG-1. Simple and true. She earned it, and she had it.... but they didn't deign to show it in Season 8... they seemed too scared (?) to show much of SG-1 as a team without O'Neill in charge. So Season 8 progressed in a very weird way... such that O'Neill was still effectively shown as basically in command of the SGC and SG-1 didn't come across as the field unit that we saw in the early seasons.

              So... I was looking forward to Season 9 as the season where Carter would get that chance to be in command - of the team, and in the field. It was all made possible by AT agreeing to return after her pregnancy. The opportunities were all there - the female hero gets the chance to move from the all-too-typical Second In Command to the position of Full Commander. All of the pieces were in place for a great series of episodes, adventure and some wonderful scenes where a female gets to lead competently.

              I am disgusted more than I can put into words by TPTB decision to give command of SG-1 to a new leading man.... and have Carter relegated back to the 2IC position. As a woman watching a TV series, and watching for role models and positive portrayals of women, I find it revolting and disgusting.

              I have been trying to decide if a letter to TPTB would do any good at all. For now, I've just been using that feature that Skydiver reminds me of every now and then... the 'off' switch on the TV.

              I could say more, but I think that's enough negativity for now...

              To all who post here - you are a wonderful, special bunch of folks, and I am ever so grateful to have found this thread amongst the hundreds of thousands of threads out there that are nowhere near as full of great content, wonderful artwork and spot-on opinions!

              Keep the flame burning... I am still clinging to a small shred of hope that TPTB will somehow figure out how to put Carter permanently in charge where she belongs.
              Last edited by astrogeologist; 18 September 2005, 08:26 PM.


                Great photocollage, Uber!

                And I got a chance to view your AT music video -- WOW! Just... WOW!! Absolutely wonderful! Loved the intermixing of scenes from all sorts of pieces of AT's different roles in different shows.


                  Originally posted by AGateFan
                  I could add that I’m glad Sam didn’t get pregnant but to be honest I never thought Stargate would ever do something that cheesy so I guess it wasn’t a real fear.

                  I could say I’m glad Sam didn’t get married but I would probably be insulting a lot of people here so I won’t say that.

                  I could say I was afraid Sam would get scrwd over, where it came to command, but that did basically happen so that doesn’t count.

                  I think I will go with choice number one I’m glad Sam did not become a civilian.
                  well, i wouldn't have minded some of those things happening, so i'll just keep quiet.

                  but one thing i never thought i'd see happen to sam is... she's... i don't know what words to use... it's like she's one dimensional now. after all the personal exploring of her life these last two years, to going to NO exploring of sam... i'm feeling... empty. i still want the details on things.

                  what i want to know about sam -

                  *why did she quit sg1/sgc? was it just for cassie? was she reassigned first? did she and daniel-teal'c quit because their original mission was done? was it hard saying goodbye to her friends and the sgc?

                  *where exactly does sam and jack's relationship stand?

                  *how's cassie doing?

                  *how does sam feel about being back at the sgc?

                  *is sam bothered to not be sg1's leader anymore? did her and mitchell have a discussion about this?

                  i know they've slowly reintroduced sam into the foray, but i feel it's with as much depth as a puddle. okay, it's not really that bad, but i'm feeling like the spice of her character is missing. what are her motivations for what she's doing? these are great *scenes* we're seeing with sam, but *who is sam* now?

                  does this make any sense?




                    Thanks for the fic recs (and links), AD!

                    Here's a fic that I just read yesterday - it's an AU version of the early years of the SGC and SG-1... it starts with a Colonel Sam Carter - I like the way that she's written - strong and competent and smart.... there is also some fantastically snarky and funny dialogue between all of the characters... oh, and there is some S/J (but give it a chance, AD, I think you'll like the writer's snarky sense of humor).

                    Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own It's still a work-in-progress.


                      Originally posted by astrogeologist
                      Thanks for the fic recs (and links), AD!

                      Here's a fic that I just read yesterday - it's an AU version of the early years of the SGC and SG-1... it starts with a Colonel Sam Carter - I like the way that she's written - strong and competent and smart.... there is also some fantastically snarky and funny dialogue between all of the characters... oh, and there is some S/J (but give it a chance, AD, I think you'll like the writer's snarky sense of humor).

                      Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own It's still a work-in-progress.
                      Haha yeah, I remember reading some of that ages ago. The start had me laughing


                        Originally posted by Skydiver

                        what i do think, again personally, is that the air force doesn't have as much impact on the show that they used to. i hold up the tank tops of s8 as a prime example. I think, scifi, is more concerned about appealing to the young male crowd by putting forth a 'loveable maverick' image for cam instead of being so fussed about whether or not he's a 'good' image of an officer

                        i think scifi's interfering too. or i hope they are, so it's not the ptb being this narrow minded.

                        i'm not sure if you guys have noticed, but i haven't included myself in the mitchell is a poor leader discussions. i don't think he's a bad leader. he's barely been given a chance, and he's green in this position (which is another reason why sam should be leading). *and he's being written inconsistantly*

                        i just want sam leading sg1 because the show gave me a glimpse of her doing it, and now i want more. and if i can't have more, i want it explained why sam's okay with this deal.




                          Hurrah! Astro's back!
                          We have missed you sooooooo much! !

                          Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                          Love it! Love it! Love it!

                          Originally posted by Skydiver
                          it's just when it comes down to 'real' ship, these boys can't write what i think of as 'good' ship. when they try to write sam as a woman, they write her how they'd like her to be, not how the character is (which is the largest beef with chimera)
                          Yeah, like their dream girl; they just don't get it.
                          Originally posted by skydiver
                          that's why i personally would rather leave it in the hands of fanfic writers. because, to me, some of htem have a better handle on sam than the show writers do when it comes to personal stuff
                          I still want it to be canon, but I can think of several fan authors who have done it better than TPTB will ever do it!
                          Originally posted by parsifal
                          Simple solution to this problem. Put AT and RDA alone together in a room and tell them to somehow work in a "Grace"-style kiss, no other instructions. Seems like the best S/J moments come from Rick and Amanda, rather than the writers.
                          I could go for that! They're so wonderful together; I'm sure they'd make it work to our satisfaction!


                            Originally posted by Strix varia
                            She was off being head of R&D at Area 51 rather than doing something meaningless and trivial...

                            And, well, for my part, she is not married to Jack... (sorry Sally! )

                            i... uh... i.... uh..........




                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              4. no wedding on the ramp (sorry shippers, i personally love hints, but i sincerely doubt the abilty of tptb to pull off a wedding without it being cheesy to the extreme)

                              (how about them running off to reno in an elopement?)




                                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                                I don't understand why Sam can't be Soldier Sam, Scientist Sam, Hero Sam, Leader Sam and Sam the woman who through all the hectic life threatening ingenious ideas that kept the Stargate and Earth from being destroyed for 9 years found love (of course I'm talking about Jack). I like all sides of Sam.
                                hear, hear!

                                i think, ann, that the only ppl that can write ALL these sides of sam with equality and respect are the shippers.



