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    Here here! Abydosorphan.

    I have to say that I am not holding my breath as far as the gang up North are going to do-I am still cynical becuz of the way they mucked up season 7. The only thing they managed to do right this season-was making sure that their limited time for RDA-at least had him at some point in every episode-and .....he isn't doing the village idiot thing-which really annoys me.

    I can't say I am looking forward to a season 9-especially if they totally muck up this season.

    cheers! Rosemary
    Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

    "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


      Oh getcarter-girl-huggles to you. DDL is deliberately being a -pain in the mikta and he loves it. Take a breath-and just remember-he is a dog food commercial actor-what does he know.

      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


        Originally posted by Isis
        Hi I am back from my travels again and having to catch up as usual. So please forgive me if this has been discussed before but has anyone read the interview with DDL. I have to say I am now getting a little worried and anxious as he appears to be talking as if his character is now a regular cast member saying things like he hopes there will be a season nine then he will have a job. He also hints that he will be in the season final Moebius as he has just finished filming and he also hopes Pete could be in Atlantis. He also suggests Threads is a good episode, but who for him or us Sam and Jack shippers.
        Sorry to be so down, I will go back and catch up with more post maybe I will find some news which will counteract this depressing interview. The awful thing is DDL appears happy with his part of Pete . I cannot understand why TPTB are still not giving us much information only allowing interviews like this one which has information I and I think allot of people do not want to hear

        Ok (((((Isis))))),
        I'm with you here, but all the UK/European folks were so happy with New Order that I didn't want to bring anyone down. Now that YOU'VE done it , I'll add MY comments!!

        As I read it I was thinking, who the heck died and left YOU in control??? And notice how he didn't really answer the question about HOW he felt to have his character so hated, reviled, and despised (well, I used those words ). On the other hand, it could be taking longer to break up and Sam cause he won't go quietly into the dark night and they have to do some more filming. Let's remember they shoot out of order, so let's hope he was completing his breakup scene. Huuumph. You want to go to Atlantis, ? Stop by MY neck of the woods, I'll show you a wormhole....grrrrrrrr. I swear, if I see him stay with Sam through the end of Season 8, I will NEVER watch another rerun, or buy another SG1 DVD EVER. Might even ship the dvds I DO own to TPTB. (well, except for Season 4... and a few other shippy eps) But you guys get what I'm saying.

        and here I was feeling shippy/happy after hearing about the UK Lowdown..better head over to Shipper Kinks in Shippertown to have the whiplash worked out of my neck

        Rant over.

        I think.



          I read DDL's interview, and I thought it was extremely vague. I think he's a little awkward with some questions, mainly because he knows that his character isn't exactly the most well-received character in Stargate history.

          Also, please don't think I'm bashing or anything - because, for the most part, I agree with you guys - but I think we have to separate DDL from Pete (a.k.a. ). I know I don't HATE Pete, but I don't like knowing he's The One in Sam's life right now. That being said, I think DDL looks like a really nice guy, and just happened to be the sucker in one of the oddest plot ploys TPTB have ever played.

          Plus, I would think he deserves to be happy about having a job. I mean, in real life, what's more important to him? Jack and Sam getting together or him adding more work to his resume? I certainly wish it didn't have to come to THAT, but it has.

          When it comes to Stargate Universe, I wish Sam and Pete could go their separate ways and all would be right with the world. Pete's a good guy, Sam's a great woman, and the whole debacle has caused WAY too much controversy. As it is, however, I doubt there's gonna be a ninth season, so we probably don't have much to worry about. And, if TPTB know what's good for them, they're gonna write a shippy ending to the series. Because I know of about a thousand+ different fans who would be pretty enraged if they didn't - including myself.

          Again, I hope I didn't offend anyone, I just thought I'd make that point clear, considering people get kind of hedgy about shippers' apparent dislike for Pete.


            Originally posted by Sarae64
            I've been giving this interview a bit of thought.
            Spoilers for latter half of season 8.
            I was chatting with a friend of mine (who was also quite distressed by reading the interview). As someone else said, the interview seemed like fluff...and he was pretty cagey. Which leads me to believe that it's all a calculated attempt to cause just what it's causing - the show is being talked about all over the place online. The interviews (I'm including the one by RDA) are keeping talk of SG-1 fresh while the show is on hiatus.
            I believe Sam will decide Pete is not *it* in Threads. If Pete is in Moebius, I think it will not be the way DDL wanted it to sound. I mean, if it's true that this is an AU/time loop ep...I imagine Pete will be in one of the roads not taken scenarios (if that indeed was the ep he was filming - if he was even filming an ep of SG-1). I mean after all, he only said was that he'd just come from Vancouver. His brother is there, fcol. He could have just been visiting.
            Who knows?
            I'm not gonna get all bothered by it all. There are still several months until we know for sure...
            And...if it turns out we get a season 9...and it's Jackless...well, I think I won't be watching.
            But that doesn't mean I'll be leaving the online fandom.

            Oooh...three posts. It's a record!
            I want to thank ALL the voices of logic and reason that have put a credible spin on the combined DDL/RDA interview/sound bites. Although I've had to pour a (really) big one and dive into a pint of Brownie Fudge Twirl ice cream, I'm hanging on by my fingernails with my teeth gritted. Ya know, I just might have to hide in the JM Shipper Commune Rehab for a bit to get my ship gears and widgets reset.

            Hey Tame??? the Fridge stocked? DVD warmed up? Bar loaded? Jack Clones'unadorned'? I'm on the way to our private suites!!! and Token, I think you need to join us!! (((((Token))))), no need to leave the ship family...stick it out sweetie, till we see the end!!!



              Originally posted by ses110
              Right again Tame.Sam can quit the Air Force and stay on as Dr. Carter and still play a Big part in saving Earth.Jack cannot make the first move and Jack is never going to do anything to damage Sam's Career.Someone mentioned Jack stopped Sam in
              Lost City 1 but that was Daniel and Teal'c.Sam wasted time about Jack's Ex instead of getting right to the point.Jack has done everything possible to show Sam how he feels within the Regs.I guess all the Fishing invites and saying I rather Die than lose Carter is not enough.
              Well I like being right .....BUT I don't want Sam to retire or quit the Air Force I want Jack to retire or whatever and run the SGC as a civilian. It is my hope that the show will finally realize that this IS A SHOW and real life has NOT been a factor when it has come to ANY OTHER aspect so it really should have no bearing on why these two can't be together BUT if it has to, the President can grant the SGC special circumstances since the personnel can't really do much dating.

              I further want him to have something on his wish list that looks like this
              MY WISH LIST!!!!
              BY JACK O"NEILL

              1)KISS SAMANTHA CARTER
              2) MARRY SAMANTHA CARTER
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by galaxy
                I don't think so, but I'm not sure. Does it taste like pepper? Or is it just a name? Sorry, but I know it just from TV.
                Is there an alternative official shipper drink????
                Please!!!! Because we have nothing. No ship. No stargate at all. And no pepper-drink...not even that...
                I'm thinking about emigration.
                I think you all have something over there called mezza or mezzo........or at least sounds like tastes VERY CLOSE to Dr Pepper. When I was living over in Germany I remember thing *Oh this tastes just like Dr Pepper*

                My *Official* Shipper drink is coffee with french vanilla cream. That may explain all of the posts .......

                Either way...onto the DDL interview...He said he was in Sacrifices too in his last interview and I don't know about you BUT I NEVER SAW his face anywhere....DDL likes to talk it seems and so far he is NOT listed as a guest star for any other episode....and until he is well I am not gonna believe anything from HIM
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Originally posted by TameFarrar
                  I think you all have something over there called mezza or mezzo........or at least sounds like tastes VERY CLOSE to Dr Pepper. When I was living over in Germany I remember thing *Oh this tastes just like Dr Pepper*

                  My *Official* Shipper drink is coffee with french vanilla cream. That may explain all of the posts .......

                  Either way...onto the DDL interview...He said he was in Sacrifices too in his last interview and I don't know about you BUT I NEVER SAW his face anywhere....DDL likes to talk it seems and so far he is NOT listed as a guest star for any other episode....and until he is well I am not gonna believe anything from HIM
                  That's my official drink too!! Coffee with French Vanilla!! Of course, it's in my shipper mug!!!

                  Can't wait for my Shipper travel mug!! Soon, soon, patience Mei Mei...

                  Mei Mei ain't got no stinkin' patience!!

                  I want January!! NOW!!! I want spoilers!! NOW!!

                  Ooops, Mei Mei is under the influence of Nyquil... Maybe she should just go sleepy bye now....


                    Originally posted by TameFarrar
                    and until he is well I am not gonna believe anything from HIM
                    Independent of DDL, do we know which epsiodes he's supposed to be in where we have confirmation other than him?


                      Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                      I want to thank ALL the voices of logic and reason that have put a credible spin on the combined DDL/RDA interview/sound bites. Although I've had to pour a (really) big one and dive into a pint of Brownie Fudge Twirl ice cream, I'm hanging on by my fingernails with my teeth gritted. Ya know, I just might have to hide in the JM Shipper Commune Rehab for a bit to get my ship gears and widgets reset.

                      Hey Tame??? the Fridge stocked? DVD warmed up? Bar loaded? Jack Clones'unadorned'? I'm on the way to our private suites!!! and Token, I think you need to join us!! (((((Token))))), no need to leave the ship family...stick it out sweetie, till we see the end!!!

                      (((((((((((DI))))))))) ((((((((((((((TOKEN))))))))))))))
                      the fridge is WELL STOCKED!!!! Freezer too

                      and I too will not spend ONE RED CENT on another SG product if TPTB screw the Sam & Jack ship up and end keeping them apart.

                      BUT as I said just a bit earlier...I don't want to count my heads before they hatch....DDL said in his last interview all kinds of stuff about being in this episode and that episode and guess what??? HE WASN"T IN THEM!!!!! so before I get all bent out of shape I HAVE TO SEE HIS NAME IN THE GUEST STAR far NADDA NOTHING I will reserve judgement. If he does show up and I am blindsided by TPTB well then that will just tell me that TPTB KNEW that the character was a detriment to the show but they didn't care in the end and then I will let them know my feelings and NOT spend my $$$$. If the majority of fans want then I will leave the show gracefully. But with the declining ratings SINCE AFFINITY...I just don't see that as a positive sign.

                      I would bet money that if you gave fans the choice of two shows to watch
                      1) Sam & Pete kissing are the teaser
                      2) Sam & Jack are the teaser

                      The ratings for NUMBER 2 would blow the Sam & Pete one out of the water. We online fans are just a small drop in the bucket compared to the viewers at large. Blockbuster Movies DON'T become Blockbusters BY ignoring what the OVERALL FAN wants.....and the overall fan wants the HERO AND THE HEROINE to ride off together.

                      I have nothing against DDL and I thank Dancer for making THAT separation ...DDL is just an actor BUT AS AN ACTOR he did that interview AND HE is ACCOUNTABLE for his if this interview turns out to be YET ANOTHER one of his *Name dropping*, *Episode Quipping* interviews, well then AS AN ACTOR he will have lost all credibility with me. I can totally understand being excited and I can totally understand wanting to work and pay the bills. But his last interview sounded arrogant and boastful after the fact when he never showed up in the episodes he was hyping for himself and he never alludes to the fact that he really wasn't ALL of TPTB *first* choice. I am happy for ALL the working actors because I understand it is a tough career choice. BUT the moment an actor opens his mouth in public - what he says becomes open to PUBLIC SCUTINY AND DEBATE AND OPINION. So I hope for his sake that he isn't trying to make himself look bigger then he really is. That is something that as an ACTOR would make him open to losing my respect.
                      Last edited by TameFarrar; 05 October 2004, 07:21 PM.
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by Major Fischer
                        Independent of DDL, do we know which epsiodes he's supposed to be in where we have confirmation other than him?
                        Nope there are no other sources backing up his claims...just as it was before when he *claimed* he was going to be in Sacrifices.

                        I kept saying he wasn't listed and ...guess what he never showed up ...what do ya know
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          I really do not want Pete to be in
                          Moebius even if he is not Sam's Boyfriend.Moebius may be the last SG-1 episode and it should be all about SG-1 and not Pete.I doubt this will happen but I am going to have a big problem if Sam has not broken up with Pete and Pete is still with Sam in Moebius.If Pete is still Sam's boyfriend after Threads it will take a fantastic Sam and Jack resolution to repair the damage to the Sam character.


                            Originally posted by TameFarrar
                            Nope there are no other sources backing up his claims...just as it was before when he *claimed* he was going to be in Sacrifices.

                            I kept saying he wasn't listed and ...guess what he never showed up ...what do ya know
                            But do we know if he is going to show up any of the last ten episodes?


                              Tame, maybe it's not so much that "he never alludes to the fact that he really wasn't ALL of TPTB *first* choice" as that he never got asked a question where that would have been a relevant answer, or maybe he did allude, but the interviewer didn't put it in the finished transcript.

                              I'm really not happy with your implication that he might be actually lying. It skirts forum rules on respect and whatnot. (Also I'd suggest that it's possible that he had been led to believe he was in certain eps but then wasn't needed for them after all. Or even just got the episode name muddled.)

                              I'm all for holding people accountable for what they say, but given that interviews are both prompted and edited, and that tone of voice and facial expression don't translate to the written word, I'll only assume I can judge a person's 'own words' if I can either hear them myself at a con, or read their own post on a forum or chat. No other medium offers the actor (or writer or whatever) in question enough control over what comes out.



                                Regarding the DDL interview...this was just a thought.

                                I assume the interview was just released, but does it say when he was actually interviewed? Maybe he was interviewed a month or so we really know? Unless we know that for sure, I'm not going to freak out about Pete being in the late season eps.
                                JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

                                Thank you, Nikkirose!

