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    Originally posted by Rogue
    Thats fine, I just didn't want to see it.
    Me either.

    Sally :/



      Originally posted by TameFarrar

      Today is my 19th wedding anniversary .....So why is it that I always see these pictures in terms of them ALREADY being married.....
      I might have a little talk with Darren about being able to green point someone whenever you want....

      Taking it onlist:

      Happy Anniversary, Tame and unnamed hubby!




        Originally posted by Gatetrixer

        I think AT said at a con, when asked about filming a kiss with RDA, "that man has tonsils."
        Yes, she did, I asked her! And if I'm remembering right (Amanda kinda wiped my brain functions), she said 'that man sure has tonsils'.




          Well said Sally.After
          Pete and all of The male guest stars falling for Sam it is nice to see Jack in a relationship.I cannot blame Jack for being with Kynthia since he was drugged and with Laira Jack though he was stuck on the Planet for good.I also think Kerry is 10 times the person Pete is or any other Man Friend of Sam's.I wonder if Pete would put Sam's happiness first like Kerry is doing for Jack.I doubt Pete would step aside like Kerry will be doing.


            Originally posted by shelsfc
            It's great to finally see some of this episode!
            They're not telling us anything we didnt already know though.
            Sam does look upset...I know it's mean, but I can't help thinking "Well they're even now..."

            The pics do seem to confirm the spoilers about Sam finding Kerry at Jack's house, so hopefully that means there's a good chance the ep hasn't been changed.
            Ooh, I hadn't thought of it like that. Yes, more proof that they've not changed the script.





              spoilers. season 8. threads


              Originally posted by Shipperahoy
              I knew this was coming although the Threads pic of
              Jack and Kerry in bed together traumatized me a wee bit (aka a whole heck of a lot) as I really don't think I need to see Jack in bed with someone else after having sat through the Chimera scene, but hey whatever

              However, I don't think that this means that there isn't going to be a happy S/J resolution. We just have to deal with the crap along the way. I just keep telling myself "roller coaster ride, roller coaster ride, roller coaster ride".
              I understand what you're saying, hon. I think what gets me AGAIN is that it's another situation where WE won't get to see a scene like that for our couple too. But like you, I knew we'd see 'some' sort of ship between them, but another bed scene... how much can a shipper heart take, you know?




                Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                I just wish that there were some even remotly shippy pictures for Threads or Moebius to counteract THE PICTURE. Like the (Moebius spoiler)
                major S/J kiss that is supposed to happen in Moebius
                Me too... I need a margarita... or five.

                Jeez, can you imagine what shape we'll all be in WHEN Sam and Jack finally get their resolution! ... we'll all be a bunch of alcoholic, drug addicted, nervous twitching idiots! *I was that before, though, so I can't count myself *




                  spoilers for s7's chimera and s8's threads


                  Originally posted by Watters87
                  Looking at the [Threads and Chimera]
                  Picture of Jack/Kerry in bed, it doesn't look like Jack is going to storm out unlike that Spud. That picture just highlights the differences between Jack and Pete and why Jack is so much better for Sam than Pete.
                  If the sides/spoilers for Threads are correct, then I think this is more showing the difference between Pete and Kerry than Pete and Jack. Kerry appears to be a nice and respectful woman, and if she's really going to 'show' Jack the way to be with 'another woman'... Pete's been selfish from the get-go.

                  Why ANOTHER bed scene with ANOTHER couple that's NOT Sam and Jack!!!

                  *takes deep breaths*

                  Who's got the pills that are supposed to dull the pain???

                  Sally, pmsing, melodramatic, and needing STUFF to feel better.... GIVE ME STUFF!



                    Originally posted by meimei
                    Okay, I've caught up on the thread! Ack! I got home late and then I saw the first Threads spoiler pic!! After my dog, Frankie, finished pounding on my chest to get my heart restarted, I decided to put my wishful thinking fanfic writing brain to work on this....

                    Threads S8 SPECULATION/SPOILERS!!


                    The first pic of Sam with Kerry in the background. We know from the casting sides that Sam comes to Jack to talk to him about her relationship with Pete and that she thinks she's made a mistake and Kerry walks out... Okay, the picture agrees with that spoiler. No prob there...

                    The second pic of Jack and Kerry together obviously looking at Sam. My take is that this is where Sam answers her phone to find out that something is wrong with Jacob. I would say that Sam doesn't tell them what's wrong. She's already embarassed by being there ready to talk emotional things with Jack only to find he has a girlfriend. I would imagine she just says she has to go. Otherwise I would say that Jack would go with her to the SGC.

                    The, gulp, bed pic... Ack!! Okay, calm down, Mei Mei, breathe.... I tend to go with Zoser's take on "Why I can't do this" but with a twist. The casting sides provided by Mistress of Spoilers, Auralan, said that Kerry went to Jack's office to tell him that she didn't think it would work because of his feelings for someone else. Well, we all know that casting sides don't always make it into the final script.

                    What if the scene that was supposed to take place in his office is the scene we are seeing in his bedroom. They continued with their picnic, things went forward from there, but Jack was holding back. What changed from when she got there to this point? Sam showed up, maybe got enough out to Jack before Kerry's appearance for Jack to realize that Pete was on his way out. Saw Sam upset about something from the phone but didn't know what. He's distracted when Kerry should have his complete attention. Hence, the beginning of the end of Kerry!?!?!?!?

                    Please tell me this makes sense otherwise I may have to go dig the defib out of the thunk supply closet!!!
                    It makes sense MM. You can put the defib back in the closet...

                    My speculation on the last scene you mentioned is...
                    that it also could be one of the early scenes of the episode too... something a minute or so long to establish that Jack is in a romantic/sexual relationship with someone else... the office scene still could always come later after this scene... Jack may be smiling at Kerry in bed... Kerry may be playing along w/him, but at the same time she is getting more & more confirmation that she's *not* getting 100% of his attention or love & that he's holding back for some reason......
                    *shrugs* just another speculation.
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by Catysg1

                      When he ends up with Sam I really hope we'll see them in bed too ..because after Sam/pete and Jack /kerry in bed's only fair to have Jack/Sam in bed too...If they don't present Sam and jack in bed to me after that I'll be very disappointed . and I hope she'll be wearing something light too and he'll be wearing his white t-shirt or even better ...shirtless

                      I want to see SAM and JACK in BED together too!!!

                      Tame, bribe them with some money! Do it, Tame! Make your hubby (who you've been wisely training since the first date) contribute to the bribing! For the love of ship, MAKE THEM DO IT!

                      *chews on tranquilizer laced shipper cookie*

                      Whew, I feel better now.


                      Tame, bribe them!




                        Originally posted by Daniel's_twin
                        Greetings! I am now joining this part of the forum by saying that I am a die-hard believer in Jack and Sam getting together getting married, and fishing happily ever after. Ok, maybe that last part wouldn't be so happy for Carter...
                        Welcome, Daniel's twin! (love the name)

                        As our esteemed ship doctor Caty has said, 'the ship will sail and love will prevail'.




                          Originally posted by ses110
                          Well said Caty.If
                          we get just a Sam and Jack Kiss that is not good enough.We must get a Sam and Jack Bed scene.RDA's status for Season 9 is up in the air TPTB should pull out all the stops and give us Hugs Kisses and a Bed scene plus those three little words.TPTB do not have a problem showing other couples in Bed so I do not want to hear any excuses.
                          I can't think of an excuse, except 'because we don't want to. bite on that.'

                          Last edited by majorsal; 24 November 2004, 09:00 PM.



                            Originally posted by wynter
                            congraulations Tame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            oh my god what is going on.......
                            just saw the new photos

                            My god things are coming true as auralan has said i'm ok with it but suprised there wasn't a kiss photo of our 2.

                            Major heart pains when i saw jack in his boxer shorts in bed,HELL they better give us a bed scene with sam and jack after seeing them with the bits on the side until they finally get together.

                            please if any-one translates the german please post asap.
                            I am still in happy mode but did u see the pain on sam's face when kerry was there to be honest i was expecting a blonde woman to be kerry,but it is the total opposite of sam maybe thats what jack wanted to try and get his heart distracted from somebody that dosen't resemble sam,beautiful hair and pretty women why oh why are we being nice to her,,,,,,,,

                            ok hope you guys are doing fine

                            Thanks Wynter ((((((HUGS))))

                            AnD I wanted to put this link up for any of you that would like to get you own translation.....It is a web site called FREE TRANSLATIONS

                            Just choose the languages you want to have the translation done in

                            EXAMPLE German TO English and then copy and paste the text into the box and click may NOT be perfect BUT it may help those that don't want to wait

                            Edit to add : I just saw that Amra has a translation web site posted as well I don't know if this one will do anything different....But at least now we have two of them to use if we get any more spoilers from the *other* sources
                            Last edited by TameFarrar; 24 November 2004, 08:53 PM.
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by Bucky
                              I just saw the "Threads" pics and I sort of held my breath for a moment, then exhaled thinking thankful thoughts toward Auralan for her early spoilers. I might have been in cardiac arrest without them.

                              So. After a deep breath, I wanted to share my initial response to the first picture, the one with [spoil]Sam in the forefront and Kerry in the background. I was just so struck by the how different they were. And not just the blonde/brunette thing, although that's the most obvious. It's that Sam was completely covered up in a prim twin set, while Kerry had a figure-flattering wraparound that showed a little cleavage. Kerry didn't look cheap, she just looked freer, more open, more available. So, I'm not surprised that Jack would find her attractive.

                              To me the set up for that shot said everything about what had kept Sam and Jack apart all these years. She is always on guard around him, but we've seen her looking very hot in civies--but never when Jack is around. I can't remember a time when he's around that she's not completely trim and proper. But, of course, she has to be.

                              Poor baby.[/spoiler]
                              Interesting POV Bucky. My take is I think Jack would find
                              Kerry attractive. Not sure if I agree w/you on the ‘more attractive’ part. I think it’s a matter that Kerry is more available. No strings attached. No messy commitments to disentangle herself from like Sam has. Plus, (IMHO) honorable man that Jack is, who respects & loves Sam, he didn’t, isn’t, & won’t do anything that will stand in the way of Sam’s happiness whether that be continuing her AF career or pursuing a romantic life that doesn’t involve him….

                              Interestingly I think my reaction to this pic is that, this scene, combined w/Sam’s in Chimera, ups the ante sooooooooooo much more, if and when they give S/J resolution. Again… it’s just my own humble opinion that if TPTB are going to give viewers bedroom scenes like these two, then they can’t expect us to not fully expect something of equal weight & impact with S/J resolution.

                              It’ll be interesting to see how it all really plays out….. That’s how many more months for us here in the U.S.?????? Pass that defib machine over here MM! The stress ‘n strain of the wait is getting to me! LOL! (j/k)
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Originally posted by meimei
                                I'm borrowing Bev's band to say

                                (((((Tame & Hubs))))))
                                Happy Anniversary!!
                                (((((((((((((((Mei Mei)))))))))))))))))) Thank you from Both myself AND Hubs!!!!
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

