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    Originally posted by Bucky
    I just saw the "Threads" pics and I sort of held my breath for a moment, then exhaled thinking thankful thoughts toward Auralan for her early spoilers. I might have been in cardiac arrest without them.

    So. After a deep breath, I wanted to share my initial response to the first picture, the one with
    Sam in the forefront and Kerry in the background. I was just so struck by the how different they were. And not just the blonde/brunette thing, although that's the most obvious. It's that Sam was completely covered up in a prim twin set, while Kerry had a figure-flattering wraparound that showed a little cleavage. Kerry didn't look cheap, she just looked freer, more open, more available. So, I'm not surprised that Jack would find her attractive.

    To me the set up for that shot said everything about what had kept Sam and Jack apart all these years. She is always on guard around him, but we've seen her looking very hot in civies--but never when Jack is around. I can't remember a time when he's around that she's not completely trim and proper. But, of course, she has to be.

    Poor baby.

    As for the bed scene: I dunno, MeiMei. I'd like to think it was in place of the office scene we were told about in the earlier sides, but the hilarious German-to-English translation indicates that the scene with Kerry going to Jack's office is still there. From what we have been able to determine, it sounds like Sam doesn't tell Jack and Kerry what is going on with her father. Maybe Jack knows Jacob is ill, maybe he doesn't. The point is, even if he does know, that's not a reason for Jack to stop his social life. I sure don't like the idea of Jack in bed with Kerry (cf cardiac arrest possibilities of first paragraph), but I don't want to get into the blame thing that assaulted Sam's character after "Chimera."

    I had been feeling pretty chipper--almost smug--in my shipper thoughts. I had persuaded myself that it was all going to turn out hunkdory and I just had to wait. I still think it's going to turn out well for Jack and Sam--but those pictures from "Threads" meant Joe Malozzi's rollercoaster just took another lurch!


    Edit to add Good wishes to Tame on her anniversary!
    I like your analysis of Sam vs the other one... Very astute!

    The German English translation seems to be the exact same info as the casting sides, making me think that their source is the same as ours. That's why I was suggesting the change in location for the discussion. I am also hoping that the scene is a "before" and there is no "after"... That is just Mei Mei not wanting Jack with anyone but Mei Mei... uh, I mean, Sam!!! LOL!


      Originally posted by gatewatcher
      Happy Anniversary, Tame and to your hubby, too. I have also been married for 19 years!
      WOO HOO for you Lana....Then you KNOW EXACTLY why I am the way I am ...LOL

      NOw we can start a 19 yr club and EXPLAIN to the PTBs that between us we have 4 TIMES the number of years RELATIONSHIP experience WITH ONE PERSON then they do so they should be talking to US!!!!!! sheesh..... ANY ONE that has been in a relationship HAS MORE EXPERIENCE THEN THEM !!!! .......................... oh did I say that out loud ...
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by majorsal
        I might have a little talk with Darren about being able to green point someone whenever you want....

        Taking it onlist:

        Happy Anniversary, Tame and unnamed hubby!

        LOL..((((((((((((((Sally)))))))))))) I think Hubs would tell you that HE deserves something ....hhmmmm not sure how I should take that

        I can't say it enough this Shipper Family is THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          LOL..((((((((((((((Sally)))))))))))) I think Hubs would tell you that HE deserves something ....hhmmmm not sure how I should take that

          I can't say it enough this Shipper Family is THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Oh - but Tame is the bestest too!
          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


            Originally posted by majorsal
            I want to see SAM and JACK in BED together too!!!

            Tame, bribe them with some money! Do it, Tame! Make your hubby (who you've been wisely training since the first date) contribute to the bribing! For the love of ship, MAKE THEM DO IT!

            *chews on tranquilizer laced shipper cookie*

            Whew, I feel better now.


            Tame, bribe them!

            Ok....NOT that I want to see RDA in his
            Boxers and T-shirt
            in all sorts of scenes and NOT because I want to see Sam get looked at by those GORGEOUS CHOCOLATE BROWN EYES ........ while he is wearing those

            NOOOOOOO not for any of those reasons .....ONLY because you asked me to ((((((((((Sally)))))))))

            YOO HOO PTBs OVER HERE... I have a SURPRISE for you ...but I need a favor ..... and ya know if yews do a favor for me....then I can maybe do a favor for you later.....capice
            Last edited by TameFarrar; 25 November 2004, 07:51 AM.
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
              Oh - but Tame is the bestest too!
              thns smgstr i nt brthe

              edit to add: translates as - Thanks Shimmingstar I can't breathe....didn't want you all to think I had TOTALLY lost it
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Just throwing out a few throughts before heading off to what I hope is a good dream, not a nightmare about J/K.

                Those of you who have been SG fans longer than I have, are the spoiler pics for the eps usually in sequence? If so, that one with Sam and Kerry is probably Sam talking to Jack about her doubts, and Kerry coming out of Jack's house, Sam probably not knowing she is there yet. Then the next with Jack and Kerry standing together, Jack looks very serious-- could be churning with emotions within,& Sam is probably just leaving after getting the phone call. Then the next---arghhhhhh-- do any of the sharp eyed fans recognize anything about this bedroom? Well, the curtains are about all that can be seen, but I have no doubt some fans remember what the curtains look like in Jack's bedroom. So whose bedroom is it, Jack's or Kerry's? But if the pics are in sequence this scene follows the BBQ and somehow Kerry figures out that Jack is "holding back." It's hard to tell just from a profile what expression Jack has on his face, but I kind of detect a quizzical look, not a real happy one, as one might think he should have. I'm going to throw out the opinion, that whatever happened in the bedroom, Jack is not going to stay around that long for happy talk, and Kerry is figuring out why.
                Last edited by Shipperahoy; 24 November 2004, 09:31 PM. Reason: Just added some spoiler brackets.


         it just me or does anyone else feel betrayed or cheated or just plain upset
                  by seeing jack and kerry in each others arms, in threads pics?

                  i feel sad now..but i m still waiting to c MORE pics.. i m sure there will be a good s/j outcome in the end
                  love, bee
                  Last edited by Shipperahoy; 24 November 2004, 09:27 PM. Reason: I just fixed the spoiler space.
                  "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                  sig by RepliCartertje


                    OMG ^$$#%$&^ I have just realised what i did..
                    sorry..been a LONG day!
                    "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                    sig by RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by Daniel's_twin
                      *recovers from spinning head* I've been around, posting here and there, not really a part of any shipper thread. In fact, I was a little nervous about joining this one until I found out what a shipper was. Even then I was a little skeptical. But I guess being a big Jack/Sam fan, it was only a matter of time before I got here. As for whether it was a wise decision, we shall see. Just kiddn' around. Glad to be here!
                      WELCOME!!!!!! I see you took aAnubiSs' advice ...... I hope it works out for ya ............ AND I hope that Sam & Jack DO end up Married as well, as I too prefer THAT be the way they end up in bed............ BUT TPTB seem to be enjoying throwing every
                      Pete, Kerry and whatever around these days

                      So we shall see
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        OK..scrub that last msg..
                        i thought i didnt put the spoiler thingy on!
                        sorry...oh man..what a day!
                        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                        sig by RepliCartertje


                          For me, its a guilty yet justified means to a temporary end. I mean here Sam has been able to live a somewhat normal relationship life with a man, whereas Jack as been isolating himself much like how Carter was before "Grace". But now it seems like Jack, having met and talked with Kerry, feels like he should get on with his love life outside of Carter. So, with Sam hitting it off with Pete (sort of), Jack feels he should be able to explore relationships again as well. But it will prove more difficult the more that BOTH of them try.
                          Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

                          Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

                          Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...


                            Originally posted by TameFarrar
                            Ok....NOT that I want to see RDA in his Boxers and T-shirt in all sorts of scenes and NOT because I want to see Sam get looked at by those GORGEOUS CHOCOLATE BROWN EYES ........ while he is wearing those BOXERS

                            NOOOOOOO not for any of those reasons .....ONLY because you asked me to ((((((((((Sally)))))))))

                            YOO HOO PTBs OVER HERE... I have a SURPRISE for you ...but I need a favor ..... and ya know if yews do a favor for me....then I can maybe do a favor for you later.....capice

                            Tame, Tame, Tame... I love you, honey.


                            Between you and the shipper that trained her dog to give her CPR... you guys are THE best!


                            ps - I've found a place to host pics, so I'm trying them out... expect new ones frequently. Is this one too big, though?



                              Originally posted by majorsal

                              Tame, Tame, Tame... I love you, honey.


                              Between you and the shipper that trained her dog to give her CPR... you guys are THE best!


                              ps - I've found a place to host pics, so I'm trying them out... expect new ones frequently. Is this one too big, though?
                              LOL! Well, between this roller coaster ride (and I abhor roller coasters...) and the occasional foray into the Thunk Thread, I need someone around here that can get my heart restarted when necessary! I was so totally not expecting that pic!!!!
                              Between the, eh, subject matter and the state of, eh, dress of Jack...
                              Well, you see my point....
                              Last edited by Guest; 25 November 2004, 05:44 AM.


                                Speculation on Season 8 and 9
                                .I see now how they will explain Sams absence from Season 9, after the shock of seeing Jack with Kerry she will rush to her fathers side and he will convince her not to marry Pete. Once she tells Pete the marriage is off, she decides to leave the SGC for a little vacation to clear her head (of Jack and Kerry) and decides to leave Jack a note explaining everything including her feelings for him. After reading the note Jack will spend the rest of Season 9 searching for her. Okay, I didn't make this up I'm sure I saw it on one of my soap operas when I used to watch them years ago. I agree with all of you guys why are they wasting all of this romance and time on others instead of Jack and Sam? Seven years we have been waiting for Jack and Sam to be together and I swear if it comes down to the last five minutes and all we get is a kiss, I will explode. All this game playing is ruining everything, the clock is ticking!!!!!!!!
                                I mean it bothers me that we are still only hearing speculation about A KISS, I mean hello seven years!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Mod edit - spoilers for, um, Threads?)
                                Then these pictures come out and even knowing in my heart that Sam and Jack will be together, it doesn't make it any easier. The looks that Kerry is getting from Jack should be at Sam, and the answer that Sam gives Pete should be to Jack.
                                They are going to playout all of our dreams for Jack and Sam with these two and that will leave what a handshake??????????????? Oh, wait that one big kiss I forgot.

                                I give TPTB until the end of season 8 and when season 9 comes around I will be interested to see how it pands out; but if they wipe the slate clean as usual, I am through, enough is enough.
                                Last edited by Madeleine; 25 November 2004, 12:12 AM.

