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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by meimei
    *Mei Mei is trying holding back tears too but not succeeding very well!*

    My cousin just underwent a radical double mastectomy less than two weeks ago. She has to start chemotherapy soon. I saw her today at a family reunion held this afternoon. I have participated in this race for the last five years but this year held special meaning. Ask all of your personal angels to watch over her as she goes through this journey!

    It is so awesome what you guys are doing!!! I had a aunt who died of colon cancer about a year ago after she battled with it for a year and a half. Now you guys got me crying to!! My prayers are with you guys and your families! Keep doing what your doing cus it is deperatly needed and very much appreciated!

    I would post a thunkable pic of RDA to cheer everyone up but i dont know how!!
    Random Thought of the day:

    -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
    -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

    heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


      Originally posted by jackrsubberduckie
      Okay so this is a hit and run post by a newbie.
      Just trying to figure things out.
      So I thought I'd give you all something pretty to look at.

      Hummina! I think you've got it figured out alright.

      Gutter control, blingaway on final approach. The runway looks a bit slippery. Thunkage imminent. (Falling) over.


        Originally posted by meimei
        *Mei Mei is trying holding back tears too but not succeeding very well!*

        My cousin just underwent a radical double mastectomy less than two weeks ago. She has to start chemotherapy soon. I saw her today at a family reunion held this afternoon. I have participated in this race for the last five years but this year held special meaning. Ask all of your personal angels to watch over her as she goes through this journey!

        i know that a radical mst is rough (both recovery-wise as a result of muscles & stuff, and emotionally) but it DOES really improve the odds in cancer that has ANY kind of spread whatsoever (ie. is not capsular). the lovely thing is that there have been GREAT strides made for post-recovery reconstructive surgery as well as post-mastectomy prosthetics & undergarments, etc.

        my prayers go w/ you & your extended family as you stand by your cousin in this battle. i'm SURE she appreciated that you ran today.

        let her know that many sisters that have gone before her on this journey have come out the other side better & stronger than before, having found a well of strength deep inside themselves and within their support network that is PROFOUND! she may wish to seek out/find/hook up with the 'warrier canoe' movement. they're a wellspring of strength & encouragement too as they've ALL trod this path.

        *HUGS* sweetie (and no i didn't win the battle w/ my tears either)

        Bright Beak
        at home in the gutter, cuz she's a water birdie

        multi- thunker!

        Anti- & Anti-


          *hugs for meimei*

          Here's hoping for a quick and complete recovery.


            ok, so it's NOT warrior canoe, it's DRAGON BOAT

            here's a couple links to get you started (it's international)


   talks about how it started & whatnot

            may we never need this information, but may we also realize the power of knowing about it if we do.

            Last edited by brightbeak; 09 October 2004, 04:41 PM. Reason: missed a link! DOH!
            Bright Beak
            at home in the gutter, cuz she's a water birdie

            multi- thunker!

            Anti- & Anti-




                Now don't you just love those lips....

                ...and that neck....


                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  Now don't you just love those lips....

                  ...and that neck....

                  Oh my That neck


                    In appreciation for Fire Prevention Week Oct. 3-9...


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      Now don't you just love those lips....

                      ...and that neck....
                      *contented sigh*

                      *stares at her screen w/ silly grin on her face*
                      Bright Beak
                      at home in the gutter, cuz she's a water birdie

                      multi- thunker!

                      Anti- & Anti-




                          Originally posted by yoojoo
                          This is a Special announcment from the Jack/RDA Thread

                          Just a note to all you people!!! This is a WARNING!!! If you see this thunkable, hunkable, beautiful man on your computer screen,

                          Restrain yourself from licking, kissing, or just basically making out with your screen!! You will get SHOCKED!! And it hurts!! There have been cases of hospitalization and serious injury b/c of it. Now i am not telling you to not to do this. You are free do to whatever you want, all i am saying is

                          LICK AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
                          LICK WITH CAUTION!!!

                          Thank you, and now you will be returned to your regularly scheduled program!
                          Well, you must lick *just right*. Tame could give lessons. Although she
                          herself is quite *shocking*, she has never been electrically shocked by
                          licking her screen. (Now, young'uns, I'm PRETENDING here! This is the
                          land of make believe. In real life, I wouldn't recommend it. That's all
                          for this public service announcement.)

                          But, you know...... I can think of much nice items to be licking. Tame can
                          stick to glass, and I will stick to Jack's a... ahem! Isn't it funny? heh heh
                          The rhyme seems to escape me. Licking Jack's earlobe, chestral region,
                          Rural's favorite throat hollow, belly button, the dimples which I assume
                          reside on his back, just above his a... ahem!!!

                          There I go again. Can't seem to stay North of the Equator, Gals.

                          Let me go flip Jack over. He's done on one side.


                          If by "fond" you mean droolworthy, hummable, coma-causing, breath-stealing, lustful, libidinous
                          appreciation of the First Hussy Magnitude for Jack & his splendid, dirty, sweaty, sun-kissed, lithe-fingered,
                          full-bottom-lipped, lickable-eared, agile-tongued, long-necked, silver-haired, gracefully moving body
                          in all its fantasmagorical glory, then--- yes. I am also "fond." -- OzGirl


                            I thought Tame might appreciate this piccie, along with the rest of the hussies here.



                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                              Now don't you just love those lips....

                              Lips, you say??


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                                I thought Tame might appreciate this piccie, along with the rest of the hussies here.

                                *pretends offence*
                                hey, who you callin' a hussy?
                                i was SURE i was a floozie!


                                YAY just graduated from fodder to warrior!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                Last edited by brightbeak; 09 October 2004, 05:50 PM. Reason: comment & spacing
                                Bright Beak
                                at home in the gutter, cuz she's a water birdie

                                multi- thunker!

                                Anti- & Anti-

