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    Out of's 4.30 pm here roughly...

    If the Sam and Jack relationship had been at it's current levels during season one...

    ...season eight would have seen the arrival of shiplet number three or four!
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      ((((((((((((((((((Gatebee Rogue Zika Suekay))))))))))))))))))


      Zika - it's now 4.30pm in the UK - just an hour behind you - but that means I get an extra hour in bed than you, so I like it just fine!

      (I'm ignoring Rogue's extra 6 hrs cos that's depressing!)


        Thank you SueKay. I posted a PM to Dareen. Maybe he can help and explain it to me. I worked hard on this points. I am trying to get 1801 so that I can post my customized avatar.

        avatar and sig by flidget


          Hello Oma and Zika and SueKay

          avatar and sig by flidget


            Originally posted by sueKay
            Out of's 4.30 pm here roughly...

            If the Sam and Jack relationship had been at it's current levels during season one...

            ...season eight would have seen the arrival of shiplet number three or four!
            Did I see a post a while back that named the shiplets?


              Afternoon shipper family!

              How are you all this afternoon?
              Another boring day for me at school, but hey, that's everyday, right?



                I agree with you SuKay. By this time Sam and Jack should be having 2 or 3 little sam and jack's running all over SGC.

                avatar and sig by flidget


                  Speaking of you like my little Jack????

                  I have a matching Sam avatar at !
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    Originally posted by gatebee
                    Thank you SueKay. I posted a PM to Dareen. Maybe he can help and explain it to me. I worked hard on this points. I am trying to get 1801 so that I can post my customized avatar.
                    Customised Avatar would be great! I take it you've already designed yours? I love Suekay's southpark Jack


                      I think if Sam and Jack were to have kids, they'd have twins!

                      I hope if they do, they'll call them Grace and Scott, and keep both names, so they'd be called Grace Carter-O'Neill and Scott Jacob Carter-O'Neill.

                      What do you think their shiplets will be called???
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Originally posted by gatebee
                        Thank you SueKay. I posted a PM to Dareen. Maybe he can help and explain it to me. I worked hard on this points. I am trying to get 1801 so that I can post my customized avatar.
                        Whats your avatar or are you going to make us wait? It seems like I will never get to 1801.
                        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                          Originally posted by Anubis
                          Afternoon shipper family!

                          How are you all this afternoon?
                          Another boring day for me at school, but hey, that's everyday, right?
                          Being sufficiently old to say this cos it more than a decade ago - I loved school! Even the boring days have moments that beat changing dirty nappies!

                          Just joking - I love my life now - especially because all those years ago Sam & Jack weren't in it. All I had was Moonlighting - and we all know how that ended!


                   took me until December to get to the magic post number of 1810.

                            After that...I kept posting and posting...and then I kept on posting and posting...

                            ROLL ON 3000!!!!!!!!!!!


                   some interesting spoilers there...but I'm waiting to get permission to post them here.

                            They're not shippy though.
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Originally posted by BrenRen
                              Forgive me, as I know this is completely OT (but then again, how often have I done that?)...

                              You were going to spend TWO GRAND to go to a con?

                              Adopt me!!!

                              LOL, hey what can I say going to a Creation Con in Vancouver, BC from Dallas, TX just isn't cheap

                              $600 for the Gold 3-day pass (if Im going... I'm definitely seeing the set)
                              $300-400 for airfare
                              $200-300 for hotel for three day

                              That doesn't even include all the food and extras one can spend
                              at these things. I could probably go for much much less money but
                              if it was going to be once in lifetime chance...????

                              My husband and I have been talking about adoping... I think he
                              wanted a younger adoptee, but I could probably convince him if
                              I explain to him all the benefits a slightly older one would be.

                              Someone to keep me company making photo captions late at night
                              so I didn't disturb his sleep would probably do wonders. LOL



                                Originally posted by Rogue
                                Whats your avatar or are you going to make us wait? It seems like I will never get to 1801.
                                I cannot post my customized avatar until I get to 1801

                                avatar and sig by flidget

