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    Originally posted by majorsal

    Jack - "Carter, ever since we got back from the Edoran's relocation party, you've been itchin' to tell me somthing. What is it?"

    Sam - "I... uh... Idon'tknowhowtotellyouthissoI'mjustgoingtogoaheadandpullthenoosebecauseIreallywa ntyoutoknowthatI'minlovewithyouandthatI'dlovetohaveanintimaterelationshipwithyou sir... "

    Jack - "What?"

    Sam - "... Nothing, sir."

    Jack - *grins*



      Originally posted by DarkQuee1
      If I remember correctly (and I have not read any posts since page 9, so someone else may have mentioned this), a fan who had gone to Gatecon indicated that AT said that they were in the process (or almost in the process) of filming the "resolution" to the S/P story. I suspect this is it. True, the "resolution" may be that they stay together, but these spoilers give me hope that that's not it!

      I was the fan that went and I agree with you. I'm very hopeful. I think this episode could be really beautiful and wonderful if done right. Let's hope they do it right. If they do this one right, I *might* even be able to get past Chernobyl! ARE YOU LISTENING PTB?? I can EASILY forget Chernobyl for Sam and Jack to get together in a beautiful and loving way--no fishing for me, I want ROMANCE!

      Gads, I'm beginning to sound like I want soapgate! But at this point, I'm beginning to think I'm with Tame--just put them together!!!
      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


        Originally posted by majorsal
        SUPER SICK and TWISTED idea ahead, so be warned...

        Selmac doesn't want to take Jacob with him, so he says that he wants to leave Jacob before the end. Jacob says no, giving Sam the realization that it's 'Selmac' that dying, and that her dad's going along for the ride because of his love for the symbiote. Meanwhile, Pete just happens to be in the infirmary -after getting hurt again after following her again- and when he finds out that Sam's dad is there... he goes over, shakes his hand, and is grabbed by Selmac and given a big kiss! Sam hears a commotion, comes quickly to her dad's side, but sees Pete standing there with an odd look on his face. When Sam asks him what's wrong, he says, "Samantha, it is I, Selmac." Sam screams. Pete comes around and screams. Jacob screams. Jack comes quickly and... as he's gently taking a tramatized Sam to the door, he turns and gives Jacob a wink and nod.

        The end of As the Stargate Chugs.

        LOL! I can see that happening


          Originally posted by DarkQuee1
          There might be another reason: it's clear from this that Sam say "yes" in Affinity. Between that happening and all of the seeming "anti-shipper" comments we've been seeing lately from the staff, I think there was a concern that shipper might desert en masse after Affinity. The leak might be designed to say, "Don't go. We have something that might interest you coming along."

          That could be. I know that I have said more than once that if she said yes, I'm outta here. Of course, I guess the spoilers worked because now I want to find out what's gonna happen in this ep!
          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Originally posted by LtLisa
            you what? I'm sick to death of this whole 'it makes the AF look bad' line. This is Stargate, not an AF recruitment show. I don't give a flying f#^%#$ if the real AF wouldn't allow something, cause guess what? I'm not in the AF nor will I ever be. This is a FICTIONAL tv the AF needs to BACK OFF and let us have our shippy resolution and stuff the god-maitoc-ed regs up their butts!!!!!!!!! <breathes hard>

            ok, I'm done now...I feel better, just sick of hearing that excuse...and just read a sad fanfic (Fireflies)...and am going to bed. Oh, and no offense is meant to anyone military or with military family, etc....

            SCREW THE REGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            *pokes head out from under bed*

            Is it safe to come out now "sis?"


              Originally posted by nickatell
              I hope this message doesn't repeat because it acted like it didn't go through the first time. Anyway suddenly you can't shut me up. I just wanted to say thank you to all who bring us the "spoilers". I know there are some who don't want to be "spoiled" and I can respect that, in fact I use to be that way. Considering recent events though for me it has been safer reading the "spoilers" because that way there is a lot less screaming at the tv and after waiting so long for a new episode with the hope of ship, a lot less depression. This way I can prepare myself for the up-coming mountain in the way of my shipper rollercoaster ride. Thanks and please any information you guys find out please keep us informed, with the proper spoiler identification of course. Thanks again you guys make this road a lot less bumpy.
              Nick, I feel like I should give you a hug here, so...


              I know how you feel because I have the same fears but (and I'm beginning to think I'm becoming a motivational speaker) we're gonna be okay, I think so hang in there!
              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                Sorry, a lorrie is a great big honking truck!!!
                I'm catching up with what's going on, as I've been playing in the Edinburgh Jazz Festival, but I had to pop in and meet the family!!

                (((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))))))
                How's the festival going?

                We had a folk music festival where I am last weekend. It was brilliant!!! The jammin' sessions in the local pubs were amazing!

                Do you ever play the Banjo at Folk Festivals?
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by sueKay
                  How's the festival going?

                  We had a folk music festival where I am last weekend. It was brilliant!!! The jammin' sessions in the local pubs were amazing!

                  Do you ever play the Banjo at Folk Festivals?
                  The festival's going great, thanks. I don't play folk festivals (I'm a trad jazz person....nothing after the 1930's for me!!!), but I have been known to go and listen to bands of all persuasions!!!! (Any excuse to go for a drink!). You should have seen the band dressed in their dinner suits this lunchtime (me too...but I just look stupid!! ). Anyway, back on topic.....
                  I'm not going to worry too much over this long as we get SAM AND JACK TOGETHER!!!!!!


                    Originally posted by marimba26
                    CJ and MS were getting drunk on stage (beer)--it was hilarious! I laughed so hard my stomach hurt! (At them AND at Gary Jones--OMG! he was a riot!) And I can never look at Teal'c quite the same way again!
                    *teal'c has invited everyone over for his housewarming party*

                    *Sam and Jack arrive to find Teal'c halfway through the supply of booze and behaving very un-Jaffa-like, along with Daniel*

                    Jack: Err...T?
                    Teal'c: Ahh. O'Neill! Samantha! Now the party *hic* truly begins!
                    Daniel: Sam! Jack! C'mon! Get a drink and let's celebrate!
                    Teal'c: *hiccup* Indeed! We must celebrate my status as a truly free Jaffa and my induction *hic* into the society of the Tau'ri!

                    Daniel: What he *hiccup* said!
                    Jack: I'm down with that! How about you Carter?
                    Sam: Sounds good to me!

                    *SG-1 gathers in the briefing room the next morning, well and truly hungover*

                    New doc: Morning General.

                    Teal'c: Do not yell!!!! My head feels like an equine stampede!
                    Jack (looking green): Ohh! *runs off to the bathroom*
                    Daniel: Why did we do this to ourselves?
                    Sam: Daniel, unless there's a batallion of Jaffa on your six, PLEASE stop screaming!
                    Teal'c: I concur with ColonelCarter. DanielJackson, lower the amplitude of your vocal chords.


                      Originally posted by mad_gater
                      *teal'c has invited everyone over for his housewarming party*

                      *Sam and Jack arrive to find Teal'c halfway through the supply of booze and behaving very un-Jaffa-like, along with Daniel*

                      Jack: Err...T?
                      Teal'c: Ahh. O'Neill! Samantha! Now the party *hic* truly begins!
                      Daniel: Sam! Jack! C'mon! Get a drink and let's celebrate!
                      Teal'c: *hiccup* Indeed! We must celebrate my status as a truly free Jaffa and my induction *hic* into the society of the Tau'ri!

                      Daniel: What he *hiccup* said!
                      Jack: I'm down with that! How about you Carter?
                      Sam: Sounds good to me!

                      *SG-1 gathers in the briefing room the next morning, well and truly hungover*

                      New doc: Morning General.

                      Teal'c: Do not yell!!!! My head feels like an equine stampede!
                      Jack (looking green): Ohh! *runs off to the bathroom*
                      Daniel: Why did we do this to ourselves?
                      Sam: Daniel, unless there's a batallion of Jaffa on your six, PLEASE stop screaming!
                      Teal'c: I concur with ColonelCarter. DanielJackson, lower the amplitude of your vocal chords.
                      I wonder if Teal'c could now get drunk considering he's on tritonin now???...
                      I can foresee some very drunk shippers for Affinity and Threads Maybe it will look better through beer goggles, and if it works out (casts glance in TPTB direction ) then we'll be all the merrier
                      Perhaps we need to inlcude a alochol detox wing to the rehab centre...


                        Originally posted by TameFarrar
                        Have you ever actually SEEN these White Cliffs of Dover ??

                        I seem to be in vigilante mood myself
                        Apparently, you are. As for those cliffs you know good and well I haven't but it's not about the cliffs--it's about the way that they stand through the ravages of time. The sea can't tear them down nor can man. Kind of like shippers--we survive no matter what! Gads, I *can* rationalize anything! I've managed to turn chalk cliffs into a motivational speech!
                        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                          Originally posted by mad_gater
                          *teal'c has invited everyone over for his housewarming party*

                          *Sam and Jack arrive to find Teal'c halfway through the supply of booze and behaving very un-Jaffa-like, along with Daniel*

                          Jack: Err...T?
                          Teal'c: Ahh. O'Neill! Samantha! Now the party *hic* truly begins!
                          Daniel: Sam! Jack! C'mon! Get a drink and let's celebrate!
                          Teal'c: *hiccup* Indeed! We must celebrate my status as a truly free Jaffa and my induction *hic* into the society of the Tau'ri!

                          Daniel: What he *hiccup* said!
                          Jack: I'm down with that! How about you Carter?
                          Sam: Sounds good to me!

                          *SG-1 gathers in the briefing room the next morning, well and truly hungover*

                          New doc: Morning General.

                          Teal'c: Do not yell!!!! My head feels like an equine stampede!
                          Jack (looking green): Ohh! *runs off to the bathroom*
                          Daniel: Why did we do this to ourselves?
                          Sam: Daniel, unless there's a batallion of Jaffa on your six, PLEASE stop screaming!
                          Teal'c: I concur with ColonelCarter. DanielJackson, lower the amplitude of your vocal chords.

                          My head feels like an equine stampede!!! MG, you're nuts!!! (in a nice way of course!)
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            Originally posted by LtLisa
                            twisted? my sense of humor? ;~)
                            You have a twisted sense of humor. Along with the rest f your thought processes!!


                              Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                              Actually, if it means the end of Pete; I'm more than happy!!!

                              Hey do you like my new Avatar? *Twirls* so you can get an all round view. I love Major Davis.

                              Then I saw they had a one! Argghhhhh!!!!!
                              I think put a virus on GW's servers so that his pic pops up everywhere!


                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                Ooh, what a lovely poem! I've actually got Samuel Barber's setting of "Dover Beach" around here somewhere, but I don't think I've listened to it since I bought it. I'll have to do that soon! (I adore Samuel Barber. I think Jack would too. )

                                Ooooh, I like Samuel Barber too!! Especially the Adagio for Strings--beautiful piece! I didn't know he did a piece for "Dover Beach" but I'm gonna have to check that out!
                                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!

