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    Token & fellow shippers:

    Thank you soooooooo much for the report on the ship commentary for LC2.

    Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that AT & RDA keep us shippers in mind
    like that. (OK, in reality, just having been on the RDA Thunk thread made
    me all warm -- feverish, really! So I guess the commentary report made
    me just fuzzy.)

    Yes, fellow shippers, we know TPTB are playing with us. Writers, producers,
    actors -- they know what's what. They're like big cats batting us around
    with their paws. Sometimes it seems like we're doomed to a shipless death,
    and suddenly they let us run free with the fragrance of ship in the air!

    I guess there's nothing to be done but to wait and see what unfolds.

    (I hope what unfolds are Jack's long legs across Sam's lap, or Sam's long
    legs around Jack', use your imagination.
    Yes, I know things will never get that far. I'm not *that* delusional in
    reality! Honest!)

    Cannot wait for Season 8 !!!!!


    If by "fond" you mean droolworthy, hummable, coma-causing, breath-stealing, lustful, libidinous
    appreciation of the First Hussy Magnitude for Jack & his splendid, dirty, sweaty, sun-kissed, lithe-fingered,
    full-bottom-lipped, lickable-eared, agile-tongued, long-necked, silver-haired, gracefully moving body
    in all its fantasmagorical glory, then--- yes. I am also "fond." -- OzGirl


      15 hours!!
      Yep yep 15 hours!! YAAAY! I cant wait!!
      *crosses fingers for good shipper luck and eats all the ship cookies*

      RDA: "I dunno that much about Pete to be honest with you. Apprently he's no threat to O'Neill!"


      My Sam & Jack Fan Fics


        Originally posted by majorsal
        I write, but I doubt you're talking about me. There's a Sally Reeve out there that *so* deserves this praise! But thanks for the thought.

        LOL okay, I meant Sally Reeve but where can we find *your* stories? Maybe I´ve read some of yours that I loved as well ...I´m just a little lazy with reviewing which is really bad because the authors deserve all Feedback they can get ...but that´s me. *sigh*

        Steffi ~ A Shipper on mission *weg*


          Originally posted by Token

          mad_gater, which way did Pete go?
          (In honor of all your Pete comments, I think Jack would like to get in on the action)
          Well, Jack. Last time I saw that butt-brain, he was being chased by Teal'c on the eastbound I-290. If you hurry you might be able to get in on the fun.


            [QUOTE=madfrenchie][QUOTE=LtLisa]someone please explain this Star wars thing...I've never seen the second two parts of the original <sheepish look>

            It's from the second movie when Han Solo is being lowered into a chryo-genic chamber somewhat like the one in "Lost City." Leiah looks at him and says "I
            love you." And all he says is "I know." Then in the sequel, after he's unfrozen, their roles are reversed and he's the one saying the "I love you's."

            Thanx for the comments on the commentaries Token!

            Didja know that *I know* was an ad lib by Harrison Ford? I got goosebumps the first time I saw the movie. I think Star Wars did ship well. After all, Han and Leila got together (yeah!). With them together, all the books could expand on their lives and family. Their universe is in desperate peril and THEY still found time to fall in love and make babies!!!!!!!

            Today is a GREAT day!

            Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


              Oh I read the commentaries season 7 DVD and they are great ..You see ..I told you sam and Jack are gonna get together at the end ....I loved the Jack and Pete fishing commentary ...hiliarious ....and when Amanda added to shoot Pete ..very funny ....I actually wonder if we gonna get some kind of conversation between Pete and Jack about Sam ....and how she sees her future .!!!!!



                Today is the day and who is taping "New order "tonight ???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Raise hands please Hehehehehehehe......not me cuz It's not on in the UK yet

                Caty aka Shipdiva


                  Originally posted by mad_gater
                  Well, Jack. Last time I saw that butt-brain, he was being chased by Teal'c on the eastbound I-290. If you hurry you might be able to get in on the fun.
                  As a matter of fact, use the rings. There's a set near the I-290, so you can ring to the I-290!


                    It's Friday. The start of a week-end....what shall we do?

                    Shall we invite friends over for supper?

                    Maybe take in a movie?

                    Go to the lake?

                    Nawwwww, I think I'll just hang around the house and watch a little TV.

                    Anyone know if anything good comes on the telly tonight?

                    Happy (who has plans for her Friday night with some of her best friends---SG-1)

                    Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      Today is the day and who is taping "New order "tonight ???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Raise hands please Hehehehehehehe......not me cuz It's not on in the UK yet

                      Caty aka Shipdiva
                      oooo definetly me im tapin them all im not waitin for the dvds


                        Originally posted by Token
                        As I prepare for "New Order" tomorrow night, I'm listening to the audio commentary for "Lost City". Martin Wood, Robert C. Cooper, and Amanda Tapping do the commentary. I had to pause to write this because I was just to giddy to wait.

                        Spoilers for S7 "Lost City" (scene setup for commentary)
                        The scene is where Carter comes alone to O'Neill's house. The commentary amongst the three of them is the interaction between Sam and Jack and how Rick and Amanda handle the awkwardness. They talk about how Sam and Jack are uncomfortable and yet comfortable, and just how far they can take the awkward (UST) boundaries in a scene. They go on to say that is is the chemistry between Rick and Amanda that comes across. (Where have we heard that before)

                        It seems as though Robert Cooper and Brad Wright were watching the dailies of "Out of Mind" and saw the hug Jack gave Sam after he was unfrozen. Robert said Brad looked back and forth between him and the scene and said, "Hmm." Also the scenes in "Into the Fire" where Jack looks uncomfortably at Sam's naked back and the scene where Jack and Sam are "too close" in the hallway. Those two episodes, according to Robert C. Cooper, is where the writers and PTB launched the S/J Ship. Since that time, the actors and TPTB have been seeing how far they can push the boundaries. Also, alot of the ship we see is from Rick and Amanda goofing around in rehearsals and the director (Martin Wood) says to go with it. Robert Cooper says the writers aren't to blame for the Ship; it was Rick and Amanda.

                        So far in the commentary I have been very uplifted, and I'm believing Pete is nothing more than a plot device to move along Sam and Jack.

                        I will continue to update you on the commentary as I get good news.

                        I know if I was working next to HIM or HER every day, I would find that irresistible urge... (Sorry, Amanda's hubby!)


                          Originally posted by Token
                          Just finished the last of "Lost City" commentary with Martin Wood, Robert C. Cooper, and Amanda Tapping.

                          Spoilers S7 "Lost City" and S8
                          Scene setup: the end of "Lost City" in the ice cavern.
                          Amanda makes a point that Sam calls O'Neill "Jack." (good for us) Martin says, the scenes between Amanda and Rick are his favorite. (good for us) Amanda at first thought putting her hand on the ice would be too cheesy, but thinks it works well. Robert kiddingly interjected that in the original script Sam put her tongue on the ice but since it would have stuck they decided to change it. (LOL) All three comment on Jack staring at Sam, and Sam staring at Jack. (Aww!) Amanda asks Robert if in Season 8 Jack will ask Sam to go fishing and will she say "Yes". Robert responds saying, "Actually, what happens is O'Neill and Pete go fishing," Amanda is heard in the background saying, "and he (Jack) kills him (Pete). Robert continues "and you are working on a naqudah generator." They are all laughing. (so am I) Robert comments on how many letters he will get about his Pete comment. ( Pleeze, only from fans that can't take a joke.)

                          I said it before, but this commentary gives me hope. I truly believe what we are hearing about Pete is just because they need him to fulfill Sam and Jack coming together. I still disagree with how they wrote the character, but I don't think that we will be disappointed in the end. Keep the positive vibes and letters coming.

                          BTW...I think Amanda will love our Shipper efforts.
                          I love Martin Wood. His director commentaries are great. Maybe a little technical for some people, but I've learned a lot from him and appreciate more than ever what these people have to do everyday to give us our version of this fabulous show. Martin has commented before about putting RDA and AT close together in scenes...not only because of the CO/2IC factor...but because of how they look together. He is great for shipperdom. Sadly, it sounds like he is directing more of Atlantis this year than Stargate, according to the article in Cult Times (? I think that's the one).


                            Originally posted by sacme
                            OMG, shoot me! Damn them, why, WHY, WHY did they cut that out! That scene ended up feeling so flat-- now we know why. There should have been a kiss there! This actually doesn't make me feel better, Token. I'm feeling jipped. They keep cutting out what we want to see and give us instead. This season better be different.

                            ship sistah
                            oh, I felt jipped from the begining; I knew (figured it out...) that that was where the kiss was SOO obvious to me that something was cut there. Just like I suspect there was more S/J dialog at his house (ie: Daniel and Teal'c came in a couple mins later...) Token, were there any other comments on the house scene?

                            "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                            describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                            <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                            Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                              [QUOTE=madfrenchie][QUOTE=LtLisa]someone please explain this Star wars thing...I've never seen the second two parts of the original <sheepish look>

                              It's from the second movie when Han Solo is being lowered into a chryo-genic chamber somewhat like the one in "Lost City." Leiah looks at him and says "I
                              love you." And all he says is "I know." Then in the sequel, after he's unfrozen, their roles are reversed and he's the one saying the "I love you's."

                              Thanx for the comments on the commentaries Token!
                              Thanks madfrenchie! here's hoping they continue that homage in New Order...

                              "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                              describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                              <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                              Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                Token, what a sigpic!!! I want to ask you, though; that middle pic, I don't remember seeing that version before. Sam's holding Jack's hand. Where did you get that?

                                Ah yes, that is a wonderful picture! That came from the "SG-1 Directors Series: Death Knell with Peter DeLuise." The behind the scenes Death Knell stuff was great. Rick and Amanda were goofing around during the scene setup. Rick even ended up licking (yes, licking) Amanda's chin, and ended up getting a taste of her makeup which he didn't like. (LOL) Lots of chemistry going on.

                                Token ~

