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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Token
    I thought it was time to review for all the newbies and new lurkers what Joe Mallozzi posted in Shipper Thread VIII on July 12, 2004. Joe Mallozzi is a Stargate SG-1 Executive Producer. He posted this during a Shipper meltdown from which the JM Shipper Rehabilitation Commune and Shipper Town was built. To quote myself, "Through vagueness, we persevere!"

    BTW...."Uncle" Joe has 11 green jello squares of love! And he "reigns as System Lord. Kneel before your god!"

    Well I won't be kneeling in front of anybody but Joe still rocks although I'm not sure what he meant in his message !!!!!A bit vague don't you think!!!! ..I read it like ....Sam will split up with Pete ...and will talk to Jack a lot about her feelings and him too ..they may start to see a future together and then fade to black ...which neans ..nada.

    So I hope I'm wrong cuz I want to see mucho and not nada



      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
      Hi chums. here's my shippy pic of the day....

      It's not particularily shippy per say, but looking through my pics, they are ALWAYS standing next to each other...and that's shippy in my book!
      Bev, just taking a moment to thank you for your shippy pics of the day. Everyday I look forward to one of them popping up and I just want to say thanks. So THANKS already!!!!
      Desperate Thunker


        Spoilers Season 8 in general (Threads)
        What I find interesting is we have often said that Jack and Sam feel they can't have each other because of the regs; but they both have considered resigning so they have already come up with a solution for the regs. The interesting thing is neither one of them has resigned, why? Does this all really fall on they are not sure if the other one feels the same about them? I mean we are not even receiving the hugs, the looks, or the kisses and we seem very sure how both of them feel. This is the part I really can't buy into. This is where I feel TPTB did a grave injustice to the characters. Although they have not had an adult conversation, have they not heard that actions speak louder than words?????????????


          Originally posted by Token
          F.H. BAGPUSS
          Better Late than never!
          Ship Nana makes the BEST red Shipper cookies! Her recipe is one of Shipper Town's most guarded secrets! That and what is on the 8th floor of the Shipper Rehab!

          I am going to steal this from Token ( ) to welcome you out of shipper lurkdom F.H. BAGPUSS. It is nice to see you in our town. And such wonderful postings too. A great asset to an already wonderful group of shippers.
          Desperate Thunker


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            spoilers for s7 and s8 (pete character discussed)


            That is an excellent point and I too have been wondering about it. I had decided NOT to speculate.....ONLY because like you I just couldn't think of any way that Sam can do this without looking bad. But I will give it a shot.

            The only thing I can see would be for it to be *mutual* that Sam OR Pete say something that broaches the whole marriage subject and then they both kind of go *ya know I don't think we are really ready for this* Pete may decide that he is rushing into things and Sam can say the same.......together they can decide being friends is better and since they BOTH feel that way....Pete doesn't look like a bad guy or a loser and Sam doesn't come off as a user.
            Maybe for once TPTB can allow two characters to have an adult rational conversation and they determine that they were both on the rebound and they were just caught up in the moment of things.

            It probably won't happen but it was a nice moment
            I am wondering how they are going to resolve this conflict with only a few shows left. TPTB really haven't left themselves much time for a resolution. It will probably be treated like the whole fiasco has already been treated....he'll just disappear as easily as he appeared. With no explaination...just POOF! he's gone. We can only hope....
            Desperate Thunker


              Originally posted by Critter
              I am going to steal this from Token ( ) to welcome you out of shipper lurkdom F.H. BAGPUSS. It is nice to see you in our town. And such wonderful postings too. A great asset to an already wonderful group of shippers.

              Good to see you too, Critter ! ....I'm actually really overwhelmed by the compliment and the welcomes .
              (I'm not sure whether I'm just blushing,or having a "Hot Flush"...... )
              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                Originally posted by marimba26
                Interesting point--gives me hope! I've always loved Bill and Ted--don't ask me why but it's one of my fave movies!
                Desperate Thunker


                  Originally posted by aeromathlete
                  So I'm back in Ship City for what will hopefully be an exciting Friday night, and I see plenty of positive discussion and action in the ship thread. YAY! I'm trying to think of what to do with my time tonight, and I realized that I do actually have some options. I The Tempest. Or...I could watch...SG-1. The Tempest or SG-1. Hmm...or I could read fanfics. All these choices.

                  Sadly, however, I will have to settle for reading The Tempest. And once again,

                  Darn school.
                  Love your signature picture aeromathlete!
                  Desperate Thunker


                    Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
                    I FIXED MY COMPUTER!!

                    *was shipper family deprived, cept for the chat room*

                    I updated Fast Forward:

                    Chapter Four

                    And I also updated SGC Elementary but I don't have a link!!

                    OMG I CANNOT WAIT FOR MOEBIUS!!
                    I wanna know why the hell they're in the FIRST EP! OMG! And Sam says "Please, you have to help us. The whole reason we came back was to help you."

                    I wanna know who, why, where, what!! AAAAAAAAAAH!
                    *dies of curiosity*

                    Can't wait!!
                    congrats about getting on gateworld again lol i know its a pain in the mikta when your computerr disagrees with you lol

                    As for mobius...that all sounds very interesting and exciting!! where did ya hear it??

                    cant wait either!


                      Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                      Thanks for reposting JM's message,Token !
                      You're right about the rollercoaster,but if I down a motion-sickness tab,I'll be ok...

                      ::Back to reading the Shipper Town info:: *Happy sigh*

                      (I can't get the 2nd link in your sig to load ,but I'll persevere.It's usually to do with my settings ,so no worries really.)
                      Your welcome! You might try Ship Nana's Pale Green Shipper cookies for what ail's ya!

                      I can't get the Cafepress site to load either. Maybe there is a over-whelming shopping spree by Shippers!

                      Token ~


                        Originally posted by Critter
                        Bev, just taking a moment to thank you for your shippy pics of the day. Everyday I look forward to one of them popping up and I just want to say thanks. So THANKS already!!!!
                        It's my pleasure, and I'm just glad that you are enjoying them.


                          Originally posted by Token
                          Your welcome! You might try Ship Nana's Pale Green Shipper cookies for what ail's ya!
                          Thank you very kindly . ::Nibbles daintily:: Ah...much better !
                          Originally posted by Token
                          I can't get the Cafepress site to load either. Maybe there is a over-whelming shopping spree by Shippers!
                          Phew,I'm glad it wasn't just me for once ...I usually find it's me forgetting to instal upgrades ,or a browser setting,lol !

                          I forgot my usual manners (and hugginess) earlier ,btw :

                          (((((((((((((((((((((All the Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))))))
                          (Thanks to you all,and Happy Posting ).

                          Welcome to "sinner" too.....I sent you a pressie,but here's a hug too,for a fellow Rookie Shipper !

                          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                            Originally posted by Thinkey
                            I once presented one of mine in grade twelve to a 'about me' Power point presentation. Besides the fact thati t was X-files and it was considerd geeky, everyone really loved it actually.
                            Lol, I have to do a presentation for school and the only thing I can come up with is my holiday to Canada. I'm trying to decide whether to include my trip to GC or would that be one giant leap to the bottom of the social status scale which I'm already dangerously close to? I dunno, I'll decide later!

                            BTW thanks to the picture I had taken with JR, he now has a fandom amongst my friends who think he's gorgeous!
                            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                            My fanfic


                              Sinner & FHB!!


                                Was watching When Harry Met Sally late last night and had a shippy Stargate moment. In the scene where they "do it", you see penguins on the back of Sally's bed. She must be a shipper.
                                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*

