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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by TameFarrar
    Your Beta looks like your signature picture at this moment

    I am just glad that you won't be computerless next week! You would really begin to look like my sig pic!!

    I have been trying to keep a little less in the ship discussion because I am trying to write a non-ship team story... You can't begin to know how hard that is for me!! I am trying to stay completely away from ship of any kind in the story. I may go back and add some subtle ship later but for now I am trying to avoid Ship Nana's cookies so I don't freak out and start writing love scenes in the middle of this story!!

    You may have more work but it won't be soon. This one is going to take a while!


      spoilers for s7 and s8 (chimera, covenant, and pete character discussed)


      Rant time! *hide your children! run, save yourselves!*

      I just finished watching Covenant, and there were two times that Alec Colson was refered to as a 'security risk'. My immediate thought was, why wasn't super sleuth boyfriend Pete Shanahan tagged a security risk too? He dug into something (someone) he wasn't supposed to. How can his actions be rewarded? The main reason they told Alec everything was to shut him up. Was that why they told PS too - so he'd stop digging? And if the answer is yes, he didn't deserve it! He also didn't deserve to hold onto a woman like Sam Carter! *takes deep breaths* .... *takes some more* Okay, I'm done.




        To the UK shippers, when do you guys see the first ep that the US peeps haven't seen? I think that'll be Prometheus Unbound. Anyhoo, I want to know when I can start to expect hearing about NEW EPISODES!?! What is the exact date that Prometheus Unbound aires in the UK?




          Originally posted by Catysg1
          I'm not military ...but a Doctor and I'm called Caty Ship..or Doctor Ship like that I 'll make sure I get Sam jealous a little by talking to Jack lot ..and right now ..I think he likes my French accent so and he even said "Bonjour" et "Au revoir" to me a few times already ..he's learning fast
          and Sam and Doctor Ship (me ) had a little chat about relationship and she (Sam) is a bit less confused now .

          So hopefully my cheeky behaviour and my secret mission will do the trick

          Yeah, Caty!

          The Doctor's on the case.




            Originally posted by Token
            Spoilers S8 Affinity
            "I really think Jack should have taken the hint, or plunge, and gave Sam something to chew on." Based on some of the conversations going on about this subject, I would say Jack did her something to chew on. He said, "I wouldn't be here." Sam could have taken that to mean that he would resign if they were together. Sam being Sam would chose to have Jack at the SGC fighting the Gou'ald then at home waiting for her. Both characters seem to lay down their own personal feelings for each other. It almost seems they each have their own martyr syndrome.

            Take some of mine!
            *takes peanuts and throws some... into mouth*

            Well, maybe Sam misinterpreted what Jack meant by 'I wouldn't be here'... LIKE THE REST OF US! But I really understand what you're saying.




              Originally posted by meimei

              I am just glad that you won't be computerless next week! You would really begin to look like my sig pic!!

              I have been trying to keep a little less in the ship discussion because I am trying to write a non-ship team story... You can't begin to know how hard that is for me!! I am trying to stay completely away from ship of any kind in the story. I may go back and add some subtle ship later but for now I am trying to avoid Ship Nana's cookies so I don't freak out and start writing love scenes in the middle of this story!!

              You may have more work but it won't be soon. This one is going to take a while!
              well while I haven't been able to expound as much as I would like on the Sam & Jack antics......although I don't know how often I can repeat the same things over and over in different ways...I AM TOTALLY impressed with all of the speculations for the last five episodes....

              I am really hoping that it will be as *Epic* as TPTB are leading us to believe and it will rival other Sci-Fi Action/Adventure/Romance (Think Farscape) series extravaganzas we have enjoyed this year.

              TPTB will have their work cut out for them...Battlestar Gallactica is coming out, Atlantis has a cliff hanger and alot of people are enjoying the new season of Enterprise that airs at the same time on my end of the coast......

              AND I think ALL of those shows are doing ALL THREE things ACTION, ADVENTURE and most of all ROMANCE. and they are blending it in VERY WELL from what I am hearing and seeing. Even the Mini Series of BG had a bit of the *Ship* and it was well written into the show.

              So in order for SG1 to stand out this second half they are going to have to get back to business and remember ALL the thiings that made this show great - might I recommend a re-watch of seasons 1-4 - I am sending as many positive thoughts as I can their way
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by Catysg1
                yes ..this is where I think they (TPTB) are going ..full circle ..back to the beginning with Jack being...
                retired BUT with Sam ..and then for the movie ...SCG is coming to Jack for help in the early hours of the morning ..and Sam opened the door ..Jack behind her ..They are married ..and let's get it on with the off world mission ...because he'll re-assign again but as an action man just to sort out the menace from the sky
                ...I would love to see that ..hehehehehe

                I really like that idea

                Can i just say thankyou shippers for the green
                dots given to me Also i'm sorry but i'm unable to give points to you as i post using a
                tv digi-box and alot of the forum bits will not work for me so just think a few extra points going to you from tara!

                I like the point made about AT and RDA having on screen chemistry, i saw that right from the very first show when Sam walked into that room,
                lol lightening bolts were flying between those two even then!
                I also think that acting the part is not enough
                it must come from their eyes, if the actors don't like each other then that will show up on
                screen and imho as viewer i just go oh yea just
                don't like that!

                I've enjoyed (mostly) where Sam and Jack's journey have taken me but i'm feeling a little fed up now and want to see them together and to see the results of that!
                SPOILERS FOR S7
                Tara having alot of fun hereTHANKYOU!


                  Originally posted by melpomene
                  yeah I'm getting my C4 and my penguin and we're tying ourselves to the 2 hr.parking sign in front of the studio and we're gonna threaten to blow ourselves up unless TPTB kill-and i mean totally MURDERIZE-pete the potatohead.Now all i have to figure out is how I'm going to afford C4 when i can't afford the plane ticket to Canada.........
                  LOL! Can we make our own C4? Maybe C3 and a half? But yeah, I can't afford the ticket either... I guess I can walk... *images showing up at studios with C batteries and using canes*

                  Sally, BEGGING the ptb to WOW us with ship!



                    Originally posted by Zoser
                    You are right and for someone as blunt as Jack how come he just doesn't come right out and SAY SOMETHING!!!! If they weren't fictional characters I kick him right in the pants!
                    It's better to throw food at him (and Sam). That way, they have something to chew on while they rub their sore spots (and fuel after they make wild, passionate love).




                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      I apologise for my earlier post, since no-one agrees.

                      What I'm trying to say is, that maybe something's happened that we don't know about yet.

                      That could have happened, even though I'd feel cheated by not seeing it.... unless, they showed us clips of all their 'togetherness', then I could handle it.




                        so do any ppls know when the new sg1 is gonna be on in the UK?
                        hopefully soon....i heard b4 xmas....
                        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                        sig by RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar

                          And if I am reading your Edit got a DING for discussing SHIP on THIS THREAD.......... PLEASE.........well I can only hope it wasn't one of us.....cause lord knows we discuss ship FROM EVERY ANGLE and using another show from the MINDS OF THE SAME PTB's sure seems relevant to me
                          What amazes me is that anyone's even 'trying' to ship in Atlantis, after what the ptb have put us through with Sam and Jack. I'm not gun-shy, I feel like I've been beaten with the butt end of the gun... I've been too burned to ship for another show (or pairing) from these same writers. NOW, if I'm happy with the S/J ship resolution, I might give Atlantis a try.... but from afar. No forums, no lists, no fics, no spoilers, no conventions, no magazines, no articles, no interviews, no actor's thoughts, no writer's thoughts, no director's thoughts, no anything but just watching the show.




                            spoilers for s8's endgame


                            Originally posted by Major Fischer
                            Endgame needed something, if it was ship, that's fine. RDA didn't seem at all engaged in the plot, or in the fact that Sam was missing, and it was squeezed and too needly resolved. I think if they had 22 episodes this season it would have been a cliffhanger.
                            Endgame was alright. But it did have one nagging quality that I've found floating through some of Sg1's eps for the last two seasons... PLOT HOLES. When I can pick out more plot holes or inconsistencies than things I've enjoyed about an ep, something's wrong. After rereading this post, one would think I don't even like Stargate Sg-1 anymore... I do. I love it.

                            (((((((Stargate Sg-1))))))))

                            Live long and prosper! (Sam and Jack too! )




                              Originally posted by AmberMoon

                              I love talking Sam & Jack/AT & RDA with everyone and it's refreshing that an individual's opinion is not negated or degraded because another poster took offense (I've experienced that on the other board).

                              My heartfelt thanks!!!
                              Acceptance and understanding are the founding aspects of this thread. It started when this thread started on the old Delphi forums. We made it a place where shippers could come and talk Sam and Jack without defending it or themselves for loving it. I'm glad you're happy here, AmberMoon. Please stay and tell us your deepest, darkest Sam/Jack lurv fantasies.




                                I don't really care one way or another about what ship may or may not be on Atlantis. I love the show and most of the characters and that's good enough for me. And as Sally mentioned I'm waiting too to see what's done with the Sam/Jack ship before I even start to dwell on the mere possibility of other pairings. I didn't really see any kind of sexual chemistry between any of the main characters on Atlantis, though to me it seemed as though they might be trying to push the Sheppard/Teyla ship in Home. But that's just my opinion. But I have really high hopes for season 8 of SG-1 from what I've read of the spoilers.

                                Oh and Siler. The Incredibles was fan-freaking-tastic! My son didn't want to leave the theatre. He kept saying that he wanted to watch it again and I'll probably take him again when I get a chance. I LMAO.

                                It was, is, and always will be GREEN

