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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by melpomene
    And of course Jack's too cool for a helmet. In early season 1 they all wore helmets. then they all ditched them for caps, stocking caps, boonie hats and just plain hair. Jack even instructed Jonas to "lose the helmet" when he joined the team. SG-1 is too cool for helmets and as the guy in heroes pointed out, it doesn't stop a staff blast anyway.
    Plain hair? Mel, Mel, Mel, Jack's hair is many things, but it's never plain.


      Originally posted by melpomene
      OMG!!!! Nobody got Verona her Jack Clone!!!! UN-BELIEVABLE next thing you know I'll be hearing she didn't get her thunker safety gear....(shakes head) what is the gutter coming to. Well Verone you're brand spanking new Jack clone is enclosed in this post for you to receive.
      Verona's JackClone!!!!

      From now on you are the proud owner of "VJC" or "Verona's Jack Clone"
      Ack, we are getting lax round here aren't we, good job Mel's on the ball. Enjoy your JC Verona, love him and squeeze him and hug him and pet him and he will serve you well


        Originally posted by Rune
        Plain hair? Mel, Mel, Mel, Jack's hair is many things, but it's never plain.

        Actually I was reffering to the team in general. Daniel has plain hair, Teal'c has plain skin, carter has...whatever you call carters hair...and JAck...Jack has...charismatic hair.


          Heh, I know, it was just my excuse to post that picture again


            Originally posted by Rune
            Ack, we are getting lax round here aren't we, good job Mel's on the ball. Enjoy your JC Verona, love him and squeeze him and hug him and pet him and he will serve you well
            well if there's anything i understand it's the jack clone need. And Verona if you ever develop the need for a mac clone or Jack Rourke clone just see me okay?


              Originally posted by melpomene
              Just remember if you already got one from somebody and I missed it, or someone sends you another one you have to give one back. I think having two Jack clones is a reportable offense.
              Meanwhile, chez Rune
              [dramatic music]

              Rune: *panicking* : Quick! Quick! One of you hide in the closet before Mel spots you both!

              RuJC1:Fer cryin' out loud, tell her she's just seeing double
              RuJC2: Tell her it's all done with mirrors.
              Rune: She won't fall for it, she's onto me. *tries to bundle RuJC2 under the bed*
              RuJC2: There is no way I am going under there again. I did it last week and do you have any idea what the dustbunnies do to my sinuses?
              Rune: Do you have any idea what'll happen if I get caught with 2 of you? They'll take one of you back to the petri dish! They'll take me back to the petri dish! *tries to look pitiful*
              RuJC1: Crap, not the puppy dog eyes, anything but that. G'wan get under there *shoves RuJC2*
              RuJC2: It's your turn! *shoving back*
              RuJC1: You went under there last week no problems.
              RuJC2: Only because she was planning some sinister Choco-Jacks thing ...
              RUJC1 & RuJC2 start scuffling, Rune forgets about the immediate threat of discovery and stands there watching with a silly grin on her face
              *loud banging on the door*
              *the scene freezes*
              [/dramatic music]

              Rune *wailing* Jynjyr made me do it!


                I must amend my wicked ways


                  Originally posted by Rune
                  Meanwhile, chez Rune
                  [dramatic music]

                  Rune: *panicking* : Quick! Quick! One of you hide in the closet before Mel spots you both!

                  RuJC1:Fer cryin' out loud, tell her she's just seeing double
                  RuJC2: Tell her it's all done with mirrors.
                  Rune: She won't fall for it, she's onto me. *tries to bundle RuJC2 under the bed*
                  RuJC2: There is no way I am going under there again. I did it last week and do you have any idea what the dustbunnies do to my sinuses?
                  Rune: Do you have any idea what'll happen if I get caught with 2 of you? They'll take one of you back to the petri dish! They'll take me back to the petri dish! *tries to look pitiful*
                  RuJC1: Crap, not the puppy dog eyes, anything but that. G'wan get under there *shoves RuJC2*
                  RuJC2: It's your turn! *shoving back*
                  RuJC1: You went under there last week no problems.
                  RuJC2: Only because she was planning some sinister Choco-Jacks thing ...
                  RUJC1 & RuJC2 start scuffling, Rune forgets about the immediate threat of discovery and stands there watching with a silly grin on her face
                  *loud banging on the door*
                  *the scene freezes*
                  [/dramatic music]

                  Rune *wailing* Jynjyr made me do it!
                  Damn that's hilarious!!!! (whispers) all right, you're off the hook with me. I won't tell anybody. Of course, what Jynjyr'll do when she finds out you blamed her is another matter....


                    Originally posted by melpomene
                    Damn that's hilarious!!!! (whispers) all right, you're off the hook with me. I won't tell anybody. Of course, what Jynjyr'll do when she finds out you blamed her is another matter....
                    (((Mel))) I owe ya big time!

                    Better start my Jynjyr placating ritual now

                    *flips through recipe book*
                    Mac Clone, Mac Clone, how do I make Jynjyr another Mac Clone ... what? Slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails? nah, that can't be right ... ah here it is sugar and spice and hair that's nice ... oh *blink* and lots of duct tape too

                    *rummages in the pantry*

                    Wouldn't you know it? Fresh outta tape ... better nip down the stores.

                    Jack's demonstrating how you have to mix carefully to get the best results



                      My LJ



                        My LJ


                          *wishing I was having coffee with him*


                          My LJ


                            Originally posted by Ruralstar
                            To be fair Stargate was renewed on a yearly basis after season five. Each season was expected to be the last and was written that way. They did find out season eight was a go midway through season seven thus Lost City was revised. But nine was on the table at least publicly until after eight had wrapped. *shrugs* I just thought I would add that in.

                            And now back to our regularly scheduled THUNK!

                            I knew that. But, how many times does a TV show wrap up story lines neat and clean before their finale? Especially since they talked about a Movie.

                            Sorry. I'm stressed, disgruntled and PMSing. I sssoooooo need a vacation.


                            or mayber Here?

                            C'mon Captain, let's get this bird off the ground.
                            You're never too old to do something goofy.
                            Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                              Originally posted by melpomene
                              OMG!!!! Nobody got Verona her Jack Clone!!!! UN-BELIEVABLE next thing you know I'll be hearing she didn't get her thunker safety gear....(shakes head) what is the gutter coming to. Well Verone you're brand spanking new Jack clone is enclosed in this post for you to receive.

                              Verona's Jack Clone!!!!

                              From now on you are the proud owner of "VJC" or "Verona's Jack Clone"
                              Just remember if you already got one from somebody and I missed it, or someone sends you another one you have to give one back. I think having two Jack clones is a reportable offense.

                              -oh an happy birthday to everyone and Welcome to the new kids and returning expatriots!!! there's so much to celebrate and so little Jack....
                              Hmmm, I'm thinking im gonna have to get me a Jack Clone too........


                              My LJ


                                Originally posted by Buc252
                                You're going, too? I leave on Thursday, but I have never managed to find myself a Jack shirt, and my Sam/Jack shirt is fadded to nearly nothing, so I'm kinda depressed that I have *nothing* to wear to reflect my ideal of Stargate. <sigh>

                                Anyway, hope to see you there!!
                                Great!! Look for the banner as you 'hall crawl'. I'm waaayyy too late to get a space in the Art show so it's going to be my door decoration. All 6 ft of royal blue satin. I only wish I had all 6'2" of Jack to go with it.

                                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

