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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    Hands moira a large mug of vanilla chai. Here you go dear. It goes well with snickerdoodles

    Should that be Shipperdoodles?


      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
      Auntie Sal... I love ya. The irreverent off-topicedness of you and Tame and Ship Daddy & many other 'old timers' are why I lurked & then joined this thread & forum in the first place. And since you responded back in the thread & not in PM on this, I will respond back on the thread & not in a PM to you.
      And you know why it worked? We were small. All that OT and blabbering worked because it was just a small amount of posting on topic and off. Btw, I have no probs with OT, when it's in balance and when it's not taken over the thread. And it has.

      But since you brought it up - most importantly in that post I didn't want to name the names of allegedly "guilty" posters like you just did.
      I already let the 'guilty' poster know I wasn't thrilled with the post by nitpicking it. Was it nice of me? Well, since a lot of rules were broken in that simple post, I guess I didn't worry about whether I was being miss sweetie because something BIG was spoiled, and I wasn't given the chance to decide if I wanted to read it or not. And to top it off, it's all speculation. So for once, I said something. And since we have no moderators on this thread, who else is going to say something?

      IMHO, it's not good forum etiquette.
      Well, I tried to be gentle. I think I did a pretty good job, considering how upset I really was. And in the future, if you have a prob with me, pm me. This isn't about forum etiquette right now, but about you not liking someone telling you how to post.

      A PM to the poster, or better yet having a mod involved off the thread, I think is a much more gentle way of letting someone know that hey... maybe you can rein it in for a bit, or whatever the issue is.....
      See above. And really, don't go down this road with me again, and especially this way.

      Sorry family.....back to your normal shipping please.....
      Okay, now that you're done, how were you any better than what you accused me of? At least I was replying to a post and postee that I felt showed little regard to fellow forum users. What's going on between us right now is something different.

      If you have anything else to say to me, make it private. I would have sent this privately to you, but you didn't.




        Originally posted by Liebestraume

        Moebius speculation:
        Agreed. Either that, or add another dimension to the equation. In the case of the Strip, you just punch a hole. Perhaps the wormhole will come in hand for SG-1?

        I read your Harry-Potter-esque spec and especially liked the part about the first revolution being already done. Thing is, though, if what we saw had been the first revolution, wouldn't the outcome of Moebius tbe he equivalent of a reset? I was just worried that "ending up on the opposite side of the beginning" is symbolic and that, if TPTB is trying to re-invent the show, they might be tempted.

        Anyways, I'd better stop my (totally unfounded) rambling.

        In any case, over the past 8 years, TPTB have made it abundantly clear that Jack and Sam belong together no matter which reality they reside in. So, we can take that to the bank.
        More spec on Moebius:
        Depends on how you view time. When you throw time travel into the mix, things can both have already happened, and not yet happened, depending on your point of view.

        Let's say, for instance, that you go back in time, to the beginning of the baseball season, and tell yourself to place a bet that the Red Sox will play the Cardinals in the World Series. Future You knows this because it's happened, but Past You doesn't. At the same time, it's happened for you and not happened for you. So, in this theory, nearly everything in Moebius has already happened — but we're just now becoming aware of it.
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Originally posted by Gatetrixer
          Should that be Shipperdoodles?
          That is very good Gatetrixer! I think Ship Nana might want to incorporate that into the shipper cookies

          Well gang, since no one is biting on my "favorites" post, I shall head to bed. Happy shipper days ahead, and may there be no sea-sickness!


            Originally posted by Catysg1
            Whohooooo..Marimba ..long time no see
            Are you back?!!for good!!!

            Well, let's hope so! RL has been getting in the way quite a bit lately!

            As a coming back present I brought all the shiplets a new vid (actually two new vids)--

            "Take It to the Limit" by The Eagles A new ship vid


            "The Freshmen" by The Verve Pipe A Jack and Daniel vid in my new Jack and Daniel section. A vid about love and loss. This vid is ship NOT slash!

            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


              Originally posted by galaxy
              Yeah, I thought the same first.
              Reading the last few pages of this thread I couldn't help but make sure
              that I was really in the S/J Shipper thread.
              The mood here is suddenly extremely tense and even slightly agressive and I can't help but wonder why.
              Okay, since I'm the person here that's the most upset, I think I should explain *exactly* why.

              Back when this thread started on the old Delphi forums, I was one of the ppl that brought this thread into being. Okay, the shipper thread was there before me, but there was a small group of shippers that really brought it into being what it is today. And it was great, because I was *desperately* looking for a replacement to another S/J shipper group I was on. Arguing, resentments, bullying... I wanted to find a place where shippers could enjoy ship (and each other) without that bad stuff that I saw on so many other places. And I found it, and it was great... And then we got bigger. And the bigger we got, the harder it was to maintain the level of everything we'd started. Then OT started getting more frequent (and it felt like more because the group was more). Then GW forum went screwy and many shippers decided to play in the chatrooms. And they stayed there. And that was the beginning of things changing for the worse. OT is fine, when in moderation. But when half the posts on this thread 'are' OT... well, for ppl like me that mainly want to talk Sam and Jack ship... it's having to skip read most of the time. And you can ask yourself, is that really that bad? Yes and no. No, because we're a family and should have fun. Yes - and this is the one stumbling block here - it's been asked more than once, and by more than one person, to let up on so much OT talking, but all a person gets back is a self defensive attitude, like even asking this of somebody is wrong. No matter how fun and loving we are to one another, we are primarily The Sam and Jack Ship Discussion Thread. I do NOT red point ppl if they don't follow this request. The only thing I've done is talk to a mod about it, but I was basically told that 'you're on your own' (not exact words). I love this thread, even though I'm coming off rather bitter in these last couple of days. But if I can't make it work here... I have no place else to go. I've lost *so* much concerning this show, I don't want to lose this thread too. So...

              This is me BEGGING ppl to PLEASE consider others feelings when you post. And I'm talking exclusively about OT. It's never just one person saying something, it's many ppl replying to many ppl that's doing it. We're too big to play this way anymore, and I seriously don't know how much more I can take. I thought I was alright after my last bought with this until yesterday, when two ppl that brought it was were literally crucified for saying something. I'm not going to a mod, and not I'm red dinging ppl.. I'll just disappear. I'm not wrong to want to talk Sam and Jack ship on the Sam and Jack ship thread. Btw, I know I've already screwed myself by piping up, but I've taken the responsibility for it. I think this thread will survive, but I know my rep is pretty much destroyed from now on. And I'm taking the responsibility for it. I'm not going to continue with this, because I've finally made my peace. And even if someone replies to this on the thread, I'll take if off (if I want to reply).

              One more thing: I'm sorry to my fellow shippers who don't want to hear this stuff. I know many of you come here to have fun, so I'm sure stuff like this is a downer. I've made my peace, so I'm done now.

              Sally (they don't have a face to reflect how I'm feeling)



                Originally posted by samedi
                Hello everyone!

                Im Sami and I'm new to posting here! I've been trying a month to activate my account and I changed my address from an aol one to an Hotmail one and hey presto!

                Im a very big shipper like you guys! I've been reading the posts and everyone is soooo sweet and nice hehe

                Im from the uk so am currently getting ready to snuggle and watch stargate myself, so I just wanted to say a big hello and I luv everyones graphics and music videos! well done!

                Take care


                P.s How do I get signatures and the little icon in the corner of the messages?
                Welcome Samedi and all the Newbies I missed while I was away!!! Glad to have you here!
                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                  Originally posted by Kri
                  Are we allowed to do lists on this board? I thought of some fun things to ask everyone:

                  Favorite Ship Show (just one)

                  Favorite Ship scene

                  Favorite Ship dialogue

                  Favorite Ship Look (you know, THAT look)

                  Feel free to answer and add more!
                  Ok have to give me time to get back over here
                  Fave Ship Show :Beneath The Surface - because their feelings came through even the mind altering

                  Fave Ship Scene: The end of EV2 - Because Jack shows he trusts her but lets her know he wants to be there for her - Sam basks in the glow of Jack's pride in her

                  Fave Ship Dialogue: Come 'ere..._ BEST line EVER by Jack

                  Fave Ship Look: Jack looking at Sam as he leaves the infirmiry after they save Cassandra as a teenager

                  There are a few more but those are faves
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                    No freaking Wynter, it's all just SPECULATION and ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!

                    I loved Troy too, I loved all the boys in floaty skirts. I could get used to that look. That film was a girlies dream..
                    And we won't even begin to talk about all the rippling muscles... PG FORUM!!!

                    And I'm with you, Astro, it's speculation! I have to believe that, otherwise I might cry! I do believe! Sam and Jack WILL be together!!!!!
                    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      More spec on Moebius:
                      Depends on how you view time. When you throw time travel into the mix, things can both have already happened, and not yet happened, depending on your point of view.
                      More spec on Moebius:

                      I guess all my theorizing fundamentally presumes time as an arrow, always going forward. Even in the limit case (such as a black hole), it stands still. My protagonists may go back in time, but time itself will not go back.

                      You brought up a really interesting point, in that time could reverse. In this universe, though, there'd be such concept as cause or effect. I wonder what implication it has when it comes to the protagonists' memory; in other word, would SG-1 remember what happened/is happening/will happen to them?

                      PS. I understand this discussion may be a bit OT. So, if anyone feels this does not belong in this thread, please let me know either publicly, or via PM, or via a red point . I just couldn't resist because Mel brought up such great points.
                      In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane. ~ Oscar Wilde


                        Originally posted by JSDT
                        I have a new video. It's not shippy, but I thought I'd tell you all about it. It's a video about some of our favorite bad, gals.

                        Extraordinary by Liz Phair

                        As always, the link is in my sig.
                        EXCELLENT Tasha!!!!! The Goddesses would be proud!!!

                        Love that song PERFECT fit for these ladies Great job!!!!
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by marimba26
                          Well, let's hope so! RL has been getting in the way quite a bit lately!

                          As a coming back present I brought all the shiplets a new vid (actually two new vids)--

                          "Take It to the Limit" by The Eagles A new ship vid


                          "The Freshmen" by The Verve Pipe A Jack and Daniel vid in my new Jack and Daniel section. A vid about love and loss. This vid is ship NOT slash!

                          EXCELLENT videos Marimba!!! as always....

                          I loved the angsst you can just feel it in Take it to the Limit

                          and The Freshman...EXCELLENT with Danial and all that he has endured in loving and losing...wonderful!!!!!!!
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by Liebestraume
                            More spec on Moebius:

                            I guess all my theorizing fundamentally presumes time as an arrow, always going forward. Even in the limit case (such as a black hole), it stands still. My protagonists may go back in time, but time itself will not go back.

                            You brought up a really interesting point, in that time could reverse. In this universe, though, there'd be such concept as cause or effect. I wonder what implication it has when it comes to the protagonists' memory; in other word, would SG-1 remember what happened/is happening/will happen to them?
                            Moebius spec:
                            I think that was addressed in "Window of Opportunity". Jack and Teal'c retained their memories despite reliving the same hours over and over and over and over and... you get the point. So in other words, when everyone arrives back at the proper time, they'd still remember everything, because in reality nothing will have changed. It's all happened, but to the linearly-oriented mind, some of the effects happened before the causes.
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              Heroes spoilers and vague reference to season 8:


                              Originally Posted by Lunar
                              Oh, yes! Heroes SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):
                              When he kisses her neck and... PG forum... PG forum.... LOL.
                              I hope we get something like that in the upcoming episodes... hopeprayhopepray...

                              Originally posted by auralan

                              My expectations are higher than that. I think we'll get that and more. Much more.
                              Oh, I want to believe! My expectations were so high at one time that I was shooting for the moon... now I'll be glad if one of them glances up at it. But seriously, just don't make the end (if/when they get together) *so* ambiguous that we're not sure if Jack's going off with Siler and Sam's going to the cabin alone.




                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                Moebius spec:
                                I think that was addressed in "Window of Opportunity". Jack and Teal'c retained their memories despite reliving the same hours over and over and over and over and... you get the point. So in other words, when everyone arrives back at the proper time, they'd still remember everything, because in reality nothing will have changed. It's all happened, but to the linearly-oriented mind, some of the effects happened before the causes.
                                Moebius spec:
                                But I rather thought that's the point. In WoO, time itself was actually moving forward for Jack and Teal'c, because they realized events were repeating (i.e., cause and effect). For everyone else, time was essentially standing still; so they couldn't remember anything.

                                Unless, of course, Sam actually remembers that kiss and is not telling us.
                                Last edited by Liebestraume; 26 October 2004, 09:14 PM.
                                In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane. ~ Oscar Wilde

