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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Ok, I am seriously losing it!
    I'm sitting here with a plate full of gorgeous little minty,garlic flavour potatoes (fat little 's) and every time I stab one with my fork I just can't help laughing!

    *Addition to the Affinity Survival Kit (if there is one): One large Potato and a very sharp kitchen utensil Every time Pete annoys you...stab a potato! Its fun, I promise!

    *Waits for McKenzie to come and take her to the little padded white room*

    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


      Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
      You can't leave it hanging like that!!
      Spoilers for 'The Genrals Hell' by SueKay(Don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't read it!)
      I need to know why Pete is so bad!, and what Jim is up to!, and the personal issue with Carter! and Jack can speak Greek and Latin!?!?!!? WOW!!
      I'm glad Walter is in it It just wouldn't be the same without our beloved Chevron Guy!

      ..Sorry I don't mean to rush you or anyting I know writing fics takes time but I seem to have lost all my patience!! I need more!
      Don't Panic! Don't Panic!

      I'm just about to start chapter nine! I may get it posted today, but then again, maybe not.

      Be patient!
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by Anakin
        Hello Phil,
        Not a regular poster here (on this thread! ), but an everyday lurker!
        You shouldn't worry about being a man AND a shipper!...
        I am 34 (soon to be 35 ), and not only do I SHIP, but I READ ship, and I WRITE ship!... So okay, I'm not a man (despite my SN! ), but I might add that my husband is a "non-declared" shipper and sometimes even has to endure reading my fic... So he says... In the meantime, he EVEN suggests plots ideas for some of my fics!

        So welcome in the shipper thread, although once again, I'm not a regular poster here, I do belong to the shippers family!

        PS: And I'm from France, too!!
        HEy Anakin !! salut, comment vas tu ??

        oh that's not common, there are not a lot of us on forums...
        Except this one I only go to a german one cos' it's run by my one of my best friend.

        I'm writing fics too, it's quite "passionnant" to do !!

        merci pour le French acceuil !

        a bientot
        see ya soon,

        I will always be there for you

        Sir, at your house, what I wanted to say was
        I know


          Originally posted by sueKay
          Don't Panic! Don't Panic!

          I'm just about to start chapter nine! I may get it posted today, but then again, maybe not.

          Be patient!
          OK, OK....I can be patient....I can be patient
          I guess I can keep myself occupied for a while stabbing potatoes......

          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


            Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
            OK, OK....I can be patient....I can be patient
            I guess I can keep myself occupied for a while stabbing potatoes......

            I just posted chapter one of Finding Grace at Heliopolis! I've now got stuff at three archives!!

            Do you write any fic?
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by ses110
              Suekay if Sam is dumb enough to move up the wedding just because she saw Jack with Kerry then Sam deserves to be stuck with Pete.Sam got herself in this mess with Pete and she should not look for Jack or anyone else to bail her out.TPTB have done enough damage to the Sam character without doing this as well.I also beleive no matter how much I want Sam and Jack to get together if TPTB delays things any further there may come a time when I say enough is enough and stop watching Stargate.
              Totally agree with you !! Playing with our nerves is in a way part of the deal, ok we like to be teased a bit, but the game has gone on for quite long now, and season 7 developments, not to mention this year's, are a little too much, I've discussed this at length on a German forum with friends, 80% of us thinks this way, too many more PS would provoke a real quiting wave !!

              Sam (ok she's my fave but...) has changed a lot these last months, and not aways for the better, TPTB should really consider getting her marks a little higher, cos' some of the things she's done, including these back and forth trips between Jack and Prrruit and Jack and Prrruit, are really annoying me now !!! she wanna get married to the Cow faced guy, to hell with it, let her do !! she wanna destroy her life and Jack's ?? let her do ! the series won't have any interest at all and we'll go to sleep earlier !!!

              Phil's 1st rant on the thread !!
              I will always be there for you

              Sir, at your house, what I wanted to say was
              I know



                Originally posted by sueKay

                I just posted chapter one of Finding Grace at Heliopolis! I've now got stuff at three archives!!

                Do you write any fic?
                Cool, Soon you'll be known by every Stargate fan fic reader on the web!!

                I don't write fic myself...I've never been good at writing stories I have very limited creativity. I have fun just reading what other people have wrote!

                I have tried to make music vids before but they didn't turn out very well I've been planning to make another one over the holidays acuse i've downloaded a new version of the movie maker thing and I was going to try that out but I haven't got round to it yet.

                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                  Originally posted by Nikkirose
                  Ok here goes..(((((Shipper Family)))))

                  WELCOME Sergeant Phil!!!!!!!
                  Its nice to see we have another guy in the bunch!!! Btw... anyone heard from Ship Daddy lately??
                  Token, LOVE your new sig, its tooooo funny!!!

                  THAAAANNNNKKKKSSSS !!!!! lololol[
                  I will always be there for you

                  Sir, at your house, what I wanted to say was
                  I know



                    Originally posted by Sergeant Phil
                    Totally agree with you !! Playing with our nerves is in a way part of the deal, ok we like to be teased a bit, but the game has gone on for quite long now, and season 7 developments, not to mention this year's, are a little too much, I've discussed this at length on a German forum with friends, 80% of us thinks this way, too many more PS would provoke a real quiting wave !!

                    Sam (ok she's my fave but...) has changed a lot these last months, and not aways for the better, TPTB should really consider getting her marks a little higher, cos' some of the things she's done, including these back and forth trips between Jack and Prrruit and Jack and Prrruit, are really annoying me now !!! she wanna get married to the Cow faced guy, to hell with it, let her do !! she wanna destroy her life and Jack's ?? let her do ! the series won't have any interest at all and we'll go to sleep earlier !!!

                    Phil's 1st rant on the thread !!
                    Congratulations Phil! Your first Rant in the thread!
                    Spoilers for Affinity

                    I agree with what you said about Sam she has changed quite a lot and to be honest i'm going off her a bit. I mean she is messing with Jacks head, she must of known it would hurt him to see her going out with but she still did it and then she goes and says yes to his proposal!!! She hasn't been going out with him for more than, what, 8 months!?! And she's having doubts so why say yes!?! I don't get it But if TPTB do let sam marry Pete and break Jacks heart then thats it i'll turn off!
                    The main reason I am worried about watching Affinity isn't because proposes to sam cause i've got used to that idea now...its how Jack will react when she breaks the news she is engaged! I just won't be able to bear seeing the look on Jacks face he will be devastated!

                    ok, back to being happy..happy,happy,happy.....

                    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                      Originally posted by ses110
                      I really cannot blame Tame for feeling like she does.When you drag out a particular Storyline for 8 years and one that is very popular it tends to make fans a little upset.Marimba RCC does not seem to be so talkative.I though he was quite during the Lowdown.If RCC does not like Ship maybe he should go work for a show like Barney.Scifi and Good Ship go hand and hand.Especially when you have great chemistry like RDA and AT.IMO you can say you do not like Ship but you cannot deny RDA and AT look great together and you cannot deny there is a definite spark between Sam and Jack.

                      Yep, true !! RDA and AT started the Ship in Out of mind, IMO of course, and they have played it along quite well, the chemistry between the 2 oozes from the screen...if TPTB want to stop it, what will the actors do?? stop playing ? stop giving shippy winks and looks and smiles ?? for the rest of season 8 and whole season 9 ??

                      if it goes that way, count me out...I'll invent Ship in my poor head !

                      I will always be there for you

                      Sir, at your house, what I wanted to say was
                      I know



                        Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                        Cool, Soon you'll be known by every Stargate fan fic reader on the web!!

                        I don't write fic myself...I've never been good at writing stories I have very limited creativity. I have fun just reading what other people have wrote!

                        I have tried to make music vids before but they didn't turn out very well I've been planning to make another one over the holidays acuse i've downloaded a new version of the movie maker thing and I was going to try that out but I haven't got round to it yet.
                        I'm terrible with anything like that! I'm brilliant with computer graphic, but give me the internet, and I don't have a clue! Hence boring, non graphic-ed (is that a word?) sig.

                        You should try writing fanfic sometime. It's easier than it looks! IMO.(mind you, I want to be writer and it's not everyone's cup off coffee!)

                        Just put chapter three of finding grace on at GW! I'm going to branch out and eventually put all my fic on all three archives!
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by Mala50

                          oh yeah, I'm a flake, too!

                          The Potatohead Collection
                          that's so funny !!!! rofl !!!!
                          I will always be there for you

                          Sir, at your house, what I wanted to say was
                          I know



                            Originally posted by sacme
                            no she cancelled before the death in the family. she originally had a movie to film that weekend-- whether that was put off, too, because of her loss, I don't know.

                            ship sistah
                            Oh thanks, cos' I was told that she had cancelled this filming too to stay There...which would have been a good reason.

                            I will always be there for you

                            Sir, at your house, what I wanted to say was
                            I know



                              Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                              Congratulations Phil! Your first Rant in the thread!
                              Spoilers for Affinity

                              I agree with what you said about Sam she has changed quite a lot and to be honest i'm going off her a bit. I mean she is messing with Jacks head, she must of known it would hurt him to see her going out with but she still did it and then she goes and says yes to his proposal!!! She hasn't been going out with him for more than, what, 8 months!?! And she's having doubts so why say yes!?! I don't get it But if TPTB do let sam marry Pete and break Jacks heart then thats it i'll turn off!
                              The main reason I am worried about watching Affinity isn't because proposes to sam cause i've got used to that idea now...its how Jack will react when she breaks the news she is engaged! I just won't be able to bear seeing the look on Jacks face he will be devastated!

                              ok, back to being happy..happy,happy,happy.....

                              Yeah, seeing Jack's face is gonna be a hard one to swallow, and RDA can have such an expressive face when he stops being a fool !!!
                              but you're lucky, you've gotten used to Affinity, I haven't.

                              I will always be there for you

                              Sir, at your house, what I wanted to say was
                              I know



                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                I'm terrible with anything like that! I'm brilliant with computer graphic, but give me the internet, and I don't have a clue! Hence boring, non graphic-ed (is that a word?) sig.

                                You should try writing fanfic sometime. It's easier than it looks! IMO.(mind you, I want to be writer and it's not everyone's cup off coffee!)

                                Just put chapter three of finding grace on at GW! I'm going to branch out and eventually put all my fic on all three archives!
                                If you want I could help you put a picture on your sig if you want to.....its not really that hard.
                                ...and I don't think Graphiced is an actual word

                                I might attempt to write a fic one day but I don't think it will be any time soon

                                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^

