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    848 mad gater

    Love your sig pic! Teal'c chaperoning Sam and Jack! LOL! got the perfect 3 line caption for that pic:

    Jack: Aw, but T...!
    Teal'c: I believe the Tauri have a saying: NO MEANS NO!
    Sam: Aw, you're no fun at all!


    When I saw that pic, I immediately saw... notice the slightly irked look on Sam's face, and how Jack's looking at Sam with the expression of...

    Jack - "Uh... Carter? He won't-- "

    Sam - "I don't want to talk about it... I just don't like being babysat, Jack. No offense, Teal'c."

    Jack - "Yeah, I'm sure he's not taking any.... *notices Sam's icy stare*.... or not... honey... dear."




      850 mad gater

      Of course I'll bet you two are now breathing heavily thinking about what it would be lik to have all that muscle on top of you!

      " ................ "

      Disclaimer: Because of PGness of forum, Sally's mouth has been taped.

      Last edited by majorsal; 07 July 2004, 09:36 PM.



        853 marimba

        I think Season 7 made it VERY clear that AT can't carry the show. It just isn't the same without RDA.

        Oh, I think AT can carry the show! I just think the show can't carry the characters sometimes.




          Originally posted by CkiCki
          Yeah, that was probably one of the better parts of the Lowdown. It looked like they were about to burst out laughing.

          Or kiss each other.


          Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


            Originally Posted by marimba26
            I just want her to talk about something else--anything else--besides Ptui! Or just be quiet! That would work too at this point.
            854 madfrenchie

            Jack needs to do his usual "Carter!--not now," grab her chin and pull her in for a kiss. That might shut her up.

            Uh, maybe we should take the invite to Amanda to this thread off the letter.




              Originally posted by bcmilco
              "Scorched Earth". The director was compairing and contrasting the distance between Daniel and Lotan as suggesting a relationship between two people who don't really know eachother while having a disagreement, with Jack and Sam's relationship and their physical closeness while they were having a disagreement being an example of how close they are as friends. I believe the word he used was "intimate" in reference to the distance between them being much less then that between Daniel and Lotan.
              See, see, I told you sooooo!
              Ship Nana


                Hello friendly land of shippiness!

                Hi, Jimlad here. Long time lurker without posting anything due to excess amounts of homework.

                Ecstatic to be finally joining the thread, and to talk to other people who are as ship filled as me for the wonderful Sam and Jack.

                Down with Pete!

                SAM AND JACK FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                Welcome, Jimlad!!!

                I've been around enough to know that THIS forum, with THIS group of shippers is THE best shipper heaven on earth!

                Frolic! Propagate! Have a dozen shipper cookies!

                SAM AND JACK FOREVER!!!

                Sally, done with welcoming and freaking out newbie.



                  874 marimba

                  Sally, I like you bunches but I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree with you here! It's his (or her) handle and while I agree that we shouldn't bring up the whole Pete debacle in the letter, I don't think we should have to change our alter egos to please her. I know I picked my alter ego for a reason and I'd be upset if someone asked me to change it because it celebrated my love for a musical instrument they hate. Send Pete to Edora likes his (or her) name and he (or she) should get to keep it. Amanda knows that there are fans who don't like Pete and if she didn't want to get in the middle of the whole thing, she should have clammed up and laid low. While I hate the idea of people sending her ugly letters, we have not been ugly in the letter. We have been respectful and complimentary so I don't think she would have any room to complain. Just MHO.

                  No prob, hon. I just thought she might not mind just using her first name or something.




                    Wow majorsal u have a huge amout of posts to catch up on and to reply to!! I hope you are munching on those gray cookies at the same time. Good luck in the catch up!


                    McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

                    TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

                    McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

                    MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


                      883 zabbugh

                      On another note, did anyone else notice a 'throwing in the towel' kind of attitude from AT on the Lowdown. Specifically when she said that she has know idea how the whole "he who shall be nameless" arc was going to end up? Was I just reading too much into that?

                      I don't really know what you mean by 'throwing in the towel' in her attitude. I might be slow, so help me!





                        GRATEFULLY accepting glass full of WHATEVER!!!!!


                        How about a Margarita?!

                        Sally, who's obsessed with Chili's Presidente Margaritas.... they're blue.



                          909 send pete to edora

                          Wow! It´s hard to keep track here! You are fast! Thanks Marimba! And Sally, no offense taken! I know I picked a name that will either be loved or hated. But as I looked for a name I was in a situation where this one was absolutely perfect and I still love it.
                          I have to admit I didn´t really think about Amanda´s reaction while reading my name ...hehe. But actually I think she has lots of humor and she would laugh about it...but if more of you guys think the name could be a problem maybe I should add something like "No offense " behind it ...because I really don´t want to change it. What do you guys think about it?

                          Steffi ~ A Shipper on mission *weg*

                          Hi, Steffi!


                          You might be right that Amanda would chuckle over it. In any case, I'm glad I didn't offend you. And again, welcome to the fold!




                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            883 zabbugh

                            On another note, did anyone else notice a 'throwing in the towel' kind of attitude from AT on the Lowdown. Specifically when she said that she has know idea how the whole "he who shall be nameless" arc was going to end up? Was I just reading too much into that?

                            I don't really know what you mean by 'throwing in the towel' in her attitude. I might be slow, so help me!

                            My thoughts when she said this were that she is clamming up and not going to defend that whole story arc. It was as if she said 'Ok, I have said my piece about this, now I am done with it'. She seemed a bit weary about the whole thing.
                            Did that help? This was just my take on it.


                              Spoiler space for S7's Chimera


                              925 token

                              I really don't want to rehash this topic, but I feel a real point isn't being addressed. Is sex so casual now that it just doesn't mean anything?

                              Oh, it meant something to Sam!... did you see the look on her face when he walked out? She gave over a part of herself to this guy, and he basically threw it back in her face by walking out... and checking up and spying on her. Just wish they would have had Sam react to *all* of that, and not just the fact that 'he who shall go unnamed' walked out of her bedroom. Poor Sam....




                                942 mad gater

                                *mad_gater has broken WoO time loop before Jack kisses Sam*

                                Sam: you're resigning? why?
                                Jack (looks at watch): So I can do this !
                                *Jack gives Sam her steamy WoO kiss!*
                                *As the kiss happens, Jack looks at watch again and realizes loop hasn't restarted*
                                Jack: Ah sh@@&#!
                                Carter (breathing heavily and blushing up a storm): What?
                                Jack: time didn't loop again! somebody else must've broken it! crap!
                                Hammond: Nothing you can do about it now Jack! Have a nice retirement! I know I would if I had a woman like Sam!

                                *Sam blushes even harder at that*

                                Jack: SWEET!!!!!!

                                YES! LOVE it!



