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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Ruralstar
    Oh yes never click without your specialized equipment handy!

    So here's an oldie but a goodie of THE MAN (not Mac ladies, Jack!)

    Love the man in his natural form LOL
    Gee Rural, you post such lovely pics!

    Christian Gaters Unite!|| One show down.... SAVE SGA!!!


      Originally posted by RDAfan61
      Thanks for sharing, he is quite funny. Will be great if he gets to do commentary for that ep. Ended up being gone for 8 days, so deprived. Very busy when I got back and then GW was down but now I am back safe and sound in the gutter.

      Got my Avatar pics up the other day. Not my usual fare but pretty good considering I can't set a satellite reciever correctly <SIGH> and had to rely on a DL to even see the show and cap it. On an up note, my broken DVD recorder is going to be replaced with a newer model for free. Woohoo!

      Take care and glad to be back.
      *waves* So glad to see you around again. Hope the time away was pleasant if longer than you expected. Yay on your recorder!

      The caps looked FINE to me!


        Originally posted by Ruralstar
        *waves* So glad to see you around again. Hope the time away was pleasant if longer than you expected. Yay on your recorder!

        The caps looked FINE to me!
        Thanks Rural! I actually was kind of in Jack's neck of the woods, Denver. Had a wonderful time and want to live out there someday.

        My Photos


          i was just able to get on GW and thought i'd share with those of you who haven't heard that the forum WILL be down on friday, 20th. there is an alternative if you wish to join us. this friday night we will be packing a chat room. for more info please email me at [email protected]


            Originally posted by Jynjyr
            To all the talented ‘cappers’ and ‘scrubbers’ who reside here:
            Can do me a HUGE favor? I need a really, really good screen cap of the blue and silver Tauri banner that we saw in “Pretense”. (Skaara and Zippy with the Tollan)
            I’d like to try to make it. One for me and at least one for the GateCon auction next year.
            BTW – the best image I remember seeing of the banner just so happened to have Jack in the forground. (to give me a scale to work with, of course)
            If y’all can come up with something (an uncompressed file maybe?), please contact me off list. mailto:[email protected]
            Here you go, Jynjyr. I capped these for you. I think it's easier to grab them here than to email them. Never really noticed the banner before. Cool! Would like to see a pic of yours when you're done!

            THE GUTTER FAIRY
            Last edited by Mala50; 19 August 2004, 09:04 PM.


              Started capping PRETENSE for Jynjyr and remembered why I didn't like this episode much - too much talking! And Zippy the crossdresser was just too funny looking. But Season 3 Jack looked good!



                Originally posted by RDAfan61
                Thanks for sharing, he is quite funny. Will be great if he gets to do commentary for that ep. Ended up being gone for 8 days, so deprived. Very busy when I got back and then GW was down but now I am back safe and sound in the gutter.

                Got my Avatar pics up the other day. Not my usual fare but pretty good considering I can't set a satellite reciever correctly <SIGH> and had to rely on a DL to even see the show and cap it. On an up note, my broken DVD recorder is going to be replaced with a newer model for free. Woohoo!

                Take care and glad to be back.
                Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your DVD recorder but congrats on the replacement! I have to get me one of those someday. But I like my DLs and I'm used to capping from them....

                Btw, I put up some from Avatar the other day, too. I'll have to go take a look at yours and see which ones WE both picked this time!


                  Originally posted by Ruralstar
                  Was just having a wander on Mala's wonderful site. Here's a favorite page.

                  Rural! Thanks for sharing my pic. I like your new sig, btw! But I miss seeing your RDA on the Craig Kilborn Show...Can't get enough of that smile. I know it's not the same one you used, but I just like looking at him on this show:



                    I love RDA/Jack this season. He looks so gooood. But I miss my Action Jack!

                    I want some Outdoor/Offworld Jack...I really don't want to just keep seeing General Jack running around the base shooting!

                    Had to make this one up from a S7 publicity still just to make myself happy....



                      Originally posted by Anakin
                      Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! I should never come to the gutter UNprepared!!!! How many times did I tell myself?!... But nooooo, I still have to wander here unprepared and getting a big THUNK over my head!
                      Thank you, Kliggins for a good thunk... (pftew!... That was my last front tooth...)... Man you are so mean, woman!!!
                      Anakin I am going to have to write to your dad and convince him to let you have a thunk helmet at work. We just cant have this keep happening. Mean, I am not mean, just giving what you want ...... hehehe as she rubs her hands and cackles

                      Last edited by Kliggins; 19 August 2004, 09:54 PM.


                        Originally posted by Ruralstar
                        I'm in an intense mood this morning so....
                        Great pictures Rural. The new sig pic is wonderful. I am with you in loving that whole scene from Revelations.



                          Originally posted by Kliggins
                          Anakin I am going to have to write to your dad and convince him to let you have a thunk helmet at work. We just cant have this keep happening. Mean, I am not mean, just giving what you want ...... hehehe as she rubs her hands and cackles

                          Haha! But *this* time I had it on!!!... So thunk you but I'm OK....

                          On another note, I'm working on sorting all the RDA pics I posted in the gutter in a cool (I hope) web page. I will all let you know when I'm done.
                          In the meantime, I've gotten my season 7 DVD boxset and trying to catch some nice RDA behind the scenes stuff...

                          Back to work, see you later!
                          Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                            Originally posted by -Jules-
                            oooooh, dress blues!!! *sigh* it's good to be back. i don't know why but for some darned reason i couldn't get to the GW forum. i was about to lose it!!! ya know...go WHACKO!!!!
                            I see Rural has reassured you that you were not the only one having problems. I think it is driving us all to the looney bin. Heaven forbid we don't want you to go whacko!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that the problem will be fixed soon



                              Originally posted by Anakin
                              Haha! But *this* time I had it on!!!... So thunk you but I'm OK....

                              On another note, I'm working on sorting all the RDA pics I posted in the gutter in a cool (I hope) web page. I will all let you know when I'm done.
                              In the meantime, I've gotten my season 7 DVD boxset and trying to catch some nice RDA behind the scenes stuff...

                              Back to work, see you later!
                              That will be great! Definitely let me know when it is ready for viewing.


                                Originally posted by Jacksbabe
                                Quick do you think they'll notice if I'm here for 5 minutes? No, oh good!!!

                                Hiya ladies, gals etc etc - wow have I missed all of you. The long, long school holidays are heading into their final two weeks and I have been missing all the Thunking that has been going on.

                                I'll hopefully catch up on all the droolworthy pictures over my next couple of visits - oh its good to have some RDA relief

                                Mmmm a few caps I've been working on lately.


                                Hi Jacksbabe. Missed you too. Glad you could drop in for a few minutes. It has been a little wierd in here lately with GW being very tempermental and down more often than up. Hopefully the problem will be fixed soon and I can be more regular about visiting again. Thanks for thinking of us on your downtime. Caps were great.

                                Sorry your hubs is driving you nutso with the olympics. I swear they are on every channel at every hour of the day here. I like sports and even I am getting a little olympiced out.


