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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Ruralstar
    Rurralstar...your making me thunk!!! Love this shot! Who wouldn't...I mean look at that sticky up b***!

    -- AmberMoon

    OT but I have the same lamp in my bedroom in my house! I only have the, do you think Jack would move in with me so I would have a matching pair...


      Originally posted by Critter
      If you don't mind....I'd like the glazed look in this one. HOT! That black t-shirt again...THUNK!!!! THUNK-A-MIGHTY!
      I don't mind a wit, anything for you my dear (((((Critter)))))


        Originally posted by sugarshaker
        Hey Thunkers! (waves)

        This is my first post on this thread. I usually hang out on the shipper thread and not here because I don't get enough work done as it is, and I know what will happen if I stick my toe in the gutter. But, what the heck, it's Friday and there's not much going on, so why not??

        I love this scene from Fragile Balance. I want to snuggle up behind him and spoon him and wrap my arm around him. Actually, I want to do a lot more than that, but that's what I'd do for starters! Sighhhhhhh!
        Well I'm pleased you decided to THUNK with us. Great sig picture btw. Jump in anytikme the waters, like THE MAN himself, are always FINE!


          Originally posted by Jynjyr
          Ghost ... can I be the succubus? Please, please.

          I can fffaaadddeeee away

          succubus - A female demon supposed to descend upon and have her way with a man while he sleeps.
          Do you have any idea where my brain went when I saw that term? Of course you are a fellow hussy so....


            Among others you have that delectable pic of Jack in green from Point of No Return. THUNK you Lorie!


              Originally posted by mishy_mo
              you me both!!!!!!!

              plus tame, critter, rurastar, bbfan..... hmm gonna get a bit tight don't ya think??? hee hee

              loving all these thunky pics

              try this one out for size just keep in mind this took 12, yes thats right ladies 12takes


              not fair is it girls
              Nope totally not fair. I remember sitting in front of my TV with a big stupid smile when I heard that. AT is a lucky woman indeed!


                Originally posted by bbfan
                Heh, love it. THUNKS Lorie and good night.


                  Originally posted by bbfan
                  Wow, it's quiet tonight! I'll be saying goodnight.

                  Hey! Where did this one come from? Thunk-a-thunk-a-licious! Very nice indeed!
                  Desperate Thunker


                    Jack is saying good night and so am I. Have a good one ladies!


                      Originally posted by AmberMoon

                      Heck, I would pay the USAF to take me if they could guarantee I would be serving under that man!

                      I am right behind you AmberMoon.



                        So I was changing my sig again, and I just noticed I've been getting rep points from some of you lovely people. I'd totally forgotten about rep points. Thank-you you're very very nice people. Now I'll have to go spread some around myself...if I remember, my mind tends to get filled with pretty pictures around here and that shoves everything else out so sorry in advance if I don't get around to it.



                          Originally posted by Geekyred
                          So I was changing my sig again, and I just noticed I've been getting rep points from some of you lovely people. I'd totally forgotten about rep points. Thank-you you're very very nice people. Now I'll have to go spread some around myself...if I remember, my mind tends to get filled with pretty pictures around here and that shoves everything else out so sorry in advance if I don't get around to it.
                          This is great too, but I am going to miss the old one. You are way to clever for me Geeky. Jack is paying homage to your old sig.



                            Originally posted by Jacksbabe
                            Yes back from my exile!!!

                            I think it was some kind of promotional shot, well definitely a studio shot. I have something similar (signed ) in sepia - its gorgeous!!!

                            WELCOME BACK JACKSBABE

                            We missed you. Glad you got your computer problems sorted out. Look how happy Mac is.



                              Originally posted by Kliggins
                              This is great too, but I am going to miss the old one. You are way to clever for me Geeky. Jack is paying homage to your old sig.

                              Ohhhh, that almost persuades me to have licky return...but not just yet. Variety is the spice of life...why else would we need soooo many pictures of RDA/Jack on the thread.



                                Originally posted by Geekyred
                                Ohhhh, that almost persuades me to have licky return...but not just yet. Variety is the spice of life...why else would we need soooo many pictures of RDA/Jack on the thread.
                                What can I say; when you're right, you're right.


