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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Kliggins
    Thanks Shelly; it is a lovely hat!

    Hope you had a good Christmas.
    Yes, t'was a lovely hat....but it would have been better if it had been a boonie!
    I also hope that everyone had a fabby time over the holidays....wait a minute....they're not over yet? .......Party on gals!


      Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
      ABYSS!! for August!! My birthday Month!!

      and um, don't forget...

      not that I would let you Forget!!
      Tis my birthday month too. I, of course, will request anything with, what would I want in a Jack calendar????...oh yes...I remember...STICKY-UP HAIR!!!!!


        Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
        Okay Lets see if I can "Do" this...

        uh oh... ...guess not!!
        Good grief woman! You should know by now that when you post major thunking pics like this one, that you should be wearing your full thunking gear! (I am fully strapped in!) I'm sorry, but you can't claim medical expenses on this!


          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

          but, but... its just so Much FUN!!

          and as RDA says "If its not fun anymore, its not Worth doing!!"

          so that means I am taking LESSONS from the MAN!!
          Hell yes!!!!!!



            If you haven't done February yet (or if you can move what you've done farther down) I'm requesting Jack in dress blues for my birth month. If you can do that, sign me up for a dozen copies. I've got a big ceil - er, um wall...
            "You cannot reason with your own heart;
            it has it's own laws and beats about things
            which the intellect scorns."
            - Mark Twain -


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
     just shows what a blabbermouth she is!

              BTW, isn't the correct hat the boonie? *runs away from fruit being thrown*
              *gasp* I am not a blabbermouth and no the boonie is not the appropriate hat!!!

              FCOL Bev, you know what the proper hat is.


                Okay, Somebody made me sick. I wonder who?



                  Originally posted by AmberMoon
                  All I can say is "WOW"! The pics had me drooling and the verbal chitchat had me RITGLMAO. Y'all made my day since I've been without a computer and internet for a week.

                  I hope everyone had a safe and merry christmas and that Santa was good to them (Santa got me MacGyver S2 dvd boxset...I just love Santa

                  Congrats to all the milestones and birthdays reached and celebrated since I've been on vacation! I would love to stay and thunk but I'm just to tired
                  (I visited with family in Gadsden, Alabama and left there Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m. and got into San Antonio at 4:30 a.m. today. Drove for a total of 15 hours so I'm completely knackered and I can barely stay awake as I type this.), so I'll bid all y'all "Adieu" and see you tomorrow.


                  Amber! Glad you had a good Christmas.

                  Mac is joining you in some sleep.


                    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                    Indeed, Mala's avatar is very thunk-worthy!
                    You know, much as I like sticky-up hair, I don't like it when RDA grows his hair long. Is there something wrong with me? I love him as Jack (I even love some of his Mac pics....but don't tell Kliggy!), but I feel that when it's too long actually makes him look old! Quick....I need help!
                    I read that!



                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      Yes, t'was a lovely hat....but it would have been better if it had been a boonie!
                      I also hope that everyone had a fabby time over the holidays....wait a minute....they're not over yet? .......Party on gals!
                      No it wouldn't

                      Not the boonie again!


                        Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                        Okay, Somebody made me sick. I wonder who?

                        I am sure it is Bev's fault!

                        See, Jack thinks so too.


                          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

                          At least you got the ORDER Correct... As long as "ABYSS" comes First!!

                          The Other Guys.. I watch with the commentary, Chris Judge Laugh!!
                          Sight Unseen - BUGS!! (and the Anderson Air Airplane at the end!! Interesting! ! )
                          Paradise Lost - BELT Pull the belt, BARE FEET and Best of all (for this episode)

                          I am also Happy to Read your Feeling Better!! Almost forgot.. Maybe I do need that Nap!!
                          hehe...yes, that was the order I watched them in. I always give a mentle snicker to the "Anderson Air" too! Hmmm....
                          Thank you for the well wishes and loverly thunk-a-licous Abyss pics!

                          *also a big honkin thanks to the owner of this pic

                          Christian Gaters Unite!|| One show down.... SAVE SGA!!!


                            Originally posted by Kliggins
                            *gasp* I am not a blabbermouth and no the boonie is not the appropriate hat!!!


                            FCOL Bev, you know what the proper hat is.
                            You're not a blabbermouth, and yet you have a gazillion posts? I rest my case!
                            Jack knows that the proper hat he should have been wearing was the boonie!


                              Originally posted by Kliggins
                     your eyes. You weren't meant to read my post! (Don't tell anyone what I said in it)


                                Originally posted by Kliggins
                                I am sure it is Bev's fault!


                                See, Jack thinks so too.

