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    Originally posted by SG1Poz
    oops, Still getting the hang of this place Love your sig !

    *bows head* Thank you!!!! *wonders why MG looks at her strangely*

    Seriously thx, I really appreciate it ... of course without Tame there'd be no sig so *waves to Tame* ... ((((((((((((((Tame)))))))))))) you're the best.

    Estelle xxx
    Abu: This is a woman?
    O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

    Carter: Err. Colonel?
    O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

    Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
    Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
    Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

    Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
    Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
    Jack: No I *like* it.


      Originally posted by estelle
      Oh, I know that one, it's good. Isn't the song by LeAnn Rimes?! Unfortunately I lost all my music vids due to a computer crash a few months ago and I'm still revictualing my database. :-)

      Estelle xxx
      Yeah the song is by LeAnn Rimes and I agree it is a great vid
      And I love the song!

      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


        Originally posted by sacme
        yes, VERY cool sig Estelle!!
        Gee, thx *starts blushing* you're all too nice to me.

        *wonders if she can give reputation points by agreeing to others that her sig is indeed 'very cool* Nah, *runs away*

        Estelle xxx
        Abu: This is a woman?
        O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

        Carter: Err. Colonel?
        O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

        Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
        Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
        Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

        Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
        Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
        Jack: No I *like* it.


          Originally posted by Token
          [center][font=Arial Black]In honor of my 1000th post, here is a little something for the family!
          Thx :-) I needed that since there wasn't really anything shippy in Icon

          You're sig is really funny - at least to me. AT has all this make up on that tastes really yucky given RDA's reaction; Now Sam is trying to get Jack to kiss her, how evil of her *snickers*

          Estelle xxx
          Abu: This is a woman?
          O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

          Carter: Err. Colonel?
          O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

          Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
          Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
          Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

          Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
          Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
          Jack: No I *like* it.


            Spoilers Season 8 "Threads"
            Originally posted by nickatell
            I think I would also like to see Jacob pick up on the fact that Sam is not truly happy or sure about this engagement. Jacob is such a great guy and I think inspiring words from him would be exactly what Sam would need. Who else does she have to talk to or get advice from? To me it would strengthen their relationship even at an emotional time when his health is failing. It would also be nice if Jacob was secretly aware of Sam and Jack having feelings for one another. Hopefully TPTB did a good job with the dad daughter relationship thing and we don't still see Sam hiding her true feelings from yet another person. I'm not sure if this makes any sense, but it is just my opinion.
            I agree with the vast majority of your points and would much rather see it play out this way than my own speculation. I would love to see Jacob be her reality check on all this, but I'm not sure Sam's emotionally open enough for it to work. Would she tell her dying father, who wanted to live long enough for the wedding, that she's haing doubts? I'm not so sure she would -- especially having just been stung by finding out that Jack has moved on (from her POV) just as she opened up enough to risk talking to him and then getting hit with dad's health issues. Emotionally speaking, she has to be reeling and it would be very hard for anybody to guess it's about more than dad.

            That said, Sam does realize she's conflicted and not entirely happy. I really like that she gets far enough to know it and try to act on it. I'd love to see some Jacob/Sam interaction on her doubts, but I really think Jack's also going to have to take some action before she's going to let her doubts show again. Still, I'll certainly never turn down a good Jacob scene. A good, solid father/daughter discussion would be a lot less soapy and more interesting than the quadrangle mess.
            *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


              Spoilers for Season 8 "Affinity and Season 8 "Threads"


              nickatell I hope Sam finally drops Pete in Threads and TPTB do not have Sam stay with Pete because Sam sees Jack with Kerry.The Sam character may never recover if we see her stay with Pete.I am afraid with the possibility of a Season 9 TPTB may try to drag things into Season 9 so they will have Sam stick with Pete.I really hope that does not happen.I do not want to see Jack having to stop Sam marrying Pete at the last second.Talk about Soap Opera.I really do not think TPTB will have that happening.TPTB would risk losing not only Shippers but Anti-Shippers as well.I also think Affinity is going to be 10 times worse than Chimera.I will still watch the episode and I will be kicking myself for watching.TPTB better come up with a great Sam and Jack resolution after having to put up with Chimera and Affinity.


                A bit OT, but an interesting bit of information none the less:

                I read the article that goes with the pics of AT in Femme Fatalie. Sorry, no spoilers and nothing really new, but she does report that she was (at the time the interview was done) in the process of scheduling a couple of days of blue screen work for a small part she will have in the SciFi mini series Earthsea. Maybe this is the work that is keeping her from doing the Con at The Meadowlands this weekend?

                I enjoyed the Earthsea books and am looking forward to the series. Having AT in it, even for a cameo role, is a plus.


                  Originally posted by Elfinwood
                  A bit OT, but an interesting bit of information none the less:

                  I read the article that goes with the pics of AT in Femme Fatalie. Sorry, no spoilers and nothing really new, but she does report that she was (at the time the interview was done) in the process of scheduling a couple of days of blue screen work for a small part she will have in the SciFi mini series Earthsea. Maybe this is the work that is keeping her from doing the Con at The Meadowlands this weekend?

                  I enjoyed the Earthsea books and am looking forward to the series. Having AT in it, even for a cameo role, is a plus.

                  Unfortunately, this is not the reason Amanda's not at's a more private reason...

                  I will always be there for you

                  Sir, at your house, what I wanted to say was
                  I know



                    Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill

                    Hi Sergeant Phil!!! Glad you decided to join us!!
                    You will have lots of fun here, and everyone is very friendly!

                    Make sure you stop off at the Shipper Town Info Centre and pick up your Ship Pack! And make sure you visit MG's Bar and Grill to get a drink and something to eat

                    Happy Shipping!

                    And just in case you haven't seen it here is Shipper Town:

                    Created by our wonderful family members Token and Mala!
                    Make sure you check out the telescope tower! Right next to Sam and Jack's Cosy Cottage

                    Thank you Sam !!!

                    I went to shipper town and it seems like the place to hang around

                    I'm gonna like this place !!

                    I will always be there for you

                    Sir, at your house, what I wanted to say was
                    I know



                      Originally posted by getcarter
                      LOL!! Wouldn't you love to be an extra in that scene? I think it would take every ounce of self control not to yell out "Don't do it, Sam!!"
                      hmmm...<LtLisa rushes off to find out where TPTB hire their extras>

                      "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                      describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                      <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                      Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                        Originally posted by GoneShippin'

                        they should have kept the forehead kiss IN!
                        IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN

                        ya think?

                        "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                        describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                        <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                        Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                          Originally posted by sacme
                          wear your protective Pit-deflective glasses!!

                          ship sistah
                          send me a pair please!

                          "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                          describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                          <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                          Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                            Spoilers for Season 8 "Affinity" and "Threads"


                            It is going to take every bit of self control not to yell out the word idiot when Sam says yes to Pete.If I was an extra they would have to put a tape over my mouth.I would love to see Jacob knock Sam and Jack's heads together in Threads.That would go down as one of the greatest Scences in Stargate.
                            Last edited by ses110; 08 August 2004, 07:08 AM.


                              Originally posted by marimba26
                              Well, I'm 30 and I wouldn't let my mom know I've been reading them either--let's just say she's a *little* old-fashioned. So NC-17 fanfic is my little secret!
                     mom's NOT old fashioned at all...but no way am I telling her I like NC 17 fics or letting her read them. I actually do read em at home, but I usually wait til its late and everyones mostly asleep so I don't have anyone walking in and looking over my shoulder. Since my room is now the computer room at home (since I'm usually away at college) it works ok.

                              "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                              describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                              <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                              Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                                Originally posted by Sergeant Phil
                                Hello everyone !!

                                I've been reading the thread for quite some time but never dared to participate...

                                lil intro, I'm Phil, from Paris, France, archeologist, an SG1 fan since season 3, shipper at heart !!!
                                (which is why I never dared write before...a 30 something guy loving ship can look a little odd...)

                                you'll notice that I sometimes misuse words or verb...I hope you'll excuse me.

                                this said, I'm damn happy to join y'all !

                                Ship rules !

                                nah, we've got a few guys around here...Madgater, BCM aka ship daddy (hey, where's ship daddy? he hasn't been on in like a month!), and a couple more

                                "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                                describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                                <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                                Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!

