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    Originally posted by sugarshaker
    Sorry, I never heard of "sides." As many times as we're being subjected to I hope that Kerry isn't a 1 episode wonder. My shipper life has been too out of balance lately, and I feel this need to even things up.

    Thanks for the info.
    spoilers for threads
    i hope she is a one ep wonder. and i hope this is the one where pete finally goes bye bye. and if auralan is right about the script, i hope that they don't rewrite it to change the end result, unless its to get rid of pete. and if jacob dies, then i'll really hate stargate. if they really want to lose me as a fan, all they have to do is have sam and jack end up with different people and kill off jacob. that'll do it for me. i wont even watch season 8 if i find out they do that.



      Originally posted by Brandie
      auralan has successfully put me back in my happy place.

      You're welcome. Wish it had me in a happy place. Maybe upon further contemplation this will look better.
      *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


        Originally posted by stargate barbie
        spoilers for threads
        i hope she is a one ep wonder. and i hope this is the one where pete finally goes bye bye. and if auralan is right about the script, i hope that they don't rewrite it to change the end result, unless its to get rid of pete. and if jacob dies, then i'll really hate stargate. if they really want to lose me as a fan, all they have to do is have sam and jack end up with different people and kill off jacob. that'll do it for me. i wont even watch season 8 if i find out they do that.


        If Pete does go bye-bye in this episode (and I am hoping for that, big time), then I hope you are right and that Kerry takes a hike as well.

        Auralan, where does one go to read these sides? Thanks!

        s u g a r s h a k e r



          Jonas - "Sam, why don't you ever call Colonel O'Neill by his first name?"

          Sam - "Uh... it's complicated."

          Jonas - "Complicated like you're in love with him?"

          Sam - *spits coffee across table and into his face*

          Jonas - "... I take that as a yes, then?"




            [QUOTE=auralan]Okay, I've read the sides. Stop now if you don't want to be even more spoiled for this episode.

            Quite honestly, the whole thing left a really bad taste in my mouth. Not as a shipper, it's very ship positive. It's that it's every awful romance novel cliche stuffed into an episode of Stargate. Seriously, WTF?

            That said, Kerry (the girlfriend) looks to be a one episode wonder. Jack doesn't successfully move on and she notices it, calls him on it, identifies the problem by name, and gracefully bows out while encouraging him to go for what he really wants. She even suggests a way around the regs. She's also beautiful, classy, intelligent, down to earth, and involved with the stargate program. I will henceforth be calling her MarySue. And, again, WTF?

            Pete put a downpayment down on a house locally and it's freaking Sam out. Sounds like he may not have moved yet, but he's in the process. The closer the wedding gets, the more she's thinking she's made a mistake. It's well past usual jitters and doubts. She tries to talk to Jack about it. goes to his house, lays out the second thoughts and just as she's about to talk about her feelings for him, MarySue the heretofore unknown girlfriend shows up. Apparently she'd wanted the relationship kept secret from the SGC for reasons never stated (presumably professional credibility).

            She invites Sam to stay to dinner. Much awkwardness. Sam's paged away with the Jacob emergency.

            Next we see MarySue, she's in Jack's office asking after Sam's father. This is where she eventually winds up breaking up with him and calling him on his feelings for Sam. She thinks he should retire. She acknowledges the Pentagon considers Jack invaluable to to program, but points out that civilians have been appointed to run teh SGC before (Weir). Then she smiles as she leaves him contemplating that option. Do people like that actually exist?[quote]





              Originally posted by auralan
              You're welcome. Wish it had me in a happy place. Maybe upon further contemplation this will look better.
              At this point, I think anything could have made me happier lol. Hearing that Jack's "girlfriend" is a one hit wonder makes me feel a tad better.


                spoilers for threads
                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                i hope she is a one ep wonder. and i hope this is the one where pete finally goes bye bye. and if auralan is right about the script, i hope that they don't rewrite it to change the end result, unless its to get rid of pete. and if jacob dies, then i'll really hate stargate. if they really want to lose me as a fan, all they have to do is have sam and jack end up with different people and kill off jacob. that'll do it for me. i wont even watch season 8 if i find out they do that.

                The relationship with MarySue certainly seems to end in this episode. She could be back in a professional capacity. Who knows?

                As for Jacob, it really doesn't look good. Snif. He's my favorite recurring character, so I really hope he makes it despite how it looks in the last info I have. I don't want a season 9 without him. I also don't want to see Sam lose somebody else so soon after Janet. Enough with the Sam angst already.

                Also, I'm fairly certain we see Pete in this one. I'm hoping it's that resolution thing Amanda mentioned and this is the end for him. It obviously could be based on her doubts and Jack's little revelation, but we'll have to wait and see how it turns out. Grief makes people do funny things and if Jacob dies ... well, she could be desperate for any semblance of family. I suspect they'll make this a nail biter right to the end of the episode.
                *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                  Look, even though a script may read soap-operaish doesn't mean that it will look that way on the screen.

                  A lot comes into play before we see the final product ie: the directors and actors take on the plot, the way lines are delivered, the way the scenes are shot, editing, etc., etc.

                  We just have to have faith in the actors, directors and writers.

                  We have kept faith with them up until now, thru thick and thin, thru shippy years and non-shippy years (all 8 of them) and I'm not ready to give up just yet.

                  DID YOU HEAR THAT MR. MALLOZZI!!!!! I'M NOT GIVING UP!!!!!

                  Our ship is coming in and darn if I'm not gonna enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  Ship Nana


                    Okay, I'm like 500 posts behind (gotta stop letting RL get in the way...), SO........

                    Thanks to everyone who watched and enjoyed the ship day vids! Thanks for all the wonderful compliments--you guys are going to spoil me, I think!

                    Originally posted by Oz
                    And Sam is the woman to bust his buttons, bake his cake, float his boat, bring his elevator to the top floor...
                    Oz, this just brings up such an image... And Oz, I liked the scene at the end too--so nice to see them comfortable again!

                    Originally posted by MajorSal
                    *sitting down, next to Sam*

                    J - "Hey, Carter, I bet I can shock you!"
                    S - "Really, sir?"
                    J - "... I love you."
                    S - " ............... "
                    J - *grin*
                    S - "I love you too."
                    J - "What?"
                    S - *stands up, walks away, grinning*
                    J - "WHAT?!"
                    Sally--I'm loving these sig lines!

                    MG--hope things work out with your move! And good luck at your interview!!

                    MeiMei--yep, I read them all in one night (just couldn't stop LOL)--not even going to tell you what time I went to bed... As for my reaction to them--I loved them!! You have such a way with dialogue that's just so natural and i really like that. Finally getting to read the fanfic by all of our lovely authors on thread (slow down, folks! A girl has to SLEEP!)...

                    And MeiMei, I told Tame she should move to Texas, then we could have her a lot closer and in the same time zone....*evil laugh*

                    speaking of Tame...
                    Originally posted by Tamefarrar
                    Its just a the left
                    and then a jump to rrrriiiiiiiggghhhtttttt
                    put your hands on your hips
                    and bend your knees in ttttiiiiiiiggghhhhhttttt
                    Does it say that I'm old if I actually *got* this reference? As for our next celebration, though I'd love to do 10/31--my lovely daughter (yes, the one with the same name as yours) has her very first cheer competition EVER! So you can guess where I'll be! So 10/20 would be fine!

                    Originally posted by Token
                    "Grace" music was playing! Did anyone else catch when????
                    Yep, caught that! AND it was the same nice shippy music from "Lost City"! I get excited about it too!!

                    Yes, Gatetrixer, RCC wrote "Zero Hour"--think it would have been shippier if JM and PM had written it.

                    JM--thanks for stopping by! Lovely to see you when we're *not* angsting!

                    ((((((((((((((((Di))))))))))))))))--we missed you too! Glad you're back!!!Totally feel your pain on the laundry, mine were gone for 5 weeks and I didn't think I'd ever catch up!

                    Waterfall, thanks for the lovely con report! And so QUICK!! I was so jet-lagged after GC that it took forever to get on here and I thought the shippers were going to throw me out of the shipper union! Yes, they told CJ about ship on stage and it was hilarious!

                    Mala and Happy--I'm with you guys on RDA's clothes in "Zero Hour"--absolutely DELICIOUS!!! they can use ANY excuse they want to show that man looking hot! And Mala, thank you for the lovely screen caps from "Zero Hour", are you gonna make your magic on them too? (I just love it when you scrub Jack)

                    Okay, so ends my replies through post 560...oy
                    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                      Last for the day.


                      Sam - "Jonas, I have a question for you this time."

                      Jonas - *nods*

                      Sam - "Why don't you call the colonel by his first name?"

                      Jonas - "Well, I don't think the colonel thinks of me as a friend just yet. But, I do know I'm not holding back because I lust after his bod."

                      Sam - *chokes on cake as it dribbles from her mouth*

                      Jonas - *grins mischievously* "Teal'c's been teaching me human slang."




                        Originally posted by marimba26
                        (snip, snip)
                        Mala and Happy--I'm with you guys on RDA's clothes in "Zero Hour"--absolutely DELICIOUS!!! they can use ANY excuse they want to show that man looking hot! And Mala, thank you for the lovely screen caps from "Zero Hour", are you gonna make your magic on them too? (I just love it when you scrub Jack)

                        Okay, so ends my replies through post 560...oy

                        SCRUB JACK?

                        Oh can I SCRUB Jack?

                        Oh please, oh please, oh please!
                        Ship Nana


                          Originally posted by meimei
                          LOL! Self delusion is a wonderful thing! Don't knock it! I prefer to call it optimistic!!

                          We will get a shippy S8 resolution!
                          We will get a shippy S8 resolution!
                          We will get a shippy S8 resolution!
                          We will get a shippy S8 resolution!
                          We will get a shippy S8 resolution!
                          We will get a shippy S8 resolution!

                          See it works!

                          I'll take that, and add another hundred! .... *you can't possibly think I'd write it out 100 times *




                            SPOILERS for THREADS!!!!!!!!!

                            //As much as I like the option and the direction they're moving the ship here, can I have that barf bag now? It's all so ... so ... cliche'd and bad romance novel. I'd hoped for better. I really, really hope somebody somewhere revises the heck out of this to make it less cringe worthy. At least take the MarySue out of Kerry. She's very attractive, smart, intuitive, classy, down to earth, involved with Jack, and she gracefully bows out to push the ship forward. I don't object to the girlfriend idea, but could she not have a halo floating over her head?//

                            yeah...a little over the top...this SOOOO had better be the more BS please, we've had our quota for several lifetimes...

                            so, I have mixed feelings about this episode from what I'm hearing.

                            1) WTF? she says YES?!? I guess this is the little conclusion JM said we could leap to...hopefully that means the BIG conclusion we shouldn't leap to is their marriage. But, really this stuPit storyline should never have gone this far in the first place. Sam's looking worse and worse by the second...

                            2) //The two have really hit it off -- but something is holding Jack back, and Kerry knows it// Good!

                            3) //Sam is having second thoughts about her engagement //
                            about freaking time...

                            4) //She tries to talk to Jack about her feelings for the general, //

                            repeat previous statement....

                            //but is interrupted when Kerry arrives//

                            for crying out loud...just let them have an adult conversation without being interrupted...for at least five minutes!!!!!

                            5) //S.G.C. Professional Oversight Committee, an organization charged with the task of overseeing base operations.//

                            how is this not against the regs? or at least not looked down upon?

                            6) if they don't get together within like an episode of this....grrrr....BUT its looking positive; we WILL get our shippy resolution! and maybe early enough in the season to enjoy it.

                            7) It actually looks like we're going to see Sam leave FOR Jack which would be great...but enough angst, I just want my real kiss and HWMS...NOW!!!!!

                            ok, off to watch Death to Smoochy...

                            "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                            describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                            <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                            Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                              Originally posted by auralan
                              Okay, I've read the sides. Stop now if you don't want to be even more spoiled for this episode.

                              Quite honestly, the whole thing left a really bad taste in my mouth. Not as a shipper, it's very ship positive. It's that it's every awful romance novel cliche stuffed into an episode of Stargate. Seriously, WTF?

                              That said, Kerry (the girlfriend) looks to be a one episode wonder. Jack doesn't successfully move on and she notices it, calls him on it, identifies the problem by name, and gracefully bows out while encouraging him to go for what he really wants. She even suggests a way around the regs. She's also beautiful, classy, intelligent, down to earth, and involved with the stargate program. I will henceforth be calling her MarySue. And, again, WTF?

                              Pete put a downpayment down on a house locally and it's freaking Sam out. Sounds like he may not have moved yet, but he's in the process. The closer the wedding gets, the more she's thinking she's made a mistake. It's well past usual jitters and doubts. She tries to talk to Jack about it. goes to his house, lays out the second thoughts and just as she's about to talk about her feelings for him, MarySue the heretofore unknown girlfriend shows up. Apparently she'd wanted the relationship kept secret from the SGC for reasons never stated (presumably professional credibility).

                              She invites Sam to stay to dinner. Much awkwardness. Sam's paged away with the Jacob emergency.

                              Next we see MarySue, she's in Jack's office asking after Sam's father. This is where she eventually winds up breaking up with him and calling him on his feelings for Sam. She thinks he should retire. She acknowledges the Pentagon considers Jack invaluable to to program, but points out that civilians have been appointed to run teh SGC before (Weir). Then she smiles as she leaves him contemplating that option. Do people like that actually exist?

                              As much as I like the option and the direction they're moving the ship here, can I have that barf bag now? It's all so ... so ... cliche'd and bad romance novel. I'd hoped for better. I really, really hope somebody somewhere revises the heck out of this to make it less cringe worthy. At least take the MarySue out of Kerry. She's very attractive, smart, intuitive, classy, down to earth, involved with Jack, and she gracefully bows out to push the ship forward. I don't object to the girlfriend idea, but could she not have a halo floating over her head?

                              Never thought I'd see the day I saw something this shippy that moves things forward this much make me this nauseous. Bleah.
                              Auralan, do you live under TPTB's writing pads? How the HECK did you get this additional info??? I didn't see it on the spoiler update I clicked on...Don't get me wrong, I actually really like being spoiled (to steal the boyscout motto, be prepared), so thanks VERY much for sharing.

                              To some extent I see why you are disappointed in the plot...but at this point, from the perspective of this ship rollercoaster from hell, I'll take ANY wacko, contrived, ill-conceived plotlines towards shippy resolution that TPTB can come up with...said it before, but they really need a woman writing on their team. As for the MarySue aspect in Kerry, well a gracious loser beats a Fatal Attraction-style reponse anyday (although THAT could be played well, too..Sam or Jack in danger from crazy Kerry, hmmm...naw, each has been saved by the other WAY too many times for yet another *save/thanks/glad you're ok/ditto* scene)



                                Originally posted by Sam & Jack Shipper
                                I can't believe it! I finally read all of a thread!!! WooHoo...Sally are you proud of me??
                                I'm *always* proud of you, hon!



