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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Ohhh there's just something about that one ...


      Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
      Okay, Okay, the Altered means "The Altered State of MIND" not the "Altered State of the GUTTER MIND" (which is
      a whole different POST ) well it is the Gutter Mind of AK which has been Altered, but not Jack's , AK is simply saying that HER Mind (A Gutter Mind) has been Altered to like Jack Rourke, Not Jack Rourke's ..oh forget it!!

      ONTLL: Hey Jack, Calm down, They were confused, that is all, ITs Those Other GG's
      ONTLLJC: Hey CopBoy, put the Gun down!!
      ONTLL: Listen to JackOneill, I won't let them touch you!!

      Okay NO more Conversations on ALTERATIONS!!

      ROTFL!!!! ((((((Two"LL"s)))))),Yes a gutter mind I do have!!!!



        My LJ



          My LJ


            Originally posted by Mala50
            Yes it is - just ask Tame!

            Anyway, in the gutter, who cares what's PROPER?!?

            I think this one is likeable/lickable, too. (Besides eyes, I'm a neck/throat person, too... But I just like to lick, while meimei likes to... nibble?)
            Ohhh I'm very adaptable too Mala, I can do either *grins*


              Originally posted by Billie
              Am so excited....thanks to AmberMoon I have achieved my desire to post pics... YEA!!!!

              So here's one of my fav thunking Jack pics


              Thankgoodness I've got soft carpet coz that sideways slide and double flip to the floor would have really hurt!! THUNK THUNK!!
              Huzzah! Great opening pic Billie!


                Originally posted by Mala50
                CONGRATULATIONS ON 2,500 GATEBEE!!

                How do you like my JimHolland clone?
                OOOOO I love it when Mala is in the house! THUNK!


                  Originally posted by Rune
                  Owwww, sounds nasty C7, I hope you're feeling better now, make sure everyone spoils you rotten ((((C7))))
                  a 'kiss it better' for as many times as it takes to make it better' smoochie from Jack
                  * this was Rural's cap originally (((Rural))) *
                  If Jack's giving out the smooches, it will take a long time for me to feel better, if ever. *evil grin*



                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    Yes it is - just ask Tame!

                    Anyway, in the gutter, who cares what's PROPER?!?

                    I think this one is likeable/lickable, too. (Besides eyes, I'm a neck/throat person, too... But I just like to lick, while meimei likes to... nibble?)
                    I love that interview he looked so relaxed and happy and did I mention absolutely, postively, unequivicably delicious? *HAPPY SIGH*


                      Originally posted by Rune
                      (((Rural))) I love the black and white pics too and since I made you wibble so early how about I make amends and dedicate this one of Jack just to you

                      Owww, thunkalicious or what?
                      (((((((((Rune))))))))))) Love it and THUNK you muchly! Back atcha though it be color this time


                        To the GGs who have recently spent time in the dentist chair. (((((((((hugs)))))))) and get some rest!



                            Originally posted by Ruralstar
                            To the GGs who have recently spent time in the dentist chair. (((((((((hugs)))))))) and get some rest!

                            (((((hugs))))) back at ya, Rural! And here's an "Allegiance" pics for you!



                              ((((ivy)))) Great pics!!!!


                                Originally posted by melpomene
                                Right! here in the gutter it's all about trust! *whispers* so did you hear the latest news on what ONTLL's did to her JRC?

                                By the way, I'm doing some research, and I was wondering if anyone here speaks french? Cause I need a translation on a word.
                                Well, I know that Anakin speaks French.... and I see that Kliggins speaks... pig latin*??

                                * ["ixnay about the oxbay!"]

