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    Originally posted by Token
    Speaking of Shipper Town, I don't think I've unpacked it yet! But I know that hasn't stopped the family from enjoying the activities.

    Here it is:
    You have to unpack Shipper Town! Where else are we going to live in shipper peace and happiness? Unless of course, you happen to visit TPTB's amusement park.....
    JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

    Thank you, Nikkirose!


      Originally posted by sacme
      Shanks and Teryl and Atlantis girl are tomorrow. Maybe I should ask Shanks about his bulking up-- or what he thought of Amanda's Femme Fatale pics.

      ship sistah
      Oh definitely ask about those pics! After the way the guys stared at her *ahem* chest, in those huge posters at the convention, I am dying to know what they said to her about the photo shoot for Femme Fetale.

      Also, find out if Atlantis girl wears a wig, or if her hair is really that fake looking in RL


        Originally posted by sueKay
        Hey guys!
        I know it's quiet at this hour, but I found this AT quote in a recent sci fi interview. This is her view on PS.

        "I think it's rounding her out as a person, and I think that any experience she gets in the love department, in terms of how to foster and keep a relationship, and how to open herself up and open her heart up, will only serve her for the future when she does eventually get together with O'Neill."

        here's the link for the full interview

        SueKay, hon, we're way ahead of you on this interview , but one can never get sick of this quote!!! Thanks!




          Originally posted by JSDT
          Everytime I think of avoiding "those" parts of Affinity, I picture Jack in the ep Past and Present where he shoves his fingers in his ears and makes the la, la noise to avoid hearing Kira is the "destroyer of worlds." I just picture having 2 sets of hands and covering my eyes as well.
          You mean like this?

          Ship Nana


            Originally posted by Ship Nana
            You mean like this?

            EXACTLY like that! Avoidance at its best!
            JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

            Thank you, Nikkirose!


              Originally posted by ChevronSeven

              To me, Daniel looked a little paunchy last night. Is he not working out?

              This was brought up on the S/J list, and I remarked that I felt we were just seeing MS's tummy full from lunch. Really, in all the other scenes, his stomach is flat. MS is in great shape!

              Anyway, I took Jack's snapping at Carter as a sign that he's frustrated that he can't go out and get Daniel--either himself or SG-1. He and Daniel have a special relationship (not that kind of relationship ). I think Jack did a good job being diplomatic.

              I agree, he was a bit short with her, but I took that as the stress of his new responsibility as General (and your explanation too). I didn't take it personally for Sam, and by her reaction, neither did she.

              Last edited by majorsal; 07 August 2004, 08:34 PM.



                Token, love your sig! Shippers are so creative.

                ship sistah

                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  This was brought up on the S/J list, and I remarked that I felt we were just seeing MS's tummy full from lunch. Really, in all the other scenes, his stomach is flat. MS is in great shape!
                  Of course. That shirt didn't look like it fit him well. Because later - in the gray shirt - whoa, mama.

                  I agree, he was a bit short with her, but I took that as the stress of his new responsibility as General (and your explanation too). I didn't take it personally for Sam, and by her reaction, neither did she.

                  Great minds, Sally. Great minds!


                    Originally posted by GoneShippin'

                    they should have kept the forehead kiss IN!
                    IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN

                    And that second part where he was aiming for her lips and she kissed him back. YUM!!!

                    ship sistah

                    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                      Originally posted by auralan
                      Spoilers: Season 8:Threads

                      Jacob actually brings up the wedding when he's delivering the news that he and Selmac are dying. He says something about having thought he could hang in there until then and not wanting to ruin the wedding. It's the end of the earlier Sam/Jacob scene. In the other known Sam/Jacob scene a few pages later, she's assuring her dad of something. No hint what. It's just the ending line of the scene.

                      I still can't believe that we're talking about Sam getting married... on Stargate.... to ANOTHER MAN......... I still can't believe this bf storyline's went this far..... *shakes head*




                        Originally posted by sacme
                        Token, love your sig! Shippers are so creative.

                        ship sistah
                        Thank you! And "YES" we are! We have to be with the material we are given. It's almost like the best stuff is what goes on behind the scenes.

                        Token ~


                          Hi, shippers. Someone on the S/J list recommended this video. I watched it and it's great!

                          Link -

                          Name of vid - Heaven Help Me.

                          Let the author know how much you enjoyed it.




                            Originally posted by sacme
                            And that second part where he was aiming for her lips and she kissed him back. YUM!!!

                            ship sistah
                            What you can not tell is that he is really pretending he is going to lick her, and she reaches in with a kiss. Then he gets a tongue full of make-up which apparently doesn't taste good by his reaction.

                            Token ~


                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              Hi, shippers. Someone on the S/J list recommended this video. I watched it and it's great!

                              Link -

                              Name of vid - Heaven Help Me.

                              Let the author know how much you enjoyed it.

                              Wow! That was good! Thanks for the link!

                              Token ~


                                S8's Affinity spoilers


                                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                                I plan to be well prepared for this episode, that is, drink heavily before. That way maybe I won't even remember what I saw!!! Sounds like a plan to me!
                                My original desire was that Sam said NO to his proposal, but now that we know she says yes, I hope we see some doubts. I guess that's all I can hope for it that ep; that Sam's reaction isn't mushy and romantic. BUT, if it is, I'll regroup and recover... like I've been doing since the moment the bf storyline was mentioned. Shippers have to be strong, or we'd have drown in the typhoon called Pete



