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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
    Wow Rogue-look at what we've started. Heehee!

    Yeah, I thinking my SUV isn't going to big enough. Maybe we can get the hippie bus from 1969.
    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



      To Estelle

      Your Christmas video request is up :

      "Wonderful dream" Melanie Thornton ..the Christmas coca cola song

      It's a team video and it's all shippy

      Enjoy and have fun

      Thank you Mala for the pic

      Last edited by Catysg1; 06 December 2004, 12:21 PM.


        Originally posted by Rogue
        Yeah, I thinking my SUV isn't going to big enough. Maybe we can get the hippie bus from 1969.
        I"ll vote for that one!! That was a shippy ep... Okay, so it wasn't that shippy, but seeing Jack and Sam in the light of the campfire and him handing her coffee... And you just erase Daniel, Teal'c and the two hippies and then they..... Ooops....

        Daydreaming at work again! My mind won't concentrate on work today!!


          Originally posted by meimei
          I"ll vote for that one!! That was a shippy ep... Okay, so it wasn't that shippy, but seeing Jack and Sam in the light of the campfire and him handing her coffee... And you just erase Daniel, Teal'c and the two hippies and then they..... Ooops....

          Daydreaming at work again! My mind won't concentrate on work today!!
          Well at the rate we're growing I think we may need another means of transportation.


          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


            Originally posted by meimei
            I"ll vote for that one!! That was a shippy ep... Okay, so it wasn't that shippy, but seeing Jack and Sam in the light of the campfire and him handing her coffee... And you just erase Daniel, Teal'c and the two hippies and then they..... Ooops....

            Daydreaming at work again! My mind won't concentrate on work today!!
            Here ya go.
            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



              Originally posted by Lunar
              the speculation on S and J being dead comes from one of the pictures where *a* Daniel tells *a* Teal'c the rest of *his* SG-1 are dead.

              To be honest, I'm confused as to exactly *who* this means... but there you go.

              This is what worries me about Moeb
              If the producers don't get it, how are we meant to get it? I mean, it just seems it's going to be another 'gate PTB spectacular 'write your own ending' end, where everything is so ambiguous and possibly AU anyway... that we don't have a clue if the right S/J ended up together/dead/with someone else.
              Hence 'reset button' for S9, whatever their intentions this time around, they can change everything for next year!


              Sam and Jack have been dead in AU before "There but for the grace of God " and it didn't change anything for real Sam and Jack I think it will be the..
              .. same this time they'll be dead in the AU like they were in grace of god's only an alternate universe .

              what we have to be worried about is what they are doing in the time travelling scenario and make sure nothing happens to them in there ..I think a mistake will be made ...but hopefully will be corrected by the whole team ..and everything will be alright ..There may be changes of course for the better ...but no changes regarding the characters and their lives...and real Sam and Jack will enjoy their love for each other after Mobius .

              I think it would be funny if Daniel says to Sam and Jack that there were married again in the AU ..because Jack could say something like like "Is it coincidence or is it fate??!!"..hehehehe

              I think the AU episode may well be very similar to there but for the grace of god ..where may be Jack is retired and is married to Sam the pic of Sam worried because Jack is being taken to they'll both die for trying to save the universe and Daniel may again be a witness of that experience he'll travel back to ancient Egypt and tell real Sam and Jack ...and how the AU theirs died ..and may be ..there is a lesson to learn.



                i'll go

                although trust me, you get further with these boys with dark chocolate and krispy kremes than you will with pitch forks and torches

                ooh, i have money, and maps....lots of maps
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Madshipper bus to the studio

                  Well so far it is:
                  pittsburghgirl with her big stick
                  Mei Mei and Frankie the Shipping Tok'ra dog...
                  Ship Nana
                  Zoser with pitchforks and torches
                  Skydiver will bring maps and maybe chocolates and donuts to bribe PTB

                  Who else wants to come? We will need gas money and snacks.
                  Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    i'll go

                    although trust me, you get further with these boys with dark chocolate and krispy kremes than you will with pitch forks and torches

                    ooh, i have money, and maps....lots of maps
                    Ohhh I may change my mind about this trip is Skydiver is going.... she brings fun *road games* from what I hear

                    If Ship Mum jumps on I may just have to go so I can watch these two act silly in front of the *Shiplets* hee hee LOL
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by Zoser
                      Do you think TPTB think of us as a bunch of idiots because we are so emotional invested in this program? I'd prefer to think they are just trying to do the best job they can even if their vision of the out come of the characters lives are different from a segment of the fan base. Sometimes I just not sure what's true. Hoping for a shippy outcome but am not going to bet the rent on it.
                      I usually go by history as the saying goes, (something like this) "those who don't learn from history are doomed to relive it". And I think history shows that TPTB want to please everyone by making controversial issues vague. Unfortunately, until I'm proven wrong, that's what I think is gonna happen here. That BIG RESET BUTTON is just toooooo big a temptation for TPTB.

                      So I stole their BIG RESET BUTTON and remade it into our very own SHIPPER PANIC BUTTON!!!!!

                      Feel free to use it at anytime. It may make you feel better!!!

                      Ship Nana


                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        i'll go

                        although trust me, you get further with these boys with dark chocolate and krispy kremes than you will with pitch forks and torches

                        ooh, i have money, and maps....lots of maps
                        Hmmm.... Krispy Cremes... Frankie likes donuts too! She nearly snapped my hand off yesterday going for the piece I was offering... So, what you're saying here is if bribery doesn't work, we smear donuts all over TPTB and let Frankie convince them??

                        Or is that what I am saying?


                          What is this Madshipper bus to the Studio thing??? I just joined like,yesterday, so...ya, oh well, i'm MajorSam, *waves* yes, been shipper for....well, since season one, of course.. anyways, i've been around on a bunch of the other forums, including the old ones of this... but havn't actually done anything for probly a year... you talkin about going to the studios? i live 15 mins away, i can give directions!! hahah.
                          The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                          |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                            Originally posted by Zoser
                            Just had a thought - you know how AU is because different decisions are made and realities diverge - well what if in Moebius
                            all the AU's converge back into one reality
                            I keep thinking that here lies the paradox

                            This is not a parallel reality...this seems to be the same reality only altered. So, if the let's call it AU SG-1 (even if it's real SG-1 which followed another pattern) is supposed to set things right we have to agree on what this means..If it means bring back the original SG-1, they should travel back moments before the SG-1 left for ancient Egypt, BUT that's not possible since they were killed 5.000 years before, so there's noone they can stop from leaving right?
                            It's not a jump in an alternate reality, it's a travel back on the same timeline that has been changed. AU SG-1 can't stop themselves because if they travel back in the day that original SG-1 left, they wouldn't find anyone leaving because THEY are not there.
                            The only thing that AU SG-1 can do is set the events right: bring again Teal'c on their side, travel throught the Stargate and kill Ra and re-form the team, thus re-establishing the actual course of things.
                            But really, if, as Daniel says, he is the only "survivor" of his team, how can they bring back the original team alive?
                            What if in the end the events are set all right, with the only difference that the SG-1 is now the AU one, guided by the original Daniel, the only original one alive? Nothing's changed but everything's changed...
                            And I have another question that complete the paradox: how can possibly the death of the members of the SG-1 in 5000 bc change the facts, so that for example Carter never joined the Army? or that jack O'Neill never joined the Stargate project? Something is still missing I think...
                            These seems to me the fruit of different choices much more than a deviated course of events started from their capture and eventual death in an ancient past...

                            Any ideas?
                            .....before my head starts exploding...really....I mean it..

                            AND TAKE ME WITH YOU ON YOUR TRIP!!!
                            WILLING TO CONTRIBUTE AS YOU LIKE!!!


                              Originally posted by Ship Nana
                              I usually go by history as the saying goes, (something like this) "those who don't learn from history are doomed to relive it". And I think history shows that TPTB want to please everyone by making controversial issues vague. Unfortunately, until I'm proven wrong, that's what I think is gonna happen here. That BIG RESET BUTTON is just toooooo big a temptation for TPTB.

                              So I stole their BIG RESET BUTTON and remade it into our very own SHIPPER PANIC BUTTON!!!!!

                              Feel free to use it at anytime. It may make you feel better!!!

                              I'm pushing and I'm pushing, but it's not helping.......

                              They'd better be smart about how they handle their relationship or I'll stop pressing that button and start pressing this big button next to my bed that reads "PRESS HERE FOR DESTRUCTION OF THE EARTH". Not really sure how it came to my possession, but TPTB are the ones who will decide the fate of us all. So pray all of you, pray! bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

                              Don't worry, all it does is turn on my alarm.
                              Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                              Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                                Ya see, I agree with you. We will get resolution without really getting resolution. But you gave me a thought. (spoiler conjecture Mobeius)
                                What if our Sam and Jack do die back in the past this could be a very angsty way to get our kiss in. They kiss as or just before they die.

                                If this happens we better break out the Shipper hankies!!!

                                Don't even think of that ShipNana... it will be like Farscape and it won't work ..and if it 's the AU sam and Jack
                                that pple are talking about for replacing real Sam and Jack's even worse than the Farscape season 4 finale
                                because it just shows they (TPTB) may be just cowards...and will not deserve to be trusted with any of their other shows.

                                Therefore I don't think they want to be treated like that ....and they can avoid a big mistake by not copying some bad examples ..but they can copy The Farscape miniseries because this was received very well by the fans ..and they will all be buying the DVD's boxsets now .....

                                Power to the shippers


