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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Qasim
    Thank you now maybe people will stop calling me gasim - I doubt it will stop the quasim people though - how hard is it to look at someones username and then type it out correctly?

    I don't know. I still can't type Uber's name correctly. It's one of the reasons I never send her PM's. I keep forgetting the darn Omlettes.


      Qasim, how'd you change your screen name?


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        May I bring the following concern to the attention of all Samandans? As the Royal Pain in the Mik'ta, it's expected of me to be blunt so I might be the only person who could post this and get away with it...

        I love the fact that we have a bunch of new people posting on this thread. It's exciting to see new friends who appreciate how wonderful a character Samantha Carter really is and how brilliantly she is portrayed by Amanda Tapping. Please continue to visit and post your thoughts!

        However, I've also noticed that there has been a distinct lack of substance in many posts and as a result, I fear that many of the elders don't care to respond or post their thoughts. I haven't seen AstroG around in ages and barely see Strix or name a few...

        I know that I hadn't been compelled to post here for awhile because it looked as though there was nothing substantive being discussed and I know of several others that feel the same.

        And it's not that a one sentence response or post isn't sometimes necessary or warranted...I sometimes do that as do others...but when there are pages and pages of fluff and drivel, I know several people here tell me personally that they find it off-putting.

        So...basically my request is that we return to the level of posts we had before. All are welcome to post their thoughts and feelings...but let's keep the conversation substantive!

        I second that. I know I am a newbie here and I know I might have done the same in the beginning when I wasn't that familiar with the thread and that is the reason why I haven't said anything earlier.
        I do not want to offend anybody but it has been said several times now by some of our more established Samandans and I have to say I agree.
        There is so much of substance to talk about regarding Sam and Amanda and I love reading posts that discuss this great character and the wonderful talent of Amanda.
        I have to admit, when I started with nightschool again a couple of weeks ago I was worried that I would miss out on a lot of great discussions, but then when I read the posts at night when I get home, I find that I didn't miss anything.
        When I first came to this thread, I was so impressed by the great discussions and wonderful artwork that had been posted here. I was so glad to have found a thread with members who feel the same admiration for the character of Sam and the talent of Amanda and who put so much thought and effort in posting their thoughts. But recently, I have not felt compelled to post that much anymore and I started just skimming the posts.
        I would love to see this thread return to its roots and to find meaningful discussions that are worth thinking about and responding to.
        That being said, I really enjoyed reading the discussions about the development of Sam's character through the seasons and also yesterday's discussion of Sam's relationships. That was the first time in ages when I felt sorry that I wasn't there to participate. These kind of discussions are the reason why I joined in the first place.
        Hic Comitas Regit.

        Thank you, Skydiver


          On the Amanda Tapping contest site...

          I just have to know. Skydiver, is that you who made the "Step Away from the Chocolate" icon?

          I adore it!

          I use it in MSN all the time. Well, not ALL the time...right now, I have her being beamed up from EDM.

          If that's you finally know who to credit for it. And now we must vote for this masterpiece, Samandans!!!

          As for what I said earlier, it's not meant as a slam on anyone...merely as a way to perhaps guide Samanda to be what it was before.

          Maybe some posts are actually better served as PM's rather than as posts on this or any other thread...

          I'm just sayin'...

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
            I keep forgetting the darn Omlettes.
            How exactly do you do the Umlaut?
            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            Qasim, how'd you change your screen name?
            Magnets of course

            I asked Darren to change it because people kept calling me gasim by accident

            The rules:
            Can I change my user name?
            User name changes require time and effort on the part of the forum administrator, and will be considered (but not guaranteed). Multiple (especially frequent) requests from the same user will not be granted -- so be sure you like your user name when you sign up!

            To request a user name change, send an e-mail from the e-mail account with which you signed up, requesting and authorizing the change, to [email protected]. Remember: Once the change has been implemented, you will no longer be able to log in with your old user name! (Your password will remain the same.)
            gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
            so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
            love Torri


              Uber: May I bring the following concern to the attention of all Samandans? As the Royal Pain in the Mik'ta, it's expected of me to be blunt so I might be the only person who could post this and get away with it...

              I love the fact that we have a bunch of new people posting on this thread. It's exciting to see new friends who appreciate how wonderful a character Samantha Carter really is and how brilliantly she is portrayed by Amanda Tapping. Please continue to visit and post your thoughts!

              However, I've also noticed that there has been a distinct lack of substance in many posts and as a result, I fear that many of the elders don't care to respond or post their thoughts. I haven't seen AstroG around in ages and barely see Strix or name a few...

              I know that I hadn't been compelled to post here for awhile because it looked as though there was nothing substantive being discussed and I know of several others that feel the same.

              And it's not that a one sentence response or post isn't sometimes necessary or warranted...I sometimes do that as do others...but when there are pages and pages of fluff and drivel, I know several people here tell me personally that they find it off-putting.

              So...basically my request is that we return to the level of posts we had before. All are welcome to post their thoughts and feelings...but let's keep the conversation substantive!
              Thankyou Uber. Somebody had to say it. And this is nothing against the newbies (who aren't necissarily that new by now), it's just that maybe the Samandan standard has dropped a little. I feel that unfortunately I've presonally been responsible for a lot of the fluff and drivel. I can't discusss season9, I'm not sure how much people want me to repeat what discussions that I've already been a part of in the past, though I'm all for reviving old subjects, and I have, as a result, been spamming the thread a lot lately. Sorry.

              I know I used to try really hard to keep the standard of my posts as high as I could, and have been rather annoyed with myself lately, because I've been using this thread as more of a place to socialise than to discuss anything worthwhile. Maybe it's just that i don't really socialise in RL, and if I'm going to, it may as well be with the coolest bunch of Sam fans on the planet, but I still don't feel good about not discussing Sam, as she's the reason that the thread exists.
              Now I'm blabbering on again.

              ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

              HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                May I bring the following concern to the attention of all Samandans? As the Royal Pain in the Mik'ta, it's expected of me to be blunt so I might be the only person who could post this and get away with it...

                I love the fact that we have a bunch of new people posting on this thread. It's exciting to see new friends who appreciate how wonderful a character Samantha Carter really is and how brilliantly she is portrayed by Amanda Tapping. Please continue to visit and post your thoughts!

                However, I've also noticed that there has been a distinct lack of substance in many posts and as a result, I fear that many of the elders don't care to respond or post their thoughts. I haven't seen AstroG around in ages and barely see Strix or name a few...

                I know that I hadn't been compelled to post here for awhile because it looked as though there was nothing substantive being discussed and I know of several others that feel the same.

                And it's not that a one sentence response or post isn't sometimes necessary or warranted...I sometimes do that as do others...but when there are pages and pages of fluff and drivel, I know several people here tell me personally that they find it off-putting.

                So...basically my request is that we return to the level of posts we had before. All are welcome to post their thoughts and feelings...but let's keep the conversation substantive!
                Über, you expressed so well what I was thinking. It's exactly what I was trying to say when I asked for the old spirit to come back.

                I also find it's wonderful to have new Samandans here. The more we are, the better it is. We all have this wonderful love and respect for Amanda and I think the best we can do to tell and show her how much we love her and Sam, the great character she brought to life, is to give substance to this thread. Who knows ? Now that the SaGC Collection has been delivered to Amanda for her birthday (what a nice coincidence ), she knows about Samanda. If she choose to come here and have a look at how things are going on this thread, I'd like her to find the same level of posts than previously.

                We have to win this battle dear Samandans ! Since there are so many new people, why don't we hit the rewind button and go back to what made the SaGC Collection ? I'm sure many of us would like to contribute and would find lots and lots of new reasons to love our Queen more each day.

                And let's not forget: Hic Comitas Regit !
                Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                  Originally posted by deepspace
                  Thankyou Uber. Somebody had to say it. And this is nothing against the newbies
                  I was waiting until I saw more of what goes on around here but I can jump into the deep end if you want
                  gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                  so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                  love Torri


                    Uber: On the Amanda Tapping contest site...

                    I just have to know. Skydiver, is that you who made the "Step Away from the Chocolate" icon?

                    I adore it!

                    I use it in MSN all the time. Well, not ALL the time...right now, I have her being beamed up from EDM.

                    If that's you finally know who to credit for it. And now we must vote for this masterpiece, Samandans!!!

                    As for what I said earlier, it's not meant as a slam on anyone...merely as a way to perhaps guide Samanda to be what it was before.

                    Maybe some posts are actually better served as PM's rather than as posts on this or any other thread...

                    I'm just sayin'...
                    The chocolate icon is way fun. There should be one for step away from the blue jello .

                    ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                      Might you all allow me a little indulgence? I'd like post why I love Sam so much and how I enjoy different aspects of her character based on my mood...

                      So, without further adeiu, please allow me to repost my favorite Sam moments:

                      Part 1:

                      I think that's what makes her way cool...We don't have to choose which aspect of her to love! We get it all... but as to which I prefer... truly depends on my mood.

                      Sometimes I just want to see her be a smart alec and laugh my head off at her in any scene with McKay, like in Redemption and more recently Maybourne in It's Good to be King.

                      Sometimes I want to see her softer side and love watching Grace or Singularity.

                      Sometimes I want to see her make a mistake, so I'll view Red Sky or Gemini.

                      Sometimes I'm in a mood for a mystery, so I'll have to see her solve a major problem like in Matter of Time or Small Victories.

                      Sometimes I just have to see Sam be taken over by an alien being, so I'll see Entity or In the Line of Duty.

                      <<<MORE TO COME>>>

                      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                        Part 2:

                        Sometimes I'm in the mood to see her deal with loss, so I'll pop in Heroes or Paradise Lost.

                        Sometimes I want to see her enduring something painful, so I'll go for Death Knell or New Order.

                        Sometimes I just want to see her try to get a handle on her O'Neill issues so I'll be in the mood to watch Lost City or Threads.

                        Sometimes I want an "she's not really our Sam" episode, so I'll watch something like Point of View or Moebius.

                        Sometimes I just want to see her kick back, have some fun and show that 1000 megawatt I'll drag out Space Race or Nemesis (she said she was having fun...).

                        <<<MORE TO COME>>>

                        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                          Part 3:

                          Sometimes I just have to see her kick major butt and will load up Avenger 2.0 or Reckoning or fill-in-the-blank...

                          Then there are the times I'm in the mood for a practically all encompassing episode (almost all of the above) and I'll watch Foothold!

                          IMHO, this is what makes Sam A Hero for Every Season.

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            Originally posted by deepspace
                            The chocolate icon is way fun.
                            Indeed it is
                            gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                            so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                            love Torri


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              IMHO, this is what makes Sam A Hero for Every Season.

                              Very cool indeed Uber
                              gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                              so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                              love Torri


                                Lys: Über, you expressed so well what I was thinking. It's exactly what I was trying to say when I asked for the old spirit to come back.

                                I also find it's wonderful to have new Samandans here. The more we are, the better it is. We all have this wonderful love and respect for Amanda and I think the best we can do to tell and show her how much we love her and Sam, the great character she brought to life, is to give substance to this thread. Who knows ? Now that the SaGC Collection has been delivered to Amanda for her birthday (what a nice coincidence ), she knows about Samanda. If she choose to come here and have a look at how things are going on this thread, I'd like her to find the same level of posts than previously.

                                We have to win this battle dear Samandans ! Since there are so many new people, why don't we hit the rewind button and go back to what made the SaGC Collection ? I'm sure many of us would like to contribute and would find lots and lots of new reasons to love our Queen more each day.

                                And let's not forget: Hic Comitas Regit !
                                Oh lys, you've just given me a horrifying thought. I mean, I know it's unlikely that Amanda would ever get the time to come visit our little thread, but what if she did? Lacking the spark and spirit that it used to, I wonder what on Earth she'd think of the place. Time to dust off the bookshelved folks. May I make a suggestion? I know that people on here are busy with RL, every one of us, (I include myself in that), so this might make things difficult, but I'd like everyone here, every member of Samanda, to have a quick flip back throgh the pages... the early pages. I'm not asking for a thorough read, more just a skim of the flavour of this thread in the past. Even I am starting to forget what it was like before, and I'd like the newer people to get a taste of the style of thread we would want Amanda to see. Because I think in the end that's what it comes down to, what would you want Amanda to see? If we can bring it to that, then I think this will be a far more inspiring, creative, intelligent, brilliant place. So time for a spring clean, yea, what say?

                                *mutters about it not being spring on other parts of the globe...*

                                ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT!

