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    I love you shipper family! Caty, Galaxy, AmberLM and everyone else comforting me with your wise words in particular!! ((Hugs))
    So what's everyone's current thinking on how the UST will become RST??


      Originally posted by Lunar
      Do we really? I mean, are there more shippers than any other fan-group? Or just more of us that shout a lot louder here on Gateworld??

      ETA: Apologies for the OTness, but my bad day just ended! I'm a death glider pilot at last! Oh yeah!

      Of course .. the Sam and Jack shippers are the majority of the audience ..Why would TPTB edit the US version of the lowdown then?
      Romance plays a bit part in all series which last 8 years ...They are normal peole with feelings ..and it's bound to show over the years.

      All my casual friends are Sam and Jack shippers and proud to be ...The Sam and Jack love story mixed with the sci-fi plot is just fantastic ..If you make a video with sam and Jack ..You can nearly use any songs you like ...It always fits ..because you can mix Romance and action altogether to make a smashing piece of art

      And Sam and Jack are a piece of's LOVe at its best ..the ups and downs of life but still here to support each other no matter what. and I love that.

      Poor them at the moment but they 'll get over it and our shippy ending will be worth it to make the whole series even more delicious to watch at the end of season 8



        Originally posted by Lunar
        I love you shipper family! Caty, Galaxy, AmberLM and everyone else comforting me with your wise words in particular!! ((Hugs))
        So what's everyone's current thinking on how the UST will become RST??

        If you haven't read that :

        then please do ..because this is what I would love to's so beautiful ..and very much Sam and Jack ...when the regs are out of the way



          Right back atcha Lunar! I really don't know what kind of ending I want, my only hope is that it is shippy but not 'schmoopy' (I stole that from someone's fanfic I read recently, the word suits it's purpose I think!) Stargate's never done SJ schmoop before and it shouldn't start doing schmoop of any kind now (see penultimate scene in A$$inity).

          "Attention all writers: Step away from the schmoop!"
          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

          My fanfic


            Originally posted by Major Fischer
            Okay, I really wasn't up for addressing this last night, but when I wake up to find negative comments in my reputation, I think I want to address it. For those of you who do not know what I am talking about, I sincerely apologize.

            This morning I recieved a gray rep point (meaning the poster hasn't earned the right to give red or green) with the comment "Wrong thread-OT" for a post that answered a direct question someone else asked.

            I answer questions when asked. It's part of being a member of any community. I don't know when or why it happened yesterday, but some parties have taken it upon themselves to attack other members of this community both within the thread, and outside it on a crusade against offending 'off topicness'.

            Some of you claim that this is because you are concerned about intimidating the lurking newbies who might want to join the discussion. That is a valid concern. It is also a valid concern to believe that you are causing existing community members to feel uncomfortable within the thread. I certainly don't feel comfortable, for fear that I might be judged not enough on topic. I have gotten PMs from other community members who do not feel comfortable.

            This is NOT what this thread is about. Please leave your personal crusades to other avenues.

            Too right Major Fisher

            Better try to keep in your heart what you already have ..than try to hope that somebody new will may joining the family.

            How many time did I skip the Penguins posts ..and I'm still here ...cuz I never used to care ..people were having fun ..and I thought that thread was all about that and Sam and Jack ..Now obviously ..I'm not so sure and I do feel uncomfortable right now as I'm posting so that I don't go OT

            Which means I may slow down on my posts over here and go and play in other forums more...for other shows too ..I've always wanted to make videos for other shows ..This may be the right opportunity for me



              Originally posted by AmberLM
              Right back atcha Lunar! I really don't know what kind of ending I want, my only hope is that it is shippy but not 'schmoopy' (I stole that from someone's fanfic I read recently, the word suits it's purpose I think!) Stargate's never done SJ schmoop before and it shouldn't start doing schmoop of any kind now (see penultimate scene in A$$inity).

              "Attention all writers: Step away from the schmoop!"

              The Jack playing the guitar scene outside his house under the moonlight and Sam turning up seems really delicious to me .



                Yeah, I'd already read it on, but I like the layout on that site
                It's a great story...
                I think I'd like S/J resolution after a big battle, when the realisation that they could have lost each other sinks in... someone (I think it was Andy, please correct me if I'm wrong) wrote a scene I really liked a while ago.
                But I do agree that if it were too sickly sweet it would be OOC for S/J. It's still got to have that awkwardness, and the tension... that's what makes S/J so electric!! No 'yes... yes... yes..' and hugging. More blood dirt and 'Um. I nearly lost you... I just wanted to say...' and snogging!

                OT: I liked that little snippet of RDA singing! I just got the mental image of Jack singing it... bizarre. Hehe. He's one of those singers who's voice sounds the same when they sing as when they talk...
                Yes, I know that sounds odd, but listen to Fran Healy talk with his Glaswegian accent and then listen to him sing. His accent mysteriously disappears.
                OTness over.


                  Originally posted by Lunar
                  Yeah, I'd already read it on, but I like the layout on that site
                  It's a great story...
                  I think I'd like S/J resolution after a big battle, when the realisation that they could have lost each other sinks in... someone (I think it was Andy, please correct me if I'm wrong) wrote a scene I really liked a while ago.
                  OT: I liked that little snippet of RDA singing! I just got the mental image of Jack singing it... bizarre. Hehe. He's one of those singers who's voice sounds the same when they sing as when they talk...
                  Yes, I know that sounds odd, but listen to Fran Healy talk with his Glaswegian accent and then listen to him sing. His accent mysteriously disappears.
                  OTness over.

                  I think I did mention a battle scene....
                  and the smoking dust and Sam and Jack run to each other in slow motion ...and wrap their arms around each other ..That would be nice for a relief scene cuz sure they won't be smiling much in a scene like that if there are dead bodies everywhere!!! : ( ...but for a RST scene ..I think they need to be out of danger the romantic guitar scene would be ideal and not to much either ...Absolutely superb good taste and very erotic in it's own way .
                  I want to see Comfort , smiles and lauhgter.



                    Yep. I'll agree with you there Caty. I'd like the 'battle' scene where it all comes out and then a 'dealing' scene afterwards. We kind of got that in Heroes...
                    The slow-mo run, the hug afterwards
                    . They could have done a lot more with it though, although
                    Janet's death was the central issue of the ep and I would NEVER want to take anything away from that, she deserved more than what she got as it was, IMO...


                      Hey there guys!

                      Still not keeping up with thread

                      Lovin' the FAQ idea, but i think I mentioned that yesterday too (a million or so pages ago)

                      I've had two grey dings because I was OT.

                      One was to do with Jello

                      One was an answer to a question.

                      Could the grey dinger please PM me.

                      If someone red reps me and it's a valid point, I don't kick up a fuss, but when people are singled out, it really annoys me.

                      Has anyone else been grey repped?

                      With regards to OT posting - It's getting a wee bitty out of hand. It's good that this thread is live and kicking, as it shows that we love Sam and Jack and also that we are not in the minority with our views, but, yesterday in particular, There were pages with not a single on topic post. I've always thought that OT was a good thing, as it made thsi thread stand out from the rest, and made it such a fun place to be, but there is a limit

                      (why do I think I'll get dinged for this?)

                      Here's what I think, (and I've seen other people do this)

                      If it's speculation, put [spec][/spec] as well as the spoil tag if its based on season eight spoilers.

                      If it's a spoiler, use spoiler tags as normal. Post a link to the source so that others can judge the validity of the 'spoiler', and NEVER say this WILL happen, because even things that have near enough been confirmed in the past have changed.

                      If its something on this thread (penguins cookies etc) we need to come up with a new tag (sorry if this has already been done)

                      I apologise if this has been said before, and I'm sorry if I've caused any offence to anyone.



                      you get the point!
                      Last edited by sueKay; 26 October 2004, 05:39 AM.
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Originally posted by Catysg1
                        Too right Major Fisher

                        Better try to keep in your heart what you already have ..than try to hope that somebody new will may joining the family.

                        How many time did I skip the Penguins posts ..and I'm still here ...cuz I never used to care ..people were having fun ..and I thought that thread was all about that and Sam and Jack ..Now obviously ..I'm not so sure and I do feel uncomfortable right now as I'm posting so that I don't go OT

                        Which means I may slow down on my posts over here and go and play in other forums more...for other shows too ..I've always wanted to make videos for other shows ..This may be the right opportunity for me

                        Actually Caty,

                        I have been visiting a lot of other forums recently. I've been revisiting some Star Trek ones and starting to go to the Atlantis forums.

                        I am in the same boat (well, ship) as you Caty. I don't mind people having fun, and I've joined in where possible, but the thread's moving at a rate of knots that I can barely keep up with, and I'm a fast reader and typist.

                        It's obvious from a lack of some familiar faces, and from some of the posts here, that people are beginning to take umbrage to some of the posting here. I don't mean to say that anyone should stop posting what they have been, but maybe paying closer attention to what they post (myself included I have to say)

                        Now folks...Without further ado...

                        BACK TO YOUR SHIPPING!
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by Replicarter
                          well, actualy, its both, but like i said before, just disregard it, i was told they were spoilers, but its very unlikely they are, but i still posted them because it could happen, and although others want this BWC to end, i think the storylike would be cool.
                          Please don't let people questioning your spoilers deter you from posting. They questioned the heck out of mine when I first showed up -- and rightly so. This group has been burned by false spoilers before. Sadly, even from people who almost definitely knew they were fake spoilers when they posted them. This has made the shipper family understandably wary when new people come in here with spoilers. Don't let it scare you and try to understand that they don't mean to be rude, but they've been burned in the past.

                          I am very curious where you heard your spoiler information. Was it from somebody with inside connections? Did you read it on a website or mailing list? If so, which one? I'd certainly like to know more about the source of your information so we can try to sort it out and see how it fits in with the other spoiler information we have.
                          *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                            Originally posted by sueKay
                            Hey there guys!

                            Still not keeping up with thread

                            Lovin' the FAQ idea, but i think I mentioned that yesterday too (a million or so pages ago)

                            I've had two grey dings because I was OT.

                            One was to do with Jello

                            One was an answer to a question.

                            Could the grey dinger please PM me.

                            If someone red reps me and it's a valid point, I don't kick up a fuss, but when people are singled out, it really annoys me.

                            Has anyone else been grey repped?

                            With regards to OT posting - It's getting a wee bitty out of hand. It's good that this thread is live and kicking, as it shows that we love Sam and Jack and also that we are not in the minority with our views, but, yesterday in particular, There were pages with not a single on topic post. I've always thought that OT was a good thing, as it made thsi thread stand out from the rest, and made it such a fun place to be, but there is a limit

                            (why do I think I'll get dinged for this?)

                            Here's what I think, (and I've seen other people do this)

                            If it's speculation, put [spec][/spec] as well as the spoil tag if its based on season eight spoilers.

                            If it's a spoiler, use spoiler tags as normal. Post a link to the source so that others can judge the validity of the 'spoiler', and NEVER say this will happen, because even things that have near enough been confirmed in the past have changed.

                            If its something on this thread (penguins cookies etc) we need to come up with a new tag (sorry if this has already been done)

                            I apologise if this has been said before, and I'm sorry if I've caused any offence to anyone.



                            you get the point!

                            I think giving red bad points to your own member of the family is awful ..We really should stop that before it gets out of hand ..I don't really know who does that although I may have a idea.

                            And Suekay ..You never started the OT ..I think somebody else does more OT than you so for me You are a valuable member of the shipper family You contribute with all your fics and you really do not deserve to receive any red bad points what so ever .

                            The person who does that should take a break think


                            Sam and Jack forever together and I want to see Jack's guitar in Mobius



                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              If it's speculation, put [spec][/spec] as well as the spoil tag if its based on season eight spoilers.

                              If it's a spoiler, use spoiler tags as normal. Post a link to the source so that others can judge the validity of the 'spoiler', and NEVER say this will happen, because even things that have near enough been confirmed in the past have changed.


                              you get the point!
                              Well, I don't know if we need to go quite so far as tagging the beginning and end of speculation, but I am trying to mark when I begin speculating, and from which season/episode the spoilers I am talking about are from. I think that's a very fair point.
                              Also in complete agreement with you about spoilers, until the episode airs we're never certain, and people's opinions on spoilers can give readers a different perception of what could happen...
                              And yeah, SAM AND JACK FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND you get the point. It's a cause that unite us!! We musn't forget we're all on the SAME SIDE here...
                              Apologies for the fact this is mostly 'me tooist.'


                                Originally posted by Sam fan
                                Hi all no doubt i'll be shouted at for going off topic but ijust wanted to share something with you- have a little moan if you will, you guys always make me feel better if i've had a bad day but recently- as in the past few days i've found it really hard to deal with stuff. it's nearly been a year since a friend of mine caled Sinead died. I'm not really dealing with it very well and i'm pretty much managing to stay in my room all day long- I don't like people seeing me get all pathetic and teary and yet it's all i seem to keep doing- everything reminds me of her and the other day in english we bloody had to read the poem that was read at her funeral- all i really want to do is forget or just remember but not be upset and I can't do that and i hate that i can't do that- it's still two weeks ntil the actual aniversary and i'm dreading it- i now this has just been one long moan and i'm sorry but i trust you guys and- well now you can tell me to shut up and stop being an idiot.
                                Awww sweetie! *hugs* I'm so sorry for your loss! If you need to talk, IM me, you know where to find me. BTW, you're not being an idiot, you're just being human.

                                And if you need a little cheering foolproof fix is reading happy sam/jack fics, watching every shippy ep of SG1- well...if you're me, that's pretty much every episode! oh and music vids! Watch Marimbas 'Survivor', possibly one of the funniest vids I've ever had the pleasure of watching...and lastly, looping the kiss from Grace on media player Oh and on a personal note, I normally end up chasing my cats around the house with my inflatable bat. Hehe.

                                ~~Close To Crazy~~
                                Psychotic Kitten
                                'we can all read between the lines'

