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    Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
    Good luck getting into Uni!! I'm sure you'll get in
    and i'm sure you'll become just as good as Daniel! If not better!

    When I go to university I want to do a degree in Astrophysics and I would really like to go on and get a PhD but Uni is at least 3 years away for me yet so i've got a lot of time to think and a lot of things could change in that time

    As for Jack's degree, I'm not really sure, probably something practical like engineering or something along those lines, although after reading 'The Generals Hell' i'm thinking he could have a degree in a science subject but I think if he did have he wouldn't act as dumb about Sam's techno-babble as he does
    Good luck no being an Astrophysicist! It's a tough subject! (beware of A level physics - it's evil!)

    I though you were fifteen? How come it'll be three years until you go to Uni? I'm applying and I'm 16. My friend Natalie's 17, and she started her degree this week!

    I'm guessing that Jack'll have more than one degree. He may have a history related degree, as he will have had to know about the middle east through Black Ops.
    He may also have a language base qualification, as I think you need to have a good idea about several languages to be in Black Ops.

    I think he will have a scientific qualification, and I think he pretends not to understand in order to get out of doing work!

    He's a genius I tell you!
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by sueKay
      Good luck no being an Astrophysicist! It's a tough subject! (beware of A level physics - it's evil!)

      I though you were fifteen? How come it'll be three years until you go to Uni? I'm applying and I'm 16. My friend Natalie's 17, and she started her degree this week!

      I'm guessing that Jack'll have more than one degree. He may have a history related degree, as he will have had to know about the middle east through Black Ops.
      He may also have a language base qualification, as I think you need to have a good idea about several languages to be in Black Ops.

      I think he will have a scientific qualification, and I think he pretends not to understand in order to get out of doing work!

      He's a genius I tell you!
      Yeah, I know its tough but i've got my heart set on it so I'm going to give it a shot

      Here I leave school at 15 then I have to go to College for 2 or 3 years before applying for Uni so I can't go till i'm 18/19

      and Jack is a genius, he's just in denial!

      Anyway, i've gotta get some sleep now,
      night night shipper family i'll see you all tomorrow!!

      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


        (((shipper family)))

        I am off to weather out yet ANOTHER hurricane at my friends house in Alachua (she has a bunch of generators and just bought S1,2,&4 DVDs!! yay! and all of Alias!). So, I will be AWOL til Monday (might hop on before, but might not have internet )

        so, everyone in the path of whatever hurricane we're on now...Jeanne, right...stay safe...and talk to everyone soon!


        "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
        describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

        <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
        Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


          Originally posted by sueKay
          My first choice of course in an MA joint honour in Archaeology and Anthropology.
          Hmm. Me too. And I'm applying to a northern uni to do it.
          I used to worry it was Stargate catalysed... when I realised that was *exactly* what Daniel did...
          I've wandered wildly off topic here... and apologise.
          A while ago someone made a reference to Point of View, where Jack wipes away a tear...? That's *so* what he's doing!!
          Last edited by Lunar; 25 September 2004, 03:22 PM.


            The pictures of the diplomas in Jack's office indicated that he graduated from the Academy with an engineering degree. So no, he's not dumb at all, just surrounded by geniuses. Or genii, as I'm sure he'd correct me.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              Thanks to stargatefan, shelsfc , Lunar and Token for their fantastic feedbacks!

              Originally posted by getcarter
              Oh....I'm so glad you answered her. I thought Nikki was going to have a fit over it last night so of course it got me going too. We were obssessed.... It is a excellent vid SNY. We need more!!
              Thanks getcarter!... I'm trying to answer all the feedbacks and questions... But with my job take me now a lot of time (I arrive to my house at 12:00 AM) and well I'm very very lazy (and I'm tired too )



                Originally posted by LtLisa
                (((shipper family)))

                I am off to weather out yet ANOTHER hurricane at my friends house in Alachua (she has a bunch of generators and just bought S1,2,&4 DVDs!! yay! and all of Alias!). So, I will be AWOL til Monday (might hop on before, but might not have internet )

                so, everyone in the path of whatever hurricane we're on now...Jeanne, right...stay safe...and talk to everyone soon!


                Keep safe LtLisa Glad you have nearly all the best StargateSG1 seasons to keep you company with your friends and Alias too ..excellent ..Hope the hurricane doesn't do too much damage. Do you have Hurricane as often as that every year around Setpember, October?
                It's a lot ...or is it an unusual year this year!!!!!

                oh and is your friend a Sam and Jack shipper?!



                  Hey guys,

                  I finally got the pix up of julie (sugarshaker), tony (t-gate) and I from the NJ con in August.


                  It was great spending time with these gals... oh, and the con was cool, too.

                  ship sistah

                  ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                    Originally posted by LtLisa
                    (((shipper family)))

                    I am off to weather out yet ANOTHER hurricane at my friends house in Alachua (she has a bunch of generators and just bought S1,2,&4 DVDs!! yay! and all of Alias!). So, I will be AWOL til Monday (might hop on before, but might not have internet )

                    so, everyone in the path of whatever hurricane we're on now...Jeanne, right...stay safe...and talk to everyone soon!

                    Be safe Lisa! And enjoy those DVDs!


                      Adopt me into the shipper family! Its the wee hours of the morning over here in england, I've been cruising around the internet for hours going through countless forums and reading threads on the shipper debates. I feel so down about Sam and Jack right now, I always come back to the GateWorlds S/J thread because you guys somehow manage to be so positive about it that you always make me feel better. You know in all my years of shipping for sci-fi couples, (and I've shipped for quite a few) I dont think I've ever seen such debate over a 'ship' as I have for Sam/Jack, its amazing how much ppl have to say on the topic. Some of the flames and rants I've just read from anti-shippers have really quite depressed me, despite myself. I've always felt thats theres something so intrinsically RIGHT about Sam and Jack, I hate seeing them bashed. oh well, everyone is welcome to their opinions, I must remember that. cheer me up! remind me how great Sam and Jack are! Because I keep thinking they'll never end up together... after 8 years of watching this show they damn well better or....



                        Originally posted by stargatefan
                        i must say that video ROCKS!!!! Keep up the awesome work.

                        SNY!!!!!!!!!!! Excellant Video! I really enjoyed it!



                          Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                          How do you know Jack speaks Russian, French and Iraqi??
                          And the other languages I think he only knows a limited amount.

                          But to answer your questions i'd have to say Latin...but thats only because I love Latin and I would want him to speak to me in Latin I think Sam would like it too cause for her it would have an extra special meaning because it would kind of remind her of Ancients.....
                          We've heard him speak French and Spanish, he seemed to understand Russian in 1969, and since he was in an Iraqi prison for several months, I'd think he'd *have* to have learned it in that time. (Granted, this is an assumption on my part.) Plus, no commander would send an operative into that kind of territory if he didn't speak the language.

                          As somebody else mentioned, I'd think that Black Ops operatives would be required to be fluent in several languages, most definitely anywhere they'd be on assignment.

                          Which brings me to another topic: what do you think happened with Jack in regard to Russians in the past that he's so wary of them? He seems to have an intense dislike for them that couldn't have been developed unless there was an encounter of the military kind, and most definitely not positive.

                          Could make for an interesting fic . . . .
                          - Mary
                          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                            *faints with shock*

                            I can't believe it! It's been nearly 90 minutes since someone posted on this thread! Either you're all dead, or the world is ending......

                            Well, don't you fear, lostelf and I (who are chatting right now) will take up to cause! We've got plans.......


                              Originally posted by Token
                              Sacme, that is FANTASTIC!! We are becoming FAMOUS!

                              Maybe we will get some respect now!
                              Here's what she wrote back:

                              Hi Stephanie,

                              Thanks so much. I found your site through the thread at I love Stargate
                              and as my husband says, I am obsessed with it. One of the people doing the spread
                              with Red asked me to find something to wear that would reflect me, my husband jokingly
                              said it should be a Stargate t-shirt, so I ran with that idea. But like I said, I saw your shirt
                              and loved it. I would be more than happy to send you a copy of the proofs that are used
                              (I should have in Nov/Dec) and a copy of the magazine, which will be out for issue in
                              either January or February. As far as giving credit I have asked my agent about this and
                              really there isn't a way to give credit for the shirt in the Red magazine, the most they
                              might do would be to mention the shirt in a brief article. But he is currently negotiating on
                              the full spread with article in another magazine using the same photos, if this happens I
                              will happily put something in the interview article. As far as them putting an actual
                              reference (usually found in the back of magazines or under pictures) for the shirt they will
                              not do this since they are not being paid for advertising.
                              If this changes anything let me know.
                              I will give your web address and name to my the person who will be doing my fittings and
                              let her order the shirts she thinks will work best. Thanks again.

                              Much appreciation,


                              She's a shipper, she'll do what she can for us. I wished her good luck with the shoot and the mags and told her to come visit and say hello.

                              ship sistah

                              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                                Originally posted by galaxy
                                WOW!!!!!! That's so cool! (By the way: what kind of magazine is RED?)
                                I'm impressed.....
                                It begins with T-Shirts...but soon.....
                                Shipper Cookies in every supermarket!

                                The Shippers will take over the world....yay.
                                The shippers' world domination.
                                Sounds good.
                                very good!

                                ship sistah

                                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =

