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    Originally posted by Catysg1
    Yeah ..that's what I thought ..I can just picture it ..Can you see it too ?!!..I wish I could draw.

    Shall we picture the shirt in blue ???!!..because I can ..You know the shirt he was wearing in Grace kiss !! She should be wearing that one .looks big enough it should hang off nicely one shoulder .....simple but sexy... ...She won't be wearing jewelleries as well ...she will be as natural as can be ..Sam au naturel ..the beauty au naturel...and Jack will be in heaven with such an angel

    I've always imagined Sam wearing the Air Force t-shirt that he wore in Fragile Balance. Sexy and simple.
    JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

    Thank you, Nikkirose!


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
      The Farscape miniseries will be aired on Sky One on January 16th and 23rd.
      Yay! can see it just before I go back to Uni then!

      double yay! 200th post! weeee!

      good thing I came back becoz I was bad and didnt put my AT snippet in spoilery type thing. so glad I retifyed that. right I so gotsta go ta bed now. happy shippying guys and gals



        Originally posted by mad_gater
        Also have to part the Shipless Sea!!!! And then close the sea again on TPTB in their charriots!!
        LOL! Take that PTB!



          Originally posted by JSDT
          I've always imagined Sam wearing the Air Force t-shirt that he wore in Fragile Balance. Sexy and simple.
          Oh yes! I can just picture that now!


            Spoilers New Order Season 8

            Originally posted by Shipperahoy

            I know people have mentioned before how Jack doesn't seem concerned for Sam. At first I didn't agree but watching it again it's really glaring. Has anyone else noticed that Daniel seems way more concerned for Sam than Jack does? The look on Daniel's face when Teal'c told him that Sam had been blown up with the ship was more than Jack showed the whole episode. They focues quite a bit on the Jack/Daniel banter, which I love so I won't complain. I wonder if they read all the people's posts who felt that the Jack/Daniel friendship got the shaft in Lost City. The reason I bring this up is that I think the barren wasteland that has been Sam/Jack ship thus far this season means that there's going to be some good stuff coming up. That's the way it worked in seasons 6 and 7. Virtually no ship in the first half and then quite a bit in the second. I'm so looking forward to Threads. The wait is driving me nuts. Well, more nuts than usual.
            I think part of what was so glaring in this ep is that it's supposed to follow Lost City, and LC was loaded with angst and power. The only power in the entire ep to me was what Sam was going through with Fifth (and that was before farmboy boyfriend showed up).

            Now, yes, I noticed Daniel showed more concern for Sam than Jack... for all of about 2 minutes. It was literally the next scene where Daniel and Teal'c were talking about something that they both (and I especially felt this from Daniel) acted like their good friend and teammate wasn't dead (I think they were joking about something). I think there was some glaring lack of continuity in this ep, because all three of these guys lacked the real emotional impact of losing their dear friend. But at least Teal'c and Daniel showed it at first, but it certainly left their minds quickly. Adding Jack's casualness of the whole thing makes me ask one big question... did anyone actually direct these guys!? Continuity! *I'm ranting again *




              Originally posted by majorsal
              I've always meant to ask - does that look like Sam's got a piece of cake in her fingers, and maybe some cake is on Jack's right shoulder?

              Don't know what's in her hand but that his eagles (full bird colonel) on his shoulder.
              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
              My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                Originally posted by Catysg1


                Me I don't like the Daniel /Jack thingie because I can see something I don't want to see ..and I think Daniel is a bit feminine which does not help me much I ignore the Jack/Daniel ..stuff ..but I love the Teal'c /Sam stuff ..and the Teal'c /Jack stuff

                Caty, hon, don't let yourself be brainwashed. Jack and Daniel aren't gay and RDA and MS don't play them that way. At all. Ever.




                  Originally posted by misstweedledee
                  Hey *waves*

                  Wow what a week to have not been on the thread.
                  i had to spend the week in my room cause they thought i had the mumps
                  but the computer is downstairs, it has been hell.
                  Then they decide i dont have mumps but maybe glandular fever so there was no need for me to stay in my room anyway, GRRRRRRRR

                  So...All these pictures even though some of them are a little .......i have no words here..... for those who no friends i am making a chandler noise. *arflaughraf*

                  but i like them, i love the team photo, not the one that looks like the nativity scene (no that there is anything rong with it)

                  and i would also like to send out any welcomes to those i have missed during by absence;

                  WELCOME !!!

                  Secondly just in case i have missed any birthdays;

                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!

                  And finally i think we all deserve one of these ;

                  (((((((Shipper Family)))))))

                  O.K gonna go and catch up properly now

                  Welcome back! Glad you are feeling betterd and didn't have the mumps.


                    Goodnight shippers I just wanted to say that there was a party here and that it is now 3.40 AM here and that I am a little drunk but I can still type so that doesn't mean that I am too drunk no I'm just a bit tipsy that is all.Anyhow I'am off to bed now.So tired,party was so good.It was a disco party and there were a lot of people there,the performers were good,the DJ's too ! to bad they didn't asked me because I'm a DJ too Ahwell goodnight shippers see you guys perhaps tomorrow
                    Lord Zedd


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      Hi chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day...

                      *lets out F5 tornado force sigh*

                      AWESOME PIC BEV!!!! ((((((bev))))))

                      Got the perfect caption for it too:

                      Jack: FCOL!! Couldn't Thor have waited just little while longer? Why does he always have to interupt our storage closet sessions?!?!?!

                      Sam: I don't know. But we'd better button up before people start suspecting.


                        Originally posted by mad_gater
                        *lets out F5 tornado force sigh*

                        AWESOME PIC BEV!!!! ((((((bev))))))

                        Got the perfect caption for it too:

                        Jack: FCOL!! Couldn't Thor have waited just little while longer? Why does he always have to interupt our storage closet sessions?!?!?!

                        Sam: I don't know. But we'd better button up before people start suspecting.



                          Right again nickatell.It's one thing if Jack stopped asking Sam to go fishing or Jack stopped visiting Sam in her Lab but Jack has never stopped showing Sam how he feels within the Regs.It also drives me up the wall when I hear unrequited feeling for Jack.I do not remember an episode where Sam tells Jack she loves him and Jack rejects her.Jack may not be the most open person but he has given Sam so many signals as to how he feels for her.If anything Jack should be confused about Sam's feeling for him.In regard to
                          New Order I still cannot believe there was no Sam and Jack hug.Daniel and Teal'c did not jump for Joy with Jack either. New Order was a big letdown after Lost City was so great.New Order got Season 8 off to a bad start IMO.


                            Caty TPTB are too busy with Atlantis to worry about Stargate.TPTB are not doing there homework in regards to Stargate.IMO most of Season 7 and 8 seem rushed and sloppy.


                              I hope I'am wrong but can anyone say
                              Icon.IMO Daniel is not a great character when he is on his own.Sam and Teal'c are not much better.Episodes like Icon and Affinity should sent up a red flag about Season 9.Jack makes all the characters around him so much better.IMO.
                              Last edited by ses110; 27 November 2004, 06:50 PM.


                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                I hope I didn't shatter anyone's monitor with how loud I just moaned??? I bet the lip nibbling was adlipped by Amanda.

                                Ohhhhhhh but the lip nibbling got better in Grace.


                                Just finished watching Grace on DVD & capping it. 28 caps which seems like alot, but it was all of 4 seconds (35:16 to 35:20 on the time counter). So it was shorter than the POV kiss, but.... IMOHO... equally hot. Especially the one or two caps... (maybe I'll scrub them a bit & post them...)

                                And if you turn the speakers up & ignore the ship music you hear... *ahem* Certain parties *were* definitely enjoying themselves. (Can we say lip-smacking good??? )

                                (What was that again? 12 takes??????? )

                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

