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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by crazedturkey
    OK gang I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and hopefully not make myself too unpopular.

    I love Stargate. All Stargate. OK occassionally I see an episode and cringe, and there are a few episodes I don't choose to watch again, but on the whole, for me, it's a great show.

    In that sense, Sam Carter and Amanda Tapping are the icing on the cake, because she is such a great character and a real inspiration to people like me who are scientists that it's possible to be smart AND sexy AND get the hot guy (although I'm yet to meet my Jack, Sam has convinced me that it's actually possible ).

    anyways I digress.

    Fact is, while I think a little healthy criticism of anything is ok, personally I think beating up on TPTB is ultimately quite silly. The show has been going for nine seasons, I think season seven and eight were awesome, and what I have seen of season nine so far has been great. Obviously they're doing something right.

    Fact is, TPTB have to try and balance many different "groups" and produce a television series that people love. And while I personally wish we'd see some s/j ship, I do think that they've handled it well so that every "group" can take something from it, without alienating a significant portion of their fan base.

    And I like Vala. She's fun. But that's my personal opinion. I'd imagine if she did become a series regular they'd tone her down a little, the same way they did with McKay on Atlantis. And if she did become a regular would that be a terrible thing? We know AT has joked about being on SG-1 in season 15 with a walker, so maybe she's keen. But if she's not, and she chooses to cut her commitment, well that would be her decision to make. I'm certain that TPTB would NEVER want to remove a character who has been so integral to the show for so long.

    And seriously? Would two female leads really be a bad thing?

    Similarly with the leadership issues. Yes it makes more sense to have Sam in charge. I agree. But remember, this is a TV show, and TV shows generally require male leads. I don't like it, but it reflects society and ratings I think more so than TPTB not valueing Sam Carter as a character. If they didn't value her, she wouldn't be such an awesome character. AT is a great lady, but in the end, most of the words coming out of SC's mouth are written by TPTB.

    OK,OK I'm with you guys in that this pregnancy thing is a bit fishy. But all I really want to say is instead of bristling, why don't we wait and see how it pans out. Stargate SG-1 is yet to disappoint me, and it's still the same writing team that brought us such awesome episodes as Lost City 1 and 2, Reckoning 1 and 2, Mobius 1 and 2, WoO, D&C etc. etc. etc.

    Let's not panic.

    (Sorry I know I'm a newbie I just read the last few pages and wanted to have my say. This seems a fairly happy place.

    Also apologies for getting carried away).
    Ok so one more can't hurt before I return to lurkdom.....Couldn't agree with you more! Well Vala is growing on me....didn't care for PU but her character has improved this season. Guess we can be unpopular together!




      Originally posted by JanSam
      Sorry but I had to come out of lurkdom for this. This is exactly the reason why I didn't join this site for so long and never post here....ok I'm posting now but this pisses me off! Why do fellow fans feel it is neccessary to diss on other characters or fans??? Just doesn't make sense to me. I have followed this thread since it started and all of you are wonderful and definitely don't deserve this treatment, not that anyone does! Please Deepspace don't let people like this discourage you from staying here. Isn't that what they want......hope Darren takes care of them! Me...well I'll stay on my home site where this type of behavior doesn't happen. It is sad that Gateworld is plagued with is a great site and Samanda is the best thread!
      Oh and hey to Nora, Mary Beth, Agent Dark, and Kat!


      Yes, your right here Jan. Me to don't post often in this thread, sometimes i pass by to read how it goes with the thread, but if I post or not, I always think; I'm gonna visit my lil' family, I'm curious on how/what they are doing.

      Sorry I can't rep youns (you all) but you've made terrific posters, pep up posters, Shields ...

      Here, we DO respect our own motto: Hic Comitas Regit!

      May the creativity be with you all!


      Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


        Just dropping by real quick - RL is way too busy these days.
        Anyways, I checked out the scifi blog that caused so much commotion and when I wanted to read it again a couple of minutes ago, it was gone. I mean, I cannot find it anymore on the webpage. Am I doing something wrong or did something happen here???

        P.S. deepspace, please don't get discouraged. Put them on ignore and stay with us, please!!! It's awful what happened to you, you do not deserve this, but please reconsider - I would really miss you here.

        Thank you, Skydiver


          [QUOTE=ann_sgcfan]There seems to be a lot of that going on, you are not the first person I have heard mention the ugly PM's. It all seems to occur this season, hmmmm. I can't say as I blame you, but for what it's worth I always enjoy reading your posts and hope you stay or come back often despite the other people. [/QUOTE]

          I can't imagine anyone saying something nasty to you deepspace. Let me second ann's encouragement to stay here. Maybe you need to turn off your PM feature? You are important to Samanda so don't give up. I don't know what is wrong with some people that they have nothing better to do than send nasty messages to people. The same thing apparently happened to our dear Atteria too.


            Originally posted by Dani76

            Anyways, I checked out the scifi blog that caused so much commotion and when I wanted to read it again a couple of minutes ago, it was gone. I mean, I cannot find it anymore on the webpage. Am I doing something wrong or did something happen here???
            After seeing your post I tried it again. I got the same results - disappeared, gone, MIA, poof....



              Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
              There seems to be a lot of that going on, you are not the first person I have heard mention the ugly PM's. It all seems to occur this season, hmmmm. I can't say as I blame you, but for what it's worth I always enjoy reading your posts and hope you stay or come back often despite the other people. [/QUOTE]

              I can't imagine anyone saying something nasty to you deepspace. Let me second ann's encouragement to stay here. Maybe you need to turn off your PM feature? You are important to Samanda so don't give up. I don't know what is wrong with some people that they have nothing better to do than send nasty messages to people. The same thing apparently happened to our dear Atteria too.
              What is this about ugly PM's ?? Come on people don't you have something better to do. How laim is that?! If a person is new allready biting her throught off Show some respect !! It is against the rules insulting other members
              Lord Zedd


                Originally posted by SamFan31
                After seeing your post I tried it again. I got the same results - disappeared, gone, MIA, poof....

                why do i get the idea that somebody got in trouble??????

                ok, as much as i enjoy grousing, we've probably had enough. Hows about we save those comments for the anti-s9 thread or some such place??

                let's see...ok, let's play a game.
                it's ascension. sam has just dealt with orlin. she's dealing with her friends thinking she's nuts, jack blowing her off with a 'knit something' (although he did redeem himself by sticking up for her in the end), she's had the nid crawling all over her house. she disobeyed regs by going through the gate with would she react post Ascension?

                forgive and forget right away? be a little ticked for a while? feel betrayed? angry? annoyed? would she consider quitting? transferring?

                would hammond have reprimanded her? if so, by what?

                how do you see the fallout of Ascension happening?
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  let's see...ok, let's play a game.
                  it's ascension. sam has just dealt with orlin. she's dealing with her friends thinking she's nuts, jack blowing her off with a 'knit something' (although he did redeem himself by sticking up for her in the end), she's had the nid crawling all over her house. she disobeyed regs by going through the gate with would she react post Ascension?

                  forgive and forget right away? be a little ticked for a while? feel betrayed? angry? annoyed? would she consider quitting? transferring?

                  would hammond have reprimanded her? if so, by what?

                  how do you see the fallout of Ascension happening?
                  Ooh, good question! I don't think she'd consider transfer, given that O'Neill & Hammond did kind of stand up for her in the end. But I bet it would take her a while to get over it. I could see her hanging out in her lab more & not socializing much with the team for a while.


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    chocdoc said: [I]Well, a bit of interesting news. Go to Levine's blog at Scifi:


                    Thirdly, Levine is just the messenger, so I refuse to even shoot the guy. However, there's one thing that bugs me about his little, er, message. I've never disliked RCC or anything. I don't think I really have a beef with any ONE of TPTB. But his (and JM's) little rants are getting on my nerves. Obviously Levine got permission from Cooper to tell all of us head-hunting, pitchfork-toting, stone-throwing, house-burning, witch hunters where to shove it. So that leads me to believe that HE'S got the beef with us - ALL of us.

                    This is THEIR show. I get that. In fact, I think that those of us who are sane ALL get that. Sometimes we take it a little far, I admit. But does he HAVE to act like that? I just did NOT dig the vibe I got from the blog, specifically since he identified the forum by name. Whatever.

                    Oh yeah, one more thing: Based one what RCC apparently said and how the network feels, I guess this not only cements the idea of a Season 10, but it also
                    pretty much guarantees that we'll be seeing Vala many, many more times after "Crusade."
                    I'm not quite sure how I feel about that anymore.
                    *Waves at all on the thread*
                    Hello! Well, I've been looking at this thread for months, and finally ventured in to lurk the other day. I think I would like to stay awhile, this is a fun thread! I very much enjoy AT and SC!

                    Could I ask two questions - Can someone explain to me the "Hic Commitas Regedit" and Samanda

                    Now, to the post that I quoted....I have been reading....and I read the blog...but after whatever was said was edited off the, could someone tell me, beside that CB is pregnant...and that it's written in....what the rant was about and what RCC said about the network!




                      Originally posted by JanSam
                      Ok so one more can't hurt before I return to lurkdom.....Couldn't agree with you more! Well Vala is growing on me....didn't care for PU but her character has improved this season. Guess we can be unpopular together!


                      Don't go into lurkdom. All comment is welcomed on the thread. I have had my opinions changed on a number of occasions by other peoples posts and comments.

                      On the issue of Vala I feel very strongly however. I don't think I am known in Samanda for my serious angsty posts and certainly not for negatives about any characters. In fact I don't think I have said anything negative about any other character. However Vala is now the exception.

                      I want to point out that I have only seen up to episode 4 - The Ties That Bind.

                      I'm afraid to me Vala is quite the opposite of Sam. Sam is everything to respect. For me at the moment, Vala is nothing to respect. Vala is a thief and double crosser who uses sex to get what she wants.

                      I don't think there is anything positive or fun about stealing. I have been on the receiving end of a burgler. Having things you hold dear stolen from you is just awful. It is not fun at all. I'm astounded that no one else is disapointed about this aspect of her.

                      I have got where I am in life from hard work and honesty. Getting what you want from life any way you can is not something I applaud. The woman working her way to the top using beauty and revealing clothing would be someone who I would just dispise. Meanwhile the real intelligent hardworking female gets nowhere because they refuse the pander to the male ego.

                      The Vala sort of female IMO lets all females down.

                      Vala obviously sleeps around. Now I may be a prude Brit, but this is not something I condone.

                      Vala is a sex tease, most of her dialogue to date has been sexual innuendo. This may be taking things a tad seriously, but there are thousands of women out there who are sexually used and abused. I just don't think it is positive or helpful in any way to portray a female in this manner - especially to a young audience. Vala panders most totally to the male fantasy, she is written by male writers for the male audience.

                      Vala could have been made a fantastic character. I would like to see a female character who is strong, witty, sucessful, yes sometimes sarcastic dressed in normal everyday clothing. The male writers however think it is necessary to have her almost permanently in cleavage revealing outfits.

                      Sky made a point about making more of her being a former host, yes this is something that the writers could have developed, but they have chosen to develop the sex tease side.

                      I would love to have 2 female leads, perhaps with Sam leading SG1. What a brave groundbreaking show SG1 would be then. I certainly think 2 strong female leads could coexist and seeing as I like the team side of SG1 I wouldn't mind another woman having equal time to Sam - as long as that woman is someone who shows women in a positive light and to their full potential. I would have preferred another female to be a soldier just to make a role model more realistic, but a female alien would be okay too.

                      I'm sorry to say that if Vala became a regular in SG1, continued to wear the type of clothing she is at present and continues to be the totally uniterested in anything but herself sex tease I won't be watching. Just think how many men are in Stargate SG1, compared to females. Do we want one of the few female characters to be this? I don't!!

                      I can understand men liking Vala. I'm genuinely mystified as to why any woman would like her - especially as she may be a potental replacement for Sam.

                      Now that I have said all that, don't stop posting. As far as I am concerned you hold an opinion which I don't understand, that in no way makes you unpopular to me.

                      We all see things in different ways and that can sometimes be a good thing. It is also good to instigate discussion and I'm putting my points on Vala across so someone out there may understand why some people don't like her, even if they don't agree with me. I've just come down on the women really need to be taken more seriously in the word than this side (which I agree may be a bit too serious) . Sam is the ultimate female role model and a female like Vala will never come close. Yes she may be something to laugh at, but that may be all!!


                        Originally posted by sclairef99
                        Now, to the post that I quoted....I have been reading....and I read the blog...but after whatever was said was edited off the, could someone tell me, beside that CB is pregnant...and that it's written in....what the rant was about and what RCC said about the network!


                        Hi there. If you go to this thread and go to the third post, you will read what RCC is supposed to have said. I hope that helps.


                          I do apologise to the citizens of samanda for not being here for a bit now.

                          Sam Carter / Amanda Tapping ... a fine lady , mother and actor.

                          pic fr uber

                          avatar and sig by flidget


                            Just popping in at the middle of the day to check up on the Kingdom, and what do I find? A big honkin' deep conversation! Great comments, crazedturkey and minigeek! The thing I love about this thread is that the people here love a good discussion, and appreciate a diversity of opinions. I agree with some of what you both said, and I disagree with some of it too. But I enjoyed reading it and thinking about it. Ah, the joy that is Samanda!

                            deepspace, don't run off! We need you here! Coley, great comments! You too, JanSam! Hope you'll join us on a regular basis.

                            Now, the primary reason for my post. Ratings are out. I'm steamed, though, because they didn't post the ratings for the repeat this week. But here's where you can read about the first showing ratings:

                            Oh, well, that's my meager contribution for now. Talk to you after work!


                              Originally posted by Coley
                              I'm afraid to me Vala is quite the opposite of Sam. Sam is everything to respect. For me at the moment, Vala is nothing to respect. Vala is a thief and double crosser who uses sex to get what she wants.

                              Sam is the ultimate female role model and a female like Vala will never come close. Yes she may be something to laugh at, but that may be all!!
                              Coley don't misunderstand me....Vala doesn't come close to Sam! She is the opposite and how the team deals with her character and how her character learns from the teams shiny example could be interesting. I don't respect Vala....(never would) and I hope she would never be considered a role model. Guess that is why I don't understand what all the fuss is about....they are opposites and I don't ever see Vala replacing Sam ....just see her as a recurring character. As you said...Vala doesn't come close.
                              And she may be something to laugh at but as my room mate put it, "that's getting old, glad this is the last episode she's in." The sexual innuendo is what I disliked most about Vala.....I felt they toned that down after the The Ties That Bind.
                              Guess I still have faith in the writers and producers of the show to make it all come together in the end (But Sam better be in that end!).

                              You too, JanSam! Hope you'll join us on a regular basis.

                              Don't know about having the time to join you regularly....hard enough keeping up with my gang at the other site....but I might drop in from time to time. I just happen to be on vacation this week (going to Vancouver on Friday....can't it Friday???) and so I had some time.




                                let's see....

                                welcome to all the new folks.
                                hic comis regit is samanda's motto. it means 'kindness reigns here'
                                samanda is the name of our imaginary kingdom (sam/amanda=samanda)

                                as to the blog, well there's arumor going around that the gentleman who posted the info about CB's pregnancy was not quite authorized to do so, and that the blog has been removed at CB's request.

                                this isnt' confirmed, but it would explain why the blog entry is gone. folks here have also been deleting thier posts containing parts of it.
                                I'm not quite ready to start running around deleting posts, although i have closed the threads and asked folks to shelve the topic of CB's pregnancy for the time being
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


