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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Kliggins
    No the anatomy is the same, but I am a lady.
    DANG that green looks good on him!!

    I thought we Were HUSSIES in the GateWorld Gutterland!!

    and how did Rourke's anatomy become the topic of coversation!!

    Okay... I think I just posted "ASSETS" overdrive!!
    Last edited by OneillTwo"LL"s; 30 May 2006, 02:02 PM.
    Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


      Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
      DANG that green looks good on him!!

      I thought we Were HUSSIES in the GateWorld Gutterland!!

      and how did Rourke's anatomy become the topic of coversation!!


      Okay... I think I just posed "ASSETS" overdrive!!
      There, there ONTLLS, we know you are a hussy.

      I am sure the anatomy discussion was Rune's fault, especially if it was about Rourke.


        Originally posted by not_a_zatarc
        Good afternoon everybody! Man is it hot as Netu here! Well, without the humidity.
        "I vote we ditch this hot box and go do some fishing by the nice cool lake."
        Hmmm...tempting Jack, temping.

        Don't know where you are NAZ.. But its only 16 degree Celsius (60.8 degree Fahrenheit) here!!

        "Oh its not that bad!! Its a little cool!!"

        ONTLL: Hey Rourke.. I will take this 16 - 25 Celcius over that Hot stuff including humidity!! Yucky!
        ONTLLJRS: True.. this way if we get to cold we can warm up in...
        ONTLL: Rourke!!
        ONTLLJRS: Inside.. I was gonna say inside

        Hey Hurricanes, hurry up and win the Series already.. My OILERS are getting bored and I need to have a PARTY!!
        Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


          Evening everyone

          It's friggin' hot here, 90 degrees to be exact.

          Maybe I should hose you down.

          Oh yes, PLEASE!!


          My LJ


            Originally posted by hastiekido

            You know that Smile from "Learning Curve" is probably the reason I haven't screencapped it yet!! I KNOW I won't be able to make it past without THUNKING!!

            "General, for a few hours today I got to show that little girl how to be a kid. You want to punish me? Go ahead."

            and of course this section will get me again!

            Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


              Originally posted by ivy714
              Evening everyone
              It's friggin' hot here, 90 degrees to be exact.
              Oh yes, PLEASE!!

              YUCK!! that is gross.. that is 32 Celcius for me!! And you have humidity!!

              Ahem.. Weren't we we just talking about the "White Stuff" flying just last week!!

              "Hello Ivy!!"

              ONTLL: JACK Quiet!! You know the rules!!
              ONTLLJC: Yes Ma'am..
              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

                THUNKS for the News C7..
                and just a reminder 14 Days till MacGyver Season 6 is released!!
                Took the words right out of my mouth Mac!!
                Oh, Oh.. that means I will be finally able to see "Tough Boys" in its full!!
                Oh man, it still hasn't sunk in that it's almost June and now 14 days til season 6!! *squee*

                You might wanna lay off the shopping sprees if you plan on buying it.

                Ivy: Zip it Mac, I needed more summer clothes!
                IJC: It's either clothes or shoes.
                Ivy: So...
                IRJC: Hey you two leave her alone!
                Ivy: Thanks Rourkie. *hugs IJRC*


                My LJ


                  Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

                  "That Legend is for ONTLL's only!!"
                  ONTLL: And I am not telling!! IVY.. Be quiet!!
                  ONTLL: Rourke what you doing??
                  ONTLLJRS: Making Sure Ivy says nothing!!
                  ONTLL: Ah okay!!
                  Well anyhow, since I am up, and the SUN is shinning.. its time for me to run to Wal-Mart for some items.. Mostly Coffee!!
                  You got it. . . I won't say a peep...

                  ONTLL's i'll make sure she doesn't say a word.

                  Hello Rourke.....I promise I won't say anything.


                  My LJ


                    Originally posted by Kliggins
                    No the anatomy is the same, but I am a lady.
                    Ooooh mmmmm green shirt thunk!!


                    My LJ


                      Originally posted by Rune
                      *groan* gotta go play mom's taxi service again* have a happy thunking afternoon
                      Oy, taxi service isn't fun. . . . . . unless he is in the vehicle. .


                      My LJ


                        Originally posted by Terrah
                        Oooh aaahh umm........forgot what I was gonna say.


                        My LJ


                          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                          YUCK!! that is gross.. that is 32 Celcius for me!! And you have humidity!!
                          Ahem.. Weren't we we just talking about the "White Stuff" flying just last week!!
                          ONTLL: JACK Quiet!! You know the rules!!
                          ONTLLJC: Yes Ma'am..
                          Yeah it's kinda gross. Especially when you sweat walking from the car to the house. I don't mind the heat it's just the humidity that sucks.

                          Hiya ONTLLJC.

                          What did you do to get put into the cage?


                          My LJ



                            My LJ



                              My LJ


                                A double-thunk and i'm outta here.

                                Later everyone


                                My LJ

