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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Karibou
    SNIFF! Marimba, just watched your video. My husband now officially thinks I've flipped out -- evidently he finds something odd about me sitting at the computer with a box of kleenex. He wanted to know who died, LOL!


    But, anyway, WAY cool videos!
    LOL...welcome to the Flipped out club!!!
    Yoour Hubs has gotten off lucky I MAKE mine come over and watch each new video I like!!!! well he is the one that said he wants to share my interests
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by tpe78
      The sam and Jack wedding photo just ended at US $2,035.00

      I wish I had that kind of money to spend. I would have paid that and more if I could.

      Let's hope a shipper got it.
      Lets hope it is one of the highest selling items and THAT sends a message
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by marimba26
        Sure thing! I'll post it here when we come up with something! As for the September weekend folks, I'm going to have to go ahead and cancel as I may not be back from mom's in time for it. Seems things with my grandmother could be a bit more serious than mom let on and the surgery could get complicated. Mom has broadband so I can come here and relax at least.

        I think we should start talking seriously about dates once the fervor from this ep dies down. I PMed the mods and asked where to put a thread for the discussion, so I'll be starting one in the off-topic folder after I get back (sometime mid-September) but I'll let everyone know when I do.
        Holler as soon as you know and I wll start saving.... I really do want to come....As long as RL lets me
        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


          Originally posted by marimba26
          Yes, she does, doesn't she? I believe the quote from First Commandment was 'a thing for the lunatic fringe'. Rather appropriate for Pete, don't ya think?
          GADS you would think that Sam would have learned by now!!!!!!!
          Didn't they have a thing in the old days about be-heading the writer if the play was bad..... I am only joking!!!!
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by RDAfan61
            Ah, but it's not over til it's over. There's hope yet so don't be too sad.
            That was a very nice scene tho. Best part of the whole ep for me.

            Now where were Shelly when my MoJo was sliding down the drain!!!!!

            This is what we need be up to be positive..........What we NEED to do and What we WANT to do are apparently two different things

            I went to get on my Soapbox...and I found out I had smooshed from my last has become a priority
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by Ship Nana
              Hey Caty, you know what they say don't ya?

              He/she who laughs last, laughs BEST!!!!!!!!!!
              Please let us be laughing the best AND the LOUDEST PTBS!!!!!
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by ses110
                marimba I cannot blame Jack.

                Jack is probably thinking I cannot even get this Women to go fishing with me and I almost died a couple of times since she has been dating Pete and she is still with him and now she has an engagement ring.Sam made the mess with Pete and now Jack has to clean up the mess.
                All we can hope for is that love will win out overall and RDA is a good enough actor to sell it tot he audience
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Originally posted by marimba26
                  Okay, I just had to stop reading and post this because it is too good to wait. Hubs and I are watching Alias (our latest addiction) and I just saw the loveliest shippy scene...

                  Vaughn (talking to Syd)-- *swallows* This watch belonged to my father. It's broken now but it used to keep perfect time and when he gave it to me he said, "You could set your heart by this watch." It stopped October 1st. The day we met.

                  *shippy looks* then their pagers go off...

                  Um...WOW!! Gotta love that ship!

                  Why can't the PTB at Stargate hire writers like the ones on ALIAS??!! Why do we have to get stuck with writers that like to torture the fans??!!! Gads, at least they gave Vaughn a real *reason* for getting married!! He thought she was dead FCOL!! And at least they only tortured Alias fans for a season before killing the wife and getting back on track!! Stargate shippers have been tortured for YEARS!!! Okay, I think I'm done whining now!
                  MEMO: To PTBS
                  Subject: How to write Ship

                  Gentleman it has come to our attention that you might be stumped about how to write *proper ship* please see the above example as a well thought out plan of action.

                  Thank you
                  TFTC (the fans that care)
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by MAJKawalsky
                    Welcome to the "Pete as Chimera Camp"grounds, a member of KOA.

                    The wif tells me that you first proposed the "Pete as Chimera" theory. I immediately jumped on that bandwagon. Look for my earlier post (#3295) where I point out additional scenes to support our theory that Peat is just a figament of Sam's overactive subconscience.

                    See, you're not insane, just way ahead of your time!
                    Just so you know I am telling her that you called her a *wif*
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by laughsr

                      I'm Ro, big shipper, new to the forum, hanging out with LtLisa right now, watched a bunch of Marimba's music videos (which were *so* awesome) and now we're off to ship!night. wooo!

                      just thought I'd say hi!

                      WELCOME RO!!!!!!! grab some of SHip Nana's cookies and MG has the Bar
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by LtLisa
                        (((Shipper family)))

                        off to watch shippy episodes with Ro and our friend Beki (who's just getting into Stargate, but is already a shipper!). Oh, I got my little brother addicted to Stargate too and he's a shipper now! and Dad's slowly watching...the conversion goes on!

                        oh, your vids were great marimba! first time I watched one (my computer wouldn't play them....)

                        night all!
                        LtLisa keep up the good work!!!!!!!! Conversion works best One at a Time
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by kiwigater
                          Now, I know I was a liiiiiittle bit tipsy last night but I DID watch the ep.....
                          mental note: while skipping dinner and drinking 1 1/2 bottles of wine makes for a very fun evening, it does make in depth analysis of the ep a problem (as anyone who was in the chat room can testify ).
                          My new thought is that
                          Sam is "trying on" the engagement to Pete. That she is affected by "society's" demands - as she ranted about, and this is her attempt to do that. Not consciously of course, but I think she wants to feel what this so called "normal" life is like.

                          As much as I like this Pete as Chimera idea (and it would make a sick sort of sense), how do we explain the times people have talked about Pete, and the whole Sam-Jack scene in Affinity?? DOes this mean she hallucinated the whole thing, ring and all?? it would be cool tho!! *evil laugh*

                          I haven't ventured into the ep discussion thread yet.... I'm a bit nervous about it to be honest but I am curious (let's hope it doesn't kill me!).....
                          I would love to see the whole Pete thing just ....GO AWAY!!!! but I don't think it will happen

                          as far as the episode thread I went. I saw. I left.
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by Shinrai
                            Even if Pete is a figmant of her imagination, her conversations about him don't need to be.

                            Or maybe she's still back on the Prometheus, and it's all been a dream. LOL
                            OMG I just had Dallas flashback.........If Bobby Ewing steps out of the shower I may have to hurt someone
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Spoilers for S8's Affinity


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              Well, ewww, you made me go back and watch that scene again... but really, I didn't see what you saw. I'll concede that at first there was a look of doubt but as he re-asked her, she said YES again and again and they ended in that butt clenching clinch/kiss...
                              I didn't see PS clenching her butt. I saw his hand 'almost' touch it, but quickly moved away. *looked more accidental on the actor's part to me*

                              Now why did she keep saying yes? Because he kept asking her! And why did he keep asking her? Because her yeses were so low-key'!

                              However, regardless of her body language and her voice as you perceived it, the main point is that she said YES YES and YES....
                              Read above.

                              Is she secure in her answer? Bottom line she's gone ahead and made the committment and it made me sick. And it seems enough for her to stay engaged to PS through whatever happens in the next 6 months or so....
                              I knew she was going to say yes, so I guess I've been building up my defenses for months. All I wanted -hoped for- was that Sam would seem 'off' in some way in her acceptance *like frowning when hugging him*. That -the frowning- didn't happen, but I saw a significant lack of enthusiasm in her acceptance. I mean, she's saying she'll marry the guy; where's the hoopla and excitement!? It was, 'yes', quietly and subdued. Yes she smiled, and yes she kissed him, but it still was not the reaction of someone that was over-joyed to be getting married. That's all I was hoping for, so I've got that life vest to hang onto until Threads.




                                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar

                                I agree, Affinity wasn't as bad as I thought. Bad enough, but... we didn't have to use the defib machine yet!
                                Yep! I was telling a friend that on a scale of 1-10 - 10 being the full load of pain - Affinity got a 5.5. Chimera got an 11.



